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[Treaty of Berlin.]

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No. 530.-TREATY between Great Britain, AustriaHungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the Settlement of the Affairs of the East. Signed at Berlin, 13th July, 1878.*


Agrarian Settlements (Bulgaria)
Alashkerd Valley (Annex)




✓ Armenians

Asia. See Turkey in Asia.

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Batoum, Cession to Russia..


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See also Religious Liberty.

Evacuation of Territory 11, 22, 32, 41


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Foreigners. Privileges, &c.


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Boyana River..


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This Treaty was signed in the French language, for which version see

"State Papers," Vol. 69, page 749.

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Preamble. Reference to Treaty of Paris, of 30th March, 1856 (No. 264), and to Preliminary Treaty of San Stefano of 3rd March, 1878 (No. 518) ..



1. Bulgaria. An Autonomous and Tributary Principality under Suzerainty of the Sultan. Christian Government. National Militia 2766 2. Bulgaria. Boundaries and Delimitation by European Commission:--Between Bulgaria, Roumania, Turkey (Macedonia), and Servia. Silistria and Mangalia. Balkan Frontiers of Eastern Roumelia. Non-erection of Fortifications

3. Bulgaria. Election of Prince. Exclusion of members of Reigning Dynasties of Great European Powers. Election of Prince in case of a Vacancy.....

4. Bulgaria. Assembly of Notables to draw up Organic Law at Tirnovo. Rights and Interests of different Populations to be considered


5. Bulgaria. Basis of Public Law. Civil and Political Rights. Exercise of Professions and Industries by all, irrespective of Religious Creeds. Freedom of Religious Worship.......

6. Bulgaria. Provisional Administration by a Russian Commissary, assisted by a Turkish Commissary and by Consuls delegated by the Powers, until completion of Organic Law






7. Bulgaria. Provisional Régime not to extend beyond Nine Months. Prince to be elected as soon as Organic Law is completed .... 2770

8. Bulgaria. Commercial Treaties, &c., between Foreign Powers and the Porte to remain in force. No Transit Duties to be levied. Equality of treatment for the Subjects, Citizens, and Commerce

[Treaty of Berlin.]





of all the Powers. Immunities and Privileges of Foreigners.
Consular Jurisdiction and Protection.

... 2771


9. Bulgaria. Tribute to Suzerain Court. Amount to be fixed by
Signatory Powers. Portion of Ottoman Public Debt to be paid
by Principality
10. Bulgaria. Acceptance of Obligations towards Rustchuck-Varna
Railway Company. Acceptance of Obligations in respect of other
Railways of European Turkey in Principality. Railway Con-
ventions to be concluded with Austria-Hungary, the Porte,
and Servia......

11. Bulgaria. Turkish Evacuation. Demolition of Fortresses. Dis-
posal of War Material, &c., in Fortresses of Danube, Shumla,
and Varna......

12. Bulgaria. Right of Non-resident Mussulman Proprietors and others to hold Real Property (Agrarian Settlements), State Property, and Religious Foundations (Vakoufs). Appointment of a Turco-Bulgarian Commission. Bulgarians travelling or dwelling in other parts of Turkey, subject to Ottoman Authorities and Laws ...

13. Eastern Roumelia. Formation of Province under a Christian Governor-General






14. Eastern Roumelia. Boundaries

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15. Eastern Roumelia. Right of Sultan to erect Fortifications on

Frontiers (Balkan Passes). Maintenance of Internal Order.
Irregular Troops, Bashi-Bazouks, and Circassians....


16. Eastern Roumelia.

Right to summon Ottoman Troops in case of need. Powers to be informed..


17. Eastern Roumelia. Governor-General to be nominated by the
Porte, with assent of Powers, for Five Years.....
18. Eastern Roumelia. Appointment of European Commission to
arrange Organization. Duties of Commission. Firman to be
communicated to the Powers...


19. Eastern Roumelia. European Commission to administer Finances of Province....


.... 2777

20. Eastern Roumelia. Treaties, &c., between Foreign Powers and the Porte to remain in force (Consular Jurisdiction). Immunities and Privileges of Foreigners. Religious Liberty......... 2778 21. Eastern Roumelia. Rights and obligations of Turkey with regard to Railways......


22. Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia. Russian occupation. Period
of occupation. Period for Russian Evacuation.....
23. Crete. Application of Organic Law of 1868. Laws similar to
Organic Law for Crete to be introduced into other parts of
Turkey in Europe, except exemption from taxation. Special
Commission to settle details of new Laws....

24. Greece.

Rectification of Frontier. Powers may offer Mediation in case of disagreement between Turkey and Greece.......... 25. Bosnia and Herzegovina. To be occupied and administered by Austria-Hungary; Sandjak of Novi-Bazar excepted, with right





[Treaty of Berlin.]




of Austria-Hungary to keep Garrisons, and to have Military
and Commercial Roads


26. Montenegro. Independence...


27. Montenegro. Conditions:-Civil and Political Rights, &c. Exercise of Professions and Industries by all, irrespective of Religious Creeds. Freedom of Religious Worship


28. Montenegro. Boundaries.....


29. Montenegro. Annexation of Antivari and its Sea-board. Condi-
tions:-Dulcigno. Spizza. Navigation of the Boyana. Antivari.
Ships of War. Fortifications. Commerce, &c. .....
30. Montenegro. Right of non-resident Mussulmans and others to hold
Real Property. Indemnity on expropriation. Turco-Montene-
grin Commission to settle mode of Alienation......
31. Montenegro. Appointment of Agents at Constantinople and other
Places. Montenegrins travelling in Turkey to be subject to
Ottoman Laws and Authorities




32. Montenegrin Troops to evacuate Turkish Territory. Montenegrin Territories to be evacuated by Ottoman Troops..




33. Montenegro. Payment of portion of Ottoman Public Debt
34. Servia. Conditional recognition of Independence......
35. Servia. Civil and Political Rights. Exercise of Professions and
Industries by all, irrespective of Religious Creeds. Freedom
of Religious Worship......


36. Servia. Boundaries; Bosnia (Little Zvornik and Sakhar); Turkey (Macedonia); and Bulgaria....


... 2787

37. Servia. Commercial Intercourse with Foreign Countries. No
Transit Duties to be levied. Immunities and Privileges of
Foreigners. Consular Jurisdiction and Protection......
88. Servia. Acceptance of Engagements of the Porte with regard to
Railways in the Principality. Conventions respecting Rail-
ways to be concluded with Austria-Hungary, the Porte, and
Bulgaria (Balkan Railways).


39. Servia. Right of non-resident Mussulman Proprietors and others to hold Real Property. Appointment of a Turco-Servian Commission, Religious Foundations (Vakoufs), &c.

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40. Servians travelling or residing in Turkey..


41. Servian Troops to evacuate Turkish Territory. Evacuation of ceded Territories by Ottoman Troops..


42. Servia. Payment of Portion of Ottoman Public Debt 43. Roumania. Conditional recognition of Independence.... 44. Roumania. Civil and Political Rights. Exercise of Professions and Industries by all, irrespective of Religious Creeds. Freedom of Religious Worship. Equal Treatment to Foreigners..... 2790 45. Roumania. Restoration to Russia of portion of Bessarabian Territory detached from Russia in 1856....

2790 2790



46. Roumania. Acquisition of Islands forming Delta of the Danube; the Isle of Serpents; the Sandjak of Toultcha; and a portion of Territory to the South of the Dobroutcha. Frontier to be determined by European Commission of Bulgaria......

47. Roumania. Arbitration on Division of Waters and Fisheries....



[Treaty of Berlin.]




48. Roumania. No Transit Duties to be levied.....

49. Roumania. Conclusion of Consular Conventions with regard to Protection. Maintenance of existing Rights....



50. Roumania. Rights of respective Subjects travelling or residing in Turkey and in Roumania...


51. Roumania. Liability for Public Works and Enterprises in ceded Territory.


52. Danube. Fortresses and Fortifications to be razed.

Vessels of


War not to navigate the River below the Iron Gates.

53. Danube. European Commission to be maintained. Roumania
to be represented thereon. Extension to Galatz. Treaties, &c.,

54. Danube. Prolongation of Powers of European Commission....
55. Danube. Regulations respecting Navigation, &c., from Iron Gates
to Galatz to be drawn up by European Commission and
Delegates of Riverain States....

56. Danube Commission. Lighthouse on Isle of Serpents.
57. Danube. Execution of Works at Iron Gates and Cataracts

entrusted to Austria-Hungary. Provisional Tax maintained in
favour of Austria-Hungary





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59. Asia.
60. Asia. Valley of Alashkerd and town of Bayazid restored to

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Turkey. Cession of Khotour by Turkey to Persia.......... 61. Asia. Improvements and Reforms in favour of Armenians. Protection against Circassians and Kurds. The Powers to be kept periodically informed.. 62. Religious Liberty. Equal Civil and Political Rights. Evidence before Tribunals. Equal Rights to all Ecclesiastics, &c., travelling in Turkey. Protection of Ecclesiastics, &c., by Diplomatic and Consular Agents of the Powers. Rights of France and status quo in Holy Places. Rights and Prerogatives of all Monks of Mount Athos.

63. Maintenance of Treaties of 30th March, 1856 (Nos. 264, 265), and 13th March, 1871 (No. 439) (Dardanelles and Bosphorus, &c.)

64. Ratifications..

Procès Verbal. Berlin, 3rd August, 1878.



2798 2798

Ratifications of Treaty by all the Powers except Turkey.* Declaration by Turkish Ambassador that the Porte considers the Treaty valid, and that Ratifications will be sent...


(ANNEX).-Agreement between Great Britain and Russia. Berlin, 12th

July, 1878 (No. 529).

Military Commission to trace the Line of the Alashkerd......


*The Turkish Ratifications were exchanged at Berlin on the 28th August,


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