Death of Bougainville, Couut de 336 Death of Moore, Homer, Esq. 285 Bowdoin, Hon. James 240 Mosely, Dr. Thomas ib. Bruce, Hon. Charles A. 192 Muter, Hon. George 48 Burke, Mrs. widow of the Nicholson, Com. Samuel 384 Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke Owens, Col. Abraham 384 Chamberlain, Mrs. Lucretia 480 Paine, Robert Treat, Esq. 286 Chase, Hon. Samuel 48 Farker, Sir Peter 480 Penn, Richard, Esq. 96 Pickering, Hon. John 192 Coffin, Hon. Josiah 240 Pinckney, Mrs. Mary 480 Conner, Mr. Benjamin 336 Post, Mrs. Eve 96 Craig, Sir James H. 528 Read, Miss Charlotte 240 Cranch, Hon. Richard 240 Rice, Hon. Thomas 528 Crawford, Lt. Gen. Robert 576 Ridgley, Hon. Henry 96 Rodgers, Mrs. Mary 576 Roulstone, Miss Lavinia 240 Rowley, Mr. S. 480 Ruffin, Gen. 96 Deolph, Maj. Ezra 240 Dessessarts, M. Jean C. ib. Shepard, Hon. Amos 480 Devonshire, the duke of Simons, Charles Dewar, Esq. ib. Eaton, Gen. William 48 - Slosson, Mrs. Hannah ib. Smith, Col, John 96 Fisher, Mr. Ebenezer Snow, Mrs. Anna 240 Fitzsimmons, Thomas, Esq. 285 Stewart, Lieut. J. 48 Flint, Rev. Ebenezer 286 Sullivan, Mrs. Martha 192 - Suwarrow, Lieut. General Foot, Mr. Nathaniel 48 Girard, Gen. Tarleton, Mr. Elias 336 Thayer, Rev. Elihu, D. D. 576 Grant, Rev. Thomas 96 Townley, Rev. John 528 48 - Townsend, the Marquis $36 - Ulaulak, Mr. John 240 576 Upham, Hon. Jabez 286 1 Hunt, Abijah, Esq. 96 Jennings, Lieut. Johnson, Col. Baker 96 Williams, Hon. William 192 King of Sicily 240 Wood, Mr. Thomas 192 Lamson, Mrs. Mary 96 Woodbury, Capt. John 240 Law, Capt. Prentice Wobley, Aghor 528 Wright, Hon. Joshua G. 96 Lyman, William, Esq. 336 Deaths in New York of small pox Madison, Bishop 576 in 1811, 480 Maransin, Gen. 240 - at Peacham, (Vt.) of fe- ib. - at Acworth, (N. H.) 576 Mav, Hon. Elisha 336 Melville, Lord 96 Deluge, Mosaic, account of, au 345,436,529 Mercer, Mr. 480 Dispensations and Indulgencies 199 the Evidences of 5,56,106,155,345, Moore, Mrs. Anne ib, [436,529 Lewdness, a proof of depravity 306 New Works 47,94,142,190,236,281, 426 [335,381,475,525 Observations on 2 Kings, ii, 23, 67 Orange River, mission at 566 some account of 497 Ordination of Bailey, Rev. Win- throp 94 Marsden, Rev. Samuel, life and Bartlett, Rev. John, -character of 337 (Marblehead) 47 Bartlett, Rev. John, Mavhew, Mr. Jeremiah, life and (Warren, N. Υ.) 280 character of 385 Bushnell, Rev Calvin 188 Middlebury College, revival of Coe, Rev. Noah 143 religion in 380 Coleman, Rev. Eliphalet Ministers of the Gospel, on the 8. 521 private duties of Mission to India, commence- Dow, Rev. Joseph W. 94 188 Missionary Society, Massachu- Fisher, Rev. Jesse 47 setts, annual meeting Hall, Rev. Gordon 425 of 42 Hall, Rev. Richard 521 pecuniary accounts of 90 Judson, Rev. Adoniram 425 statement of the funds Leavitt, Rev. Oliver 521 Leland, Rev. Aaron 570 Mills, Rev. Samuel T. 280 Nelson, Rev. John 521 Newell, Rev. Samuel 425 al meeting of 523 Nott, Rev. Samuel ib. accounts of 524 Parmele, Rev. Philander 570 Missionary Society of Connec- Pomeroy, Rev. Rufus 280 ticut, abstract of the ac- Rice, Rev. Luther 425 counts of 474 Storrs, Rev, Richard S. 93 Taylor, Rev. Nath. W. 521 Missions in Africa 565 White, Rev. Benjamin 93 Winchester, Rev. Jona- than D. 280 Osgood, Rev. Thaddeu 1, Rev. Thaddeus, extracts from his journal 139 38 [431,576 under the ministry of the Rev. Parents, encouragement to 506 53 of 49 New Hampshire Missionary So- Perjury, a proof of depravity 305 ciety 188 Persecution, a proof of depravi- New Haven, revival of religion in 113 ty 203 Political disputes, a proof of de. in 375 pravity 305 Porter, Rev. Ebenezer, dissolu- donations to the sufferers 281, New Editions 47,190,237,335,475 Potemkin and Howard people 519 [381,475 -inauguration of 521 209 |