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sorts. The Chinese give a flavor to some sorts of Cadiz, and are said to be in a state of high or-
with the powdered Howers of Magnolia and Ca-der and discipline. Great surprise exists among
mellia. We may imitate it with our Magnolia,
and many other highly scented flowers, natives
of our woods or gardens.

New York, Feb. 20, 1819.

those who know the dilapidated resources of Spain, concerning the quarter whence money has been furnished to meet the charges of the expeC. S. RAFINESQUE, Botanist.dition. That money has been liberally supplied is certain, from the concurring testimony of all those who have been concerned in the contracts Oil of Pumpkin Seed-If the following letter relating to it. Contributions, not strictly volunfrom Dr Rafinesque to Dr. Mitchell be correct-tary, have, it is said, been afforded by Spanish and that it is so, we have no reason to doubt-we subjects; but these cannot have been very extenshall have a new and powerful motive for culti-sive. Spain has also received assistance from vating the pumpkin. The experiment is well France to the amount of 1,500,000 livres, either worth thing by some of our enterprising and || in liquidation of some former claims, or as a loan; [Trenton American. and a bull has been obtained from the pope for practical farmers. appropriating one tenth part of the produce of New York, Feb. 20, 1819 ecclesiastical benefices. All accounts agree in stating that the expedition will be directed against Buenos Ayres.

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While I was at Harmony, on the banks of the Wabash, in the state of Indiana, last summer, I was told by the industrious German society of Three projects of law relative to the liberty of Harmonists, that instead of throwing away or giving to the pigs the seeds of their pumpkins, the press have been communicated to the French as is usually done all over the country, they col-Chamber of Deputies, by the ministers. Should lected them and made an oil from them, which they meet the approbation of the legislature, the they use for all the purposes of lamp oil and olive press will undoubtedly obtain a considerable share It is well known that all the different spe- of freedom. The previous censorship will be recies and varieties of pumpkins (genus Cucurbit moved, and the offences charged against writers of Linaus) afford an oil, which has valuable medi-will be determined by jury. cal properties, possessing in the highest degree the refrigerent quality; but I had never heard before of its being made on a large scale, and for economical uses.


The examinations before the secret committee of the House of Commons, for inquiry into the state of the bank, terminated yesterday se'nnight. The importance of the subject, and the extent of the evidence, will, of course, require much time It will be suficient to mention this fact to some of our enlightened farmers, to induce them to and deliberation before the report can be preimitate the worthy Harmonists, and I recommend sented. In the House of Lords' committee the highly the practice, as likely to become eminent-examinations are not yet concluded. ly beneficial. The pumpkin seeds afford their oil with the greatest facility and abundance. One gallon of seeds will give about half a gallon of oil. They may be pressed like rape seed and flax seed. Their oil is clear, limpid, pale, scentless, and, when used for sallad instead of sweet oil, has merely a faint insipid taste; it burns well, and without smoke. Those advantages entitle it to our attention, as an indigenous production of first necessity.

Pumpkins grow all over the United States, from Maine to Louisiana, and with such luxuriance as to produce sometimes as much as 50,000 lbs. weight of fruit, and about 2,000 lbs weight of seeds, in one acre of Indian corn, without injuring the crop of corn. Those 2,000 lbs. of seeds might produce about 200 gallons of oil, worth about 200 dollars. I calculate that about two millions of gallons of such oil could be made annually in the United States from the seeds that are wasted or given to cattle and pigs. This is worth saving; and in addition to the bread, pies, soups, dishes, feed, &c. afforded by pumpkins, we shall have a good and wholesome home-made vegetable oil for lamps and food.

LATEST FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Liverpool, April 3.—The expedition preparing at Cadiz is carrying on in all its details with an unusual degree of vigor The naval force will consist of sail of the line, 6 frigates, 12 brigs and schooners, and 26 gun boats. All these are at present in the harbor of Cadiz, and in a complete state of equipment. The transports will enable Spain to embark a military force little short of 20,000 men. The greater part of the troops are already encamped in the neighborhood

The accounts from Ceylon are of a favorable nature. Two of the rebel leaders have been taken, and the third was shortly expected to surrender.

Paris, March 21.-The minister of war has given orders to organize the materiel of the fortress towns, which had been dismantled in consequence of their occupation by the allies: 360 pieces of cannon, of different calibres, have been dispatched from the arsenal of La Rochelle to the frontier fortresses of the department of the North; above 500 condemned pieces of ordnance havebeen sent to the foundary of Strasbourg to be recast.

A person who left Cadiz on the 18th ultimo, and who is now in Paris, has communicated the following details relative to the expedition about to be sent to Buenos Ayres:

The number of troops is about 13,000, including infantry and cavalry, and already occupy their cantonments in the neighborhood of that port. Count d'Abisbal, (O'Donnell,) who commands in chef, and who is appointed viceroy of Buenos Ayres, assembled in Cadiz 15,000, on the 28th of January last, the day appointed to celebrate the interment of her majesty the late queen. viewed them in the place St. Antoine, in the presence of a considerable body of spectators, which increased the splendor of the ceremony, and who all admired the fine equipment and steady discipline of the troops.

lle re.

All the generals who are attached to the expedition are at this moment assembled in Cadiz. General O'Donnel is incessantly occupied in enforcing every precaution necessary to accellerate its departure; called to such an important destiny, and which will, without doubt, be the finest that ever left the ports of Spain, the troops are


animated with the best spirit, and every thing ex-
cites the most pleasing hopes. [Jour. des debates.
Paris, March 29.-His excellency M. Latour
Maulbourg, appointed to the London embassy,
will set off in a few days for his destination.

A private letter from Manheim, dated the 23d
instant, announces, that M. de Kotzebue was as-
sassinated on that day by a student, and that the
latter immediately committed suicide with the
same poniard which had been the instrument of
his crime. Both instantly expired on the spot.
London, March 18.-By advices from Surinam,
[Journal de Paris.
of the 18th January, received in the city, we
learn that the government of that colony has pub-
lished an ordinance of his Belgian majesty, pro-
hibiting the slave trade, under the severest penal
ties, but permitting the transit of slaves from a
Dutch or foreign colony to another Dutch colony
in the West Indies.

[No. 18

the proscribed, and formerly a resident of New France to reclaim the people from the infidelity York, has obtained permission to return to France. Extraordinary efforts are making throughout results of the various ephemeral governments of which had been amongst the most unfortunate but their hatred to christianity. the revolution, who seemed to agree in nothing

of charity, with an enlightened zeal, free from The morality of the gospel, preached in spirit tive of salutary effects. In several parts crowds prejudice and fanaticism, will always be produc the church, and have renewed their baptismal of people who had wandered in the mazes of error, have been again restored to the bosom of Vows with sentiments of the deepest contrition from mere curiosity, were so affected they also and penitence. On one of these occasions, at Toulouse, many persons who had been present, withstand those superhuman efforts of the missionaries. became converted, declaring that they could not

Frankfort, March 12.—The course of events in France causes much uneasiness here; combustible matter of all kinds is evidently amassing, and the smallest spark threatens an explosion. The few exiles still here (Desportes, Pelletier, Gar Worthy the attention of the friends of Negroes. The last number of the Journal of Education, reau, &c.) are more active than ever. "In Francetion in Paris, contains the following letter from published by the society for Elementary Instruc(said a wit lately) they are playing at Pair ou Mr. Dard, director of the schools of the society in Senegal:


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The National Guard of Paris is to be reduced, and, in future, to be composed duly of men in easy circumstances, who will suffer less from the loss of their time. It is even said that the choice of the officers of the companies will be left to the Companies themselves.

scholars, of all the colors and countries of Senagambia. White, Blacks, Mulattoes, Maures, Bam"The Senegal school contains at present 150 "St. Louis, 9th Oct. 1818. baras, Wolofs, Sarakoulays. The first thirty AfriIn Russia the solders are to be cantoned, in funing, in March, 1817, have completed their eleture, in the villages, where they are to be taught mentary course-but, in order to perfect them in cans who have attended the school since its opethe practice of agriculture, and supported by the the French language, I have separated them from peasantry. In return the peasants are to be in- the elementary class, and formed them into a structed in the military art by the soldiers. The small academic body. I have created a president, labor of the latter is considered as a sufficient recompense for their diet and lodging; the state &c. The studies in this little black academy will will thus be relieved from a heavy burden and compose, 1st, the French language, geography, a vice president, a secretary, and a cominittee, the Russians in a few years will be all soldiers! A society has been formed at Treves, for the 2d, to reduce the Wolof language to proper prinpurpose of establishing a German colony in the ciples and to form a grammar-3d, to collect all history, and the elements of the mathematicsUnited States of America. This society has adopt the words and expressions of the Wolofs to form ed the name of GAGERN, in honor of the German baron of that name, who has recently sent au 4th, to translate the Old and New Testament into a Wolof-French and French-Wolof Dictionaryagent at his own expense to America, in order to Wolof, and generally all such French books as ascertain the treatment which the German colo- will be deemed most necessary for a nation wishnists receive in that country. The baron has pub-ing to emerge from barbarism and slavery. Aided lished the information he has received by this means, in a pamphlet entitled The German in America.

The hotel Villette where Voltaire died, on the Quay which bears the name of this great man, at the corner of Rue de Baune, and which had been so long untenanted, has lately become the principal place of meeting of a Masonic Lodge of adoption, attached to the Lodge of Friends of the Arts and of Letters. The new Lodge has taken the name of Belle et Bonne (beautiful and good) which Voltaire had given to his niece, Madame de Villette. The inauguration took place on the 9th of this month (February) under the Presidency of Madame de Villette.

The same crown which Voltaire had received at the Theatre-Francais, was exhibited to public view. Mademoissell Duchesnois recited before the bust of this great man the Ode of Marmontel, to which Mr. de Jouy had added two stanzas written for this occasion.

Count Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely, one of"

by this little society, I have already completed
of his excellency the minister of the marine to
the grammar and dictionary, and translated the
have these books printed at the expense of go-
New Testament, and I only wait for the authority


for the study of antiquity, and a learned naturalist, has arrived at Marseilles, after having travelM. Caillaud, a young Frenchman, full of zeal led near four years through Egypt, Nubia, the Great Oasis and the deserts which extend east of the Nile, almost to the Red Sea. He has discovered several temples built in the Egyptian style from Syene to the great Cataract, and some, which Oasis. The Antique Tombsare, remarkable for their elevation and great extent, and the imposhe considers of Grecian construction, in the great ing ruins of a Roman fortress, all under his particular attention. He has collected several Greek inscriptions-but the most precious discovery he leagues from the Red Sea, and about thirty or has made, is that of an ancient city, seven or eight



forty leagues to the south of Cocayr. It is towards this point, that D'Anville places the Emerald Mines, so well known to the ancients-and in fact, Mr. Cailliaud has found numerous traces of vast excavations.

tual attempt to bring Paez to a general action, was rapidly retracing his steps towards the Apune. His object is to regain the cultivated country, finding it impossible to draw supplies from the plains, in which he was harrassed continually by He descended into pits more than one hun-2500 cavalry. The detachments he had sent out dred metres in depth, which communicated by || in quest of subsistence had been uniformly cut means of gallaries with others of greater depth off by Paez's cavalry, and, from the time of In the course of his researches, he discovered a crossing the Arauca till that of his recrossing it, considerable number of emeralds, which has in- and marching as far as Conception, Morillo had duced the Pacha of Egypt to undertake the work-lost 1400 men and a field piece. He had circulaing of these mines anew, the prospects of successted (in writing) a boastful proclamation to Vanebeing such as fully warranted him in risking the cxpense.

ros, or Inhabitants of the plains, dated the 5th, to which Paez had replied by a keenly satirical adIn the neighborhood of this place, is the city dress (by way of comment) on the 5th February. The artillery and infantry, (2000) left on the of which we have spoken. It is called by the country people Sekelle. As in Pompeia, public island before Urbana, in the Oronoco, proceeding monuments, temples, palaces, and private hou-by forced marches to re-unite themselves with ses remain entire. Several inscriptions on the Paez. They will be reinforced by 420 English temples put it beyond doubt that this city was || and Irish soldiers, it having been Bolivar's intenGen, Bolivar set out from founded by the Ptolomys.-One of the temples tion to await there the arrival of 2000 English, had been erected to Berenice. The architecture daily expected, &c. Angostura on the 27th ult. on his return to the is Grecian, and the ornaments are Egyptian. army.

M Cailliaud experienced a powerful and honorable protection in the recollections which the French army had left in Egypt. The names of Desaix, Beliard, Kleber, and Donzelot, are never mentioned by the Arabs and Egyptians, but in terms of respect. The whole of the inscriptions, and even the most fragile monuments, have been preserved with religious care by those people, whom we call barbarous.


Col. Hursler's regiment and the remainder of col. English's expedition, are looked for daily. They will probably be associated with the 600 at Margaretta; whither gens. Urdometa and Valdez, col. Nedham (the adjutant general of that division) have gone with about 60 English sailorssels. Associated with 500 Margaritians, &c. who will assist in making gun boats or other vesBoston, April 22-We are indebted to a friend they will make a decent upon the coast at -, form a junction with the division collected in the for Paris papers to March 6, received by the Dido, from Havre. Their principal contents have provices of Barcelona and Cumana, to be combeen already furnished to us by the English pa-manded by gen. Marinos, Sarozas', Monagas', and pers. They are almost filled with debates and perhaps Bermendez' forces will constitute this army. Monogas was at the point of death from other discussions on the proposition for a modifi. cation of the law of elections. The emperor of an attack of fever. News of decisive operations Russia has published an ordinance by which the may be looked for from day to day. Should right of establishing manufactures of every des- these forces not complete the object of Indepencription is granted to the peasants, it having dence, though the suppositon is improbable, the troops to arrive from England will unquestionably been before confined to the nobility and mer. chants. The mourning for the late king of swe-expel the remnant of Morillo's corps from Veneden was continued for a whole year, except one month, when it wa suspended on account of the coronation; and it was, for that reason, continued a month beyond the year. But the long period of wearing mourning having proved injurious to trade, the king "having taken into consideration that the loss of a good king, or of a member of The Congress was deliberating on various rethe royal family, is great enough for a faithful people without increasing it by any observances gulations, and on a fundamental law, or constituinjurious to the public industry," has ordained tion, to be proposed to the people for their approthat, for the future, mourning for a king or queen bation. This is the substance of the latest news. shall last but six months. The births in Stock-More important events will soon challenge more holm, during the year 1818, were 2,344, deaths 2,880, marriages 505, divorces 26.

A letter from Sulco, Lapland, in N. L. 67° 15, complains that there had been no cold weather, and that the fields are free from snow; a thing before unheard of in that latitude.


Eastport, April 10-By the Leod, Woodward, arrived at this port, yesterday from Trinidad, received from a very intelligent gentleman, at that place, and who very recently returned from the theatre of war, the following brief abstract of the latest intelligence from Venezuela.

zuela. This will be a work of the greater facili-
ty, as Morillo has suffered greatly. Paez writes
Add to this, he, Morillo, has
that the prisoners taken were more like skeletons
than living men.
above 400 miles of plains to traverse, exposed
continually to the enemy's cavalry, his own being
annihiliated, and not a head of cattle in his camp.

regard than this hasty epitome. We also received by the above vessel Trinidad papers to the 13th ult. but they contain nothing of importance.

New York, April 24-We learn from capt. Whitmarsh, of the schooner Telegraph, from Curracoa, that a Dutch Govt. schr. had been dispatched to Laguira to ascertain the state of that place. She returned to Curracoa the 30th March with intelligence that the port was in a rigorous state of blockade by the squadrons of Brion and Taylor, and that the Royalists had laid an embargo on all vessels in port.

Extract of a letter from St. Croix, April 4, 1819. General Morillo is retreating with the remainPort Spain, March 15, 1819.-Late despatches received at Angostura, from Gen. Paez, datedder of his army, after having been defeated near the 15th ult. announced the retreat of the Spanish Apure, by the Patriot army, under the command army over the Aruca. Morillo, after an ineffec-of General Paez. It is hoped that the remainder


of Morillo's army will be completely destroyed the man who was to be scared, happened some before they cross the River. It is also fully hop-how or other to get a bullet mixed with his pow. ed, that if Morillo and his army are destroyed in der, and Stuart who was to act the part of scarer the present campaign, the part of the province was killed on the ground. The weapons were of Venezuela under the Spanish control, will rifles, and some fifty or sixty of the villagers went tamely yield to the Patriots, whence the Indepen-out to see the sport. Belleville is a little town dence of the Republic of Venezuela, will be firm in the state of Illinois, twelve miles from this ly established. The Congress of Venezuela has place. [Inquirer. been reinstalled, and gen. Bolivar is president ad interim. The result of Brious' attack on the Royal squadron, which were laying in the Bay of Eumana, has not been heard of. In short the suc cesses of the Patriots are going on with great rapidity, aided by worthy foreigners who have come to immortalize their names in support of || the Patriot cause. Already 3,000 men have arrived at Guayana from England. There is a rumour going on here, that Lima has been taken by the Patriots, and that 2,000 Spanish soldiers have been captured at sea by the Buenos Ayres squadron.

The ship Lion, Townsend, arrived here from Canton, has brought to this country three natives of Madison's Island, in the South Sea, which, it will be recollected, was taken possession of by captain Porter, in the frigate Essex, in November 1813, for the United States. Two of them e young men, upwards of 20 years old, probably, and the other a lad of about 12. They are cop. per colored and tattood according to their cus tom, by puncturing the skin and introducing a dark liquid, which has a singular appearance. They appear to be inoffensive youths, and as they are American citizens, having been adopted into Baltimore, April 26-The United States' sloop the great American family, we trust they will be of war Oatario, captain Biddle, arrived at Anna-treated with kindness and hospitality. [Prov. Pat. polis last evening, after a long cruize on the South American station-last from Rio Janeiro.


Russian Minister.-His excellency M. POLETICA, ambassador from Russia, came out in the ship Magnet, which arrived at New-York on the 26th instaut, from Bordeaux.

Rhode Island-The general election was held in this state on the 21st instant, and eventuated in the re-election, without opposition, of the present republican general officers. A majority of republicans is also chosen in the House of Repre sentatives. Every branch of the government is therefore republican.

Massachusetts-Governor Brooks, the federal candidate, is re-elected by a majority of about 5,000 votes over Mr. Crowninshield, the republi. can candidate, being about 2,500 less majority than he obtained at the last preceding election.

Connecticut.-The canvassing for Senators, who are elected in this state by general ticket, has closed, and the average majority for the toleration or republican tickets is nearly 1500 votes.

Tennessee-Samuel Powell has been appointed by the governor to be judge of the first circuit, vice Thomas Emmerson, appointed to the bench of the supreme court.

By an act of the last General Assembly of this state, it is made the duty of justices of the peace in the different counties, when taking the lists of taxable property, to take an enumeration of the free male inhabitants, which is required to be done previous to the first of July next.

Louisiana-At the late session of the legisla ture the following resolution received the sanction of both branches of the legislature, and the approbation of the governor:

Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the state of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That the governor of this state be requested to solicit from the President of the United States, to order that a sufficient naval force be stationed on our coasts, to protect them against the depredations of the pirates which desolate them, and which impede our communications with Vera Cruz and other Spanish ports in the Gulf of Mexico.

St. Louis, February 17.-A man of the name of Stuart lost his life last week at Belleville, in what was intended to be a sham duel. In this affair

From the New York Evening Post.

Integer vitæ, scelerisque purus.

Horace, Book I, Ode 22.

The man who wears a brazen face,
Quite a son aise, his glass inay quaff,
And whether in or out of place,

May twirl his stick, and laugh!
Useless to him the broad doubloon,
Red note, or dollar of the mill;
Though all his gold be in the moon,
His brass is current money still.
Thus-when my cash was at low water,
At Niblo's I sat down to dine;
And, after a tremendous slaughter

Among the wild fowl and the wine,
The bill before mine eyes was plac’d—

When, slightly turning round my head,
"Charge it," cried I-the man, amaz’d!
Star'd-made his congee-and obey'd.

Oh! bear me to some forest thick,

Where wampum'd' Choctaws prowl alone;
Where ne'er was heard the name of tick,
And bankrupt laws are quite unknown:
Or to some shop, by bucks abhor'd,

Where to the longing pauper's sorrow,
The curst inscription decks the board,

Of "Pay to day, and trust to-morrow:"
Or plunge me in the dungeon tower;

With bolts and turnkeys blast mine eyes;
While, call'd from death by Marshal's power,
The ghosts of murder'd debts arise!
The easy dupes I'll weedle still

With looks of brass and words of honey;
And having scor❜d a decent bill,

Pay off my impudence for money.

No. 19.]



Printed and Published, every Saturday, by Lawrence, Wilson. & Co. at five dollars per annuta.

Frazier, his under secretary, who had been, as his lordship said, uninterruptedly in that office,

Contents of this No. of the National Register. LETTER from Mr. Adams to Mr. Jay, 289.-Documents ae-through all the changes in administrrtion, for companying the letter of Mr. Adams to Mr. Erving, thirty years, having first been appointed by the concluded, 290.--European Views of American Affairs, Earl of Holderness. After a short conversation 292.--Miscellany-Antiquities of Athens, 298.-Marriage of deaf and dumb persons, 294.-Curious preservation of a upon the subject of importing my effects from hen, 274.-Remarkable Oak, 295.-Spectacle of a beauti-Holland and France free of duty, which Mr. Fra ful Night in the deserts of the New World, 295.-An ugly Wife or a Gibbet, 295.-Description of a burning Spring,zier himself introduced, Lord Carmarthen invited 296.-Cod Bank of Shetland, 296.-Extraordinary Mushroom, 26.-Fountain of St. Allyre, 296.-The Sioux nation of Indians, 297.-Tales of the Inquisition, 297.-Murray's Island, 298.-Foreign Intelligence, 299.-Domestic, 303.-Poetry-Lines addressed to Napoleon, 304.

Letter from Mr. Adams to Mr. Jay.

From the New York American.

me to go with him in his coach to court. When we arrived in the anti-chamber, the Œil de Beuf of St. James, the master of the ceremonies, met me, and attended me, while the Secretary of State went to take the commands of the kingWhile I stood in this place, where it seems all ministers stand upon such occasions, always attended by the master of ceremonies, the room very full of ministers of state, bishops, and all other sorts of courtiers, as well as the next room,

We are not aware that the following letter from Mr. Adams, then our embassador in England, to Mr. Jay, Secretary of State under the old confed-which is the king's bed chamber, you may well eration, has ever been published. It is valuable from the elevated character of the actors and from the interest of the scene described. Some of our patriots, who think there is natural repulsion between independence and good breeding, may be horrified at the courtier-like address of Mr. Adams, and feel quite indignant that republican ism should have observed a proper decorum be fore royalty. We admire in Mr. Adams' conduct that good sense and dexterity that has distinguish ed most of our foreign ministers in their intercourse with European courts. The style is simple, and we think more republican than the inflated bombast that characterizes most of our pre; sent productions. It is what we seldom meet, the plain language of a sensible man.

suppose that I was the focus of all eyes. I was relieved however from the embarrassment of it, by the Swedish and Dutch ministers, who came to me and entertained me in a very agreeable conversation during the whole time. Some other gentlemen whom I had seen before, came to make their compliments too-until the Marquis of Carmarthen returned, and desired me to go with him to his majesty! I went with his lordship through the levee room into the king's closet-the door was shut, and I was left with his majesty and the Secretary of State alone. I made the three reverences; one at the door, another about half-way, and the third before the presence, according to the usage established at this and all the northern courts of Europe, and then addressed myself to his majesty in the following words:

Bath Hotel, Westminster, June 2, 1785. Dear Sir,-During my interview with the Mar"SIR,-The United States of America have ap◄ quis of Carmarthen, he told me that it was cus-pointed me their minister plenipotentiary to your tomary for every foreign minister at his first pre-majesty, and have directed me to deliver to your sentation to the king, to make his majesty some majesty this letter, which contains the evidence compliments conformable to the spirit of his cre- of it. It is in obedience to their express comdentials; and when Sir Clement Cottrel Dormer, mands, that I have the honor to assure your mathe master of the ceremonies, came to inform me jesty of their unanimous disposition and desire to that he should accompany me to the Secretary of cultivate the most friendly and liberal intercourse State, and to court, he said that every foreign between your majesty's subjects and their citi minister whom he had attended to the queen, had zens, and of their best wishes for your majesty's always made a harangue to her majesty, and he health and happiness, and for that of your royal understood, though he had not been present, that family. they always harangued the king. On Tuesday evening the Baron de Lynden, (Dutch ambassa dor) called upon me, and said he came from the Baron de Nolkin, (Swedish envoy,) and had been conversing upon the singular situation I was in, and they agreed in opinion that it was indispen sable that I should make a speech, and that it should be as complimentary as possible. All this was parallel to the advice lately given by the Comte de Vergennes to Mr. Jefferson. So that finding that it was a custom established at both these great courts, and that this court and the foreign ministers expected it, I thought I could not avoid it, although my first thought and inclination had been to deliver my credentials silently and retire. At one, on Wednesday, the 1st of June, the master of ceremonies called at my house, and went with me to the Secretary of State's office, in Clevelend Row, where the Marquis of Carmarthen received me, and introduced me to Mr.

"The appointment of a minister from the United States to your majesty's court, will form an epocha in the history of England and of America. I think myself more fortunate than all iny fellowcitizens, in having the distinguished honor to be the first to stand in your majesty's royal presence in a diplomatic character; and I shall esteem myself the happiest of men if I can be instrumental in recommending my country more and more to your majesty's royal benevolence, and of restoring an entire esteem, confidence, and affection, or in better words, "the old good nature, and the old good humour," between people, who though separated by an ocean and under different governments, have the same language, a similar religion, and kindred blood. I beg your majesty's permission to add, that although I have sometimes before been entrusted by my country, it was never in my whole life in a manner so agreeable to my"self."

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