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June 24, 1822. Between the United States of America and his Majesty the King of France and Navarre. (a)

Ratification, Feb. 12, 1823. Proclamation

of the President of the U. S., Feb. 12, 1823. Preamble.

John Quincy Adams and Baron de Neuville, negotiators.

Exchange of full powers.

Articles, &c. of the U. S., imported in American vessels, to pay in France, &c.

Articles, &c.

of France, im

ported in French vessels, to pay in the United States, &c.

Goods for tran

sit or re-exportation, not to pay a discriminating

duty in either country.

Quantities composing the


THE United States of America and His Majesty the King of France and Navarre, being desirous of settling the relations of navigation and commerce between their respective nations, by a temporary convention reciprocally beneficial and satisfactory, and thereby of leading to a more permanent and comprehensive arrangement, have respectively furnished their full powers in manner following, that is to say: The President of the United States to JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, their Secretary of State: and His Most Christian Majesty to the Baron HYDE DE NEUVILLE, Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Grand Cross of the Royal American Order of Isabella the Catholic, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the United States; who, after exchanging their full powers, have agreed on the following articles:


Articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the United States, imported into France in vessels of the United States, shall pay an additional duty, not exceeding twenty francs per ton of merchandize, over and above the duties paid on the like articles, also of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the United States, when imported in French vessels.


Articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of France, imported into the United States in French vessels, shall pay an additional duty, not exceeding three dollars and seventy-five cents per ton of merchandize, over and above the duties collected upon the like articles, also of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of France, when imported in vessels of the United States.


No discriminating duty shall be levied upon the productions of the soil or industry of France, imported in French bottoms into the ports of the United States for transit or re-exportation: nor shall any such duties be levied upon the productions of the soil or industry of the United States, imported in vessels of the United States into the ports of France for transit or re-exportation.


The following quantities shall be considered as forming the ton of merchandize for each of the articles hereinafter specified :

Wines four 61 gallon hogsheads, or 244 gallons of 231 cubic inches, American measure.

Brandies, and all other liquids, 244 gallons.

Silks and all other dry goods, and all other articles usually subject to measurement, forty-two cubic feet, French, in France, and fifty cubic feet American measure, in the United States.

Cotton, 804 lb. avoirdupois, or 365 kilogrammes.

(a) See notes of the treaties and conventions between the United States and France, ante, page 6.


Entre sa Majesté le Roi de France et de Navarre et les Etats Unis d'Amérique.

SA Majesté le Roi de France et de Navarre et les Etats Unis d'Amérique, désirant règler les relations de navigation et de commerce entre leurs nations respectives par une convention temporaire réciproquement avantageuse et satisfaisante, et arriver ainsi à un arrangement plus étendu et durable, ont respectivement donné leur pleins-pouvoirs, savoir: Sa Majesté Très Chrétienne au Baron HYDÉ DE NEUVILLE, Chevalier de l'ordre Royale et Militaire de St. Louis, Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur, Grand Croix de l'ordre Royale Américain d'Isabelle la Catholique, son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près les Etats Unis ; et le Président des Etats Unis, à JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, leur Sécrétaire d'Etat; lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleinspouvoirs, sont convenus des articles suivans:


Les produits naturels ou manufacturés des Etats Unis importés en France sur batimens des Etats Unis payeront un droit additionel qui n'excèdera point vingt francs par tonneau de marchandise, en sus des droits payés sur les mêmes produits naturels ou manufacturés des Etats Unis quand ils sont importés par navires Français.


Les produits naturels ou manufacturés de France importés aux Etats Unis sur batimens Français payeront un droit additionel qui n'excèdera point trois dollars soixante-quinze cents par tonneau de marchandise, en sus des droits payés sur les mêmes produits naturels ou manufacturés de France quand ils sont importés par navires des Etats Unis.


Aucun droit différentiel ne sera levé sur les produits du sol et de l'industrié de France qui seront importés par navires Français dans les ports des Etats Unis pour transit ou ré-exportation: Il en sera de même dans les ports de France pour les produits du sol et de l'industrie de l'Union qui seront importés pour transit ou ré-exportation par navires des Etats Unis.


Les quantités suivantes seront considerées comme formant le tonneau de marchandise pour chacun des articles à ci-après spécifiés:

Vins quatre barriques de 61 gallons chaque, ou 244 gallons de 231 pouces cubes (mesure Américaine.)

Eaux de vie, et tous autres liquides, 244 gallons.

Soieries et toutes autres marchandises sèches ainsi que tous autres articles généralement soumis au mésurage quarante deux pieds cubes, mesure Française, en France; et cinquante pieds cubes, mesure Américaine, aux Etats Unis.

Cotons-804 lb. avoir du poids ou 365 kilogrammes.

Duties of tonnage, light money, &c., not to exceed in France, five francs per ton on American vessels, &c.

Consuls and

vice consuls of either nation, in the other, may cause the arrest of deserters, and detain them for 3 months.

Convention to be in force two years from 1st October, 1822.

Extra duties at the end of two years to be diminished by one fourth, and so from year to year, &c.

Convention to be ratified with in one year.

Tobacco, 1,600 lbs. avoirdupois, or 725 kilogrammes.

Ashes, pot and pearl, 2,240 lb. avoirdupois, or 1,016 kilogs.

Rice, 1,600 lb. avoirdupois, or 725 kilogrammes; and for all weighable articles, not specified, 2,240 lb. avoirdupois, or 1,016 kilogrammes.


The duties of tonnage, light-money, pilotage, port charges, brokerage, and all other duties upon foreign shipping, over and above those paid by the national shipping in the two countries respectively, other than those specified in articles 1 and 2 of the present convention, shall not exceed in France, for vessels of the United States, five francs per ton of the vessel's American register; nor for vessels of France in the United States, ninety-four cents per ton of the vessel's French passport.


The contracting parties, wishing to favor their mutual commerce, by affording in their ports every necessary assistance to their respective vessels, have agreed that the consuls and vice consuls may cause to be arrested the sailors, being part of the crews of the vessels of their respective nations, who shall have deserted from the said vessels, in order to send them back and transport them out of the country. For which purpose the said consuls and vice consuls shall address themselves to the courts, judges, and officers competent, and shall demand the said deserters' in writing, proving by an exhibition of the registers of the vessel, or ship's roll, or other official documents, that those men were part of the said crews; and on this demand, so proved, (saving however where the contrary is proved,) the delivery shall not be refused; and there shall be given all aid and assistance to the said consuls and vice consuls for the search, seizure, and arrest, of the said deserters, who shall even be detained and kept in the prisons of the country, at their request and expense, until they shall have found an opportunity of sending them back. But if they be not sent back within three months, to be counted from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall be no more arrested for the same cause.


The present temporary convention shall be in force for two years from the first day of October next, and even after the expiration of that term, until the conclusion of a definitive treaty, or until one of the parties shall have declared its intention to renounce it; which declaration shall be made at least six months before hand.

And in case the present arrangement should remain without such declaration of its discontinuance by either party, the extra duties specified in the 1st and 2d articles, shall, from the expiration of the said two years, be, on both sides, diminished by one-fourth of their whole amount, and, afterwards, by one-fourth of the said amount from year to year, so long as neither party shall have declared the intention of renouncing it as above stated.


The present convention shall be ratified on both sides, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within one year from the date hereof, or sooner, if possible. But the execution of the said convention shall commence in both countries on the 1st of October next, and shall be effective, even in case of non-ratification, for all such vessels as may have

Tabacs-1,600 lb. avoir du poids ou 725 kilogrammes.

Potasse et Perlasse 2240 lb. avoir du poids ou 1016 kilogrammes. Riz-1600 lb. avoir du poids ou 725 kilog. Et pour tous les articles non spécifiés et qui se pèsent 2240 lb. avoir du poids ou 1016 kilogrammes.


Les droits de tonnage, de phare, de pilotage, droits de port, courtage, et tous autres droits sur la navigation etrangère en sus de ceux payés respectivement par la navigation nationale dans les deux Pays, autres que ceux spécifiés dans les articles 1 et 2 de la présente convention, n'excèderont pas, en France, pour les batimens des Etats Unis, cinq francs par tonneau d'après le régistre Américain du batiment, ni pour les batimens Français aux Etats Unis, quatre vingt quatorze cents par tonneau d'après le passeport Français du batiment.


Les parties contractantes désirant favoriser mutuellement leur commerce, en donnant dans leurs ports toute assistance nécessaire à leurs batimens respectifs, sont convenues que les consuls et vice-consuls pourront faire arrêter les matelôts faisant partie des équipages des batimens de leurs nations respectives qui auraient deserté des dits batimens pour les renvoyer et faire transporter hors du pays. Auquel effets les dits consuls et vice-consuls s'adresseront aux tribunaux, juges et officiers compètens, et leur feront, par écrit, la demande des dits déserteurs, en justifiant par l'exhibition des registres du batiment ou rôle d'equipage ou autres documens officiéls que ces hommes faisaient partie des dits equipages. Et sur cette demande ainsi justifiée, sauf toutefois la preuve contraire, l'extradition ne pourra être refusée, et il sera donné toute aide et assistance aux dits consuls et vice-consuls pour la recherche, saisie et arrestation des susdits déserteurs, lesquels seront même détenus et gardés dans les prisons du pays à leur réquisition, et à leurs frais, jusqu'à ce qu'ils ayent trouvé moyen de les renvoyer; mais s'ils n'etaient renvoyés dans le délai de trois mois à compter du jour de leur arrêt, ils seront élargis et ne pourront plus être arrêtés pour la même cause.


La présente convention temporaire aura son plein effet pendant deux ans à partir du ler. Octobre prochain, et même après l'expiration de ce terme, elle sera maintenue jusqu'à la conclusion d'un traité définitif, ou jusqu'à ce que l'une des parties ait déclaré à l'autre son intention d'y renoncer, laquelle déclaration devra être faite au moins six mois d'avance.

Et dans le cas où la présente convention viendrait à continuer, sans cette déclaration par l'une ou l'autre partié, les droits extraordinaires specifiés dans les 1er et 24 articles, seront à l'expiration des dits deux années, diminuées de part et d'autre d'un quart de leur montant, et successivement d'un quart du dit montant d'année en année, aussi longtems qu'aucune des parties n'aura déclaré son intention d'y renoncer, ainsi qu'ils est dit ci-dessus.


La présente convention sera ratifiée de part et d'autre, et les ratifications seront échangés dans l'espace d'une année à compter de ce jour, ou plutôt si faire se peut. Mais l'éxécution de la dite convention commencera dans les deux pays le premier Octobre prochain, et aura son effet, dans le cas même de non-ratification, pour tous batimens partis

Separate article.

sailed bona fide for the ports of either nation, in the confidence of its being in force.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the
present convention, and have thereto affixed their seals, at the city
of Washington, this 24th day of June, A. D. 1822.



The extra duties levied on either side before the present day, by virtue of the act of Congress of 15th May, 1820, and of the ordinance of 26th July of the same year, and others confirmative thereof, and which have not already been paid back, shall be refunded.

Signed and sealed as above, this 24th day of June, 1822.


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In the name of the most holy and indivisible Trinity:

THE President of the United States of America, and His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, having agreed, in pursuance of the fifth article of the Convention concluded at London on the 20th day of October, 1818, to refer the differences which had arisen between the two governments, upon the true construction and meaning of the first article of the Treaty of Peace and Amity, concluded at Ghent on the 24th day of December, 1814, to the friendly arbitration of His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, mutually engaging to consider his decision as final and conclusive. And his said Imperial Majesty having, after due consideration, given his decision upon these differences in the following terms, to wit:

"That the United States of America are entitled to claim from Great Britain a just indemnification for all private property, which the British forces may have carried away; and as the question relates to slaves more especially, for all the slaves that the British forces may have carried away from places and territories of which the Treaty stipulates the restitution, in quitting these same places and territories.

"That the United States are entitled to consider as having been so carried away, all such slaves as may have been transferred from the above-mentioned territories to British vessels within the waters of the said territories, and who for this reason may not have been restored. "But that if there should be any American slaves who were carried away from territories of which the first article of the Treaty of Ghent has not stipulated the restitution to the United States, the United States are not entitled to claim an indemnification for the said slaves."

Now for the purpose of carrying into effect this award of His Imperial Majesty, as arbitrator, his good offices have been farther invoked to assist in framing such Convention or Articles of Agreement between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty, as shall provide the mode of ascertaining and determining the value of slaves and of other private property, which may have been carried away in contra

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