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All those who are established in the respective Dominions and Territories of the two contracting Parties, in the Exercise of any Trade or special Employment, shall have the Privilege of remaining and continuing such Trade and Employments therein without any manner of interruption, in full enjoyment of their liberty and property, as long as they behave peaceably and commit no Offence against the Laws, and their Goods and Effects, of whatever description they may be, shall not be liable to Seizure or Sequestration, or to any other Charges or Demands, than those which may be made upon the like Effects or Property belonging to the native Subjects or Citizens of the respective Dominions or Territories, in which such Subjects or Citizens may reside. In the same case, Debts between Individuals, publick Funds and the Shares of Companies shall never be confiscated, sequestered or detained.


The Subjects of His Britannick Majesty residing in the Mexican Territories, shall enjoy in their Houses, persons and Properties the Protection of the Government, and continuing in possession of what they now enjoy, that sall not be disturbed, molested or annoyed in any manner on account of their Religion, provided they respect that of the Nation in which they reside, as well as the Constitution, Laws and Customs of the Country. They shall continue to enjoy, to the full, the Privileges already granted to them of burying, in the places already assigned for that purpose, such Subjects of His Britannick Majesty, as may die within the Mexican Territories; nor shall the Funerals and Sepulchres of the Death be disturbed, in any way, or upon any account.

The Citizens of Mexico shall enjoy, in all the Dominions of His Britannick Majesty, the same protection, and shall be allowed the free Exercise of their Religion in publick or private, either within their own Houses, or in the Chapels and Places of Worship set apart for that purpose.


The Subjects of His Britannick Majesty shall, on no account or pretext whatsoever, be disturbed or molested in the peaceable possession and Exercise of whatever Rights, Privileges and Immunities they have at any time enjoyed, within the Limits described and laid down in a Convention signed between His said Majesty and The King of Spain on the Fourteenth of July 1786 whether such Rights, Privileges and Immunities shall be derived from the Stipulations of the said Convention or from any other Concession, which may at any time. have been made by the King of Spain or His Predecessors to British Subjects and Settlers residing and following their lawful Occupations within the Limits aforesaid; the two contracting Parties reserving however, for some more fitting Opportunity, the further arrangements on this article.


The Government of Mexico engages to cooperate with His Britannick Majesty, for the total abolition of the Slave Trade, and to prohibit all Persons inhabiting within the Territories of Mexico in the most effectual manner from taking any share in such Trade.


The two contracting Parties reserve to Themselves the Right of treating and agreeing hereafter, from time to time, upon such other articles as may appear to them to contribute, still further, to the Improvements of their mutual Intercourse, and the advancement of the general Interests of their respective Subjects and Citizens; and such articles as may be so agreed upon, shall, when duly ratified, be regarded as forming a part of the present Treaty, and shall have the same force as these now contained in it.


The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at London, within the space of six Months, or sooner if posible.

In Witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto their respective Seals.

Done at London the Twenty Sixth Day of December in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Six.

(L. S.) William Huskisson.
(L. S.) James J. Morier.



Whereas in the present State of Mexican Shipping it would not be possible for Mexico to receive the full advantage of the Reciprocity established by the articles V. VI. VII. of the Treaty signed this Day, if that part of the VII. article which stipulated, that, in order to be considered as a Mexican Ship, a Ship shall actually have been built in Mexico should be strictly and litteraly observed, and immediately brought into Operation, it is agreed that, for the space of Ten Years, to be reckoned from the date of the Exchange of the Ratification of the Treaty, any Ships, wheresoever built, being bona fide the Property of, and wholly owned by one or more Citizens of Mexico, and whereof the master and three fourths of the mariners at least, are also natural born Citizens of Mexico or persons domiciliated in Mexico by act of the Government, as lawful Subjects of Mexico, to be certified

according to the Laws of that Country, shall be considered as Mexican Ships. His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland reserving to Himself the Right, at the end of the said term of Ten Years, to claim the principle of reciprocal restriction stipulated in the article VII, above refered to, if the interests of British navigation shall be found to be prejudiced by the present exception to the Reciprocity, in favour of Mexican Shipping.


It is further agreed that, for the like term of Ten Years, the Stipulation contained in articles V. and VI. of the present Treaty shall be suspended, and in lieu thereof, it is hereby agreed, that until the expiration of the said term of Ten Years, British Ships entering into the Ports of Mexico from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any other of His Britannick Majesty's Dominions, and all articles the Growth, Produce and manufacture of the United Kingdom, or of any of the said Dominions imported in such Ships, shall pay no other and higher Duties, than are, or may hereafter be payable in the said Ports, by the Ships and the like Goods, the Growth, Produce and manufacture of the most favoured nation; and reciprocally, it is agreed, that Mexican Ships entering into the Ports, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any other of His British Majesty's Dominions, from any Port of the States of Mexico and all articles the Growth, Produce or manufacture of the said States imported in such Ships shall pay no other or higher Duties, than are or may hereafter be payable in the same Ports, by the Ships and the like Goods the Growth, Produce or manufacture of the most favoured nation and that no higher Duties shall be paid, or Bounties or Drawbacks allowed on the Exportation of any article the Growth, Produce or manufacture of the Dominions of either Country in the Ships of the other, than upon the Exportation of the like articles in the Ships of any other foreign Country.

It being understood that, at the end of the said term of Ten Years the Stipulation of the said V. and VI. articles shall from thence forward, be in full force between the two Countries. The present additional articles shall have the same force and Validity, as if they were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty signed this day. They shall be ratified, and the Ratification shall be exchanged at the same time.

In Witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and have affixed thereto their respective Seals. Done at London the Twenty sixth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Six.

(L. S.) William Huskisson.
(L. S.) James J. Morier.

Que visto y examinado dicho tratado y sus artículos adicionales, y dado cuenta al congreso general, conforme á lo dispuesto en el pár

rafo 14° del artículo 11° de la Constitucion federal, se sirvió espedir el decreto que sigue:

"Se aprueba en todas sus partes la convencion ó tratado celebrado en Londres el 20 de Junio de 1827, entre S. M. B., Rey de Hannover, y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, quedando al arbitrio de ambos gobiernos la nueva designacion del término, dentro del cual haya de hacerse la ratificacion de dicho tratado.-Manuel Argüelles, presidente de la cámara de diputados.-Isidro Huarte, presidente del senado.José María Cuervo, diputado secretario.-Demetrio del Castillo, senador secretario."

Y que, en vista de este decreto, tuvo á bien el ejecutivo espedir en 13 de Setiembre de 1828, el siguiente:

"Acepto, ratifico y confirmo el espresado tratado con sus artículos adicionales, en los términos que espresa el antecedente decreto; y prometo, en nombre de la república, cumplirlo y observarlo, y hacer que se cumpla y observe."

Por tanto, y habiendo sido igualmente aprobado, aceptado, confirmado y ratificado el mencionado tratado y sus artículos adicionales por S. M. Británica, Rey de Hannover, en Windsor á 31 de Enero del presente año de 1829, mando se imprima, publique y circule y se le dé el debido cumplimiento. Dado en el palacio federal de México, á 29 de Octubre de 1829.-Vicente Guerrero.-A D. José María de Bocanegra."

Y lo traslado á vd. para su inteligencia y efectos correspondientes. Dios y libertad. México 29 de Octubre de 1829.-José María de Bocanegra.


Primera Secretaría de Estado.-Departamento del Exterior.-El Exmo. Sr. Presidente interino de la República Mexicana, se ha servido dirigirme el decreto que sigue.-"El Presidente de la República Mexicana, á todos los que las presentes vieren, sabed:-"Que habiéndose concluido y firmado en Londres el dia diez y ocho de Febrero de mil ochocientos treinta y uno, un tratado de amistad, navegacion y comercio entre los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos y S. M. el Rey de Prusia; y posteriormente el diez y seis de Mayo de mil ochocientos treinta y dos, tres artículos adicionales al mismo, por medio de Plenipotenciarios de ambos Gobiernos, autorizados debida y respectivamente para el efecto, cuyo tratado y artículos adicionales son en la forma y tenor que sigue.


Au nom de la très Sainte Trinité.

Des relations de commerce étant établies depuis quelque tems entre les Etats-Unis du Mexique et le Royaume de Prusse, il a paru

utile au maintien et à l'avancement des intérêts réciproques de consolider et de protéger ces relations au moyen d' un traité d' amitié, de navigation et de commerce.

Dans ce but, ont nommé leurs Plénipotentiaires respectifs, savoir: Le Président des Etats-Unis du Mexique; le Sieur Manuel Edouard de Gorostiza, leur Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté Britannique, et

Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, le Sieur Henri Baron de Bulow, son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté Britannique, Chevalier de l' ordre de l'Aigle Rouge de la troisième classe, etc.

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs ont arrêté les articles suivans:


Il y aura entre les Etats-Unis du Mexique et leurs citoyens d'une part, et Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse et ses sujets de l'autre, une amitié perpetuelle.


Une liberté réciproque de commerce aura lieu entre les EtatsUnis du Mexique et la Prusse. Les habitans respectifs des deux pays, jouiront d'une pleine liberté et sûreté pour se rendre avec leurs navires et leurs cargaisons dans tous les lieux, ports et rivières, où d'autres étrangers ont en ce moment ou obtiendront par la suite la permission d'entrer.

Pareillement, les vaisseaux de guerre des deux nations auront, de part et d'autre, la liberté d'aborder sans empêchement et sûrement, dans tous les ports, rivières et lieux, où les vaisseaux de guerre de quelque autre nation ont ou obtiendront à l'avenir la liberté d'entrer, en se soumettant toutefois respectivement aux lois et ordonnances des deux Etats.

Dans le droit d'entrer dans tous les lieux, ports et rivières mentionné au présent article, est compris celui de pouvoir faire le commerce d'échelle, mais non le privilége de faire celui de cabotage qui est réservé

aux navires nationaux.


Les navires de chacune des parties contractantes ne pourront être assujettis, sur le territoire de l'autre, du chef de droits de lest ou tonnage, de fanal, de port, de pilotage, de quarantaine, de sauvetage en cas d'avarie ou de naufrage, ou d'autres charges semblables, soit générales, soit locales, à aucun droit autre ou plus élevé, que ceux que les navires nationaux y payent actuellement ou y payeront par la


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