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III. 49

III. 49

granting a bounty on pickled fish ex-
ported, and allowances to certain ves-
sels employed in the fisheries, July 29,
Notes of the acts of Congress relating to
ships and vessels, and persons employ-
ed in the fisheries,
Decisions of the courts of the United
States on the acts relating to the fishe
III. 49
Regulations relating to allowances to
vessels employed in the fisheries, III. 50
The bounty on pickled fish exported, and

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allowances to fishing vessels continu-
ed, February 9, 1816, (expired,) III. 254
Regulation of the bounty to fishing ves-
sels which had been prevented by cap-
ture from fishing,
III. 416
Allowance to fishing vessels prevented,
by illegal capture, from fishing the
four months required by law, III. 417
Allowances to fishing vessels, &c., III. 520
Notes of the decisions of the Circuit
Court of Massachusetts on the acts of
July 28, 1813, chap. 35, and the act of
March 3, 1819, chap. 88,
III. 520
An act in addition to and alteration of
an act, entitled "An act laying a duty
on imported salt, granting a bounty
on pickled fish exported, and allow.
ances to certain vessels employed in
the fisheries," March 3, 1819, III. 520
An act to allow a bounty to vessels em-
ployed in the cod fisheries in certain
cases, May 26, 1824, . IV. 38
Bounty extended to fishing vessels which
were wrecked subsequent to the act of
March 3, 1819, chap. 88,
Mackerel fishery,

Whale fishery,

Fishing Vessels.

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IV. 38
IV. 316; V. 16
IV. 492; V. 370

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III. 654

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III. 657

III. 660

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An act to provide for the collection of
duties on imports and tonnage in Flo-
rida, May 7, 1822,
Collectors and surveyors to be appointed,
and their compensation,
An act to relieve the people of Florida
from the operation of certain ordi-

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III. 685
An act to ascertain the claims and titles
to land within the territory of Florida.
May 8, 1822,

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III. 709

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Appointment of commissioners to ex-
amine claims,

Organization and proceedings of the

III. 709

Notes of the decisions of the courts of the
United States upon claims and titles to
land in the territory of Florida, III. 709
An act to amend "An act for the estab-
lishment of a territorial government
in Florida," and for other purposes,
March 3, 1823,
III. 750

III. 104

East and West Florida to constitute the
Territory of Florida,
Organization of the government of Flo-

III. 750

III. 752

III. 471

Judiciary in Florida, and officers, III.
752, 753

Resolution of January 15, 1811, relative
to taking possession of the Floridas,
The President authorized to take posses-

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Donations of lands to certain settlers in
An act passed by the legislative council
of Florida, concerning wreckers and
wrecked property, annulled, February
1, 1826,
The line between Florida and Georgia to
be run and marked, May 4, 1826, IV. 157
Provisions relative to the government of
the Florida territory, April 28, 1828,

IV. 138

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IV. 752

IV. 753

IV. 753

IV. 777

Approval of the act relating to the supe-
rior court,

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Authority given to construct a railroad
on the public lands from Tallahassee
to St. Marks, March 3, 1835, IV. 778
An act authorizing a special term of the
Court of Appeals of Florida, and for
other purposes, February 25, 1836, V.
The county of Franklin added to the
middle district,
V. 5
Act of the Legislature of Florida incor-
porating certain Banks and Insurance
Companies, annulled, July 1, 1836, V. 61
Lands granted for the University of Flo-
rida may be sold by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the territory,
July 1, 1836,
Regulation of the terms of the Superior
Court in the territory of Florida, July
2, 1836,
Acts relating to Appalachicola, Franklin
county, and for holding a Superior
Court at Indian Key, annulled, July 2,
1836, -

V. 63

V. 69

A town to be laid off in Jackson county,
Florida territory,

IV. 357

Sessions of the legislature of Florida,
May 14, 1830, -

IV. 403

V. 70

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Certain enactments confirmed,
Additional members of the legislative
council of Florida, March 22, 1832, IV. 500
Provision for the sale and disposition of
the public grounds in St. Augustine
and Pensacola, and to reserve certain
lots for public purposes, and to provide
for their repair and preservation, June
28, 1832,
IV. 550
Courts of appeals in Florida, July 14,
IV. 600
Writs of error from the highest court of
law and equity in Florida to the Su-
preme Court of the United States, IV. 600
Allowed only when the amount in con-
troversy exceeds two thousand dollars,
IV. 601

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Florida to have one representative in

V. 788

Appropriation for certain military ser
vices in Florida, March 3, 1845,- V. 745
Grant of land to the government of the
State of Florida for schools, March 3,
Application of the laws of the United
States to Florida,
V. 788
Florida to compose one district, to be
called the district of Florida, V. 788

A District Court established, which shall
in all things exercise the jurisdiction
given to the judge of the District Court
of Kentucky under the act to establish
the judicial courts of the United States,

V. 788
Act of September 20, 1789, chap. 22, V. 788
Organization of the Court,
V. 788
Extra sessions of the Court,
V. 788
Annual sessions of the Court, -
V. 788
Compensation of the judge,
V. 788

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United States' Attorney to be appointed
-his compensation,

A Marshal to be appointed-his compen-

V. 788
V. 788

Nothing in the resolution of April 30,
1843, or in any other resolution, shall
be construed to prevent payment by
the Secretary at War for supplies or
loans of money for the defence of the
inhabitants of Florida, March 1, 1845,

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Florida Land Claims.

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Lands near Tallahassee appropriated for
public buildings,

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IV. 204

IV. 405

IV. 496

An act supplementary to the several acts
providing for the settlement and con-
firmation of private land claims in Flo-
rida, May 22, 1828,
IV. 284
An act to provide for the final settlement
of land claims in Florida, May 26,
Patents for confirmed land claims in Flo-
rida may be issued to the present
owner, January 23, 1832, .
Certain lands in the town of Fernandina,
in Florida, confirmed to the town, V. 667
Patents to issue for certain lands in the
St. Augustine land district where ap
plications and payments were made to
J. C. Cleland, and not returned, June
15, 1844,
V. 671
Craven P. Luckett to be paid as land
commissioner, and William Reynolds
to be paid for bringing the report of
the commissioners to Washington, VI. 324
Florida Treaty.

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The judges of the superior courts of Flo-
rida to adjust the claims under the
ninth article of the Florida treaty, and
to report to the Secretary of the Trea-
III. 768
An act to authorize the creation of a
stock to an amount of five millions of
dollars, to provide for the awards of the
commissioners under the treaty with
Spain of the twenty-second of Febru
ary, one thousand eight hundred and
nineteen, May 24, 1824, (obsolete,) IV. 33
Notes of the decisions of the Supreme
Court of the United States,
Treaty with Spain, ceding Florida to the
United States,

IV. 34

VIII. 252

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The claimant not to be required to pro-

Flotilla Service.

duce in evidence the deraignment of
title from the original grantor,
Who shall be deemed an actual settler



on lands in Florida,

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An act to extend the time for the settle-
ment of private land claims in the ter-
ritory of Florida, to provide for the
preservation of the public archives in
the said territory, and for the relief of
John Johnson, March 3, 1825, IV. 12
Appropriations to satisfy balances due to
the commissioners of land claims in
Florida and their salaries, prior to De-
cember 31, 1824; March 3, 1825, IV. 102 |

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Foreign Affairs.

"Department of Foreign Affairs" estab-

Department changed to

I. 28
Department of
- I. 68
Intercourse with foreign nations to be
maintained by appointing diplomatic
agents; their salaries, outfits, &c.,

1. 138, 541
Public ministers and consuls residing on
the coast of Barbary; limitation of
their salaries,
- II. 608, 609
Regulations for the government of con-
suls to the Barbary powers, . II. 609
Punishment for fitting out armed vessels
to cruise against friendly nations,

III. 370
Citizens of the United States prohibited
entering into the military service of
foreign nations, I. 384, 497; II 54;

III. 447
The provisions in former acts repealed,
and new and more extended provisions
for preserving the neutral relations of
the United States enacted,
III. 447
Supplementary act of March 10, 1838, V. 212

Foreign Coins.

See Coins.


Foreigners prohibited from going into
the Indian country without a passport,

Foreign Ministers.

Protection of foreign ministers,

Foreign Intercourse.

An act for the more effectual preserva-
tion of peace in the ports and harbours
of the United States, &c. - II. 339
Offences committed on board any foreign
vessel in the ports and harbours of the
United States, how to be dealt with, II. 339
The act of March 3, 1805, continued in
force for two years,
- IL 484
An act respecting the ships or vessels of
foreign nations with which commer.
cial intercourse is permitted, II. 547
Intercourse between the United States
and Great Britain and France, &c.
II. 529, 605
An act to prohibit American vessels from
proceeding to or trading with the ene-
mies of the United States, &c., II. 778
Intercourse with the Barbary powers, I.
256; II. 291, 391, 436, 456, 555, 614,

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675, 809
An act to prohibit intercourse with the
III. 195
Masters of ships arriving at a foreign
port to deposit the ship's papers with
the consul of the nation to which such
vessel belongs, within forty-eight hours
after arrival,
. III. 362
An act more effectually to preserve the
neutral relations of the United States,


Fitting out and arming vessels to be em-
ployed against a friendly power, how

III. 370

III. 333

III. 371

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The use of the library of Congress grant-

Punishment for augmenting, in the ports
of the United States, the force of ene-
mies' vessels, -

III. 371

ed to the diplomatic corps,

III. 284

See Foreign Intercourse.

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An act designating the ports within
which only foreign armed vessels shall
be permitted to enter,
- III. 597
The ports of the United States closed
against British vessels arriving from
certain British colonies, - III. 432, 602
On the British ports in the West Indies
being opened to vessels of the United
States, vessels coming from such ports
shall be permitted to enter the ports of
the United States,
III. 681
An act to regulate commercial inter-
course between the United States and
certain British colonial ports, III. 740
See Neutrality.
Foreign Commerce.

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An act making appropriations for certain
fortifications of the United States, for
the year 1824, April 29, 1824, - IV. 22
An act making appropriations for the

fortifications of the United States for
the year 1825, March 2, 1825, - IV. 92
An act making appropriations for cer-
tain fortifications, for the year 1826,
March 14, 1826,
IV. 149
An act making appropriations for fortifi-
cations in the United States, May 2,
IV. 216
Appropriations for certain fortifications,
March 19, 1828,

IV. 256

Consent of the states required to the
erection of forts,

IV. 264

IV. 310

IV. 356


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V. 582

Appropriation for the year 1840, July
21, 1840,
V. 407
Appropriations for certain fortifications
for the year 1841, March 3, 1841, V. 415
Appropriations for fortifications for the
year 1841, September 9, 1841, V. 458
Appropriations for fortifications for the
year 1842, August 31, 1842,
Appropriations for fortifications for the
year 1843, March 3, 1843,
Appropriations for fortifications for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1845, May
31, 1844,
Appropriations for fortifications for the
year ending June 30, 1846, March 3,

Fort Washington.

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V. 607

V. 658

V. 743

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Appropriations for fortifications of the
United States, for the year 1829, May
24, 1828,-

Additional appropriations for fortifica-
tions, March 2, 1829,
Appropriations for certain fortifications
during the year 1831, March 2, 1831,

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IV. 450

Appropriations for fortifications for the
year 1832, February 24, 1832, IV. 497
Appropriations for fortifications in the
year 1833, January 14, 1833, IV. 610
Appropriations for fortifications in New
York, Fort Delaware, Fort on Foster's
Bank, Pensacola harbour, on Grand
Terre, Barataria, Louisiana, March
2, 1833,
IV. 645
Appropriations for certain fortifications,
June 20, 1834,
IV. 719

Appropriations for fortifications at Castle
Island, Fort Adams, Fort Schuyler,
&c., July 2, 1836,

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