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At the time of the discussions which took place on the above-mentioned measures, new principles for recruiting, and the abolishing of several exemptions from service, which dated even from the time when the obligation of military service extended to the whole of life, were resolved upon. These changes then date as far back as the year 1825. In the Protocol here cited, the organisation of the Landwehr, which, since 1821, had been entirely abandoned, is treated of. Of all the proposals of the Aulic Council, submitted to the Emperor for the regeneration of the Landwehr, his Majesty, by his resolution of the 2nd March, 1829, approved only of the following: that to compensate for the diminution which had taken place in the Landwehr by deaths or other causes, it shall be completed, on paper, to the necessary number, by the inscription of those who were under the obligation of placing themselves on the lists. The proposal of exercising, in 1829, the Landwehr during a fortnight, in conformity with its primitive institution, was rejected from motives of economy, as well as that of adding a pensioned officer to each company of the Landwehr, which have each but one officer. In the second battalions of the Landwehr the officers' places are vacant, which may be perceived by the military almanack; and even among the chiefs of battalions, there are some who are seventy-four years old and upwards. In this respect, then, there is no indication of military activity.


III. Concerning the re-mounting.

From economy, the cavalry had been left during ten years on a much lower footing than that which was fixed upon for a time of peace; and very old horses had been kept in

The Emperor Francis himself had assured his Excellency the Ambassador, who notified the same to his Court, that the Landwehr should be assembled and exercised, and it is still publicly believed to be so.

the regiments. Thence arose the necessity for re-mounting in the course of last year, but in every hundred re-mounts forty horses of four years old were allowed to be taken, which again indicates nothing but pacific dispositions. The remounting of the dragoons and cuirassiers is now entirely stopped.

Towards the autumn it will re-commence, in a small degree, after the reviews of the regiments. The transport of horses from Russia for the light cavalry, will take place in July and August. What has been supposed with respect to the re-mounting of the train of artillery is pure invention, and devoid of all foundation.* In the whole monarchy not one hundred horses even have been purchased for the artillery and its train. The deficiencies in the teams are successively supplied by horses of cuirassiers and dragoons, which are no longer fit for active service.

IV. Manufacture of harness.

This is explained by the necessity of keeping complete in reserve in the depôts of the train the necessary articles, in the same way as it is necessary to have in the arsenals a sufficient quantity of arms. This necessity is common to every well-governed monarchy.

Major Achbauer, charged with the inspection of these depôts, was for several years, in consequence of illness, unable to make his rounds. After his death, his successor found that time had so much injured the articles belonging to the harness, that it was necessary in all the provinces to sell great quantities of it by auction. The consequence is, that, in order to replace them successively, a greater degree

A considerable purchase of horses had been ordered in Bohemia; this number was said to be 40,000; whence the supposition that some were destined for the artillery and the train. On the 4th of May this purchase was suspended.

of activity has prevailed in this branch, in which, during many years, nothing had been done.*

V. The works on the arsenal, and in the manufactories of arms, are limited to the manufacture of a very inconsiderable number of arms, with the intention of employing the workmen, and to attain to a double complement of the stock of arms which is to be kept in reserve. Very little activity is necessary to this end, the number of musquets of the old and new pattern amounting already to seven hundred and sixty thousand. There is a quantity of artillery, too, of every calibre, far exceeding the demands for it. In this estimate what is with the regiments is not included.

VI. Transmission of artillery and munitions to Hungary. I have myself heard some one assert that he had seen one hundred and forty pieces of cannon† pass the Danube at Presburg, whereas, on enquiry, it is found that this expedition was limited to ten pieces of a new construction, and in which the wind of the ball had been diminished: they are destined for trials in the plain of Pest.

As, according to the regulation, a pound of powder for exercise is allowed annually to each soldier of infantry, and two hundred and forty rounds for each company of artillery, it is easy to calculate that every year more than eight hundred quintals are necessary for all the troops, as well in Hungary as in Sclavonia, the Banat, Transylvania, and the regiments colonised on the frontiers. Part of this powder is manufactured in Hungary; but the greater part is sent from hence, on account of the facility of transport by the

* It is, therefore, acknowledged that, with regard to the infantry, the Landwehr, the cavalry, and the harness, the armed force had been much neglected; and that simultaneously these four branches were re-organised.

This explains the rumours of the transmission of artillery. They may assert as they please that embarkations always take place at night.

Danube, and taken from the magazines situated between Laxemburg and Neustadt.

If we add to this account those articles which deteriorate through time, and which must necessarily be replaced in the supplies of the fortresses, it will be easily understood that a considerable quantity of munitions must be annually required in Hungary, without having any hostile intentions whatever.

It is certain that articles of artillery have not been embarked by night, unless the operation has been protracted till evening, or been commenced very early in the morning, which may have given rise to the supposition of nocturnal expeditions. It would be impossible to attempt to send secretly such articles beyond the frontiers of the monarchy, the population of Sclavonia being entirely composed of disunited Greeks.


VII. The assemblage of the greatest part of the Commandants-General at Vienna was purely accidental, as is proved by their requests for leave, the originals of which I have the honour to transmit. The Commandant of Gallicia, the Prince of Hesse Homburg, was returning from the army; Count de Giulay came from Bohemia to consult Doctor Marenzeller about the health of his wife; Prince Lichtenstein from Moravia, because his brother-in-law, Count Harrach, was dying; the Archduke Ferdinand to see his mother, who was ill. Fresnelles went into Gallicia to see his estates, without passing through Vienna. Tomassich, from Dalmatia, is not, to this moment, arrived.

* Their meeting was accidental, it is evident; but why not say that they had no conferences? It is true, they could not agree on the subject submitted to their deliberation, the idea of substituting for the Commandantships-General corps militarily organised; but the deliberations did, nevertheless, take place.

Frimont was only summoned to sit on a special commission, and not till after the departure of the other Generals. Thus does all appearance of a combined plan vanish.

VIII. The augmentation of the Hungarian regiments has not taken place.* According to a decree of the last Diet, the voluntary enrolment decreed by the Diet of 1807 is to continue. It is barely sufficient to cover the successive diminutions in time of peace.

IX. Assembly of troops in Transylvania.

According to the statement of the dislocation of troops from this province, drawn up by the Commandant-General himself, out of the three national regiments which belong to it (Mescery, Wacquant, and Leiningen, formerly Splenny,) there are there but one entire regiment, (Wacquant), two battalions of Leiningen, and one battalion of Mescery; in all, six battalions of infantry; one regiment of dragoons, and one of hussars, permanently stationed in the country. But, furthermore, when the moveable corps of Italy was placed in provinces where its maintenance was less expensive, and the Aulic Council proposed to send the battalion of the regiment Splenny into Transylvania, in order to bring into Temeswar the regiment Benezur, which had there replaced the regiment Mazuchelly, the latter being brought nearer to its canton of enrolment in Gallicia, his Majesty did not confirm this proposition, any more than the sending of the regiment Veyder to its canton of enrolment.

It is, then, evident that nothing has taken place to justify

It was not said that it had taken place, but that there had been thoughts of effecting it; and it was only given up from the acknowledged impossibility of increasing the voluntary enrolments at the expence of the Comitats, according to the original intention.

General Krasinski possesses a copy of this statement of dislocation, the original of which, returned to Prince Metternich, was signed by General Mohr, and dated November 12, 1828.

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