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passed a detachment over the bay with a view to divert the enemy from his object; but it arrived about 24 hours too late, though time enough to capture one of the enemy's barges with seventeen seamen, who say the garrison capitulated on the 12th; that the besiegers had advanced their works on the land side to within certain musket shot of the parapets of the fort; that the loss in killed on either side is inconsiderable. I am in possession of no other account but that which comes from the prisoners. About 30 of the enemy's vessels, besides boats and barges, are lay. ing within the bar and above Mobile Point, and several ships of the line on the south and west of Dauphin Island. The wind is fair, and I expect the honour of seeing them here every night; if I do, I have great confidence my next will be on a more pleasant subject. I have the honour to be, &c. J. WINCHESTER, Brigadier General.

Hon. Secretary of War.

P. S. The garrison consisted of about 360 men, including officers. Three small schooners in which the detachment was transported over the bay, were captured by the enemy's barges after the troops had landed.


J. W.

FORT BOWYER, February 12th, 1815,

Imperious necessity has compelled me to enter into articles of capitulation with major general Lambert, commanding his Britannic majesty's forces in front of fort Bowyer, a copy of which I forward you for the purpose of effecting an immediate exchange of prisoners. Nothing but the want of provisions, and finding myself completely surrounded by thousands; batteries erected on the sand, mounds which completely commanded the fort-and the enemy having advanced, by regular approaches, within thirty yards of the ditches, and the utter impossibility of getting any assistance or supplies, would have induced me to adopt this measure. Feeling confident, and it being the unanimous opinion of the officers, that we could not retain the post, and that the lives of many valuable officers and soldiers would have been uselessly sacrificed, I thought it most desirable to adopt this plan. A full and correct statement will be furnished you as early as possible. Captain Chamberlain, who bears this to E. Livingston, esquire, will relate to him every particular, which will I hope be satisfactory.

Major General Jackson.

I am, with respect, &c.


Agreed upon between lieutenant colonel Lawrence and major general Lambert, for the surrender of fort Bowyer, on the Mo: bile Point, 11th of February, 1815.

1. That the fort shall be surrendered to the arms of his Britannic majesty in its existing state as to the works, ordnance, ammunition, and every species of military stores.

2. That the garrison shall be considered as prisoners of war, the troops marching out with their colors flying and drums beating, and ground their arms on the glacis-the officers retaining their swords, and the whole to embark in such ships as the British naval commander in chief shall appoint.

3. All private property to be respected.

4. That a communication shall be made immediately of the same to the commanding officer of the 7th military district of the United States, and every endeavour made to effect an early exchange of prisoners.

5. That the garrison of the United States remain in the fort until 12 o'clock to-morrow, a British guard being put in possession of the inner gate at 3 o'clock to-day, and the British flag be hoisted at the same time; an officer of each service remaining at the head quarters of each commander until the fulfilment of these articles.


H. G. SMITH, major and military secretary.

Agreed on the part of the royal navy.
T. H. RICKETS, captain H. M. ship Vengent.
R. CHAMBERLAIN, 2d regt. U. S. infantry.
W. LAWRENCF, Lt. col. 2d infantry comdg.

Commander in chief of his majesty's shipping.
JOHN LAMBERT, maj. gen. comdg

A true copy-Test.

JOHN REID, aid-de-camp.


NORFOLK, March 2d, 1815.


Circumstances during my residence in England, having heretofore prevented my attention to the painful duty which devolved on me by the death of my gallant commander, captain Willian H. Allen, of the late United States' brig Argus, I have now the honour to state for your information, that, having landed the minister plenipotentiary (Mr. Crawford) and suit, at L'Orient, we proceeded on the cruize which had been directed by the department, and

after capturing 20 vessels (a list of the names and other particulars of which I have the honour to enclose) being in latitude 52 15 north, longitude 5 50 west, on the 14th August, 1813, we discovered at 4 o'clock A. M. a large brig of war, standing down under a press of sail upon our weather quarter, the wind being at south, and the Argus close hauled on the starboard tack, we immediately prepared to receive her; and at 4 30, being unable to get the weather gage, we shortened sail and gave her an opportunity of closing. At 6, the brig having displayed English colours, we hoisted our flag, wore round, and gave her the larboard broadside (being at this time within grape distance,) which was returned, and the action commenced within the range of musketry. At 6 4, captain Allen was wounded, and the enemy shot away our main braces, main spring stay, gaff, and trisail mast. At 6 8, captain Allen, being much exhausted by the loss of blood, was taken below. At6 12, lost our spritsail yard, and the principal part of the standing rigging on the larboard side of the foremast. At this time, I received a wound on the head from a grape-shot, which, for a time, rendered me incapable of attending to duty, and was carried below. I had, however, the satisfaction of recollecting on my recovery, that nothing which the most gallant exertions could effect, would be left undone by lieutenant William H. Allen, junior, who succeeded to the command of the deck. Lieutenant Allen reports, at 6 14, the enemy, being on our weather quarter, edged off for the purpose of getting under our stern; but the Argus luffed close to, with the maintopsail aback, and giving him a raking broadside, frustrated his attempt. At 6 18, the enemy shot away our preventer, mainbraces, and maintopsail tye; and the Argus having lost the use of her after sails, fell off before the wind, when the enemy succeeded in passing our stern, and ranged up on the starboard side. At 6 25, the wheel ropes and rigging of every description being shot away, the Argus became unmanageable; and the enemy, not having sustained any apparent damage, had it completely in his power to choose a position, continued to play upon our starboard quarter, occasionally shifting his situation until 6 30, when I returned to the deck; the enemy being under our stern, within pistol shot, where he continued to rake us until 6 38, when we prepared to board, but in consequence of our shattered condition, were unable to effect it. The enemy then passed our broadside, and took a position on our starboard bow. From this time until 6 47, we were exposed to a cross or raking fire, without being able to oppose but little more than musketry to the broadside of the enemy, our guns being much disabled and seldom brought to bear.

The Argus, having now suffered much in hull and rigging, as also in killed and wounded, among the former of whom (exclusive of our gallant captain,) we have to lament the loss of two meritorious young officers in midshipmen Delphy and Edwards; and being exposed to a galling fire, which, from the enemy's ability to manage his vessel, we could not avoid, I deemed it necessary to sur

render, and was taken possession of by his Britannic majesty's sloop Pelican, of twenty-one carriage guns, viz: sixteen 32 pound carronades, four long sixes, and one 12 pound carronade. I hope this measure will meet your approbation, and that the result of this action, when the superior size and metal of our opponent, and the fatigue which the crew, &c. of the Argus underwent, from a very rapid succession of captures, is considered, will not be thought unworthy the flag under which we serve.

I have the honour to inclose a list of killed and wounded, and feel great satisfaction in reporting the general good conduct of the men and officers engaged on this occasion, and particularly the zeal and activity displayed by lieutenant Allen, who, you will observe, for a time commanded on deck.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Late first Lt. U. S. brig Argus.

Hon. B. W. Crowninshield, &c.
Killed, 6-died of their wounds, 5-wounded, 12.


NEW ORLEANS, March 17th, 1815.

Inclosed I have the honour to transmit for your information a copy of a letter from lieutenant Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, giving a detailed account of the action between the gun vessels under his command and a flotilla of the enemy's launches and barges, on the 14th December, 1814, which, after a most gallant resistance, terminated as stated in my letter of the 17th December, in the capture of our squadron.

The courage and skill which was displayed in the defence of the gun-vessels and tender, for such a length of time, against such an overwhelming force as they had to contend with, reflects additional splendour on our naval glory; and will, I trust, diminish the regret occasioned by their loss.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Hon. B. W. Crowninshield,
Secretary of the Navy.


NEW ORLEANS, March 12th, 1815.

SIR, Having sufficiently recovered my strength, I do myself the honour of reporting to you the particulars of the capture of the division of United States' gun-boats, late under command.


On the 12th December, 1814, the enemy's fleet off Ship Island had increased to such a force as to render it no longer safe or prudent for me to continue in that part of the lake with the small force which I commanded. I therefore determined to gain a station near the Malhereux Islands as soon as possible, which situation

would better enable me to oppose a further penetration of the enemy up the lakes, and at the same time afford me an opportunity of retreating to the Petite Coquilles if necessary.

At 10 A. M. on the 13th, I discovered a large flotilla of barges had left the fleet, (shaping their course towards the Pass Christian) which I supposed to be a disembarkation of troops intending to land at that place. About 2 P. M. the enemy's flotilla having gained the Pass Christian, and continuing their course to the westward, convinced me that an attack on the gun boats was their design. At this time the water in the lakes was uncommonly low, owing to the westerly wind which had prevailed for a number of days previous, and which still continued from the same quarter. Nos. 156, 162, and 163, although in the best channel, were in 12 or 18 inches less water than their draught. Every effort was made to get them afloat by throwing overboard all the articles of weight that could be dispensed with. At 3 30, the flood tide had commenced; got under weigh making the best of my way towards the Petite Coquille. At 3 45, the enemy despatched three boats to cut out the schooner Sea-Horse, which had been sent into the bay St. Louis that morning to assist in the removal of the public stores, which I had previously ordered. There finding a removal impracticable, I ordered preparations to be made for their destruction, lest they should fall into the enemy's hands. A few discharges of grape shot from the Sea-Horse compelled the three boats, which had attacked her, to retire out of the reach of her guns, until they were joined by four others, when the attack was recommenced by the seven boats. Mr. Johnson having chosen an advantageous position near the two 6 pounders mounted on the bank, maintained a sharp action for near 30 minutes, when the enemy hauled off, having one boat apparently much injured, and with the loss of several men killed and wounded. At 7 SO, an explosion at the bay, and soon after a large fire, induced me to believe the Sea-Horse was blown up and the public store house set on fire, which has proved to be the fact.

About 1 A. M. on the 14th, the wind having entirely died away, and our vessels become unmanageable, came to anchor in the west end of Malhereux Island's passage. At daylight next morning, still a perfect calm, the enemy's flotilla was about nine miles from us at anchor, but soon got in motion and rapidly advanced towards us. The want of wind, and the strong ebb tide which was setting through the Pass, left me but one alternative, which was to put my vessels in the most advantageous position, to give the enemy as warm a reception as possible. The commanders were all called on board and made acquainted with my intentions, and the position which each vessel was to take, the whole to. form a close line abreast across the channel, anchored by the stern, with springs on the cables, &c. &c. Thus we remained anxiously awaiting an attack from the advancing foe, whose force I now clearly distinguished to be composed of forty-two heavy launches

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