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into is one of the principal traits in by his majesty, and as far as possible, the character of the noble-minded made good. sovereign of all the Russias.

“Given at Breslaw, the 3d of " Already two formidable Russian « Dec. 1806. armies have arrived near the bauks

“ Count Von Gotzen, of the Vistula, while a third, much Major and flugel adjutant to his more numerous, is advancing by

majesty the king." rapid marches.

Already legions of patriots, voluntarily armed, and used to battle, Proclamation of the King of Prussia. are prepared to join the armies in the field.

The battle of the 14th of last " His majesty, under these cir- month was, potwithstanding the most cumstances, depends on the attach- courageous efforts of the army, so ment of bis Silesian states and sub- unfortunate in its issue for the army jeets, who have at all times, both of Prussia, that the enemy found the tsy word and deed, given the most way quite open to the capital, and manifest proofs of their unshaken fi. into the heart of the monarchy. The elelity; and he believes that, by the king was of course induced to proappointment, ad interim, of one of pose an armistice: he thought he the most distinguished of them, his might promise himself a good recepexcellency the prince of Anhalt Pless, tion in this undertaking, as during the to be governor-general of Silesia, he battle he had received a letter from gives them a proof of his confidence the emperor Napoleon, full of friendly and good-will. Conducted by this expressions. But to this proposal, as prince, who has gloriously signalized no attention could be paid unless his himself in the course of the war, the majesiy consented to numerous sacristates, and all classes of the inhabi- fices as the fundamental basis of tants of Silesia, will certainly exert peace, the king, who immediately themselves to contribute all in their perceived the whole of the danger to power, in conjunction with the forces which his faithful subjects would be which bis majesty will send to their inevitably exposed, preferred those &ssistance, to defend their country, sacrifices to the less certain and disand their own province in particular. fant means of saving the country, by

"Invested with full power by bis trusting to the fate of arms; he majesty, I therefore hereby call on therefore determined upon every risk all and each of the inhabitants of the for the preservation of the indepenSilesian provinces, to bear cheerfully dence of the monarchy, and dispatchthe sacrifices and burtlens which ed his ininister of state, the marquis probably may be necessary for tile Lucchesini, on the 18th of October, attainment of this great object, and with full powers, to the head quarters the rather as they not only can bear of the emperor and king. The sacrino proportion to the enormous sa- fices to which the king liad authorised crifices to which they must be sub- bis minister, the marquis Lucchesini, jeeted should the enemy succeed in to accede, were the effects of the ad, his attempt to conquer Silesia, but vantages which the enemy bad ohas in due time they will be rewarded tained by the fastume of a single day;


and his majesty's proposals were deemed so moderate, that on the 30th of October they were accepted as the basis of a peace, by the grand marshal of the palace Duroc, who was charged by the emperor and king with the conduct of the negociations.

Upon these bases, the peace might have been concluded without loss of time; and the king, on his part, had actually taken all the necessary measures to fulfil the conditions of the peace without delay immediately after its conclusion.

The emperor Napoleon, on the contrary, refused to discontinue the prosecution of hostilities; he not only suffered his army, without relax ation, to follow up all the advantages they had gained, but at the same time overrun all the provinces on the Oder and the Wartha, which were unprovided with troops. These provinces, equally with the capital, were compelled to feel all the incouve niences of war. From the head quarters of the emperor, even four days after the conditions of peace were received, a seditious proclamation was issued, printed, and distributed among the inhabitants of South Prussia, exciting them to insurrection, and which was promoted in various ways. Wherever the onemy's troops arrived, they seized upon the king's property, sequestered the royal treasures, and even endeavoured to compel his majesty's servants to act against him, contrary to the oath of fidelity which they had taken.

These events soon excited suspicion that the emperor was by no means in earnest to conclude a peace upon the conditions which had been proposed.

The indefatigable but vain efforts of his majesty's plenipotentiary to

continue the course of the negociation uninterrupted, were employed till it was expressly declared, "that the emperor must avail himself of the unfortunate situation into which Prussia had fallen, in consequence of the battle of the 14th, to conclude a peace with Russia and England.” This declaration left no doubt re- maining. The bases of peace which had been formally concluded were now entirely set aside; and instead of these, an armistice was proposed on the part of the French, the conditious of which, at the very moment when it was supposed every difficulty had been got over, were increased with every advantage obtained by the enemy.

After so many hopes that still remained unrealized, his majesty's plenipotentiary at length, on the 16th of November, thought proper to conclude the armistice marked (A) in the supplement; by that means to affix some boundaries to the increasiug demands of the enemy. This act was, accompanied by the official declaration of the prince Benevento, the minister of foreign affairs, market (B); the contents of which prove more clearly than any thing that preceded them, that Prussia would flatter herself in vain, should she indulge the most distant hope of preserving peace, even by making the unreasonable sacrifices which the armistice demanded. And if his majesty had been inclined to indulge this hope, it was no longer in his power to fulfil the conditions expressed--to compel the retreat of the Russian armies; for as the French troops, even during the armistice, had advanced towards the Vistula, it was then impossible to arrest the march of the Russians, who saw their own frontiers threatened.

No choice now remained for his


majesty; he was compelled to re- had fallen into the power of the eneå fuse his ratification of the armistice my, and chose to sustain the greatest concluded by marshal Duroc on the perils and dangers, willi a degree of 22d of November. It only remained firmness and intrepidity which renfor his majesty to solicit the courts of dered it the wonder of the age and St. James's and St. Peterburg to re- that of posterity. The stake we now gociate with him for the bases of a contend for is greater than ever. We general peace with the emperor Na- now fight for all that is honourable poleon. This his majesty has done ; to the nation and sacred among and, under the distant hopes of a mankind. This is well known to happy issue to this proceeding, his the country and to the whole world. majesty has not yet recalled bis ple- The king has only taken up arms to nipotentiary, the marquis Lucchesini, defend his independence ; nor will from the head quarters of the em- the enemy succeed in deceiving the peror and king

people with the idea of a coalition, Whilst the king has thus done for which there is not the least founevery thing in his power to prevent dation. In the seven years war the further effusion of blood, he bas, , Prussia stood alone, or at least withon the other hand, been incessantly out any considerable assistance from occupied in preparing the means of any other nation, against the principal resistance with which Providence has powers of Europe. In the present supplied him. Though the fortresses war she depends upon the aid of the of Stettin, Custrin, and Magdeburg, powerful and magnanimous Alexannotwithstanding their being abun- der, who will raise his wbole force in dantly supplied with provisions, and her behalf. In this great contest furnished with sufficient garrisons, Prussia will have but one and the have been unjustifiably surrendered same interest with Russia. Both will by their governors and commanders; stand or fall together. From this yet the remaining fortresses of the intimate connection between the two country, and particularly those on powers, and in so sacred a cause, the Vistula, have been with the ut- against an enemy whose

power most activity placed in the best state rapidly risen to such a giddy height, of defence, and confided to the care that he no longer sets any bounds to of resolute and faithful commanders. his good fortune, a happy issue canThe troops remaining in the pro- not be doubted. Perseverance in vinces on the Vistula, and the War- danger conformably to the glorious tha, will form a junction with the example of our ancestors, can and numerous and brave Russian armies; must infallibly lead us to victory. besides which, a new army will be [Next follows the armistice (A.) collected, and got in readiness for concluded at Charlottenburg, on the service. The king, therefore, relies 16th of November, 1806.] upon the support of the nation, which, in the seven years war, made a glorious stand against almost the French Declaration. (B.) whole of Europe, and which gave no signs of despair or irresolution, “ The undersigned, minister for though then, as now, the capital, foreign affairs, has been ordered by and the greater part of the kingdom, his majesty the emperor and king to

has so



make the following declaration to majesty, consequently, cannot restore their excellencies the marquis of any of the territories which the chance Lucchesini and general Zastrow, the of arms has placed i his power, beplenipotentiaries of his Prussian ma- fore the Ottoman Porte shall be jesty:

reinstated in the plenitude of all its “ Four coalitions, the last of rights over Wallachia and Moldavia, which has produced the present war, and that its absolute independence have been formed against France. shall be recognised and guaranteed. Every one of the four have been con- “ The undersigned has the honour quered. The victories obtained over to renew to their excellencies the each of them have placed vast terri- marquis of Lucchesini and majortories in the power of his majesty · general Zastrow, the assurances of the

emperor and king. Three times his high consideration. las France, with a moderation unex

“ CH. MAUR. TALLEYRAND, ampled in history, restored the whole,

Prince of Benevento." or nearly the whole of its conquests, Berlin, Nov. 16, 1806. and re-established on their thrones, without almost any diminution of their power, princes who were hurled British Order of Council. from them by victory. The conduct which his majesty the emperor has At the Court at the Queen's Palace, thrice pursued, he is still disposed to

January 7, 1807. follow, without considering that this

PRESENT, extreme moderation may, before the The King's Most Excellent Majesty expiration of ten years, produce a

in Council. fifth coalition. But in the course “Whereas the French government of tltese perpetually reviving wars, has issued certain orders, which, in France, Spain, and Holland, have lost violation of the

usages of war, purtheir colonies. It is natural, it is port to prohibit the commerce of all just, that the countries which the neutral nations with his majesty's doright of war has placed in the em- minions; and also to prevent such peror's power, should be employed as nations from trading with any other compensations for these colonies. country in any articles the growth,

“ But that which particularly disa produce, or manufacture of his matinguishes the injury done to France jesty's dominions; and whereas the by the fourth coalition is, that the said government has also taken upon Porte has lost its independence. itself to declare all his majesty's doWallachia and Moldavia, governed minions to be in a state of blockade, by men whom it had justly deposed, at a time when the fleets of France and whom the threats of Russia and her allies are themselves confined forced it to restore, are become ab- within their own ports, by the supesolute, conquests in the hands of rior valour and discipline of the BriRussia. The complete independence tish navy; and whereas such atof the Ottoman Porte being one of tempts on the part of the enemy the great objects of France, his ma- would give to his majesty an unjesty the emperor would lose the questionable right of retaliation, and principal reward of his successes, if would warrant his majesty in enforcthey diừ not tend to insure it. His ing tlie saine prohibition of all commerce with France, which that power and brought in, and, together with vainly hopes to effect against the lier cargo, shall be condemned as commerce of his majesty's subjects, lawful prize. And his majesty's a prohibition which the superiority - principal secretaries of state, the of his majesty's naval forces might lords commissioners of the admiralty, enable him to support, by actually and the judges of the higli court of investing the ports and coasts of the admiralty, and courts of vice admienemy with numerous squadrons and ralty, are to take the necessary meacruizers, so as to make the entrance sures herein as to them shall respecor approach thereto manifestly dan- 'tively appertain. gerous; and whereas his majesty,


W. FAWKENER. though unwilling to follow the example of his enemies, by proceeding to an extremity so distressing to Treaty of Peace between his Majesty all nations not engaged in the war, the Emperor of the French, King and carrying on their accustomed of Italy, and his Serene Highness trade, yet fects himself bound by a the Elector of Saxony. due regard to the just defence of the rights and interests of his people, His majesty the emperor of the 'not to suffer such measures to be French, king of Italy, protector of taken by the enemy, without taking the confederation of the Rhine, and some steps on his part to restrain his serene highness the elector of this violence, and to retort upon Saxony, anxious to provide for the then the evils of their own injustice; final re-establishment of peace behis majesty is thereupon pleased, by tween their states, have named for and with the advice of his privy their respective plenipotentiaries, to council, to order, and it is hereby wit, his majesty the emperor of the ordered, that no vessel shall be per- French, kmg of Italy, the general of mitted to trade from one port to an- division, Michel Duroc, grand marother, both which ports shail belong shal of the palace, &c. &c. and bis to, or be in the possession of France serene electoral highness the elector or her allies, or shall be so far under of Saxony, count Charles De Bose, their controul as that British vessels his principal chamberlain, &c. &c. may not freely trade thereat; and who, after having exchanged their the commanders of his majesty's full powers, have agreed upon the ships of war and privateers shall be, following articles : and are hereby instructed to warn Article I.-- From the day of the every neutral vessel coming from any signing of the treaty, there shall be such port, and destined to another peace and perfect friendship between such port, to discontinue her voyage, the emperor of the French, king of and not to proceed to any such port; Italy, and protector of the confedeand`ány vessel, after being so warned, ration of the Rhine, on the one part, or any vessel coming from any such and his serene electoral highness the port, after a reasonable time shall 'elector of Saxony, on the other. have been afforded for receiving in- II. His electoral highness accedes formation of this his majesty's orders to the treaty of confederation and which shall be found proceeding to alliance, concluded at Paris on the another such port, shall be captured 121h of July in the present year; and


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