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[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

No. 225.-CONVENTION between the Netherlands and Russia, relative to the Old Russian Debt.

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The Hague,

Preamble. Reference to Treaties of 19th May, 1815, and 19th April,


1. Renunciation by Russia of Interest and Sinking Fund due on RussianDutch Loan from 1832 to 1839.

2. Reimbursement to be made by the Netherlands of advances made for 1831.

3. Project of Law to be laid before States General for Payment of Sums

agreed upon.

4. Payment to be made in Cash or Bank Notes.



His Majesty the King of the Netherlands and His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, wishing to regulate by common consent everything relating to the duties and obligations arising out of the successive advances made by the Treasury of the Empire to that of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the service of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the quota of the old Russian Debt in Holland, which His Netherlands Majesty had engaged to pay by the Convention of the 7th May, 1815 (No. 18) (advances made from the 1st January, 1831, up to the 1st January, 1839, the last instalment expired before the conclusion of the Treaty of the 7th April, 1839 (No. 183), stipulating for the definitive separation of the Belgic Provinces from the Kingdom of the Netherlands), have for that purpose appointed the following Plenipotentiaries, namely:

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, the Sieur Herman van Sonsbeeck, his Minister for Foreign Affairs, &c.; and

His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, the Sieur Jean François Frederic Baron de Maltitz, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, &c.;

Who, after having exchanged their Full Powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

*For French Version, see "State Papers," vol. xxxix, p. 110.

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

Renunciation by Russia of Interest and Sinking Fund due on
Russian-Dutch Loan from 1832 to 1839.

ART. I. His Majesty the Emperor considering the State of things which the Treaty of the 7th April, 1839 (No. 183), has established, and wishing to give to His Netherlands Majesty a proof of disinterestedness and a new testimony of his wish to obliterate from his relations with him even the least trace of a difference of opinion or of interest, renounces to any further prosecution of the Loan arising in favour of the Imperial Government out of the advances made for the service of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the ancient Russian Debt in Holland, from the Instalment of the 1st January, 1832, to that of the 1st January, 1839.

Reimbursement to be made by the Netherlands of advances made for 1831.

ART. II. On his part His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, wishing to consolidate more and more the relations of friendship and confidence so happily existing between the two Courts, declares himself ready to reimburse in full to the Treasury of the Empire, the advances which the latter had made to the Government of the Netherlands at the periods of the 1st January and 1st July, 1831, for the service of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the above-mentioned Debt, namely, the sums of 1,062,500 florins, and 256,250 florins of the Netherlands, in conformity with the engagements contained in the declarations handed over to the Imperial Government by the Minister of Finance, under date of the 4th June and 10th September, 1831, and to the verbal overture made on the May, 1841, to the Russian Envoy at the Hague, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of His Netherlands Majesty.



Project of Law to be laid before States General for Payment of Sums agreed upon.

ART. III. In execution of the engagements recognised and stipulated in the preceding Article, His Majesty the King of the Netherlands will lay before the States General, after the exchange of the Ratifications of the present Convention, and with the shortest possible delay, a Project of Law for the payment of the sums necessary to fulfil the said engagements.

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

Payment to be made in Cash or Bank Notes.

ART. IV. Within the term of 15 days, dating from the day of the passing of the law by the States General, the sums mentioned in Art. II, and forming a total of 1,318,750 florins, shall be deposited in Cash or Bank Notes of the Netherlands, to the account of the Imperial Minister of Finances, into the hands of the Agent of the Russian Government in Holland, in exchange for the receipt delivered by the Agent to the Minister of Finances of His Netherlands Majesty, by virtue of a special Power of Attorney from the Plenipotentiary of His Imperial Majesty.


The present Convention shall be ratified, and the Ratifications exchanged at the Hague, in the space of 6 weeks, or sooner, if possible.

In testimony whereof, &c.

Done at the Hague, the 18th August, of the year of Our Lord 1850.



[See Note at Pages 152 and 874.]

[Navigation of the Danube.]

No. 226.-PROTOCOL for the Prolongation of the Con


vention of 25th July, 1840, between Austria and Russia, relative to the Navigation of the Danube.* Signed at

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THE term of 10 terms for which, by virtue of Article XI of the Convention relative to the Navigation of the Danube, concluded at St. Petersburgh the July, 1840 (No. 191), between Austria and Russia, was obligatory, having expired on the 10th September last, and his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, as well as His Imperial Majesty of All the Russias having resolved to continue in force the above-mentioned Convention for the space of another year, that is to say, to the September, 1851, the Undersigned, empowered by their respective High Courts to establish undeniably that Agreement, have met and signed this day, to that effect, the present Protocol in duplicate and have affixed thereto the Seal of their Arms.

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November, 1850.


* See General Treaty of 30th March, 1856, Art. XV.
For French version, see "State Papers," vol. xxxix, p. 104.

[Convention of Olmütz.]


No. 227.-AGREEMENT between the Austrian Prussian Ministers, respecting the affairs of Holstein and Hesse-Cassel. Olmütz, 29th November, 1850.*


1. Electoral Hessian and Holstein Affairs to be settled by Germanic Go


2. Commissioners to be appointed by Germanic Confederation, and by Prussia and her Allies.

3. Establishment of legal state of things in Electoral Hesse and Holstein. Maintenance of Tranquillity in Hesse-Cassel. Austria and Prussia to send to Holstein Commissioners to demand Cessation of Hostilities. 4. Conferences to be held at Dresden.


AT the confidential Conference which took place yesterday and to-day between the Undersigned, the following propositions were set forth as possible points for the Settlement of existing Differences, and as means adapted for the prevention of conflicts; and they will be submitted as speedily as possible for the final sanction of the High Governments concerned.

Electoral Hessian and Holstein affairs to be settled by German


§ 1. The Governments of Austria and Prussia declare that it is their intention to bring about the Final and Definitive Settlement of the Electoral Hessian and Holstein affairs, by the common decision of all the German Governments.

Commissioners to be appointed by German Confederation, and by Prussia and her Allies.

§ 2. In order to render the co-operation of the Governments represented at Frankfort and of the other German Governments possible, there shall be named, as soon as may be, on the part of the members of the Confederation represented at Frankfort, as well as on the part of Prussia and her Allies, a Commissioner for

*The Duchy of Holstein was annexed to Prussia by a Law dated 24th December, 1866; and Hesse-Cassel was also annexed to Prussia by a Decree dated 20th September, 1866.

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