The Handbook of British Honduras ...: Comprising Historical, Statistical, and General Information Concerning the Colony, Compiled from Official and Other Reliable RecordsW. Blackwood and sons, 1888 - Belize |
Common terms and phrases
acres administration alcalde allowed amount application appointed bananas Belize district Belize river British Honduras cacao cemetery cents certificate Chief-Justice Church Clerk of Courts coins Colonial Secretary copy Corosal Council Court-House Crown lands customs district magistrate duties exceeding feet folio fruit Government Governor granted Guatemala inches Indian Jamaica justice Keeper of Records labour lazaretto letters letters patent liable licence logwood mahogany ment miles months Northern District offence Orange Walk Ordinance parcel penalty person Petty Debt pilot plants police port Post-Office prison Punta Gorda quarantine received registered Registrar regulations revenue river salary Saturday Schooner settlement settlers ship Sibun Sibun river slaughter-house Spanish Stann Creek steamers summons SUNDAY Superintendent Supreme Court Surveyor-General thereof Thursday tion Total town of Belize tree United Kingdom vessel Vict visiting officer wood writ
Popular passages
Page 116 - ... (1.) The amount of the capital of the Company, and the number of shares into which it is divided...
Page 71 - Publications which violate the copyright laws of the country of destination; poisons, and explosive or inflammable substances; fatty substances, liquids, and those which easily liquefy ; confections and pastes ; live or dead animals, except dead insects and reptiles when thoroughly dried ; fruits and vegetables which easily decompose, and substances which exhale a bad odor; lottery tickets, lottery advertisements...
Page 130 - An alien to whom a certificate of naturalization is granted shall in the United Kingdom be entitled to all political and other rights, powers, and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, to which a natural-born British subject...
Page 71 - ... be delivered are liable to deterioration or corruption, they may be destroyed at once, if necessary, or if expedient, sold, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the benefit of the right person, the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post office to the other.
Page 135 - In cases where any services are rendered by a receiver, in respect of any vessel in distress, not being wreck, or in respect of the cargo or other articles belonging thereto, the following fees instead of a per-centage ; that is to say : — If...
Page 117 - ... as would have been payable if such increased capital had formed part of the original capital at the time of registration.
Page 117 - The names, addresses, and occupations of the persons who have ceased to be members since the last list was made, and the number of shares held by each of them.
Page 117 - ... shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for every day during which such default continues, and every director and manager of the company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such default shall incur the like penalty.
Page 66 - ... and the above penalties shall be incurred whether the letter shall be sent singly or with anything else, or such incidental service shall be performed in respect to a letter either sent, or to be sent, singly or together with some other letter or thing ; and in any prosecution by action or otherwise for the recovery of any such penalty the onus shall lie upon the party...
Page 130 - The grant of a certificate of naturalization to any such alien shall be in the absolute discretion of the Secretary of State, and he may, with or without assigning any reason, give or withhold the certificate as he thinks most conducive to the public good, and no appeal shall lie from his decision.