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Taxation of corporations in Belgium. Incloses copy of reply of minister for foreign affairs to protest by Anglo-American Chamber of Commerce at Brussels, in which the allegation that the law would be discriminatory in its effects is refuted. International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. Owing to the very small number of adhesions, it is not deemed opportune to submit the conventions to the Senate at this time. Investigation of affairs in the Kongo Free State. States that the annexation of the Kongo Free State to Belgium is advocated by the opposition in Parliament and is favored by the King, and that a definite and authoritative movement toward a solution of the difficulties may be looked for shortly.

Same subject. Incloses, for inquiry and report, copy of letter of Apr. 16 from Mr. A. McLean. Conference for the revision of the rules relative to spirits in Africa. States that a conference will be called at Brussels in the near future for the purpose of revising the tariff on spirits, under the convention of 1899.

International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. Informs department of the adhesion of Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Roumania.

Investigation of affairs in the Kongo Free State. Gives names of some of reform commission members, and calls attention to the fact that only two members of the commission may be considered as having financial interests in some of the Kongo companies.

International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. Incloses copies of proceedings of the two sittings of the conference. Investigation of affairs in the Kongo Free State. Incloses report of reform commission and copy of decrees for carrying into effect its recommendations. Same subject. Acknowledges No. 61 and incloses copy of correspondence with foreign office in regard to complaint of Mr. A. McLean. Arrangement for the unification of formulas for heroic medicines. Names states that have declared readiness to sign, quotes reservations made by Germany and Great Britain and text of general reservation to be inserted in the draft, and urges adhesion of the United States. International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. Inquires whether the United States is of the opinion that a third session of the conference should be held, and informs of the adhesion of Chile. Arrangement for the unification of formulas for heroic medicines. Will be signed with the reservations adverted to in legation's note of June 26. International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. States that it is not thought that a third session is necessary. Exclusion of Louis Wythouck from the United States. Reviews case and requests favorable consideration.

Emigration agents of South Carolina in Europe. Instructs to request all proper facilities for Mr. E. J. Watson in the prosecution of his work. Exclusion of Louis Wythouck from the United States. States that no appeal having been taken from the decision it can not be reviewed, but Wythouck is at liberty to return and appeal should he be excluded again.

International Maritime Convention in regard to collisions and salvage at sea. Germany does not propose to suggest any change in the text of resolutions passed in October, but will withhold its final answer until all States concerned shall have made their intentions known,

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477 Mr. Havenith to Mr. Root.. Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root (telegram).

1906. Sept. 2 Sept. 8

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wi'son Sept. 10 (telegram).

Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson Sept. 17 (telegram).

114 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root....

Sept. 21

119 Mr. Boutell to Mr. Root.....

45 Mr. Root to Mr. Boutell..... Oct. 4

Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram).

Oct. 8

80 Same to same..

Oct. 9

119 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root.....

Oct. 22

Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson..... Oct. 23

Conference for the revision of the rules relative to
spirits in Africa. Postponed to Oct. 16.
Emigration agents of South Carolina in Europe.
Requests instructions in regard to lending assist-
ance at foreign office to agent desiring to advance
passage money to emigrants.

Same subject. Payment of passage money will not
necessarily bring about rejection of aliens. Must
show they are not likely to become public charges,
and are subject to laws and provisions applicable.
Same subject. Advance of passage money does
not conflict with contract-labor law, but alien
must affirmatively show that he will not be-
come a public charge, and be examined as to all
other legal requirements.

Same subject. Quotes telegrams and states that
matter has been satisfactorily settled at foreign

Same subject. Acknowledges circular of Aug. 11.
States that Mr. E. J. Watson has appointed S.
Davidsee as special delegate for Holland, and re-
quests further instructions.

Same subject. Acknowledges No. 119, which
crossed department's No. 43, which instructed
him to facilitate mission of special agent.
Conference for the revision of the rules relative
to spirits in Africa. Quotes message from the
President and instructs him to bring it before
the conference, after consultation with minister
for foreign affairs.

Same subject. Refers to the department's telegram
of the 8th instant and transmits copies of the
documents referred to therein.
Same subject. Reports action taken on telegram
of the 8th instant and incloses copy of letter
addressed to the president of the conference.
Emigration agents of South Carolina in Europe.
Incloses letter from Department of Commerce and
Labor relative to classification of immigrants
whose passage money is paid by State's emigra-
tion agent.

555 Baron Moncheur to Mr. Root. Oct. 28 International Maritime Convention in regard to

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collisions and salvage at sea. Suggests post-
ponement of the final conference until next

Arrangement for the unification of formulas for
heroic medicines. Incloses modified prints of,
and discusses.

Conference for the revision of the rules relative to
spirits in Africa. Acknowledges No. 80 and
states that he had already practically carried out
the department's wishes.

Same subject. Commends way in which the Presi-
dent's message was brought before the conference
and expresses appreciation of its reception by
that body.

International Maritime Convention in regard to
collisions and salvage at sea. Proposal in note
of Oct. 28 will receive consideration at the De-
partment of Commerce and Labor, which states
that it has no knowledge of the draft conventions
having been approved by the Government of
the United States.

Same subject. Explains sentence in note of Oct.
28 regarding approval by United States of the
two draft conventions.
Arrangement for the unification of formulas for
heroic medicines. Reports signing of, and trans-
mits certified copies of the agreement and of the
procès verbal.

International Maritime Convention in regard to
collisions and salvage at sea. States that note of
the 17th instant had been communicated to the
Department of Commerce and Labor.

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Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root (telegram).

Aug. 31 Oct. 23

Same subject. Paints are included in the reduc-
tion reported in No. 13. Coffee valorization and export tax on coffee. In-
closes copies of decree and convention in regard to.
Aug. 27 The Monroe doctrine, and the relations between the
United States and Brazil. Historical review by
a Brazilian author. Incloses copy of paper on.
Visit of Secretary Root. Details of visit to Rio de
Janeiro and São Paulo.





Same subject. Political and commercial results



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Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American
products. Reports that Brazilian tariff law will
not be altered during the present Congress, and
that it is intended to postpone for a year the con-
sideration of the tariff already begun.
Same subject. Refers to apprehension that heavy
increase on flour is contemplated. Inquires as
to chances for renewal for next year of existing
preferential rates.

Same subject. Present tariff, including duty on
flour, will not be altered by present Congress.
Existing preferential list almost certain to be con-
tinued for next year.



Election and inauguration of Dr. Affonso Penna
as President. Reports the inauguration.
Same subject. Expresses congratulations and good
wishes on the occasion of his inauguration.
Same subject. Expresses thanks for telegram..........




Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root


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Same subject. Expresses thanks for sentiments
expressed in inaugural address.


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President Roosevelt to Presi-
dent Riesco (telegram).
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hicks (

Aug. 19

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Same subject. The people of the United States
share in grief of Chife. "President telegraphs con-

Same subject. Reports details.....

Same subject. Repeats expression of sympathy and
expresses horror of people at the appalling disaster
that has befallen Chile.

Same subject. Informs him of the sending of tele-
gram of this date from the President, and directs
him to make appropriate representations at the
foreign office.

Same subject. Reports delivery of messages to the
foreign office, and gives further details of disaster.
Same subject. Communicates his Government's
appreciation of expressions of sympathy made on
behalf of the United States.

Same subject. Reports that anxiety over earth-
quake decreases, that financial and business situa-
tion quite serious, and that destruction of Valpa-
raiso produces fears of panic. Adds that relief
subscriptions are being raised.

Same subject. Expresses appreciation of telegram
of sympathy.

Same subject. Reports in regard to number of
casualties, financial losses, and business condi-
tions. Suggests American subscriptions for suf-

Same subject. Reports delivery to the President of
$10,000, gift of people of San Francisco, Cal.
Same subject. Text of, requesting assistance for
earthquake sufferers.

Same subject. Informs him that he is named spe-
cial representative of the American Red Cross to
receive funds raised in the United States for
earthquake sufferers. Directs him to consult
with Chilean Government as to the disposition of












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Mr. Loomis to Mr. Conger... May 19


Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay...... June 24


Same to same..

Aug. 15


Mr. Adee to Mr. Conger.....

Aug. 23


Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger..... Oct. 12

Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay (tele-

Revision of the rules of the mixed court at Shanghai
and resulting riots. States that department
would be glad to examine proposed code after it
has been agreed upon by the consuls.

Same subject. Incloses copy of suggested amend-
ments for the department's approval. Also in-
closes copy of dispatch from Consul-General
Goodnow, transmitting the amendments.
Same subject. Informs him that the department
approves the proposed amendments, sent him by
Consul-General Goodnow, and instructs him to
urge the adoption of them.

Same subject. Acknowledges No. 938 and states
that the department's telegram of Apr. 15 in-
formed him that the proposed amendments were
approved and instructed him to urge their adop-

Protection of trade-marks in China.


copy of correspondence with the foreign office
concerning the putting into force of the provisions
of our treaty in regard to copyrights, trade-
marks, and patents.

Same subject. Approves action recorded in No.
1553. Directs him to insist upon some provi-
sional rules for the protection of copyrights, trade-
marks, and patents and to have a date fixed for
the coming into force of the treaty regulations.
States that regulations should be submitted to
him for approval before promulgation.
Same subject. Incloses copy of trade-mark regu-
lations furnished by the foreign office and copy
of his reply thereto.
Same subject. Incloses copy of the trade-mark
regulations which have received imperial ap-
proval and will be put tentatively in force on the
23d of October next. Incloses correspondence

Same subject. Incloses copy of letter from the Act-
ing Secretary of the Interior and instructs him to
endeavor to secure the adoption of certain changes
suggested therein.

Same subject. Incloses copy of note from the Ger-
man ambassador suggesting postponement for a
few months of the date on which the new Chinese
trade-mark regulations are to go into effect, to-
gether with copy of the department's reply

Same subject. Reports that the merchants of all
nationalities request postponement for six
months of enforcement of trade-mark regulations.
German and French ministers, in accordance
with instructions, strongly demand postpone-
ment. The British minister will not object.
The majority of the merchants wish no regula-
tions whatever.

Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger ( Same subject. States that for reasons given in

dispatch No. 1681, he sees no necessity for post-
poning the enforcement of the regulations so far
as this Government is concerned. The object-
ing powers can ask amendments at any time.
An official declaration from Chinese Govern-
ment that regulations are tentative and subject
to revision might be required.













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