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Guarantee of Convention by Germanic Confederation.*

ART. IX. The Germanic Confederation shall be requested to undertake the Guarantee of this Convention so that they will watch over the exact and complete fulfilment of the stipulations contained in it, and especially see that the disputes which may arise between H.S.H. the Duke of Oldenburg and Count Bentinck shall be decided in the manner agreed upon by the present Convention, and that the Judgments shall be punctually executed. To this end recourse to the Federal Assembly shall, in all cases which may occur, be open to the possessor of the Seignory. As soon as the Guarantee of the Confederation is obtained, this Convention will take effect. Therewith all special Rights of the Possessor of the Seignory with respect to Foreign Relations, which he may have had before the dissolution of the Empire, will cease, inasmuch as the interests as well of the Count as of his subjects, with respect to other States, will be transferred to the Protection of the Confederation, with the Sovereign to whom the Sovereignty over Kniphausen has been ceded, formerly belonging to the Emperor and Empire.

Rights Reserved by Count Bentinck.

ART. X. Other rights and advantages of Count Bentinck and his family which bear no relation to the Seignory of Kniphausen are not included in this Convention. It is therefore selfevident that they can neither be thereby prejudiced nor acquire any accession.

In witness whereof the above Convention has been signed by the respective Agents, who have affixed thereto the Seal of their Arms.

Berlin, 8th June, 1825.


[Ratified by the Duke of Oldenburg, at Wiesbaden, 20th June, 1825.]

* See Engagement of Germanic Confederation, of 9th March, 1826.


No. 124.-BOUNDARY CONVENTION between Bavaria and France. Signed at Paris, 5th July, 1825.*

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1. Boundary from point of departure on the Bliese to the Commune of Obersteinbach to remain as fixed, with the exception of the part formed by the River Schwalb.

2. Description of the Boundary Line from the Commune of Obersteinbach to the Rhine. Cessions by Bavaria to France.

3. No claims to be made on account of Territories exchanged.

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His Majesty the King of France and Navarre, and His Majesty the King of Bavaria, wishing to terminate in a friendly manner the differences which have arisen relative to the Frontiers between France and the Bavarian Province, known under the name of Circle of the Rhine, or Rhenish Bavaria, have appointed for that purpose, as their Plenipotentiaries, namely:

His Majesty the King of France and Navarre, the Sieur Baron de Damas, his Secretary of State for the Department of Foreign Affairs, &c. ;

And His Majesty the King of Bavaria, the Sieur Count de Bray, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Most Christian Majesty ;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, have agreed upon the following:

Boundary from point of departure on the Bliese to the Commune of Obersteinbach to remain as fixed, with the exception of the part formed by the River Schwalb.

ART. I. The Limit from its point of departure on the Bliese to the point in common with the Prussian Frontier, as far as the Commune of Obersteinbach, shall remain as at present fixed, with the exception only of the part where that Limit was formed by the River Schwalb; in that part it shall be henceforth determined by the new course given to that River for its rectification.

See also Treaties of 30th January, 1827, and 5th April, 1840.. + For French version, see "State Papers," vol. xvii, p. 1270.


Description of the Boundary Line from the Commune of Obersteinbach to the Rhine.

ART. II. The Limit from the Territory of the Commune of Obersteinbach, as far as the Rhine, shall be fixed according to the arrangements specified hereafter.

Cessions by Bavaria to France.

§ 1. Bavaria cedes to France in all Property and Sovereignty, 1. The part of the Commune of Obersteinbach which is marked on the annexed plan No. 3 by the line in orange and the letters AAA, so that the Village of Obersteinbach, as well as all that portion containing the road leading from Bitche to Weissenburg, shall form part of the Kingdom of France; and the whole of the Commune of Niedersteinbach, including therein the country or Domain known under the name of Wenselsbach, with the Hamlet of that name.

Besides, Bavaria abandons and cedes to France the Territory called Frönsberg, including the Castle and the Forest of that name. The Forests only situated in the Commune of Niedersteinbach and the part of the Commune of Obersteinbach ceded by Bavaria to France in all property shall remain subject, whoever may be their new owners, to the lien imposed upon them, in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract entered into with the farmers of the Bavarian forges of the Schönau, to furnish their contingent of wood to the forges at the price agreed upon in the said Contract and the whole of the time that it lasts. Special mention of that Clause shall be made in the Procèsverbaux of demarcation, and at the same time the amount which each shall supply according to its extent and quality, shall be specified.

§ 2. France renounces all pretensions over the Forests of Dorenberg, Alsberg, and Siebentheil for those parts actually in the possession of Bavaria, which shall remain in all property and Sovereignty to that Kingdom.

§ 3. The Limit round Weissemburg on the right Bank of the Lauter shall be in accordance with the drawing in plan No. 1. The blue border on that plan indicating, within the radius of 1,000 toises, the ancient Limit of Weissemburg and Altstadt, without, however, going beyond the said radius of 1,000 toises, and the punctuated line in black, marking, on one side, what Territory is acquired by France beyond that radius with the


Village of Weiller, and on the other side, what is reserved of that Territory to Bavaria round the Village of Sweigen, which she retains. The fountain at the end of the road, in the latter Territory, shall also belong to Bavaria. Besides, on the definitive settlement of the Limit, part of the Communal Wood of Weissemburg shall be left to Bavaria as Communal property of Sweigen, which shall be calculated in proportion to the rights which the population of Sweigen has over the above-mentioned Communal Wood. That clause shall, however, only be carried into effect should the Inhabitants prefer it, and if they did not rather wish to remain co-proprietors of the entire Communal Wood.

That Limit includes to the West of Weissemburg the whole of the Village of Weiller, including Sangerberghas and the Chapel of the Virgin, in the parish of Weiller; it shall then follow the ancient Suburban Limit or Communal Limits of Weissemburg and Altstadt, with the exception however of the Village of Sweigen, which remains to Bavaria, and whose dependencies in the Territory of Weissemburg are shown by the line already described.

§ 4. The dependencies of the Mills of Saint-Remi and Siebenhart shall be ceded by Bavaria to France. On the other hand the dependencies of the Bienwald Mill shall be ceded by France to Bavaria, so that the Frontier shall be formed on those 3 points by the middle of the Channel flowing from the waters of those Mills, instead of through the Middle of the Lauter, as prescribed by the Treaty of the 20th November, 1815 (No. 40).

§ 5. Bavaria wishing to give to France a new proof of her sincere desire to do all that can be agreeable to His Most Christian Majesty, cedes, in front of Lauterburg, on the left Bank of the Lauter, land to the extent of 25 hectares. The limit of this Cession shall be in conformity with the annexed Plan No. 2, as marked on that plan by a punctuated red line, so that the brick-kiln and the house of the brickmaker, which are actual dependencies of the Commune of Berg, shall be outside of that Cession.

§ 6. France renounces all her rights and pretentions over Neuborg and the Territory of Neuborg and Berg between the Lauter and the old Lauter, the actual course of which at present determines the state of possession. The Customs of Neuborg are included in that renunciation; but in order to give to France compensation for the Duties which she claimed to a share of the said Customs, Bavaria will abolish the Office established at Ger


mersheim, and will support by all her influence with the Rhine Customs Commission the establishment of a new Office on French Territory, between Strasburg and the Frontier, should France consider it to her advantage to establish one.

§ 7. On all other points in this second part, the Frontier shall remain fixed as described by the Treaty of the 20th November, 1815 (No. 40).

ART. III. No Claims to be made on account of Territories exchanged.

ARTS. IV to VI. Duties of Boundary Commissioners.

ART. VII. Ratifications.

Done at Paris, 5th July, 1825.



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