The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America: Including an Account of the Late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies, from Their Origin to that Period, Volume 3author, and sold, 1788 - United States |
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affembled affiftance againſt alfo American army arrived artillery attack Auguft befide Bofton Britain British bufinefs cafe capt caufe Charleſtown circumftances command commiffioners confequence confiderable confifting congrefs continental continental army count d'Estaing court croffed defign defired divifion enemy expreffed fafe faid fame fecond fecurity fent fervice feven feveral fhall fhips fhould fide fire firft fituation fleet fmall foldiers fome foon force fpirit France French frigates ftate ftores fubject fuch fuffered fufficient fuperior fupplies fupport furrender garrifon greateſt himſelf horfe houfe houſe ifland infantry inhabitants intereft laft lefs letter lieut lord lord Cornwallis Maffachuſetts majefty marched meaſures militia minifter moft moſt muſt neceffary neceffity obferved occafion officers paffed party perfons poffeffion poft prefent prefident prifoners propofed provifions refolution refolved refpect regiment retreat Silas Deane Sir Henry Clinton South Carolina ſtate thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe tion treaty troops United veffels Waſhington Weft whofe wounded