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I found a great quantity of powder (about 1,600 centners), a number of guns and small arms. As I had no means to carry off the pow. der,, and even no time to destroy it, I was obliged to be satisfied with the promise of the major, and all the officers, upon honour, that nei. ther powder nor stores should be issued to the Danes. As there was no means of getting waggons, I was obliged to be satisfied with carrying off the four guns, and half the arms of the corps which had surrendered, and which I have delivered to major-general Linsengen. I left Friedrickswerk this morning at five o'clock, and found myself soon after attacked almost in all the villages by peasants armed with forks, delivered for that purpose by the Danish government, the greater part on foot, but some on horseback. The dragoons took about fifty of these peasants, and five horses, without any loss on our side. On receiving information that all the roads in the woods before and behind Friedrickswerk, were full of peasants (some of which were arm. ed with rifles), I changed my road by marching to the left, where the ground is open, and I discharged the peasants, after explaining to them the object of our being in this country.

I cannot conclude this long report without certifying to your Jordship my great satisfaction with the conduct of the officers and men which I have had the honour to command on this occasion, and to recommend to your lordship's notice, captain Kraukenberg, of the 1st light dragoons.

I have the honour to be, &c. FRIED. VON DECKEN, Brig.-gen. Right Hon. Lord Cathcart.

[The above is followed by a dispatch from lord Cathcart, enclosing the following from sir Arthur Wellesley.]

MY LORD, Kioge, Aug. 29. According to the intention which I announced to your lordship on the evening of the 27th, I moved to Roeskild Kroe, and placed colonel Reden at Vallensbrek, and general Linsengen marched yesterday morn. ing to Rooskild: by these different movements, his force became the right instead of the left.

Having had reason to believe that the enemy still remained at Kioge, I determined to attack him this day. I settled with general Linsengen, that he should cross the Kioge rivulet at Little Sellyas, and turn the enemy's left flank, while I should move along the sea-road towards. Kioge, and attack him in front.

Both divisions broke up this morning, and marched according to the plan concerted. Upon my approach to Kioge, I found the enemy in force on the north side of the town and rivulet, and they commenced a cannonade upon the patroles of hussars in my front; they had three or four regular battalions formed in one line, with cavalry on both flanks, and apparently a large body beyond the town and rivulet. At the time agreed upon with general Linsengen, I formed my infantry in one line, with the left to the sea, having the two squadrons of hussars upon the right. There had been some appearance of a movement by the enemy to their left; and I had not had any communication with general Linsengen, and was not certain that he had passed the rivulet. I therefore thought it proper to make the attack in an


echallon of battalious from the left; the whole covered by the 1st battalion 95th regiment, and by the fire of our artillery

It fell to the lot of the 92d regiment to lead this attack, and they performed their part in the most exemplary manner, and were equally well supported by the 52d and 43d.

The enemy soon retired to an entrenchment which they had formed in front of a camp on the north side of Kioge, and they made a disposition of their cavalry upon the sands to charge the 92d in flank, while they should attack this entrenchment. This disposition obliged me to move colonel Reden's hussars from the right to the left flank, and to throw the 43d into a second line; and then the 93d carried the en. trenchment, and forced the enemy to retreat into the town in disorder. They were followed immediately, in the most gallant style, by colonel Reden and his hussars, and by the 1st battalion of the 95th regiment, and afterwards by the whole of the infantry of my corps. Upon cros. sing the rivulet, we found general Linsengen's corps upon our right flank, and the whole joined in the pursuit of the enemy.

Major-general Ozhoken, the second in command, who had joined the army with four battalions last night from the southern island, attempted to stand in the village of Hersolge; but he was attacked briskly by the hussars, with detachments of which were captain Blaquire, and captain Cotton of the staff, and by a small detachment of the 1st of the 95th; and he was compelled to surrender with count Wedel Jarlsburg, several other officers, and 400 men.

The loss of the enemy has been

very great, many have fallen, and there are nearly 60 officers and 1,100 men prisoners. In their flight they have thrown away their arms and clothing, and many stands of the former have fallen into our hands. I believe that we have taken ten pieces of cannon; but I have not yet received all the reports from the detachments employed in the pursuit of the enemy. I have not seen general Linsengen, as he is still out with his hussars; but I understand that the enemy had destroyed the bridges at Little Salbye, which was the cause of the delay of his operations upon their flank.

I cannot close this letter without expressing to your lordship my sense of the good conduct of the troops; all conducted themselves with the utmost steadiness. But I cannot avoid to mention particularly the 92d regiment, under the command of lieutenant-colonel Napier; the 1st battalion 95th regiment, under the command of lieutenant-colonel Beckwith; the British artillery, under the command of captain Newhouse; the Hanoverian hussars, under colonel Reden; and the Hanoverian light artillery, under captain Sympter; as corps that had particular opportu nities of distinguishing themselves: I am also much obliged to general Linsengen, and to brigadier-general Stewart, for the assistance I recei ved from them in the formation and execution of the plan by which the enemy have been defeated. The officers of the staff have also rendered me much assistance; and I must particularly mention captain Blaquire and captain Campbell.

I have the honour to be, &c: (Signed) ARTHUR WELLESLEY. Licut-gen, Lord Cathcart, K. T. &c. Y y 2 P. S. We


P.S. We have taken a large store to Kioge at Yderholm, or Littenge of powder and @ther military stores Gaard, I detached one squadron, in this town, which I propose to de- one gun, and two companies of the stroy, if I should not be able to pre. 95th riflemen, to the right, to revail upon the captain of one of his connoitre either passage, under the majesty's ships to take charge of command of major Plossen, of the them.

1st light dragoons. The grounds (Then follows a letter from lord between Eigbye and Dalbye being Cathcart, enclosing major-generał greatly covered with wood, interLinsengen's account of the engage- sected by a large morass, and found ment before Kioge, on the 29th impracticable for a column to pass,

the passage at Yderholm was given

up, and that of Littenge Gaard Sir, Ringstedt, Aug. 31. chosen. The detachment under The right column, consisting of major Plessen went along the left six squadrons of the 1st, 2d, and bank of the rivulet by Spanager, to 3d light dragoons, king's German protect the right of the column, legion, five companies of the 95th, which moved on by Eigbye at about half a battery of horse artillery, half past nine o'clock, a. M. The the 430 foot, and the 6th line bat. cavalry being arrived at the banks talion, king's German legion, broke of the rivulet near Littenge Gaard, up from Roskiold by five o'clock the planks over the bridge had been on the 29th instant, reached Arstcad taken up, and nothing remained for by eight o'clock, when two squa. the cavalry and part of the horse drons, that had been sent the night artillery, but to ford the rivulet, before from Roskiold to Arstead, which they instantly did, and ad. did join the division. This detach. vanced along the right bank of it, ment, under the command of major halted to await the infantry and the Grote, Ist light dragoons, had been rest of the horse artillery, who by sent to Arstead for the purpose of this time had arrived in close cogetting information with regard to lumn at the bridge. The pioneers the enemy at and in the neighdour. of the 6th battalion of the line re. hood of Ringstedt and Kioge. The paired it so far, in twenty-five mi. major took two prisoners in the nutes time, that the infantry were night; the one carrying dispatches enabled to pass by single files (which directed to a Danish general, and retarded much the progress of the detailing all our marches, and ascer. column), while the rest of the horse taining the strength of our corps. artillery passed through the ford. The major likewise took thirty wag. Till now the enemny did not in the gons with provisions. The column least attempt to oppose it. After again, after a short halt, moved to. having passed the bridge, the in. wards Laddger, on the road to Hig- fantry moved on in close columos, bye: having reached the former through Littenge Gaard, on the place, some armed militia and small road to Kioge, between the rivulet detachments were seen towards Eig. and the wood. Here I ordered part bye.

of the 95th to clear the woods to As it was my intention to cross the right of the column ; the de. the rivulet hat runs from Gungarg tachment of the 43d to do the same

in front; and forming the 6th bat. did not allow the 6th battalion and talion and rest of the 430 in line, 43d to advance in line : they were advanced with them, and the horse obliged to cross them, by firing in artillery in the rear of the cavalry, divisions, before they could reach four squadrons of which had al. the plain before the wood, where ready reached the plain at the end they formed the line again. By of the woods. In the mean while, this time the squadron of major i detached two squadrons in the Plessen having crossed the wood in rear, directing them to cross the front of Ashay, and advanced across wood upon the right, and to ad. the plain, overtook about fifty** vance upon Swansberg Syllum to waggons, partly laden with baggage, the bridge on the road between ammunition, arms, &c. and being Horttolge and Socder. Major obliged to leave a good number of Plessen, who took the command, men with them and the prisoners, passed the wood, which in the mean they greatly weakened theirstrength, time had been cleared by the rifle and were necessitated to wait the corps, and some sharp-shooters of arrival of the centre, under colonel the 6th battalion, who met with Alten, whom I, after he passed Cle. little opposition, except some pla. menhap, ordered to advance speeditoon firing, occasioned by several ly upon llelsalze, where part of the divisions of the enemy's infantry re- Danish column of infantry had treating out of the woods, the taken possession of the church-yard, greatest part of whom were either colonel Alten inclined to the right? taken prisoners or cut to pieces. with his squadrons, in order to turn It was at this time that lieutenant the village ; and whilst the light arRuedorff, of the 1st light dragoons, tillery opened a fire upon the was dangerously wonnded, toge church, and some riflemen of the ther with lieutenant Jance, of the 95th assailed it in flank, he and 3d light dragoons, whilst gallantly lieutenant Schnuring, of the 2d light charging some infantry at the en. dragoons, rapidly advanced with 16 trance of Kioge.

hussars, obliged the Danish general The cavalry of colonel Alten Oxenholm, four officers, and about having passed the opening between 150 privates, to lay down their the woods, I ordered the horse-ar

arms ;

on this occasion a corpo. titlery to play upon a Danish co. ral of the 2d light dragoons was lumn of infantry, retreating from shot, and several horses wounded. Kioge towards the shore, which cap. The village having been taken, the tain Wetzleben executed with as cavalry, joined by the horse-artil. much precision as effect; but a few Jery, followed up their advantage, shots were fired by the Danish ar- by pursuing the enemy towards tillery, the same being soon silenced Soeder, where many prisoners were by the superior firing of the British. made. The cavalry during this had taken The infantry being unable to eighteen waggons with ammunition, follow the rapid movements of the arms, and accoutrements, and made cavalry, took a position near Swansa few prisoners.

berg ; and perceiving the enemy The country being much inter completely routed, I took the road sected with high banks and ditches, through the wood by Fuagerod, and

*} y 3


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from thence to Giersler; in order Copenhagen, Sept. 5, 1807. to pursue the enemy in the right MY LORDS, flank, and watch his movements in For preventing further effusion his retreat, protecting at the same of blood, and not exposing the city time the flanks of my cavalry that to the sed consequences of a longer had advanced towards the heights bombardment, I propose an armisof Soeder, losing sight of the enemy. tice of twenty-four hours, in order The cavalry of my division received to come to an agreement that may orders, with the 95th rifle corps, lead to the settling of the prelimi. to fall back to us to take a posi. nary articles of a capitulation. It tion, with their advanced posts from is with the highest personal consideLillenge Gaard, by Ashay, Swans, ration berg, Sillecrass, and Vinkiold, to I have the honour to be, &c. cover the head-quarters at kioge.

(Signed) PEYMAX. The 6th battalion, part of the The Commanders-in-chief of 43d foot, some horse-artillery, and the British Forces. a few cavalry, followed me to Giersler, and, with some detachments, Head-quarters before Copenhagen, pursued the retreating enemy to


Sept.5. wards the plains of Ringstedt. The same necessity which has

The conduct of both officers and obliged us to have recourse to arms men on this occasion claims my on the present occasion, coinpels warmest thanks ; and I beg leave me to decline any overture which to bring to your notice colonel might be productive of delay only'; Holmstedt, who commanded the in- but to prove to you my ardent defantry, colonel Alten, who led the sire to put an end to scenes which cavalry, and lieutenant Wade, at I behold with the greatest griel, I the head of the rifle corps and light send an oficer who is authorised to infantry, who all three, by their receive any proposal you may be zeal and attention, greatly assisted inclined to make, relative to artis

cles of capitulation, and


which I have the honour to be, &c. it may be possible for me to agree (Signed) LINSINGEN, Maj.-gen. to any, even the shortest armistice. Major-general the Right Hon.

I have the honour to be, &c. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B.

(Signed) CATHCART, Lieut.-gen,

His Excellency, Major-gen. [Here follows a short note from Peyman. lord Cathcart, announcing the opening of all the batteries--and a My Lord, Copenhagen, Sept. 5. memorandum, containing uninter- The proposal has been made withesting copies of notes which passed out any the least tilatory intention ; between lieutenant-general lord but the night being too far advanced Cathcart and general Peyman, al. for deliberating upon a matter of luded to in the dispatches of admi. such very high importance, with ral Gambier and lord Cathcart, the respective departments, a mea. which were published in the first

sure necessary on account of his extraordinary Gazette.]

majesty's absence, and that of the

prince ;


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