ADVERTISEMENT. This Publication was undertaken by the Compiler for the purpose of placing within the reach of his Townsmen, a complete Collection of the Acts of Parliament relating to Hull; the want of such a Work has been generally felt and acknowledged, as many of the more ancient Statutes, from lapse of time and other circumstances, have become extremely scarce. The Acts relating to Sculcoates have been added, as that parish may now be considered associated in interest as well as proximity with the town of Hull. He believes that no Act at all affecting either jurisdiction has escaped his attention. The Acts for lighting, cleansing, and improving the town of Hull having been passed as circumstances rendered necessary, and the later, without expressly repealing the more early Acts, while many of their provisions were materially varied or annulled, have at length grown into a complicated mass, difficult to be understood or administered; the Compiler has endeavoured to lessen this difficulty by a series of notes and references, pointing out how each clause has been altered, repealed, confirmed, or otherwise affected by subsequent enactments. If he has in any degree contributed to render them more easy of application, his labour will not have been in vain. The various Statutes have been digested under general heads, by HULL, October, 1830. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OP STATUTES RELATING TO THE TOWN OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, THE COUNTY OF THE SAME TOWN, AND THE PARISH OF SCULCOATES, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE END OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE IV. With the substance of such of the more curious and important Statutes as are obsolete, have expired, or been repealed; and of such Statutes as have not been considered of sufficient importance for insertion in this collection. N. B. The Dates up to and including the reign of Queen Anne, are according to "The Statutes of the Realm," published in consequence of the recommendation of the Parliamentary Commissioners. A. D. Those Marks E. R. O. denote as follows, viz. E. That the Act has expired. R. That the Act has been repealed. Year of Reign. Cap. Sec. R. Subject. The Ordinance of the Staples. R. Of the ordinances made in the 38th year. R. For compelling the exportation of wool English wool shall be exported to Calais Page. 1529 21 Hen. VIII. 17 o. An Act for repealing a grant lately made 1 Recital of the tenor of letters patent, dated the 22nd August 15 Henry VIII. whereby liberty was given to the citizens of York to ship wools *The Statutes relating to the Staple were repealed by 3 Geo. IV. c. 41, s 5. |