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His Highness, as a particular mark of his friendship to the British Nation.)

Mocha, 15th of January, 1821.

Signed and sealed by Meer Fathullah, and all the Members of the Mocha Council, to each Separate Article, as also by Captain Bruce.

No. 18.-TREATY with the Rajah of Dhar, dated the 18th of December, 1821.

ENGAGEMENT between the Hon. East India Company and Rajah Ramchunder Rao Powar, of Dhar, as follows :—

I. Rajah Ramchunder Rao Powar consents to cede, in perpetuity, to the Hon. Company, the District of Birseah, and the tribute of Allee. (Mohun.)

II. The Hon. Company stipulates, in consideration of these two cessions, to pay annually to Rajah Ramchunder Rao Powar, his Heirs and Successors, the sum of 1 lac and 10,000 rupees of the Indore or Oogein currency.

III. Whereas it was agreed by the 6th Article of the Treaty concluded between the Hon. Company and the State of Dhar, on the 10th January, A.D. 1819, (12th of Rubbee ool awul, 1234 Hejira, and 14th Poos Soodi, 1875 Sumbut), that the District of Birseah should, in compensation of a loan from the British Government to Dhar, of 2 lacs and 50,000 rupees, remain in possession of the British Government for a period of five years, viz., from the 29th March, A.D. 1819 (29th Jemadee oo sanee, 1234 Hejira, and the 15th Chyte Soodi, 1876 Sumbut), till the 29th March, A.D. 1824 (29th Jemadee ool awul, 1239 Hejira, and 15th Chyte Soodi, ending 1880 Sumbut), it is to be understood that that arrangement remains undisturbed by any term of the present engagement; and accordingly the payment by the British Government to Dhar of 1 lac and 10,000 rupees, will not commence till after the expiration of the five years aforesaid, that is, till the year 1881 Sumbut.

IV. But as the two cessions aforesaid are virtually made to the British Government from the date of this Engagement, the British Government agrees that, from the date it commences to exercise the rights acquired by the cession of the Allee (Mohun) tribute, it will pay to Dhar, at the rate of 10,000 rupees per annum of Indore or Oogein currency, till the 27th day of March, 1824.

V. The annual amount of 1 lac and 10,000 rupees of Indore or Oogein currency, to be paid by the British Government to Dhar, will be liquidated by two equal instalments of 55,000 rupees each, viz., one in the month of Koowar, and the other in the month of Chyte of each Hindoo year; those for the first year corresponding with August, A.D. 1824, and February, A.D. 1825.

Done at Dhar, this 18th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1821 (corresponding with the 22nd Rubbee ool awul, 1237 Hejira, and the 9th Buddee Marglizu, 1878 Sumbut Bihramjeet).

(Ratified by the Governor-General in Council at Fort William, the 26th day of January, 1822.)

No. 19.-TREATY with the Government of Cutch, dated the 21st May, 1822.

TREATY between the Hon. English East India Company and Maharajah Mirza Rao Sree Dessuljee, his Heirs and Successors, concluded by Charles Norris, Esq., Resident in Cutch, on the part of the Hon. Company, and by the Sharejee Bhy, and Rijirjjee Pragjee of Kotree Mokajee Chandajee Bharrajee, Alyajee Bhanjee Pragjee of Mhowa, Karjajee and Jaymulijee, on the part of the Rao, by virtue of Full Powers from their respective Governments.

I. The British Government and the Government. of Cutch, thinking it expedient that the Town and District of Anjar should be transferred to H. H. the Rao of Cutch for a pecuniary equivalent, the Tenth Article in the Treaty of Sumbut, 1872 (A.D. 1816), is annulled, and the separate Deed therein alluded to is declared void. The sum of Ahmedabad sicca rupees 88,000 a-year, is agreed to by both Governments, as the amount which is to be paid by the Cutch Government to the Hon. Company, in return for the transfer of the Town and District above mentioned to H. H. the Rao of Cutch, including in the Anjar District the Town of Lakhapore, the separate deed of which is declared void.

II. The Town and District of Anjar will be delivered over to the Cutch Government on the 2nd Assur Sood Sumbut, 1879 M.E., corresponding with 20th June, 1822 A.D., and the Government of Cutch engages to make good the payment of the sum stipulated every year, by two half-yearly payments, the first of rupees 44,000, on Posh Sood 2nd; and the second of rupees 44,000, on Assar Sood 2nd: no diminution of the amount of compensation above fixed for the Town and District of Anjar shall ever take place; and the Government of Cutch agrees, that, if it shall not be paid regularly at the periods above specified, good and satisfactory assignments of land in full sovereignty, either the Anjar Talook or other Districts, as may suit the Cutch Government, shall be made to the British Government, for of realizing the amount which may have become due.

the purpose

III. Since the establishment of the connection between the two Governments, the British Brigade has been cantoned at the foot of the Hill Fort of Bhooj, which has remained in the hands of the British. The British Government, from an anxiety to restore the Fort to H. H. the Rao, has had the ground in the neighbourhood of Bhooj

examined, with the view of removing the Camp. One spot only has been found suitable for a cantonment: it is situated to the North of the Town, and belongs to Rajpoot Brahmins; and the Government of Cutch being unable to induce the owners voluntarily to surrender this ground, has expressed a wish that the cantonment may remain where it is at present, and the Fort continue in the occupation of the British. To this proposal the British Government agrees, and the Cutch Government engages never to require the British Government to give up the Fort, without obtaining by purchase from the Proprietors the ground above mentioned, and giving it to the British Government, and indemnifying the British Government for any expense which it may have incurred in repairing the Fort, which expense however is not to exceed the sum of rupees 45,000.

Dated the 1st Jest Sood, Sumbut 1878, corresponding with the 21st May, 1822 A.D.

(Ratified by the Governor-General in Council at Fort William, in Bengal, the 5th day of July, 1822.)

No. 20.-TREATY with Raghojee Angria of Colaba, July, 1822. WHEREAS, by the conquest of the Territories of Rajee Rao, the late Peishwah, and the complete extinction of his power, the rights possessed by His Government are now transferred to that of the Hon. East India Company; and whereas it is desirable to fix with precision the future relations between the said Company and Raghojee Angria, the following Articles have been agreed upon:

I. The friendly relations which have long subsisted between the Hon. East India Company and the Colaba State are hereby confirmed, and the British Government agrees to afford its protection to the Chieftain of Colaba against the attacks of any other State.

II. Raghojee Angria, in consideration of such protection, engages, on his part, not to employ in his service any Foreigner of any description whatever, whether European or American, nor to allow such Foreigner to reside within his Dominions without the permission of the British Government; and in the event of any such person arriving within his Dominions, to report the appearance of such person to the British Government. Neither will he enter into any Treaty of Alliance or Commerce with any of the Native States, but place his sole reliance on the protection and support of the British Government in the enjoyment of his Rights. And, for securing the objects of this stipulation, it is further agreed, that no communication or correspondence shall be holden by the Colaba with any other Potentate or State, without the previous knowledge and sanction of the Hon. Company's Government, but the Colaba State will continue the usual correspondence with the Khan of Junjeera, Suckeer Punt Umuldars, and

other Umuldars on the border of the Colaba Districts, respecting disputes which arise in the Mehals and Dependencies.

III. The Territories of the Colaba State being intermixed with those of the British Government, and it being desirable that the Possessions of each should be concentrated by exchanges to be made on fair and just principles, it is hereby agreed that such exchanges as may be necessary with a view to the attainment of that object, shall be adjusted by Commissioners to be nominated for the purpose of settling the Boundaries of the British Government, and those of the Principality of Colaba. And the British Government relying upon the fidelity of Raghojee Angria, and on the sincerity of his acknowledgment of the supremacy of the Hon. Company, hereby guarantees to him, and to his Heirs and Successors, on the conditions hereafter specified, the integrity of his Dominions, the Boundaries of which will be defined by Commissioners to be appointed in pursuance of the foregoing Provision.

IV. The British Government relinquishes in favour of Raghojee Angria, his Heirs and Successors, Nuzzar Nuzaraus, as received or claimed by the late Peishwah and his Successors; but reserves to itself entire Supremacy over the Colaba State, and the right of conferring investure on the Chief of Colaba on any vacancy of the Musnud. And the said Raghojee Angria hereby engages in behalf of himself, his Heirs and Successors, to act generally in subordinate co-operation to the British Government.

V. The British Courts of Justice, Laws, and Regulations, shall not be introduced into the Principality of Colaba, against the will of Raghojee Angria, his Heirs and Successors; but the British Government hereby requires and provides, and the Chieftain aforesaid, on behalf of himself, his Heirs and Successors, hereby engages for the continuance in possession of all Persons actually holding Enam and Sarunjam Lands, up to the present time, under the Sunnuds of the Peishwah or the Rajah of Sattara,

VI. And whereas the said Raghojee Angria has solicited (vide A.) that the Hon. Company would guarantee to Vinaik Rao Pursuram Deewanjee and his Associates, certain Villages and Lands, of the value of rupees 15,001, as per annexed list (vide B.), the whole have been assigned to him, as a reward for his past services, together with a debt due by the State of Colaba to the said Venaik Rao Pursuram Deewanjee (vide C.D.E.), not exceeding rupees 2,28,287 3 182, and that the said Deewanjee shall not unjustly be molested by the Cloqaa State. Whereas the Hon. Company's Government has undertaken the aforesaid guarantee to the said Venaik Rao Pursuram Deewanjee, and to his Heirs and Successors, together with certain other Persons therein mentioned, Raghojee Angria hereby engages, in behalf of himself, his Heirs and Successors, to make due provision for the payment

of such amount as may appear on investigation to be justly due to the said Venaik Rao Pursuram Deewanjee; and in failure thereof, he further agrees, that the Company shall be at liberty to interfere when occasion renders it necessary, with a view to compel the said Raghojee Angria to place the said debt in a train of liquidation, by allotting specific funds for that purpose: but it is to be understood that, on the discharge of the said debts, any funds which might be allotted to the payment thereof, will revert to the said Raghojee Angria, his Heirs and Successors, on their former footing. With respect to the abovementioned debt, such amount as may be ascertained to be justly due shall be paid. In case of any item in the account being objected to by either of the Parties, as to its being of a greater or less amount, in the event of their not being able to come to an amicable private settlement between themselves, the Hon. Company's Governinent will, on investigation, decide on any such disputed point, and order the Party whose claim may appear just, to receive credit for such ascertained amount. And whereas, certain rights, immunities, and indulgencies, as to fields, salt, batty fields, pâl, &c., now held by the Deewanjee and his Associates, as mentioned in the annexed Memorandum (vide F.), may be effected by the exchange of Territories, the said Company engages to continue them to the said Deewanjee and his Associates, to be enjoyed on the same footing under the British Government, as before under that of the Colaba State.

VII. All balances shall be adjusted within a reasonable time, and engagements shall be taken to that effect from all Persons in arrear. In default of payment, the Parties shall be given up.

VIII. All guns, stores, and other moveable property in the Forts and Places to be mutually exchanged, are to be removed by the Parties relinquishing the same.

IX. Raghojee Angria hereby agrees, on behalf of himself, his Heirs and Successors, that in no case whatever shall any asylum be afforded, within the limits of his Possessions, to any public offenders, or to any Persons desirous of escaping from the jurisdiction of the Company's Court of Justice, or from the Authority of the Revenue Officers, or of any other branch of the Authority of the Hon. Company; and he further agrees to deliver up all such persons, without delay, on application from such Officer or Officers, as the Governor in Council of Bombay shall appoint for the purpose.

X. Raghojee Angria doth hereby engage on his part, and on the part of his Heirs and Successors, to prohibit the import and export, as well as the transit of Opium, within any part of the Territories of the Colaba State.

XI. And whereas the British Government hath bound itself to protect Raghojee Angria, his Heirs and Successors, against the attacks of any other State, and to secure to him the quiet possession of the

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