Sxamination before or after registration in discretion (1) If examination of issuer (1) Applicant required to con (2) Also required to consent in (3) Investment trust's subject Sec. 106; 1028 There exacination and investigation deemed aproriste applicant or registrant may be required to advane fois for payment of cost thereof. Per cien or reasombie is together with actari ant bete zarination before or after registration in discretion (1) If examination of issuer (2) Subject to examination at (1) Applicant required to con- (2) Also required to consent in (3) Investment trust's subject Sec. 106; 1028 There examination anu investigation deemed agroriate 1/20 of 1% 35 Min. - $25 diana arns Indiana Latutes Ann., 933, as amended Sale of negotiable promissory notes maturing in not more than 1 yr. 1/100 of 1% Min. $25 investment a partner Sec. 97-407 $5 $5 (Agents of issuer) Sec. 25-1607 $5 Examination before or after (1) If examination of issuer (1) Applicant required to con- (2) Also required to consent in (3) Investment trust's subject TokerLETS (F) There czarination anu investigation deemed agroriste Sec. 25-839 Sec. 25-841 Thenever necessary to incur expense with respect to application, registration or license, Commissioner Field |