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IV. That His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty should reserve to themselves to adopt hereafter the measures necessary for the settlement of the details of the arrangement in question, as well as the limits of the territory, and the names of the Islands of the Archipelago to which it shall be applicable, and which it shall be proposed to the Porte to comprize under the denomination of Greece.

V. That, moreover, His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty will not seek, in this arrangement, any increase of territory, nor any exclusive influence, nor advantages in commerce for their subjects, which shall not be equally attainable by all other nations.

VI. That His Britannic Majesty and His Imperial Majesty, being desirous that their allies should become parties to the definitive arrangements of which this Protocol contains the outline, will communicate this instrument confidentially to the Courts of Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, and will propose to them that they should, in concert with the Emperor of Russia, guarantee the Treaty by which the reconciliation of Turks and Greeks shall be effected, as His Britannic Majesty cannot guarantee such a Treaty.

Done at St. Petersburgh, the 23rd of March, (4th April) 1826.

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London, 7th (19th) November, 1826.

I hastened to communicate to my August Master the official letter dated the 4th of September, in which your Excellency, in exposing the views of your Government with regard to the pacification of Greece, has examined the course to be pursued, in order to induce the Ottoman Government to co-operate with us for this end, in the double hypothesis of a rupture, or of a happy termination of the negociations of Akerman.

Copie d'un office à Mr. Canning de la Part de M. le Prince de


Londres, le 7 (19) Novembre, 1826.

Je me suis empressé de porter à la connaissance de mon Auguste Maître l'office en date du 4 Septembre, dans lequel V. Ex. en exposant les vues de son Gouvernement rélatives à la pacification de la Grèce, a examiné la marche à suivre pour amener le Gouvernement Ottoman à co-opérer à ce but, dans la double hypothèse de la rupture, ou d'une heureuse conclusion, des négotiations d'Akerman.

His Majesty the Emperor has received, with all the interest which they deserved, the overtures, replete with frankness and useful ideas, which this communication of your Excellency contained; and the hypothesis of the success of the negociations with the Ottoman Plenipotentiaries being now happily realized, my August Master has authorized me to concert with your Excellency-1st. The method to be followed in communicating to the Courts of Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, your official letter of the 4th of September, and my answer of this day: and, 2nd. The means of inducing them to take a part in the steps which Russia and England will take towards the Porte, in order to give them that collective character so much in conformity with the wishes of the Emperor, as well as

S. M. l'Empereur a accueilli avec tout l'intérêt qu'elles méritoient les ouvertures pleines de franchise et de pensées utiles que cette communication de V. Ex. contenoit, et l'hypothèse du succès des negociations avec les Plénipotentiaires Ottomans s'étant heureusement realisée, mon Auguste Maître m'a autorisé de concerter avec V. Ex:

1o. Le mode à suivre pour communiquer aux Cours de Vienne, de Paris, et de Berlin, son office du 4 Septembre, et ma réponse de ce jour et 2°. Les moyens de les engager à prendre part aux démarches que la Russie et l'Angleterre feront auprès de la Porte à leur imprimer ce caractère collectif si conforme aux désirs de

with the wishes of the English Government, and to throw into the balance the whole weight of a completely European agreement.

I am likewise ordered to announce to the British Cabinet, in the name of his Imperial Majesty, in answer to the official letter of the 4th of September :

That it is agreed between Russia and England, that this official letter itself shall serve as an instruction in common to M. de Ribeaupierre, and to Mr. Stratford Canning.

That, so soon as M. de Ribeaupierre shall have arrived at Constantinople, he will have to concert with the Ambassador of his Britannic Majesty, upon the official and simultaneous steps to be taken by both Courts towards the Porte, in order

l'Empereur comme à ceux du Gouvernement Anglais, et à mettre dans la balance tout le poid d'un accord complettement Européen.

J'ai en outre ordre d'annoncer au Cabinet Britannique, au nom de S. M. Impériale, en réponse à l'office de V. Ex. du 4 Septembre.

Qu'il est convenu entre la Russie et l'Angleterre que cet office même servira d'instruction commune à M. de Ribeaupierre et Mr. Stratford Canning.

Que dès que M. de Ribeaupierre sera arrivé à Constantinople il auroit à se concerter avec l'Ambassadeur de S. M. Britannique sur les démarches officielles et simultanées que les deux Cours

to communicate to it the Protocol of the 23rd of March (4th of April), to invite it to concur in it, and to propose to it also the immediate conclusion of an armistice.

That, in case of a negative answer on its part, and under the supposition that this proposition, at once the most simple, and the best calculated to act upon the mind of the Grand Signor, should obtain the assent of the Allied Courts, they will menace the Porte with the withdrawal of the Representatives of these Courts, and with a leaning towards Greece, which will finally lead them to recognise her independence.

That if, at the expiration of a delay, the limits of which shall be determined, the Porte should still persist in the same refusal, they shall effect their

feront ensemble auprès de la Porte pour lui communiquer le Protocole du 27 Mars (4 Avril) l'inviter à y adhérer, et lui proposer également la conclusion immediate d'un armistice.

Qu'en cas de réponse négative de sa part, et dans la supposition que ce moyen à la fois le plus simple et le plus propre à agir sur l'esprit du Grand Seigneur obtienne l'assentiment des Cours Alliées, ils menaceront la Porte de la retraite de représentans de ces Cours et d'un rapprochement avec la Grèce, qui finira par les amener à reconnoître son independance.

Que si, à l'expiration d'un delai qu'il s'agira de determiner, la

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