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to his mediatorial throne to rule | are called to suffer much for Christ, till the " many sons" for whose yet it is necessary to possess a redemption he thus sanctified him- measure of his broken and abased self should be brought to behold spirit, and so to suffer with him, and to participate in his glory. and by being conformed to his "Thus it behoved Christ to suffer," suffering image, to be prepared to and upon his ascending from the be glorified together with him. water he was declared to be the Son of God with power-by the voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."

with him, and walking with him, he hopes to attain to the full assurance that where Christ is there shall he be also.

By submission to this ordinance also, he expresses his hope and ardent desire that he may experience the power of Christ's resurrection, that he may be enabled to I will now offer a few remarks glorify him by walking in newness on the words as they apply to the of life, and by humble, active obehumble followers of Christ. They dience to exhibit his image in the also approach the water of bap-world. In this way, by deriving tism under a solemn regard to the life from Christ, living in union law of righteousness, convinced that the breach of the divine law has brought them into a state of ruin, and that the complete fulfilment and satisfaction of the law What a divine improvement of of righteousness by the Lord who the doctrine of baptism the aposhath called them to follow him, tle presents us with in his Epistle alone affords a ground to hope for to the Romans. With two or three the favour and salvation of God. expository remarks, I will recite The penitent disciple, therefore, a few passages from the 6th, which presents himself to be baptized to I think will tend to corroborate the indicate his belief that he needs views I have ventured to offer. and desires an interest in the jus-" Buried with him by baptism unto tifying righteousness of the Sa- death" thus (in our baptism) we viour. He comes also thus to express our renunciation of self testify that sin is the object of his and all carnal hopes, entering as it abhorrence, and that he desires to were into a new element. "That be cleansed from its pollution. In like as Christ was raised up from this way likewise he expresses his the dead by the glory of the Father, belief that it is only by being united we also should walk in newness of with the Saviour, and by deriving life." That in this state of selfsanctifying grace from him, that he renunciation, and as it were of can be brought to be a partaker of death, we may be made the subhis holiness, and to be made meet jects of the divine quickening, reto dwell with him in his holy king-ceiving a new and holy life' In the dom. He submits to immersion to new world that grace has made.' signify that he wishes to be en-"For if we have been planted totirely devoted to Christ and his gether in the likeness of his death cause, as Christ devoted himself we shall be also in the likeness of for him to testify that he is pre-his resurrection." As living mempared to have fellowship with him bers of his body, we shall shew in his sufferings-knowing that those only who suffer with him will be admitted to reign with him, for although in the present day few

ourselves partakers of the spiritual resurrection, and thus living in the world of grace, we shall have the foretaste of the world of glory, and

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tical improvement of the ordinance. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things that are above," &c.

But whatever may be thought of the interpretation which I have ventured to submit, it is evident that we cannot be wrong in constantly bearing in mind its practical improvement, and in practising daily self-examination as to whether our spirit and conduct correspond with our professions, when we thus unreservedly dedicated ourselves to the Lord.

This idea of death and the participation of a new and divine life by union with the Saviour, as symbolized by baptism, appears to me to pervade almost the whole of the following text to nearly the middle of the 8th chapter, which I think very strikingly appears in the succeeding verses :--2. "For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." 4. "That It is this spirit of active and the righteousness of the law might passive holiness, this Christ-like be fulfilled in us who walk not temper that the churches especially after the flesh but after the spi- need, in order to recommend this rit." 10, 11. "If Christ be in divine ordinance. Argument can you, the body is dead because of carry the matter no further. If argusin, but the spirit is life because of ment and evidence could have setrighteousness. But if the Spirit of tled the matter, it would have been him that raised up Jesus from the settled long ago. It is this way dead dwell in you, he that raised of attending to the ordinance, this up Christ from the dead shall also way of keeping up its spirit and quicken your mortal bodies by his going on unto perfection, that will spirit that dwelleth in you." In at length convince our pædobaptist these verses there is evidently a brethren of their error. continuation of the same instruc- spect to merely secular Christians, tion which the apostle commenced or carnally minded professors, we at the beginning of the 6th chapter need not concern ourselves much of the epistle, by a reference to the about their baptisms-Let the dead ordinance of baptism as symbolical bury their dead, or sprinkle their in this way, and I think the pas- dead, as it seemeth best to their sages tend in no very indirect man-carnal wisdom; but we should ner to confirm my view of the pas- maintain a lively concern that all sage in Matthew. I have put in the living members of Christ should Italic some of the words which ap-be brought to the right use of this pear to me to afford it some corro- ordinance; and it is in this holy boration, as they seem to discover improvement of the ordinance that a kind of divine affinity between we can alone expect to succeed. the passages. I need scarcely When once it is made evident that remind the reader of the remark-holy effects accompany and follow able coincidence of the passage its administration, and that we are respecting baptism in the Epistle in possession of a superior blessto the Colossians with those in the ing, then will a Berean spirit of Epistle to the Romans: after having enquiry on this subject be genespoken of baptism in the 2nd chap-rated. Prejudices will wither, ter, exactly in the same way as minds will open, hearts will yield, in the 6th of Romans, he begins a spirit of holy light and love will the 3d chapter with the same prac- widely diffuse its blessed influence,

With re

and there will be a rapid approxi-diately speaking to us, may be mation to that happy state indi- supposed to have on every serious cated in those words of the apostle, mind. It is remarked of the im"There is one body and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism. I am Sir,

Your respectful servant,

J. M. W.


mortal works of Homer and Virgil, that a greater air of majesty is diffused over them, in consequence of the Muse, and not the poet's relating the incidents of the poem, and we no doubt feel this to be the case, as long as we are under the enchantment of fiction. What then, must be the charm diffused over the gospels, in which the Son of God is the chief speaker, and where, notwithstanding the sublimity of the narrative, every expression is in exact accordance with truth!

IN the writings of the Evangelists, there is scarcely any circumstance recorded, which is not adapted to give a fuller exhibition of the character of Christ; and the questions proposed, are probably the same The perusal of his gracious words in substance that we should our-ought to produce an ever-growing selves have asked, had we lived in impression of the moral sublime. those days. When, therefore, we Those objects in nature and art read Matthew, Mark, Luke or deserve most of our attention, that John, we may consider that we improve on a more diligent invesare holding converse with God tigation of them, and there is no manifest in the flesh, without any pleasure connected with the exerintervening obstacle. Now this is cise of the mental powers so exreally a fact, which though ex-quisite as that, which consists in tremely obvious, deserves more deriving a continual sense of beauty attention than we are apt to bestow and majesty from whatever may upon it. The revelations which engage our contemplations. There preceded his appearance, were at- are, it is confessed, but few protended by circumstances too awful ductions of man, which are capaand indirect, to impress us in a ble of affording us such gratificamanner equal to his communication; and he who is intent on tions; and of those which came multiplying his ideas of sublimity, after, though they are the true say- must generally have recourse to ings of God, and develope brighter the works of God, which "are views of the glorious Gospel, than great, sought out of all them that even the discourses of Jesus him- have pleasure therein." But it is self, yet it will be allowed on all observable, that a well-constituted hands, that they delight us more, mind, and especially one illumiin proportion as we study the nated by the Holy Spirit, is chiefly Evangelical history. These re-arrested by the charms of moral marks are not made to undervalue excellence. It is the bright image the Old Testament, or to divert of virtue, that eclipses every other the attention, for a moment, from splendour, and where is this found the Acts of the Apostles, or from the sublime Epistles of Paul and others. All that we intend, is merely to notice the effect, which the circumstance of Christ's imme

shining in perfection, but in our blessed Lord ? It is, however, doubtful, whether we are always susceptible of this ennobling thought when reading his discourses, and


yet, what is there, it may be fitly | placed beneath his power. asked, which should affect us so can, when he pleases, walk upon much as what the Son of God has the sea; say to the winds, peace, said, though many things, alas! af- be still; heal every sickness and fect us much more? The first thing disease by a word, and raise the which strikes the attention in the dead to life again. Secondly, work of a superior mind, is that When we peruse the gospels, we faculty of invention for which it is are holding converse with the great distinguished, that spirit of life source and pattern of all virtue. which seems to breathe throughout In the contemplation of the fairest the whole; but can it ever be ab- specimens of character, we are sent from our thoughts, that he always reminded of the limitations who speaks to us in his word, is of human excellence. Some pleasthe author of that creative power, ing trait is not apparent, or the which we consider to be so rare graces of the spirit are not found an endowment of humanity? How in beautiful symmetry; or there solicitous, for the most part, are are heights in piety which none men of taste, to set off their com- have yet attained: not to mention, positions with majestic ornaments, that we are often uncandid in the and never do these appear so ap- opinions which we form of men, propriate and graceful, as when and are more apt to sit in judgment taken from nature, the great maga- on their defects, than to dwell on zine of all that is wonderful and their good qualities; in consequence fair. But is it possible for us to of which, it is for the most part, forget, that he who speaks to us but a feeble impression which is in his gospel, is the great parent produced by a superior display of of nature, and consequently of all moral grandeur. It would be a those scenes and appearances, reflection on the teacher sent from whence issue the brightest visions God, to attempt to shew, that noof poetry, and the purest flame of thing of this limitation is to be eloquence? But not to pursue traced in his character. No! this comparison, which, if it be in whatever endowment we may posany degree justifiable, ought only sess, which can make us amiable to be glanced at, there are three in the eyes of Deity: whatever considerations which we shall do preparation we may be the subwell to bear in mind, as often as jects of, for that glory which is to we read the writings of the Evan-be revealed, claims him for its augelists. The glorious being who thor. He is the original whence condescends to commune with us, issues every emanation of true is God over all. Every sentiment which he expresses is worthy of Deity. It becomes us to associate the recollection, with his most endearing and familiar conversations, that he gave existence to every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and at the same time, possesses a fulness of being. It ought never to vanish from our minds, how gracious soever may be the language which he employs, that the elements are

greatness; and the nearer we are drawn into contact with him, the more comprehensive and refulgent will our ideas of true dignity become. In the third place, it is his sole prerogative to give power and vitality to every word which he speaks. He is Lord of thought, and for any thing which can be affirmed to the contrary, the creator of language. The style in which he is pleased to address us, is remarkable for simplicity, while his

allusions are natural and easy to appear. Nevertheless, how few be understood. Though this is are capable of such holy abstraca striking instance of his regard tion. Our thoughts are perpetually for our best interests, have we wandering to men, and if the deep never been tempted in a moment things of God are opened by a of impiety, to construct this into learned and eloquent advocate, an argument against the more we are in danger, of bowing at the diligent study of them? or to ima-shrine of genius, rather than disposgine, that if they were less obvious ed to open our hearts to receive the to the understanding, they would full impression of divine realities. be more like God? Reflect while But you instantly perceive, that if you read, how able he is to operate the instructions imparted could on the simplest passage that has derive additional force and illusproceeded from his lips. The tration from the character of the. thought is at present clear to the teacher, the effect would be atapprehension, unaccompanied how-tended with greater weight and ever with life and energy. He is influence. Who that surveys any able, at once, to present it in the object in nature, but beholds it light in which he himself beholds arrayed in still brighter lustre, it-to invest it with such an air of from the consideration of the ilmagnificence, as shall give birth limitable power and excellence of to the loftiest speculations. He its author? can so illuminate our powers, as So when we peruse the Scripto make us perceive the different tures, the wonderous and gracious bearings of this thought on himself, words which the Son of God hath on heaven, or on eternity. In a uttered, we are not merely conword, he can bring before us, ere scious of something intrinsically we are aware, an assemblage of good, but we also infer from the great and celestial truths, whence dignity of his person, that it is the mind shall become expanded, only an infinite mind, which can the heart enlarged, and our assi- fully comprehend the worth of his mulation to his sacred image abun-announcements; while in their dantly promoted.

Consider, I beseech you, still further, how peculiar must be the advantages which arise from an habitual converse with such a being. When we receive any lessons of wisdom or piety from a fellow creature, we are required to fix our attention chiefly on the matter of his instructions. The character which he sustains is of no moment in point of authority. Nor is religion the more excellent for being professed by any individual how eminent soever his rank and station. We generally find, indeed, that the more we contemplate the truths of Christianity, apart from all extraneous circumstances, the more sublime and affecting they

consequences and effects we clearly perceive they are destined to outstrip all the barriers of space and time. "Never man spake like this man ;" and if we recollect that all his discourses bear the impress of the Godhead upon them, it is no wonder if we are Christians, should we at any time lose ourselves in him ineffable.

Would we then have our minds enlarged; our souls purified and refined, and all the activities of our natures exerted in a right direction, let us learn to acquire a more vivid and abiding sense of the honour conferred upon us in being permitted to read the biography of the Saviour of the world. Ovinia Insulæ.


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