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will be bound, according to the rules of neutrality, to avoid giving facilities to the enemy.

X. The Contracting Parties, in order to manifest the friendship and trust existing between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Kingdom of Afghanistan, have decided that all important difficulties and disputes, which they may not be able to settle satisfactorily by negotiation, should be referred to arbitration according to international law and custom. The Contracting Parties engage to carry out the award with all sincerity.

XI. This Treaty will be drawn up in duplicate in the Persian language.

XII. The representatives of the two Contracting Parties undertake that within three months of the signature of this Treaty, or, if possible, at an earlier date, all documents necessary for its ratification will be exchanged at Tehran or Kabul. The representatives of the two Contracting Parties have accordingly affixed their signatures and seals to this Treaty.

Dated at Tehran, the 15th Shanwal, 1339, corresponding to the 1st Saratan, 1300 (Shamsi).

Signature ofMOHTASHEM-Es-Sultaneh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Exalted Government of Persia.

Signature of-

Envoy of the Exalted Government of Afghanistan.

Supplementary Articles.

ART. I. The meaning of the sentence in Article III of this Treaty, viz., "The subjects of the two Contracting Governments, whether residing or travelling (in the other's country) will be respected and wholly under the protection of the officials of their own Governments," is that the officials of either Government can, within the scope of the laws of the country in which they reside, refer to the officials of that country, for the arrangement of facilities for their subjects.

II. The tribes and nomads who have previously emigrated from Afghanistan to Persia (including Barbaris, &c.) will remain Persian subjects as before. The Barbaris who intend to travel to Afghanistan shall not be allowed to enter Afghan territory unless their passports have been visé by the Afghan officials residing in Persia. The frontier tribes, who have their summer quarters in one country and their winter quarters in the other, will be treated as Persian subjects during their stay in Persia, and as Afghan subjects during their stay in Afghanistan. Persons who have come from Afghanistan and settled in Persia previously to the establishment of an Afghan Legation in Tehran will remain Persian subjects as before. Merchants, who have come to Persia

from Afghanistan only for purposes of trade, and have not settled permanently in Persia, and who are proved by documentary evidence not to have been treated as Persians by Persian Government Departments, will be recognised as Afghan subjects.

[blocks in formation]

Signature of

NASRULLAH ITELA-UL-MULK, Minister Plenipotentiary and accredited Envoy of the Exalted Government of Persia at Kabul.

III. Similarly, the tribes and nomads who have emigrated from Persia to Afghanistan will remain subjects of the Government of the country in which they reside, and will have no right to enter Persia unless their passports have been visé by the Persian representatives. The same treatment, as detailed in supplementary Article II, will be applicable to the tribes and nomads who have previously emigrated from Afghanistan to Persia. Persons who have, previously to the establishment of a Persian Legation in Kabul, emigrated from Persia to Afghanistan and settled there, will remain Afghan subjects as before.

Merchants, who have gone to Afghanistan from Persia only for purposes of trade, and have not settled there. permanently, and who are proved by documentary evidence not to have been treated as Afghans by Afghan Government Departments, will be recognised as Persian subjects.



KHAN, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Exalted Government of Afghanistan.

Signature ofNASRULLAH ITELA-UL-MULK, Minister Plenipotentiary and accredited Envoy of of the Exalted Government of Persia at Kabul.

In the name of God, Most Holy!

We, the slave of Allah, the toiler in the path of God, Ameer Amanullah, King of the Exalted State of Afghanistan, ratify this friendly Treaty, consisting of twelve Articles and three supplementary Articles, which has been concluded through the authorised representatives of the two exalted Governments on the different dates specified, between us and His Majesty Sultan Ahmed Shah, Kajar, Shah of all territories comprised in Persia, and undertake to carry it out without any alteration.

(Signature of His Majesty the Ghazi.) Dated the 15th Sumbala, 1302, corresponding to Moharrem, 1342 [sic].

TREATY OF ALLIANCE between Turkey and Afghanistan. -Moscow, March 1, 1921.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Kabul, October 20, 1922.]


(The blessed clauses which bind together two brother Governments of the East united in faith and interest.)

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

THE Turkish and Afghan Governments, convinced that they are bound together by sincere ties of sympathy, are imbued with one desire and one sacred purpose, and each possess the same high moral and material interests, and that the happiness or misfortune of one State will redound to the happiness or misfortune of the other, and recognising that it is no longer possible that they should remain disconnected and isolated as in the past, and that certain historical duties necessarily devolve upon them at this moment, when is seen with infinite thankfulness that an era of awakening and deliverance of the Eastern world has begun;

These two brother States and nations, therefore, observing that as with the members of one body the troubles and afflictions of one of the parties must affect and pain the other, have resolved to transfer their age-long moral unity and natural alliance to the political sphere, to bring about a state of material and official alliance, and, in the name of the future welfare of the whole East, to conclude a Treaty of Alliance as a prelude to future welfare.

For this purpose Delegates have been nominated

Youssouf Kemal Bey, Commissioner (Minister) of
Economic Affairs; and

Dr. Reza Nour Bey, Commissaire of Public
Instruction, Members of the Government, on
behalf of the Government of the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey; and

His Highness General Muhammad Wali Khan,
Ambassador Extraordinary, on behalf of
Afghanistan ;

Who, having communicated their full powers, found to be in due and proper order, have accepted the following Articles:

ART. I. The Turkish nation, in possession of an independent existence for such time as God wills, considers it to be a sacred duty to recognise the independence, in the full significance of the term, of the Afghan nation, to which she is bound with ties of the utmost sincerity and conscientiousness.

(1) Signed in the Turkish and Persian languages.

II. The two High Contracting Parties recognise that all Eastern nations possess complete liberty and right of independence, and that each of these nations is free to administer itself by such form of administration as it may particularly desire, and they recognise the independence of the States of Bokhara and Khiva.

III. Turkey having for centuries given guidance to and rendered distinguished services to Islam, and holding in her hand the standard of the Caliphate, Afghanistan in this connection recognises the leadership of Turkey.

IV. Each of the High Contracting Parties will consider as directed against herself personally, and will oppose with all the means at her disposal, any attack made against the other by any Imperialistic State in pursuance of the policy of invasion and exploitation of the East.

V. Each of the Contracting Parties undertakes not to conclude any Treaty or Convention injurious to the interests of the other party or which would be in the interests of a third State with which the other is not on friendly terms, and to give prior notice to the other of the forthcoming conclusion. of an Agreement with any nation whatsoever.

VI. With a view to the regularisation of commercial and economic relations and Consular affairs, the two Contracting Parties will conclude the necessary Conventions separately, and Ambassadors will from henceforth be sent by each to the capital of the other.

VII. Turkey agrees to help Afghanistan militarily(2) and to send instructors and officers. These missions of teachers and officers will serve for a minimum period of five years, and on the expiration of that period, if Afghanistan so desires, a new mission of instructors will be sent.

IX. This Treaty will be ratified with the least possible delay, and its clauses will be in force from that time.

X. This Treaty has been drawn up at Moscow in duplicate signed and exchanged by the Delegates of the two parties.

This Treaty has been signed on Tuesday, the 1st day of March, 1337 (1921), corresponding with the 21st day of Djumadi-ul-Akhir in the 1339th year of the Hijra.


Ambassador Extraordinary.

(2) Translator's note. This appears to be the sense, though the

word is apparently misprinted.

ARBITRATION TREATY between the Argentine Republic and the United States of Venezuela.-Caracas, July 22, 1911.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Caracas, May 24, 1924.]


SON Excellence le Président de la République argentine et son Excellence le Président de la République des Etats-Unis du Vénézuéla, s'inspirant des principes de la Convention pour le règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux, conclue à La Haye, le 29 juillet 1899, (2) et désirant, conformément à l'Article XIX de ladite Convention, consacrer par un accord général le principe de l'arbitrage dans leurs relations réciproques, ont décidé de conclure une Convention à cet effet et ont désigné comme plénipotentiaires :

Son Excellence le Président de la République argentine: Son Excellence le Dr. Don Rómulo S. Naón, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de la République argentine auprès des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre. plénipotentiaire en mission spéciale auprès du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis du Vénézuéla; Son Excellence le Président de la République des EtatsUnis du Vénézuéla :

Le Général Don Manuel Antonio Matos, Ministre des
Affaires étrangères;

Lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleins pouvoirs, qui ont été trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes :

ART. Ier. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes soumettront à l'arbitrage les différends de toute nature, qui surgiraient entre elles, et n'auraient pu être résolus par la voie diplomatique, à l'exception, toutefois, des différends relatifs aux dispositions constitutionnelles en vigueur dans l'un ou l'autre Etat, et de ceux qui, conformément aux lois de ces Etats, doivent être résolus par les juges et les tribunaux institués par elles.

Les questions suivantes seront soumises à l'arbitrage:

1. Les différends relatifs à l'interprétation ou à l'application des Conventions conclues ou à conclure entre les Parties contractantes;

2. Les différends qui se rapportent à l'interprétation ou à l'application d'un principe de droit international.

II. Dans chaque cas particulier, les Hautes Parties contractantes signeront un compromis spécial, qui déterminera

(1) "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 715. Signed in the Spanish language.

(2) Vol. XCI, page 970.

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