| Alabama. Supreme Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1883 - 772 pages
...subject to the further limitation, that if either of the said railroads is not completed within three years from the passage of this act, no further sale shall be made for the benefit of such railroad, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States: Provided,... | |
| United States - Law - 1859 - 970 pages
...not completed within ten THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. SESS. I. Cn. 44. 1856. 21 years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall TranRportation be transported... | |
| Almanacs, American - 1853 - 388 pages
...until said road is completed; and if said road be not completed within ten years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. June 10, 1862. No. 21. Ch. XL VI. An Act giving the Assent of Congress to the State of Missouri to... | |
| Almanacs, American - 1853 - 372 pages
...until said road is completed ; and if said road be not completed within ten years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. June 10, 1852. No. 21. Ch. XL VI. An Act giving the Assent of Congress to the State of Missouri to... | |
| 1853 - 468 pages
...the •aid road is completed ; and if said road is not completed within ten years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. SEC. 6. jjnd be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall at all times be transported on... | |
| United States. Congress. House - United States - 1855 - 786 pages
...miles of said road until it shall be completed ; and if said road is not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall be transported at all times on... | |
| United States - 1855 - 790 pages
...road until it shall be completed ; and if said road is not completed within ten years, no further wale shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall be transported at all times on... | |
| Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives - Iowa - 1856 - 172 pages
...time until said roads are completed ; and if any of said roads are not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made and the land* unsold shall revert to the United States. . SBC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall be transported over said roads,... | |
| James S. Ritchie - Superior, Lake - 1858 - 360 pages
...said roads are completed ; and if said roads ar« not completed within ten years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall be transported over said roads,... | |
| Missouri - Railroad land grants - 1859 - 164 pages
...until said road is completed ; and if said road be not completed within ten years, no further sales shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the United States. § 6. Jlnd be it further enacted, That the United States mail shall at all times be transported on... | |
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