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[Berlin Congress.]

Hungarian, and French Plenipotentiaries respecting Commercial Relations of Servia with Foreign Countries; Consular Jurisdiction and Protection; Privileges and Immunities of Foreign Subjects. Treaties. Views of Prince Bismarck as to Law of Nations with regard to Treaties: that a Province separated from a State should not be able to emancipate itself from Treaties by which it has been hitherto bound. Art. III of Treaty of San Stefano. Servian Frontiers. Austrian Proposals: Formation of a Special Committee to formulate and submit to Congress a tracing of the new Frontiers.

Servia. 1st and 2nd and last Sections of Art. IV of Treaty of San Stefano referred to Drafting Committee.

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Proposition of Austrian Plenipotentiaries respecting Servian Railways.
Conventions to be concluded.


Servian Tribute and Payment of portion of Ottoman Debt. Observation of President no mention made of Tribute in Treaty of Sun Stefano. Discussion thereon. Observations of Lord Salisbury and of Russian Plenipotentiaries respecting Ottoman Loans. Reply of French Plenipotentiary. Question referred to Drafting Committee.

Greek Representatives to be admitted at next Meeting. Question of admission of Roumanian Plenipotentiaries deferred.

Montenegro. Ottoman proposal respecting Frontier.

Annex 1. Proposed Frontier for Servia. Mali-Zwornik and Sakhar given to Servia.

Annex 2. Proposed Frontier for Montenegro. Dulcigno, Antivari, River Boyana, Spizza, &c..

PROTOCOL No. 9, 29th June, 1878.

Boundary Committee appointed.

Order of the Day (Art. XV of Treaty of San Stefano). Crete and neighbouring Provinces of Greece. Words "European Commission substituted for "the Imperial Government of Russia" in last paragraph, at suggestion of Lord Salisbury.

Admission of Greek Representatives. Their views on Greek Question. Withdrawal of Greek Representatives from Sitting. Proposed Annexation of neighbouring Provinces (Epirus and Thessaly), and Candia (Crete).

Order of the Day (Arts. V and XIX of Treaty of San Stefano).
Roumania. Admission of Roumanian Representatives proposed by Lord

Salisbury. Proposal supported by Austrian, French, and Italian Plenipotentiaries; at first objected to by President and Russian Plenipotentiaries, but objection subsequently withdrawn. No objection offered by Turkish Plenipotentiaries.

(Art. V.) Independence of Roumania. Speeches of President, Count Corti, and Count Schouvaloff.

[Berlin Congress.]

(Art. XIX.)

Speech of Lord Beaconsfield, on retrocession of Bessarabia, and Protest against it, as being an infraction of the Articles of the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (No. 264) with reference to the Free Navigation of the Danube. Observations of the Russian Plenipotentiaries, who declare that the Russian Government cannot give way on the question, it being a point of honour with them.

Observations of President. Discussion on question deferred for attendance of Roumanian Plenipotentiaries.

List of Petitions.

PROTOCOL No. 10, 1st July, 1878.

Question of Passage and right of Garrison of Austria-Hungary in Sandjak of Novi-Bazar. Russian Plenipotentiary withdraws his objection, and adheres to Austrian proposal.

Roumania. Order of the Day. (Art. V, § 1, of Treaty of San Stefano.) Roumanian Representatives (Messrs. Bratiano and Cogalniceano) admitted, who state their views, and withdraw.

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,, Remarks of President. Proposal of French Plenipotentiary for recognition of Independence of Roumania on same terms as those imposed on Servia; equality of Rights and Freedom of Worship; Jews and others. Views of French Plenipotentiaries accepted by Lord Beaconsfield and other Plenipotentiaries.

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Adhesion of Russia to proposal to be dependent on retrocession of

Views of various Plenipotentiaries on proposed retrocession of

Extension of Roumanian territory along the Danube from Rassova in the direction of Silistria. Mangalia to be placed within Roumanian Frontier. The Dobrutscha.

Serpents' Island given to Roumania with consent of Russia, at sugges tion of Lord Salisbury.

Congress decide to recognise Independence of Roumania on same terms as those imposed on Servia, on condition that she accepts the Dobrutscha in exchange for Bessarabia.

Turkish proposals:-1. Tribute. 2. Payment of portion of Ottoman Debt. 3. Liability of Roumania for obligations of Turkey with regard to Public Works, &c., referred to Drafting Committee.

́, (Art. V, § 1, of Treaty of San Stefano.) War Indemnity to Roumania. Congress decide to strike out end of paragraph. § 2. Consular Jurisdiction and Protection over Roumanians in Turkey referred to Drafting Committee.

Montenegro. (Art. I of Treaty of San Stefano.) Austrian Proposals with regard to new Frontiers. Agreement come to between Austria-Hungary and Russia. Dulcigno, Antivari, Spizza, &c., referred to Boundary and Drafting Committees.

[Berlin Congress.]

Montenegro. Views of Ottoman Plenipotentiary. Observations of President and Count Schouvaloff.


Art. II, § 1, of Treaty of San Stefano. As to Independence. Views of Lord Salisbury and the Plenipotentiaries of France, Italy, and Russia referred to Drafting Committee.

,, Religious Liberty. Payment of portion of Ottoman Debt. Property of Inhabitants in ceded Districts. State Properties and Religious Foundations (Vakouf). Questions referred to Drafting Committee.

Art. II, § 2, of Treaty of San Stefano referred back to Revising Committee. §§ 3 and 4 suppressed. § 5. Evacuation of Ottoman Territory referred to Drafting Committee.

Annex 1. Frontier of Montenegro.

Annex 2. Antivari and its littoral. Dulcigno. Spizza. Navigation of the Boyana. Fortifications. Ships of War. Maritime and Sanitary Police. Maritime Legislation. Austrian protection of Commercial Flag. Roads and Railroads.

PROTOCOL No. 11, 2nd July, 1878.

Bulgarian Boundary to be referred to Boundary Commission for Servia and Montenegro.

Order of the Day. (Arts. XII and XIII of Treaty of San Stefano). Danube and its Fortresses. Danube Navigation. New Draft of Art. XII, presented by Austro-Hungarian Plenipotentiary:

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1. Freedom of Navigation and Proposed Neutrality from Iron Gates to Mouth; Delta Islands and Isle of Serpents to be included in the Neutrality; Fortifications on Danube to be demolished, and not rebuilt. Ships of War excluded from the River, with the exception of Light Vessels for Police and Revenue Services; Stationnaires at Mouths of River to be maintained, but not to ascend higher than Galatz.

2. European Commission maintained in its Functions till 1883, until fresh agreement is concluded; its Rights, Privileges, and Immunities; Extension of Jurisdiction as far as Galatz. Independent Authority. Financial obligations to be revised. Roumanian Delegate to have a Seat on the Commission.

3. Navigation of River and Commerce between Iron Gates and Galatz. 4. Modification of Art. VI of Treaty of 13th March, 1871. Austria to remove Obstructions at the Iron Gates. Right of Austria-Hungary to continue to levy Provisional Tax for execution of Works at Iron Gates and Cataracts.

Views of Lord Salisbury.

Views of President: Congress assembled to accept, reject, or replace Articles of Treaty of San Stefano; but details proposed are beyond the task of the Congress. Discussion thereon.

See Treaty, 10th March, 1883, and Declaration, 23rd April, 1883.

[Berlin Congress.]

Danube. Decision of Congress. Austro-Hungarian Proposition to be referred to Drafting Committee, or Austro-Hungarian Plenipotentiaries, to extract chief principles.


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“The Russian Empire" to be included among the Riverain States.
Roumania to be henceforth represented in European Commission.

Art. XIII of the Treaty of San Stefano. Claims arising out of Ob-
structions in the Soulina Channel of the Danube suppressed.

Art. XIX. War Indemnity, Territorial and Pecuniary.*

Dobrutscha and Bessarabia, and Turkey in Asia.

,, Objection of Lord Salisbury to the words "the guarantee to be applied thereunto."

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Views of Turkish and Russian Plenipotentiaries.

Bondholders. Statement of Lord Salisbury as to effect of Indemnity on
Turkish Creditors, and refusal to admit right of Russia, under Treaty
of San Stefano, to take Precedence of other Creditors on the Porte.
Views of Italian Plenipotentiaries as to Turkish Bondholders.
Declaration recorded of Russian Plenipotentiary-1. That in no case
will the Indemnity be converted into Territorial acquisition.
Russia will in no way interfere with the interests of the two Categories
of Loans: those guaranteed, or those of ordinary obligation.*
Discussion thereon.

2. That

Declaration of Turkish Plenipotentiary of intention of his Government to fulfil its Financial Engagements. (See Arrangement made between the Porte and Bondholders, 20th December, 1881.)

Decision of Congress to omit §§ c and d of Art. XIX as to the Claim for Indemnity to Russian Subjects and Institutions in Turkey from the future Treaty.

PROTOCOL No. 12, 4th July, 1878.

List of Petitions.


Servia. Declaration of Servian Government of intention to abolish "by legal means the last Restriction existing with regard to the Position of the Jews.

Observation of President thereon.

Bosnia and Herzegovina. Direct Understanding to be come to between Austria and Turkey on the subject of Austrian Occupation and Administration of Provinces.

Montenegro. Report of Boundary Commission:-Antivari to be annexed to Montenegro; Navigation of the Boyana to be free to Montenegro; Dulcigno to be restored to Turkey; Spizza to be given to Austria;+ Ships of War not to be maintained by Montenegro, nor Naval Flag of War; Port of Antivari, and all Montenegrin Waters, to be closed to Foreign Ships of War; Fortifications to be demolished;

* See Treaty of Peace between Russia and Turkey, 8th February, 1879 (No. 542).

+ See Treaty of Berlin, 13th July, 1878 (No. 530), Art. XXIX, and Austrian Law of 15th April, 1879 (No. 544).

[Berlin Congress.]

Maritime and Sanitary Police to be maintained by Austria; Maritime Legislation in force in Dalmatia to be adopted in Montenegro; Consular Protection to be afforded by Austria to Montenegrin Light Guardacostas; Right of Montenegro to open a Road and a Railroad in New Territory; and Communciation to be entirely Free.

Montenegro. Views of the various Plenipotentiaries.

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Document forwarded by Mehemet Ali Pasha to Boundary Committee. Ottoman Plenipotentiaries state that they have referred to their Government for Instructions.

Danube. Abridged Text of Austro-Hungarian Proposal. Russian Proposals:Confirmation of Treaties and revising of Act of 2nd November, 1865 (No. 375); Fortifications; Ships of War. Observations of Prince Bismarck as to small Interests of Germany in the Question.

Art. I. Liberty of Navigation. Exclusion of Ships of War between the Iron Gates and the Mouths of the Danube; Adopted.

Art. II, § 1.

Prolongation of duration of the European Commission: Reserved. § 2. Extension of its Powers as far as Galatz; Independence of Commission of Territorial Power; and Admission of a Roumanian Commissioner; Adopted.

Art. III. Uniformity of Regulations of Navigation and River Police throughout the River below the Iron Gates; Reserved.

Art. IV. Substitution of Austria-Hungary for Riverain States with regard to the Stipulations of Art. VI of the Treaty of 13th March, 1871 (No. 439); Works to be executed at the Iron Gates and the Cataracts; Adopted. Order of the Day. (Art. XXII of Treaty of San Stefano.)

Mount Athos. Russian Monks and Ecclesiastics. Proposition of Lord Salisbury. Reforms.

,, § 1. Inhabitants of Ottoman Empire in Europe without distinction of Religion, to enjoy equal Rights, and to be eligible for all Public Employments, Functions, and Honours, and their Evidence to be admitted before the Tribunals.

,, § 2. Exercise and Public Practice of all Creeds to be entirely Free and without Hindrance, including Hierarchical Organizations of different Communions, and their Relations with their Spiritual Heads.

,, § 3. Enjoyment by all Ecclesiastics, Pilgrims and Monks, in European and Asiatic Turkey of equal Rights and Privileges.

,, § 4. Right of Official Protection to be granted by Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Agents with regard to Persons and Possessions, and Religious, Charitable, and other Establishments, in the Holy Places and elsewhere.

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§ 5. All Monks, without exception, to be secured in their Possessions and Rights.

Religious Toleration. Declaration of Ottoman Plenipotentiaries. Words "In Europe" struck out by Congress. Paragraph referred back to Drafting Committee to be reconsidered with Turkish Observations.

* See Treaty, 10th March, 1883, and Declaration, 23rd April, 1883.

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