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[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]

"State Papers,"

vol. ii.



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DD. The Plenipotentiary of France to the Conference.
Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bona-


EE. The Conference to the Plenipotentiaries of Bavaria, Denmark, Hanover, Netherlands. Sardinia, Wurtemberg, &c. Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte FF. The Plenipotentiaries of Austria and of Prussia to the Plenipotentiaries of the Sovereign Princes and Free Cities of Germany. Accession to the Treaty of Alliance against Bonaparte..... 18. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia. Accessions to the Treaty of Alliance. Diplomatic Corps in Paris


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GG. The Plenipotentiaries of the 5 Courts to the
Minister of Saxony. Adhesion of Saxony.....
HH. Formulary of Treaty of Accession to the Treaty
of Alliance against Bonaparte.....

JJ. The Plenipotentiary of Wurtemberg to the Con-
ference. Diplomatic Corps in Paris

19. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia. Alliance
against Bonaparte. Military Arrangements.....
20. Protocol. 5 Courts. Warsaw. Bavaria.
Mayence and Darmstadt. Road from Frankfort to

21. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria

[blocks in formation]


LL. The Plenipotentiary of Bavaria to the Confer-
ence. Austria and Bavaria...

27 March... 678

29 March... 679

29 March... 680

31 March... 681

31 March... 682


30 March... 683

1 April.... 683

3 April.... 684 4 April.... 685 685

5 April.... 687

5 April.... 688 7 April.... 692

23. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony and Prussia. Warsaw MM. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Conference. Adhesion of Saxony. Warsaw. Schönburg 6 April.... 692 24. Frotocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Saxony


and Warsaw....

NN. Austrian Proposals of Exchange with Bavaria.
OO. The Plenipotentiaries of Prussia to the Plenipo-
tentiary of Saxony. Saxony and Prussia......
PP. The Plenipotentiary of Russia to the Plenipoten-
tiary of Saxony. Warsaw

[blocks in formation]

25. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Wurtemburg. Hesse. Baden. Darmstadt. Saxony. 13 April.... 703 QQ. The Conference to the Plenipotentiary of Saxony. Adhesion of

Saxony and Prussia. Warsaw.


26. Protocol. 5 Courts. Military Arrangements

14 April.... 703

18 April.... 706

[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]

"State Papers," vol. ii.


RR. Table. Contingents of the Princes and States of
the North of Germany...


27. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony. Accession of Saxony

[blocks in formation]

to the Treaty of Alliance. Swedish Pomerania... 20 April.... 707
SS. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Confer-
ence. Saxony and Prussia

28. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Bavaria. Guarantee.
Prince Primate, &c., of Frankfort. Bavaria and
Baden (Palatinate). Prince Eugène. Anspach and
Bayreuth. Berg. Districts upon the right Bank
of the Moselle. Contingent of Saxony.......
TT. Observations of the British Plenipotentiary.
Contingent of Saxony ....

29. Protocol. 5 Courts. Adhesion of Saxony. Swedish

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20 April.... 708

23 April.... 711

21 April.... 714

27 April.... 716

29 April.... 718

30. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria and Sicily. Contingent of Saxony. Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Subsidies 30 April.... 717 UU. The Plenipotentiary of Prussia to the British Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony VV. The Plenipotentiary of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to the Conference. Title of Royal Highness.. 31. Protocol. 5 Courts. Adhesion of Saxony. Contingent of Saxony

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XX. The British Plenipotentiary to the Russian
Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony ...

[blocks in formation]

WW. The Plenipotentiary of Saxony to the Confer-
ence. Adhesion of Saxony

YY. The Plenipotentiary of Prussia to the British
Plenipotentiary. Contingent of Saxony.....

32. Protocol. 5 Courts. Support of the Allied Armies..
ZZ. The Plenipotentiary of Hanover to the Confer-
ence. Support of the Allied Armies
33. Protocol. 4 Courts.

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AAA. British explanatory Declaration. Government
of France.....


BBB. Counter-Declarations of the 3 Courts. Govern-
ment of France

Protocol. 8 Courts. Report. Declaration against

Adhesion of the Plenipotentiaries of Bavaria, Den-
mark, Hanover, the Netherlands, Sardinia, Saxony,
Two Sicilies, and Wurtemburg to the Report.
Declaration against Bonaparte..

34. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Saxony and Prussia.
Schönburg. Accession of Saxony to the Alliance
against Bonaparte...

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CCC. Article. Succession. Ernestine and Albertine
Branches of the House of Saxony ......
DDD. Article. Rights of the House of Schönburg..
EEE. Treaty of Accession of Saxony to the Treaty of
Alliance against Bonaparte..






with Saxony.

20 May

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FFF. Extract of Protocol. Saxony and Prussia.... 18 May. 35. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Treaty (territorial)

36. Protocol. 5 Courts and Saxony. Ratification of the

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37. Protocol. 5 Courts. Draft of the General Treaty. 38. Protocol. 5 Courts. Saxony. Schönburg. Switzerland. Italy. Navigation of the Po. Mont Napoléon. Modena. Parma and Placencia. The Netherlands. Mecklenburg. Oldenburg. Project of General Treaty

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HIIH. Declaration cf the King of Saxony. House of

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JJJ. Treaty of Accession of Switzerland to the Treaty
of Alliance against Bonaparte.

[blocks in formation]

39. Protocol. 5 Courts. General Treaty. Order of Sig

natures. French Language. Prussia and Hanover. 29 May 741

40. Protocol. 5 Courts. Prussia and Saxe-Weimar.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

KKK. Convention (territorial) between Prussia and
Saxe-Weimar ...

41. Protocol. 5 Courts. Lucca. Mont Napoléon in
Milan. Restitution to Holy See. Prince Eugène
Beauharnois. Duchy of Bénévent. Town of Frank-
fort. Wurtzburg. Aschaffenburg. Razuns. Por-
tugal and Spain and France. Olivença. Guiana.
Form of the General Treaty.....

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LLL. Declaration on the part of Austria, France,
Prussia, and Russia. Prince Eugène Beauharnois.
MMM. Reserve. Duchy of Bénévent....

42. Protocol. 5 Courts. Ionian Islands.

NNN. Project of the British Article. Ionian Islands 43. Protocol. 5 Courts. Fulda. Prince Primate. Lusatia. The Holy See. Frankfort. Form of the General Treaty

44. Protocol. 5 Courts. Bouillon. Two Sicilies.

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45. Protocol. 5 Courts. Austria, and Bavaria and Prussia.


4 June.... 742


4 June.... 743

744 745

6 June.... 745

7 June.... 746

6 June.... 746

10 June.... 749

[Protocols. Congress of Vienna.]


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PPP. Project of the Separate Convention between
Austria and Prussia ....

Protocol. 8 Courts. General Accession of Switzerland.
Preamble of the General Treaty. Non-adhesion of
Spain. Funds of Zurich and Berne in England.
Reservations of Portugal and of Sweden. Lucca
and Naples......


The Plenipotentiary of Spain to the Conference.
Parma, Placentia and Guastalla......

The Plenipotentiary of Spain to the Conference.
Olivença, Parma, &c... . . . .

The Conference to the Plenipotentiary of Spain Idem
The Plenipotentiary of Spain to the Conference Idem
The Plenipotentiary of Portugal to the Conference.
Ulterior Negotiations

[blocks in formation]

The Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the Conference.
Parma, Placentia and Guastalla. Naples ...... 9 June.... 759
Protocol. 8 Courts. The Holy See. Sweden and
Lucca, and Naples.....

Protest of the Pope. Religion and Catholic Church
Temporal interests of the

Protest of the Pope.

Holy See......
Protocol. 8 Courts.
Protocol. 8 Courts.
dated the 9th June

Sweden and Lucca, and Naples.
Signature of the General Treaty

18 June.... 760 12 June.... 762

12 June.... 766 18 June.... 772

19 June.... 773

[Slave Trade.]

No. 31.-PROTOCOL of Conference between Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia respecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade by France. Paris, 26th July, 1815.

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VISCOUNT CASTLEREAGH, His Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State, &c., in reference to the communication he has made to the Conference, of the Orders addressed to the Admiralty to suspend all Hostilities against the coast of France, observes that there is reason to foresee that French shipowners might be induced to renew the Slave Trade, under the supposition of the peremptory and total abolition decreed by Napoleon Bonaparte, having ceased with his power, that, nevertheless, great and powerful considerations, arising from motives of humanity and even of regard for the King's authority, require that no time should be lost to maintain. in France the entire and immediate abolition of the Traffic in Slaves; that if, at the time of the Treaty of Paris (No. 1), the King's administration could wish a final but gradual stop should be put to this Trade, in the space of 5 years, for the purpose of affording the King the gratification of having consulted, as much as possible, the interests of the French proprietors in the Colonies, now that the absolute prohibition has been ordained, the question assumes entirely a different shape, for if the King were to revoke the said prohibition, he would give himself the disadvantage of authorising, in the interior of France, the reproach which more than once has been thrown out against his former Government, of countenancing reactions, and, at the same time, justifying, out of France, and particularly in England, the belief of a systematic opposition to liberal ideas; that accordingly the time seems to have arrived when the Allies cannot hesitate formally to give weight in France to the immediate and entire prohibition of the Slave Trade, a prohibition, the necessity of which has been acknowledged, in principle, in the transactions of the Congress at Vienna (No. 7).

The other Members of the Conference entirely coincide in opinion with Viscount Castlereagh, and in order to attain this end in the manner the most advantageous to the authority and conFor French Version, see "State Papers," vol. iii, p. 196.

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