THE VISIONS & PROPHECIES OF ZECHARIAH: "THE PROPHET OF HOPE AND OF GLORY" AN EXPOSITION BY DAVID BARON AUTHOR OF "THE ANCIENT SCRIPTURES AND THE MODERN JEW" " Second Edition MORGAN & SCOTT LTD 12, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS LONDON, E.C. MCMXIX T FOREWORD BY PREBENDARY H. E. Fox, M.A. HE Bible is an inexhaustible gold mine. Age after age men have been drawing from it priceless treasures. The most successful searchers have not been "the wise and prudent" of this world, but to holy and humble men of heart it has been given to know therein the "secret of the Lord." Still more when to this spirit is joined both sanctified scholarship and racial intuition. It is for this reason that among the many expositors of latter days we cherish the memory of Adolph Saphir, truly "a scribe instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, bringing forth out of his treasure things new and old." For the like reason we commend to Bible lovers the exposition which our beloved brother, the author of the following pages, has given of prophetic Scriptures, too little studied at the present time, and yet of increasing importance for all who would learn the purposes of God, perhaps very soon to be fulfilled. Those who have followed the expositions in The Scattered Nation will be thankful to have them in a connected form, and we hope that many who had not seen them in their earlier state will study them carefully, and find faith and hope quickened in each step they take along the prophetic path. The Introduction to the second part will be found especially helpful to those who have been troubled by the 404965 |