It is the sense of the Congress that any work, service publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration or similar thing of value or utility performed, furnished, provided, granted,... Independent Offices Appropriations, 1953, Hearings Before ... 82-1, on H.R. 7072 - Page 429by United States. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee - 1952 - 1401 pagesFull view - About this book
| United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - Interstate commerce - 1967 - 836 pages
...The Congress there stated as its policy that "any work, service, * * * benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...granted, prepared or issued by any Federal agency * * * to or for any person * * * except those engaged in the transaction of official business of the... | |
| Administrative law - 1972 - 554 pages adjustments for any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...performed, furnished, provided, granted, prepared, issued, or transferred by any Federal department, agency, or other Instrumentality Including the Postal... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Transportation - 1952 - 2046 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...granted, prepared, or issued by any Federal agency * * * to or for any person * * * except those engaged in the transaction of official business of the... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Budget - 1954 - 898 pages
...privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration, or similar tiring of value or utility performed, furnished, provided,...defined in the Government Corporation Control Act of 194")) to or for any person (including groups, associations, organizations, partnerships, •corporations,... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Licenses - 1954 - 80 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...furnished, provided, granted, prepared, or Issued by Federal agency (including wholly owned Government corporations as defined in the Government Corporation... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce - 1954 - 1164 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...furnished, provided, granted, prepared, or Issued by Federal agency (Including wholly owned Government corporations as defined In the Government Corporation... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1954 - 80 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...furnished, provided, granted, prepared, or Issued by Federal agency (Including wholly owned Government corporations as defined in the Government Corporation... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1954 - 1598 pages
...privilege, authority, USP, franchise, license, permit'. certificate, rcpistration, or similar tiling of value or utility performed, furnished, provided, (including wholly owned Government corporations an defined in the Government Corporation Control Aet of lfH5> to or for any person (including groups,... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1955 - 2026 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...Government Corporation Control Act of 1945) to or f'ir any person (including groups, associations, organizations, partnerships, corporations, or businesses),... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Budget - 1955 - 1034 pages
...the Congress that any work, service, publication, report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, license, permit, certificate, registration,...(including wholly owned Government corporations as denned in the Government Corporation Control Act of l!)4.r>) to or f»r any person (including groups,... | |
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