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war of opinion in Europe is necessary to Russia. By this she is enabled to play off one party against the other. The cessation of that struggle would considerably diminish her power, and would afford the Governments of Europe leisure to see the crisis she is preparing for them, and to unite for the purpose of averting it.

It has been aptly said that Russia has ends, not principles; but, if she has principles, we consider that they have been much better designated by the Berlin Gazette, wherein they are called destructive.

The most important reflection to which this Despatch gives rise is the expression that "Switzerland is the key to three important Kingdoms."

We feel that we should do injustice to the sagacity of our readers if we were to offer any comment on the profound views contained in this short sentence.

It may help to explain the subserviency of the Court of Turin to the views of Russia, her influence at the Diet of Frankfort, and why the discontents against the Government of Louis Philippe have been studiously fomented in the south-eastern provinces of France.]





St. Petersburg, Jan. 14, 1827.

The confidence which the Emperor reposes in you calls you to the honour of representing him in Switzerland; and herewith you will receive the letters which accredit you to the authorities of that country. It is unnecessary to add instructions to these letters. Your long labours in the department of Foreign Affairs, the services which you have rendered in that department, the knowledge which you have thus acquired of the principles which govern the policy of the Russian Cabinet, relieve us from the necessity of explaining

Copie de l'instruction pour Mr. de Sévérin, St. Petersburg, le 14 Janvier, 1827.


La confiance de l'Empereur vous appele à l'honneur de le représenter en Suisse, et vous trouverez ci-joint les lettres qui vous accréditent auprès des autorités de ce pays. A ces lettres nous ne pourrions pas ajouter d'instructions. Vos longs travaux au Ministère des affaires étrangères, les services que vous y avez rendus, la connoissance que vous y avez acquise des principes qui président à la politique du Cabinet de Russie, nous dispensent

to you those general maxims, with which you have been long imbued, and which you have, moreover, studied with a view to their particular application to Switzerland, from the time when I had the pleasure of announcing to you your new and honourable destination. If, then, at the moment of your departure, we trace for you a rapid sketch of the intentions of His Imperial Majesty in regard to his relations with the Helvetic Confederation, it is less with the view of giving you directions than in order to afford you, by expressing to you the wishes of our august Master, a proof of the kind interest which he will always feel for you.

By her geographical position, Switzerland is the key of three great countries. Her intelligence

du soin de vous developper des maximes générales dont vous êtes pénétré depuis long temps et que vous avez, au reste, etudié dans leur application particulière a la Suisse, depuis le jour ou j'ai eu le plaisir de vous annoncer votre nouvelle et honorable destination. Si donc, au moment de votre depart, nous vous traçons un rapide aperçu des intentions de Sa Majesté Imperiale relatives à ses rapports avec la Confédération Helvetique, c'est moins pour vous donner des directions que pour vous fournir, en vous exprimant les voeux de notre auguste maître, une preuve de la bienveillante sollicitude que vous ne cesserez de lui inspirer. Par sa position geographique, la Suisse est la clef de trois

and her character give her a distinguished rank in the scale of European civilization. Finally, by the acts of the Congress of Vienna and of Paris, she has obtained a guarantee for her present organisation, for her neutrality, and for her independ


These few words suffice to point out the interests over which you will have to watch, in the exercise of your functions.

From the time that diplomacy, taking a part in the ameliorations of every kind which were taking place in Europe, made it the aim of its deepest and most useful combinations to establish among the different Powers such an equilibrium as might secure the continuance of peace, the independence of Switzerland became one of the first axioms of

grands pays. Par ses lumières et ses moeurs elle occupe un rang distingué dans la civilisation Européenne. Enfin, par les actes des Congrès de Vienne et de Paris, elle a obtenu la garantie de son organisation présente, de sa neutralité, et de son indépendance.

Ce peu de mots suffit pour caractèriser les intérêts auxquels vous aurez à veiller dans l'exercice de Vos functions.

Dés que la diplomatie, participant aux améliorations de tout genre qui s'opéroient en Europe, eut pour but, dans ses combinaisons, les plus profondes et les plus utiles, d'établir entre les diverses puissances un equilibre qui assurat la durée de la paix, l'in

policy. It was consecrated by the Treaties of Westphalia; and it is easy to prove from history, that it has never been violated without Europe having to deplore universal wars and calamities.

At the time of the French Revolution, Switzerland sensibly felt the shock which convulsed the two hemispheres. Her territory was invaded, armies passed through it, and battles deluged with blood a soil which the discords of states had long respected. At the time of the dominion of Buonaparte, Switzerland had her share of the despotism which reigned over the continent. Finally appeared the alliance with its noble triumphs; and Switzerland, which had been overthrown during the revolutionary storm, and enslaved during the reign

dépendance de la Suisse devint un des premiers axiômes de la politique. Les Traités de Westphalie la consacrèrent, et il est facile de prouver, l'histoire à la main, qu' elle ne fut jamais violée sans que l'Europe n'eût à gémir de guerres and de calamités universelles.

Lors de la révolution française, la Suisse éprouva fortement la secousse qui vint ébranler les deux mondes. Son territoire fut envahi, des armées le franchirent, et des batailles ensanglantérent un sol que les discordes des Etats avoient long temps respecté. Lors de la domination de Buonaparte, la Suisse eut sa part du despotisme qui pressoit sur le continent. Finalement apparut l'Alliance, avec ses nobles triomphes, et la Suisse qui avoit été

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