TABLE OF CONTENTS. Abercrombie, et al. and Graham, et al.552 Borland v. Mayo, .104 Acre and Taylor,.. .491 Bothwell, et al. v. Hamilton. et al. ...461 Allums, et al. v. Hawley, 584 Bradford and Lewis, 632 Anderson v. Dickson, .733 Broadnax v. Sims' Ex'r,... 497 Anderson v. Snow & Co. et al.......504 Brooks & Lucas v. Godwin, Bank, Br. at Mobile v. Hunt, et al. 876 Chandler and Eiland, Judge, ..781 Courtland v. Tarlton & Bullard,......532 Gooden & McKee v. Morrow & Co. 486 Crawford v. Whittlesey, Crenshaw v. Harrison, .811 .96 Duffee, Adm'r, v. Buchanan & wife, 27 Hayne and Drew, 438 Julian et al. v. Reynolds, et al... 680 | Mooney, use, &c. v. Ivey, .810 .793 Mooney v. The State... .328 Kennedy et al. v. Bebee et al.....909 Morehouse and Smoot & Easton,....370 Kennedy and Kennedy's Adm'r,......391 Morris v. Booth and Wife .907 Kirksey v. Kirksey, .131 Kirksey et al. v. Mitchell, .402 Morrow & Co.and Gooden & McKee, 486 Knight and The Governor, use, &c. 297 Murphy v. Paul,... Smith, Adm'r, v. Heirs of Bond. ..386 Mock and Ansley. .444 Smith and Blackman .203 Mock, et al. and Clapp, et al. 122 Smith and Horton..... ...73 Molett and Norman, ...546 | Smith v. Houston.. .736 Smoot & Easton v. Morehouse .......370 Travis v. Tartt 574 655 Treadwell, Guar. v. Burden, Adm'r 660 Spears and Morrison ..93 Turnipseed and Walker et al..........679 Spence and Spyker 333 Tuscumbia R. R. Co. v. Rhodes......206 Spyker v. Spence.. State and Ellison. ..273 Walker, Adm'r, et al. v. Shrader...244 State v. Kreps .951 Walkerand Doremus, Suydam & Co.194 State v. Mooney .328 Walker v. Watrous 493 REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED, JANUARY TERM, 1845. ALEXANDER GRAHAM v. JOHN LOCKHART. 1. A deed of trust operative as a security for the payment of money, is not fraudulent per se, on account of the reservation of uses to the grantor. 2. Quere? Whether a deed conveying property for the benefit of sureties, and fixing the law day of the deed to a time subsequent to the maturity of the debts, for which the sureties are bound, is operative as a conveyance, without the assent of the sureties. 3. So far as the particular creditor is concerned, the debtor, with his assent may stipulate that the effects conveyed may be continued, in trade or planting, for a definite or indefinite period, but such a stipulation cannot prevent any other creditor from his right to sell the resulting trust of the debtor, in satisfaction of his execution. 4. Quere? Whether a debtor, by the mortgage of his perishable personal es- 5. The powers of a Court of Equity are sufficient to prevent injury to the 7. In claims interposed under the statute, to property which is levied on as 8 9 98 273 8 9 108 492 8 9 111 225 |