Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign CountriesUnited States. Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Statistics, United States. Bureau of Foreign Commerce(1854-1903) U.S. Government Printing Office, 1863 - Commerce |
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Common terms and phrases
Ad valorem American vessels Amoor amount arrived Austria Bags bales ballast barrels bbls British bushels cargo casks cent centimes centner certificate Chinese coal coast coffee colony commerce Consul consular contract cotton custom-house December 31 dollars duties emigration employer ending September 30 England Esquimalt exceeding exports florins flour foreign France Free French gallon governor grain harbor hectolitres herewith honor immigration agent imports increase indenture indentured immigrant Indian industrial residence iron island January labor leather Majesty's government manufacture merchandise merchants Milreis months nations navigation Norway officer ordinance Ottoman Empire paid payment person Piculs plantation Poods port pounds produce province quantity quarter ended quintals received Russia saltpetre seamen September 30 ships silk Statement showing steamers sugar tariff thalers thereof tion tobacco tonnage tons Total trade treaty United valorem wheat wine wool woollen Zollverein
Popular passages
Page 90 - Majesty shall judge capable of being converted into, or made useful in increasing the quantity of, military or naval stores, provisions, or any sort of victual which may be used as food by man ; and if any goods so prohibited shall be exported from the United Kingdom, or carried coastwise, or be waterborne to be so exported or carried, they shall be forfeited.
Page 702 - Such deserters when arrested shall be put at the disposal of the said Consuls, and may be put in the public prisons at the request and expense of those who reclaim them, to be sent to the ships to which they belonged or to others of the same nation. But if they be not sent back within two months, to be counted from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall be no more arrested for the same cause ARTICLE THIRTIETH.
Page 61 - Products of fish, and all other creatures living in the water. Poultry, eggs. Hides, furs, skins, or tails, undressed. Stone or marble, in its crude or unwrought state. Slate. Butter, cheese, tallow. Lard, horns, manures. Ores of metals of all kinds. Coal. Pitch, tar, turpentine, ashes. Timber and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed and sawed, unmanufactured, in whole or in part.
Page 623 - Subjects of China, who may be guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States, shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China ; and citizens of the United States...
Page 410 - Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.
Page 547 - ... have named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: the President of the United States of America...
Page 697 - Both the contracting parties promise and engage formally to give their special protection to the persons and property of the citizens of each other...
Page 552 - And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the city of Granada on the twentieth day of June last: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United (States...
Page 702 - And whereas the said treaty, as amended, has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Queretaro on the thirtieth day of May last, by Ambrose H.
Page 699 - ... she shall again attempt to enter ; but she shall be permitted to go to any other port or place she shall think proper.