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1. Hear, O Israel, the Eternal is our God, the Eternal is One. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength. These words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and thou shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand and they shall be for frontlets between thy eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates. (Deuteronomy chapter 6, verses 4-9).

2. O God, the soul which Thou gavest us came unto us pure. Thou didst create it and Thou didst breathe it into us. Thou dost preserve it within us and Thou wilt take it from us to restore it to us hereafter.

So long as the soul is within us, we shall praise Thee, O Lord our God, the God of our fathers, Maker of all things and Master of every soul. Praise be to Thee who hast placed in man the hope of immortality.



1. Do Your Best.

i. Whatever work you have to do should be done as well as you know how to do it. Nothing less than the best you can do should satisfy you. If others worked for you, you would expect them to do their best for you. Ought you do less?

ii. If you wish to respect yourself you must always do your best. It is not pleasant to look in a mirror and see a face which says, "You know you did not try very hard to do your task! You know you could have done better!" You will feel ashamed of yourself if you do not use your best efforts to do your work as well as you possibly can. No matter what position you can reach in life you honor it more by doing the best you can, than the position can ever honor you.

iii. If you had a beautiful jewel you would have it

put in a golden or silver setting and you would want the jeweler to make it look its best. Your soul is a beautiful jewel and your body is its setting. It is only natural that you should want it to look its best. This can be done if you do your best at all times.

iv. While you are still young you should make it a rule to do your daily tasks completely and thoroughly. If you do so when young, it will become easy for you as you grow older. The careless child will usually become a careless person, and the "slipshod" person is one who cannot be trusted to do good work. Be thorough! Half-cooked potatoes are not pleasant to eat, and work not thoroughly done is never satisfactory. Do not do things by halves!

V. Do not lose heart if your work seems hard to do. It is an old and true saying that "when the night is darkest the morning is nearest." When you have been trying to do something for a long time, and you are just about to give it up in despair, that is the time to "try, try again." Do not be easily discouraged!

vi. If you want to do your best you will be tidy. You will have a place for everything and you will have, everything in its place. You lose more precious time than you know looking for things which ought to have a fixed place in which you can readily find them. Be orderly!

vii. Can you look two ways at one time? Can you blow hot and cold at one time? Can you be in your

class-room and at a baseball game at the same time? You cannot do two things properly at the same time. Do the one appointed task first, then turn to the next! Do not think of your games when at your lessons and you will not have to think of your lessons when you are playing games! Do one thing at the time!

viii. You should put your whole heart into the work you are doing. Love it, and you will do your best. You should not waste your time doing nothing, or lazying about. The minutes, hours, days fly, and never come back. Remember this and you will do your best. Some day you will return to the God who gave you your life and to Him you will have to give an account of how you spent it. Think of this and you will do your best.

ix. If God has given you talent, you should make the best of it. Do not stop and think that you cannot reach what you are striving for. Nothing is denied to those who have faith in God and in themselves. But you must work hard; you must not give up in the middle of your work; you must remember that "God helps those who help themselves."


Learn the following memory gems:

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. (Ecclesiastes 9, verse 10.)

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If a man tell you "I have sought but I have not found," do not believe him. If he tell you, I have found but have not sought," do not believe him.


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