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Now in print, and which will be mailed on receipt of amounts stated, the figures in parentheses indicating the cost of postage.

Statistics of Labor.

[Labor Chronology, which forms a Part of the Bureau Report each year, contains information relating to Hours of Labor, Wages, Trades Unions, and Labor Legislation. Subsequent to 1897, all available data relating to the Condition of Workingmen have also been included in the Chronology.]·

1893. I. Unemployment; II. Labor Chronology (4 c.); cloth (13 c.).

1894. I. Compensation in Certain Occupations of Graduates of Colleges for Women (4 c.); II. Distribution of Wealth (9 c.); III. Labor Chronology (4 c.); cloth (13 c.).

1895. I. Relation of the Liquor Traffic to Pauperism, Crime, and Insanity (O. P.); II. Graded Weekly Wages, 1810-1891 (10 c.); III. Labor Chronology (4 c.); cloth (24 c.).

1896. I. Social and Industrial Changes in the County of Barnstable (6 c.); II. Graded Weekly Wages, 1810-1891 (7 c.); III. Labor Chronology (4 c.); cloth (14 c.).

1897. I. Comparative Wages and Prices, 1860-1897 (4 c.); II. Graded Weekly Wages, 1810-1891 (9 c.); III. Labor Chronology (4 c.); cloth (14 c.).

1898. I. Sunday Labor (5 c.); II. Graded Weekly Wages, 1810-1891 (12 c.); III. Labor Chronology (7 c.); cloth (21 c.).

1899. I. Changes in Conducting Retail Trade in Boston, since 1874 (4 c.); II. Labor Chronology (7 c.); cloth (11 c.).

1900. I. Population of Massachusetts, 1900 (O. P.); II. Co-operative Industrial Insurance (8 c.); III. Graded Prices, 1816-1891 (14 c.); cloth (26 c.).

1901. I. Labor Chronology, 1900 (4 c.); II. Labor Chronology, 1901 (4 c.); III. Prices and Cost of Living, 1872-1902 (4 c.); IV. Labor Laws (4 c.); cloth (13 c.).

1902. I. Annual Report to the Legislature (O. P.); II. Labor Chronology, 1902 (O. P.); III. Mercantile Wages and Salaries (4 c.); IV. Sex in Industry (5 c.); cloth (12 c.). 1903. I. Race in Industry (5 c.).

Statistics of Manufactures.

[Each of these annual reports presents comparisons, for identical establishments, between two or more years as to Capital Invested, Goods Made, Persons Employed, Wages Paid, etc. The Industrial Chronology, which forms a Part of each Report, includes Industrial Chronology by Towns and Industries, Industrial Dividende, Stock Price Quotations, etc. Beginning with the year 1899, the Parts of the Annual Statistics of Manufactures are published separately.]

1892. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (17 c.).

1893. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (16 c.).

1894. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (12 c.).

1895. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (13 c.).

1896. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (11 c.).

1897. I. Manufactures; II. Chronology. Cloth (11 c.).

1898. I. Manufactures; II. Textile Industries; III. Chronology. Cloth (13 c.).

1899. I. Industrial Chronology (4 c.); II. Statistics of Manufactures (4 c.); cloth (9 c.).

1900. I. Industrial Chronology (4 c.); II. Statistics of Manufactures (4 c.); cloth (9 c.).

1901. I. Industrial Chronology (O. P.); II. Statistics of Manufactures (3 c.); III. Manufactures: Comparisons, 1895-1900 (3 c.); cloth (10 c.).

1902. I. Industrial Chronology, 1902 (0. P.); II. Statistics of Manufactures (3 c.); cloth (10 c.).

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No. 10, APRIL, 1899. Labor Legislation of 1898-Trade Unionism in Massachusetts prior to 1880-Contracts with Workingmen upon Public Work-Foreign Labor Disturbances in 1897 Quarterly Review of Employment and Earnings: Ending April, 1899- Editorial, (4 c.).

No. 11, JULY, 1899. Certain Tenement Conditions in Boston - Quarterly Review of Employment and Earnings: Ending July, 1899 (4 c.).

No. 14, MAY, 1900. Free Public Employment Offices-Employment and Unemployment in the Boot and Shoe and Paper Industries- Legislation affecting Hours of Labor-Quarterly Review of Employment and Earnings: Ending April 30, 1900-Sta. tistical Abstracts (3c.).

No. 15, AUGUST, 1900. Household Expenses- Comparative Occupation Statistics for the Cities of Fall River, New Bedford, and Taunton - List of Subjects pertaining to Labor considered in the Latest Reports of American Statistical Bureaus - Massachusetts Labor Legislation in 1900- Quarterly Review of Employment and Earnings: Ending July 30, 1900 (3 c.).

No. 17, FEBRUARY, 1901. Occupations of Residents of Boston: By Districts-Unemployment in Boston Building TradesConjugal Condition of Women employed in Restaurants-Comparative Earnings in Five Leading Industries- Resident Pupils in Pub. lic and Private Schools in Boston-Statistical Abstracts (3 c.).

No. 21, FEBRUARY, 1902. Physically Defective Population in Massachusetts in Relation to Industry-Distribution of the Industrial Population of Massachusetts - Compulsory Arbitration in New South Wales - Quarterly Record of Strikes Statistical Abstracts

(3 c.).

No. 22, MAY, 1902. Rates of Wages in City Employment-Progress of Co-operation in Great Britain - Review of Employment and Earnings: Six months ending April 30, 1902-Quarterly Record of Strikes - Statistical Abstracts (3 c.).

No. 25, FEBRUARY, 1903. Chinese in Massachusetts-Unemployed for a YearRetired with a Competency - Dependents upon Public or Private Charity - Quarterly Record of Strikes - Strikes and Lockouts in Massachusetts for 20 years-Statistical Abstracts (3 c.).

No. 26, MAY, 1903. Trade and Technical Education in Massachusetts-Laws relating to Child Labor - Review of Employment and Earnings: Six months ending April 30, 1903Quarterly Record of Strikes - Recent Legal Labor Decisions - Statistical Abstracts (4 c.).

No. 27, AUGUST, 1903. Aliens in Industry -Immigration Act of the United States Labor Day-Labor Legislation in 1903-Quarterly Record of Strikes - Statistical Abstracts (4 c.).

No. 28, NOVEMBER, 1903. Aliens and Citizenship-Industrial Studies - Industrial Agreements-Proportional Earnings and Production-Review of Employment and Earnings-Quarterly Record of Strikes - Labor Legislation in Other States and Foreign Coun. tries- Recent Legal Labor Decisions - Statis. tical Abstracts-Index to Bulletins Nos. 1 to 28 (5 c.).

Labor and Industrial Chronology. [Since 1899 those parts of the reports on the Statistics of Labor and Statistics of Manufactures relating to these subjects have been bound together in response to a demand for same. The following cloth bound copies are in print and will be mailed upon receipt of amount noted for postage.]

1901-8 cents. 1902-6 cents.

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Lists of national, district and State, and Massachusetts associations of employers

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Excerpts on Labor from Governor's Address-Fall River Dividends - Business Failures in Massachusetts - Employees in Electric Light and Power Stations in Massachusetts-Is this Denver Union Liable for Slander-Immigration into the United States, 1903-Export Prices of the United States - Adoption of Children by Labor Unions - Population, Births, and Deaths in Four Cities -Strikes in France - Wages in Italy - Leather School in London - Boot and Shoe Trade in Great Britain-Shoe Industry in Germany-Community Stores in Germany-Condition of the German Textile Industries - Cotton Crisis in Europe - Africa's Possibilities in Cotton - Sugar Trust in SpainIron Works of Russia-Shoe Polish in Russia - Workingmen's Insurance in Foreign Countries- Population of China - To Make Alcohol UndrinkableImmigration into Canada - Employers' Welfare Institutions in New York State-Wages and Cost of Living in Germany - Remedy for Labor Troubles,


74, 75





87, 88

88-91 88-90


88, 89


89, 90


90, 91

90, 91




97, 98





No. 30.




The tendency of contemporaneous practice in the direction of concentration of action through organization, in the adjustment of differences between employer and employee, is exemplified in the numerous comparatively recent movements among establishments in various lines of manufacture, looking to the formation of associations having the power to act in the interest of individual members, with the assurance of the support of all of their constituents.

The underlying sentiment which actuates the members of these organizations is that the union movement among the working classes needs to be met by "powerful, well-disciplined, and broad-minded organizations of employers.


The literature of most of these organizations is temperate and conservative in discussing the labor situation of to-day; the right of workingmen to organize, and even the desirability of such action, is admitted.

They recognize the evolution of the workman from the position where he labored alongside his employer and could at any time express his dissatisfaction with the order of things, if any were felt, to his position of to-day, when, in the service of corporations and great combinations of production, his chances for obtaining a hearing and securing redress for his grievances are becoming more and more uncertain.†

The workingman's efforts to better his condition by emulating his employer in combining with his fellows for mutual benefit and protection are not condemned. From the employers' side, however, it is claimed that the immediate result of this combination has taught the workman the force of organized action, and that the acquisition of power by a class hitherto totally unused to it, combined in some cases with misguided leadership, ‡ may have led to many excesses and abuses, which could only be averted by the organizing of employers.

*The National Metal Trades Association: What It Is, p. 19.
†The Employment Bureau. J. C. Hobart, p. 4.

Ibid., p. 4.

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