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(b) any Trust Territory administered by the United Nations; and

(c) any other special regime established by the United Nations. 5. The Conference, on application by the competent authorities, shall determine the conditions upon which rights and obligations under this Charter shall apply to such authorities in respect of territories under military occupation and shall determine the extent of such rights and obligations.


The Organization shall perform the functions attributed to it elsewhere in this Charter. In addition, the Organization shall have the following functions:

(a) to collect, analyze and publish information relating to international trade, including information relating to commercial policy, business practices, commodity problems and industrial and general economic development;

(b) to encourage and facilitate consultation among Members on all questions relating to the provisions of this Charter;

(c) to undertake studies, and, having due regard to the objectives of this Charter and the constitutional and legal systems of Members, make recommendations, and promote bilateral or multilateral agreements concerning, measures designed

(i) to assure just and equitable treatment for foreign nationals and enterprises;

(ii) to expand the volume and to improve the bases of international trade, including measures designed to facilitate commercial arbitration and the avoidance of double taxation;

(iii) to carry out, on a regional or other basis, having due regard to the activities of existing regional or other intergovernmental organizations, the functions specified in paragraph 2 of Article 10;

(iv) to promote and encourage establishments for the technical training that is necessary for progressive industrial and economic development; and,

(v) generally, to achieve any of the objectives set forth in Article 1:

(d) in collaboration with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with such inter-governmental organizations as may be appropriate, to undertake studies on the relationship between world prices of primary commodities and manufactured products, to consider and, where appropriate, to recommend international agreements on, measures designed to reduce progressively any unwarranted disparity in those prices; (e) generally, to consult with and make recommendations to the Members and, as necessary, furnish advice and assistance to them regarding any matter relating to the operation of this Charter, and to take any other action necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions of the Charter;

(to co-operate with the United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations in furthering the achievement of the economic and social objectives of the United Nations and the maintenance or restoration of international peace and security.

2. In the exercise of its functions the Organization shall have due regard to the economic circumstances of Members, to the factors affecting these circumstances and to the consequences of its determinations upon the interests of the Member or Members concerned.


The Organization shall have a Conference, an Executive Board, Commissions as established under Article 82, and such other organs as may be required. There shall also be a Director-General and Staff.



1. The Conference shall consist of all the Members of the Organization.

2. Each Member shall have one representative in the Conference and may appoint alternates and advisers to its representative.


1. Each Member shall have one vote in the Conference. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, decisions of the Conference shall be taken by a majority of the Members present and voting; Provided that the rules of procedure of the Conference may permit a Member to request a second vote if the number of votes cast is less than half the number of the Members, in which case the decision reached on the second vote shall be final whether or not the total of the votes cast comprises more than half the number of the Members.


1. The Conference shall meet at the seat of the Organization in regular annual session and in such special sessions as may be convoked by the Director-General at the request of the Executive Board or of one-third of the Members. In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Board may decide that the Conference shall be held at a place other than the seat of the Organization.

2. The Conference shall establish rules of procedure which may include rules appropriate for the carrying out of its functions during the intervals between its sessions. It shall annually elect its President and other officers.


1. The powers and duties attributed to the Organization by this Charter and the final authority to determine the policies of the Organization shall be vested in the Conference.

2. The Conference may, by a vote of a majority of the Members, assign to the Executive Board any power or duty of the Organization except such specific powers and duties as are expressly conferred or imposed upon the Conference by this Charter.

3. In exceptional circumstances not elsewhere provided for in this Charter, the Conference may waive an obligation imposed upon a Member by the Charter; Provided that any such decision shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast and that such majority shall comprise more than half of the Members. The Conference may also by such a vote define certain categories of exceptional circumstances to which other voting requirements shall apply for the waiver of obligations.

4. The Conference may prepare or sponsor agreements with respect to any matter within the scope of this Charter and, by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, recommend such agreements for acceptance. Each Member shall within a period specified by the Conference, notify the Director-General of its acceptance or non-acceptance. In the case of non-acceptance, a statement of the reasons therefor shall be forwarded with the notification.

5. The Conference may make recommendations to inter-governmental organizations on any subject within the scope of this Charter. 6. The Conference shall approve the budget of the Organization and shall apportion the expenditures of the Organization among the Members in accordance with a scale of contributions to be fixed from time to time by the Conference following such principles as may be applied by the United Nations. If a maximum limit is established on the contribution of a single Member with respect to the budget of the United Nations, such limit shall also be applied with respect to contributions to the Organization.

7. The Conference shall determine the seat of the Organization and shall establish such branch offices as it may consider desirable.



1. The Executive Board shall consist of eighteen Members of the Organization selected by the Conference.

2. (a) The Executive Board shall be representative of the broad geographical areas to which the Members of the Organization belong. (b) A customs union, as defined in paragraph 4 of Article 44, shall be considered eligible for selection as a member of the Executive Board on the same basis as a single Member of the Organization if all of the members of the customs union are Members of the Organization and if all its members desire to be represented as a unit. (c) In selecting the members of the Executive Board, the Conference shall have regard to the objective of ensuring that the Board includes Members of chief economic importance, in the determination of which particular regard shall be paid to their shares in international trade, and that it is representative of the different types of economies or degrees of economic development to be found within the membership of the Organization.

3. (a) At intervals of three years the Conference shall determine, by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, the eight Members of chief economic importance, in the determination of which particular regard shall be paid to their shares in international trade. The Members so determined shall be declared members of the Executive Board.

(b) The other members of the Executive Board shall be elected by the Conference by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting.

(c) If on two consecutive ballots no member is elected, the remainder of the election shall be decided by a majority of the Members present and voting.

4. Subject to the provisions of Annex L, the term of office of a member of the Executive Board shall be three years, and any vacancy in the membership of the Board may be filled by the Conference for the unexpired term of the vacancy.

5. The Conference shall establish rules for giving effect to this Article.


1. Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote. 2. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by a majority of the votes cast.


1. The Executive Board shall adopt rules of procedure, which shall include rules for the convening of its sessions, and which may include rules appropriate for the carrying out of its functions during the intervals between its sessions. The rules of procedure shall be subject to confirmation by the Conference.

2. The Executive Board shall annually elect its Chairman and other officers, who shall be eligible for re-election.

3. The Chairman of the Executive Board shall be entitled ex officio to participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Conference.

4. Any Member of the Organization which is not a member of the Executive Board shall be invited to participate in the discussion by the Board of any matter of particular and substantial concern to that Member and shall, for the purpose of such discussion, have all the rights of a member of the Board, except the right to vote.


1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the execution of the policies of the Organization and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties assigned to it by the Conference. It shall supervise the activities of the Commissions and shall take such action upon their recommendations as it may deem appropriate.

2. The Executive Board may make recommendations to the Conference, or to inter-governmental organizations, on any subject within the scope of this Charter.



The Conference shall establish such Commissions as may be required for the performance of the functions of the Organization. The Commissions shall have such functions as the Conference may decide.

They shall report to the Executive Board and shall perform such tasks as the Board may assign to them. They shall consult each other as necessary for the exercise of their functions.


1. The Commissions shall be composed of persons whose appointment, unless the Conference decides otherwise, shall be made by the Executive Board. In all cases, these persons shall be qualified by training and experience to carry out the functions of the Commission to which they are appointed.

2. The number of members, which for each Commission shall normally not exceed seven, and the conditions of service of such members shall be determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Conference.

3. Each Commission shall elect a Chairman. It shall adopt rules of procedure which shall be subject to approval by the Executive Board.

4. The rules of procedure of the Conference and of the Executive Board shall provide as appropriate for the participation in their deliberations, without the right to vote, of the chairmen of Commissions.

5. The Organization shall arrange for representatives of the United Nations and of other inter-governmental organizations which are considered by the Organization to have a special competence in the field of activity of any of the Commissions, to participate in the work of such Commission.



1. The chief administrative officer of the Organization shall be the Director-General. He shall be appointed by the Conference upon the recommendation of the Executive Board, and shall be subject to the general supervision of the Board. The powers, duties, conditions of service and terms of office of the Director-General shall conform to regulations approved by the Conference.

2. The Director-General or his representative shall be entitled to participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of any organ of the Organization.

3. The Director-General shall present to the Conference an annual report on the work of the Organization, and the annual budget estimates and financial statements of the Organization.


1. The Director-General, having first consulted with and having obtained the agreement of the Executive Board, shall have authority to appoint Deputy Directors-General in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference. The Director-General shall also appoint such additional members of the Staff as may be required and shall fix the duties and conditions of service of the members of the Staff, in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference.

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