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held from Cubans, 110-113;
House resolution, 113; joint
resolution of Congress, 127.
Bigelow, John, minister to
France, 222, 225, 227.
Bismarck, Prince, on Monroe
Doctrine, 321.

"Black Friday," 110.
Black Warrior, case of, 101-103.
Blaine, J. G., outlines new canal
policy, 169-171; proposes
modifications of Clayton-
Bulwer treaty, 172-173; calls
International American Con-
ference at Washington, 300,
presides at opening session,

Blanco, Ramon, governor of
Cuba, 129.

Bliss, Tasker H., in charge of
Cuban customs, 140.
Bolivar, Simon, character, 37;
joins patriot cause, 38; career
in Venezuela and Colombia,
39-42; in Ecuador and Peru,
43, 44; interest in Isthmian
canal, 147; summons Pan-
ama Congress, 292.
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, in-
terest in Isthmian canal, 148;
designs on Mexico, 207;
places Maximilian on the
throne, 214-220; forced to
withdraw troops, 226-232.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, invasion

of Spain, 26-28; cedes Louisi-
ana to United States, 261.
Bowen, Herbert W., minister to
Venezuela, 252.

Brazil, becomes a republic, 301;

stands by United States in
war with Germany, 312-314.
British Guiana, dispute over
boundary of, 238-249.

British Honduras. See Belize.
Brougham, Lord, on Monroe's
message of December 2, 1823,

Bryan, William J., favors rati-
fication of Spanish treaty,
136; tries to adjust differences
with Colombia resulting from
Panama Revolution, 274-276;
negotiates treaties with Ni-
caragua, 285, 286; refuses to
recognize Huerta, 308.
Buchanan, James, proposes

purchase of Cuba, 92; con-
nection with Ostend Mani-
festo, 104, 105; recommends
congressional action on Cu-
ban question, 106; criticises
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 157,
suggests abrogation of, 163,
announces satisfactory ad-
justment of disputes growing
out of, 165.

Buenos Aires, captured by the
British, 24.

Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton,
signs canal treaty, 154.
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, and
Panama revolution, 187; first
minister from Republic of
Panama, 189.

Bureau of American Republics,
301, 303.

California, acquisition of, 264.
Campbell, L. D., minister to
Mexico, 234-236.

Canal. See Panama Canal,
Nicaragua Canal.

Canning, George, on commer-
cial relations with Spanish
colonies, 54-55; on recogni-
tion of, 55-56; on European
congresses, 58, 59; on French

intervention in Spain, 63, 64;
conferences with Rush on
schemes of the Holy Alli-
ance, 65-67, 72; interviews
with Prince Polignac on
Spanish-American situation,
73, 74; comments on Mon-
roe's message of December
2, 1823, 78, 79; decides to
recognize Mexico and Colom-
bia, 80, 81; opposes French
occupation of Cuba, 88.
Caribbean Sea, naval suprem-

acy in, 261, 264-266; new
American policies in, 267.
Carranza, Venustiano, succeeds
Huerta, 309; recognized by
United States, 310, permits
German intrigue, 316.
Casa de Contratacion, 8.
Castelar, Emilio, President of
the Spanish Republic, 115.
Central American Court of
Justice, 281-287.
Chile, liberation of, 32, 33;
war with Spain, 298; with
Peru, 299-300; quarrel with
United States, 301, 302; re-
mains neutral in Great War,
315, 316.

Claims. See Pecuniary claims.
Clay, Henry, advocates recog-

nition of South American in-
dependence, 49-51, 82; Cuban
policy of, 88; views on
Isthmian Canal, 148; and
Panama Congress, 292-295;
applies Monroe Doctrine to
Cuba and Porto Rico, 323.
Clayton, J. M., secretary of
state, signs canal treaty, 154;
criticised by Buchanan, 157;
on refusal of Congress to en-
dorse Monroe Doctrine, 320.

Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 154-
156; disputes arising out of,
159-165; attempts of Blaine
and Frelinghuysen to secure
modifications of, 172-177;
alleged British violation of,
178-180; abrogated, 181.
Cleveland, Grover, transmits to
Congress correspondence of
Secretary Fish on Cuba, 125;
recognizes state of insur-
gency in Cuba, 126; ignores
resolution of Congress rec-
ognizing belligerency, 127;
message on Cuba, 128;
canal policy of, 177; asserts
Monroe Doctrine in Ven-
ezuelan boundary dispute,

Cochrane, Lord (Earl Dun-
donald), commander of Chil-
ean navy, 34, 35.
Colombia (New Granada), war
of liberation, 39-42; signs
canal treaty of 1846, 149, 150;
rejects Hay-Herran conven-
tion, 186; demands arbitra-
tion of Panama question,
192; strained relations with
United States arising out of
Panama Revolution, 268-276;
remains neutral in the Great
War, 312, 316.

Commerce, British, with Span-
ish colonies, 53-55.
Conference. See International

Convention of London of 1861,
providing for joint interven-
tion in Mexico, 203.
Costa Rica, protests against
protectorate over Nicaragua,

Cromwell, W. N., attorney for

French Panama Canal Com-
pany, 187.

Cuba, British or French ac-
quisition opposed by United
States, 84-90; annexation
schemes, 91-106; "Ten Years'
War" in, 107-125; insurrec-
tion of 1895, 125-129; inter-
vention of the United States
in, 130-133; American occu-
pation of, 136-140; reciproc-
ity with, 140-142; second
period of American occupa-
tion, 142, 143; enters war
against Germany, 312, 313.
Cushing, Caleb, mission to
Spain, 119-124.

Dallas-Clarendon treaty, amen-
ded by Senate and rejected
by Great Britain, 161, 162.
Danish West Indies, annexa-
tion proposed by Seward,
264; purchased by United
States, 289, 290.

Davis, Cushman K., commis-
sioner to negotiate peace with
Spain, 135.

Dawson, T. C., minister to
Dominican Republic, negoti-
ates treaty establishing finan-
cial supervision, 277-279.
Day, W. R., commissioner to
negotiate peace with Spain,

Dayton, W. L., minister to

France, 214, 217, 219, 221.
DeLesseps, Ferdinand, begins
construction of Panama
canal, 146; effect on canal pol-
icy of United States, 167-169.
DeLhuys, Drouyn, French
minister of state, 217, 221,
225, 231.

Dewey, George, at Manila Bay,
134; prepared to arrest Ger-
man action against Venezu-
ela, 253, 254.

Diaz, Porfirio, president of
Mexico, joint mediator with
President Roosevelt in Cen-
tral American affairs, 280-

Dominican Republic, under
financial supervision of Uni-
ted States, 276-280.
Drago, L. M., Argentine minis-
ter, on war between Germany
and United States, 314, 315.
Drago Doctrine, 257-260.
DuBois, J. T., minister to Co-
lombia, efforts to settle dif-
ferences arising out of Pan-
ama Revolution, 270-274.

Evarts, W. M., report on obli-
gations of United States with
respect to Isthmus of Pan-
ama, 169.

Ferdinand VII, of Spain, de-
throned by Napoleon, 27; res-
toration of, 29; attempts to
recover American colonies, 40.
Filibusters, Cuban, 92-96.
Financial supervision, over

Dominican Republic, 276-
280; over Nicaragua, 283;
over Haiti, 289.
Fish, Hamilton, secretary of
state, Cuban policy of, 108-
124; on British infringement
of Clayton-Bulwer treaty,
167; acts as mediator in war
between Spain and republics
on West coast of South
America, 298, 299.
Florida treaty, 52, 85, 261.

Fonseca Bay, naval base on,

offered to United States by
Honduras, 153, leased from
Nicaragua, 286.

Forsyth, John, secretary of
state, 90; minister to Mexico,

France, interest in Cuba, 87, 88,

97; claims against Mexico,
197; severs diplomatic rela-
tions with Juarez govern-
ment, 199; decides on joint
intervention in Mexico, 203;
supports Maximilian on
Mexican throne, 220-234.
Frelinghuysen, F. T., corres-
pondence with Lord Granville
on Clayton-Bulwer treaty,
175, 176; signs canal treaty
with Nicaragua, 177.
Frye, W. P., commissioner to
negotiate peace with Spain,

Garfield, J. A., canal policy of,

Germany, intervention in Ven-

ezuela, 249-252; forced to
withdraw, 252-255.
Goethals, G. W., in charge of
construction of Panama
Canal, 191.
Gomez, Maximo, leader of

Cuban insurrection, 125.
Grace-Eyre-Cragin Syndicate,
secures concession for canal
through Nicaragua, 183.
Grant, Ulysses S., Cuban policy

of, 108-124; favors driving
French from Mexico, 227;
proposes annexation of Santo
Domingo, 265; on Monroe
Doctrine, 324.
Gray, George, commissioner to

negotiate peace with Spain,
Great Britain, secures monop-
oly of slave trade, 12-14;
entertains idea of revolution-
izing Spanish America, 14-
22, 26; sends expedition to
the Plate, 23-25; commercial
relations with Spanish Amer-
ica, 53-55; attitude towards
Holy Alliance, 60, 63; recog-
nizes independence of Mex-
ico and Colombia, 80; atti-
tude towards Cuba, 85, 86, 90,
97; signs Clayton-Bulwer
treaty, 154; disagrees with
United States as to interpre-
tation of the treaty, 160-164;
refuses to relinquish rights
under treaty, 174; interferes
in affairs of Mosquito Indi-
ans, 178-180; claims against
Mexico, 196; severs diplo-
matic relations with Juarez
government, 199; decides on
joint intervention in Mexico,
203; grows suspicious of
France, 207-209; withdraws
troops from Mexico, 212,
213; controversy with Vene-
zuela over boundary of Bri-
tish Guiana, 238-249; inter-
venes in Venezuela for col-
lection of claims, 249-252;
opposes annexation of Texas
by United States, 262-263;
attitude towards Monroe
Doctrine, 322, 323.

Greytown, British occupation
of, 157-160.

Guiana. See British Guiana.
Gwin, W. M., plan for coloniz-
ing ex-Confederates in Mex-
ico, 223.

Hague Conference of 1907, Huerta, Victoriano, Mexican

resolutions on forcible collec-
tion of contract debts, 259-260.
Hague Court, decision in Ven-
ezuelan case, 256.

Haiti, occupied by U. S. Ma-
rines, 288; agrees to Ameri-
can financial supervision,
289; declares war on Ger-
many, 316.

Hamilton, Alexander, inter-
ested in Miranda's projects,

Harrison, Benjamin, dispute
with Chile, 302.
Hay, John, secretary of state,
negotiates new canal treaty
with England, 180, 181; ne-
gotiates canal treaty with
Colombia, 185; calls Ger-
many's attention to Monroe
Doctrine, 251; advises sub-
mission of Venezuelan case
to Hague Court, 255.
Hay-Herran convention, signed,
185; rejected by Colombia,
186, 187.
Hay-Pauncefote treaty, pro-
visions, 180, 181; practical
recognition of American su-
premacy in Caribbean, 265-

Hayes, R. B., announces new
canal policy, 168.

Hepburn Bill, 184.

dictator, 307-309.

India House, 8.

Indies, Council of the, 4, 5;
laws of the, 4.

International American Con-
ference at Washington, 300,
301; at Mexico, 302; at Rio
de Janeiro, 303; at Buenos
Aires, 303.

International High Commis-
sion, 304.

Intervention, European doc-
trine of, 57.

Isthmian canal, difficulties of,
144; comparative merits of
Panama and Nicaragua
routes, 145, 146; international
questions involved in, 146, 147.
Italy, intervention in Vene-
zuela, 249-252.
Itata, case of the, 302.

Iturbide, Augustin de, leads
revolution against Spain in
Mexico, 45, 46; proclaims
himself emperor, 47.

Jefferson, Thomas, interview
with Miranda. 20: letter to
President Monroe on Can-
ning's proposals, 68-70; views
on Cuba, 84, 87; on recogni-
tion of de facto governments,

Hoar, G. F., on acquisition of Juarez, Benito, president of

the Philippines, 136.
Holleben incident, 252-254.
Holy Alliance, treaty of the, 61.
Honduras, Knox treaty estab-
lishing financial supervision
over, 283; protests against
protectorate over Nicaragua,

Mexico, 194; recognized by
United States, 195; suspends
payment on foreign debt, 199;
driven from capital by the
French, 214, 215; urged by
United States to spare Maxi-
milian's life, 235; orders his
execution, 237.

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