The Statutes at Large, Treaties, and Proclamations of the United States of America from ..., Volume 15Dennis, 1869 - Session laws |
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act granting agent America in Congress ANDREW JOHNSON anno Domini appropriated APPROVED article treaty authorized and directed cents CHAP clerks of class commencing commissioner Congress assembled County court directed to place district dollars per month duty eighteen hundred entitled An act five hundred dollars five thousand dollars further enacted granting a pension House of Representatives hundred and sixty hundred and sixty-eight hundred and sixty-five hundred and sixty-four hundred and sixty-seven hundred and sixty-six John Joint Resolution July 13 July 27 June 25 lands late a private March March 29 March 30 ment Nicaragua paid payment pension laws pension roll person President private in company provisions and limitations regiment reservation salary sand dollars SCHUYLER COLFAX SEAL Secretary Secretary of War Senate and House terior Territory thereof thousand dollars thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred tion treasury tribe United widow William
Popular passages
Page 609 - In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this...
Page 181 - ... and each of the said district courts shall have and exercise the same jurisdiction in all cases arising under .the constitution and laws of the United States...
Page 696 - I, , do solemnly swear, in presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States thereunder...
Page 537 - Pacific ocean, to the meridian of one hundred and ninetythree degrees west longitude, so as to include in the territory conveyed the whole of the Aleutian islands east of that meridian.
Page 183 - That when the lands in the said Territory shall be surveyed under the direction of the government of the United States, preparatory to bringing the same into market, sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in each township in said Territory shall be and the same are hereby reserved for the purpose of being applied to schools in said Territory, and in the States and Territories hereafter to be erected out of the same.
Page 590 - States, to admit amongst them; and the United States now solemnly agrees that no persons except those herein designated and authorized so to do, and except such officers, agents, and employes of the government as may be authorized to enter upon Indian reservations in discharge of duties enjoined by law, shall ever be permitted to pass over, settle upon, or reside in the territory described in this article...
Page 678 - They shall be bound to receive and consider all written documents or statements which may be presented to them by or on behalf of the respective Governments in support of or in answer to any claim, and to hear, if required, one person on each side, on behalf of each Government, as counsel or agent for such Government, on each and every separate claim.
Page 181 - The jurisdiction of the several courts herein provided for, both appellate and original, and that of the Probate Courts and of justices of the peace, shall be as limited by law. Provided, That justices of the peace shall not have jurisdiction of any matter in controversy when the title or boundaries of land may be in dispute, or where the debt or sum claimed shall exceed one hundred dollars ; and the said Supreme and District Courts, respectively, shall possess chancery as well as common law jurisdiction.
Page 77 - Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Arms Control and Disarmament Act Amendments in 1975".
Page 536 - ... shall prove to be at the distance of more than ten marine leagues from the ocean, the limit between the British possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Russia, as above mentioned, shall be formed by a line parallel to the windings of the coast, and which shall never exceed the distance of ten marine leagues therefrom.