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The king listened to every word I said, with dignity it is true, but with an apparent emotion. Whether it was the nature of the interview, or whether it was my visible agitation, for I felt more than i did or could express, that touched him, 1 cannot say, but he was much affected, and answered me with more tremor than I had spoken with, and said

making my last reverence at the door of the chamber, I went my way; the master of the ceremonies joined me the moment of my coming out of the king's closet, and accompanied me through all the apartments, down to my carriage, several stages of servants, gentlemen porters, and under porters, roaring out like thunder, as I went along, Mr. Adams's servants, Mr. Adams's carriage,"


"SIR,-The circumstances of this audience are I have been thus minute in these details, beso extraordinary, the language you have now heid is so extremely proper, and the feelings you have cause they may be useful to others hereafter to discovered so justly adapted to the occasion, that know. The conversation with the king I should I must say, that I not only receive with pleasure not dare to withhold from Congress," "who will the assurances of the friendly disposition of the form their own judgment of it I may possibly United States, but that I am very glad the cho cc expect from it a residence here less painful than has fallen upon you to be their minister. I wish once expected, because so marked an attentionyou, sir, to believe, and that it may be understood from the king will silence many grumblers;--but in America, that I have done nothing in the late we can infer nothing from all this concerning the contest but what I thought myself indispensably success of my mission. There is a train of other bound to do, by the duty which I owed to my ceremonies to go through in presentations to the people. I will be very frank with you. I was the queen, and visits to and from ministers and amlast to conform to the separation: but the separa-bassadors, which will take up much time, and tion having been made, and having become inevi-interrupt me in my endeavours to obtain all that table, I have always said as I say now, that I would be the first to meet the friendship of the United States as an independent power. The moment 1 see such sentiments and language as yours prevail, and a disposition to give this country the preference, that moment I shall say, let the circumstances of language, religion, and blood, have their natural and full effect."

i dare not say that these were the king's pre cise words, and it is even possible that I may have in some particular mistaken his meaning; for although his pronunciation is as distinct as 1 ever heard, he hesitated sometimes between his periods, and between the members of the same period. He was indeed much affected, and I was not less so, and therefore I cannot be certain that I was so attentive, heard so clearly, and understood so perfectly, as to be confident of all his words or sense; and I think that ail which he said to me should at present be kept secret in America, unless his majesty or his Secretary of State should judge proper to report it. This I do say, that the foregoing is his majesty's meaning, as then understood it, and his own words as nearly as I can recollect them

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The king then asked me, whether I came last from France? and upon my answering in the affirmative, he put on an air of familiarity, and smiling, or rather laughing, said, "there is an opinion among some people that you are not the most attached of all your countrymen to the manners of France." I was surprised at this, because I thought it an indiscretion, and a descent from his dignity. I was a little embarrassed, but|| determined not to deny the truth on one hand, nor leave him to infer from it any attachment to England on the other, I threw off as much gravi ty as I could, and assumed an air of gayety, and a tone of decision, as far as was decent, and said, "That opinion, Sir, is not mistaken; I must ayow to your majesty I have no attachment but to my own country." The king replied as quick as lightning; an honest man will never have any

have at heart, the objects of my instructions. Thus it is that the essence of things is lost in ceremony in every country of Europe; we must submit to what we cannot alter. Patience is the only remedy.

With great and sincere esteem I have the honto be, dear Sir, your most obedient and most humble servant,


His Excellency John Jay, Esq. Secre-
tary of State for the Department of
Foreign affairs.


Accompanying the letter of Mr Secretary Adams to Mr. Erving, the minister of the United States at Madrid.

No. 69.

Arbuthnott to the commanding officer at Fort Gaines.
Okolokne Sound, 3d March, 1817.

To the officer commanding Fort Gaines,

SIR, I am desired by Peter M'Queen, an unfortunate chief, who was some years since obliged to fly from his town of Tucky Batche, on the Tallapoohatchee river, to claim of your friendship, the delivery of a negro man named Joe, (taken away from him since the peace) which he states to be in fort Gaines. When M'Queen left Tucky Batche, his property was considerable, both in negroes and cattle; of the former, ten grown negroes were taken by a half bred man, named Barney, nine of which he learns were sold, and one, a girl, is still in possession of said Barney. Twenty able negroes were taken by a chief named Colonel, or Auchi Hatche, who acts also as an interpreter; and as he never had possession of any of those persons' property, nor ever did them any injury to his knowledge, he claims a further proof of your friendship, that you will use your influence in procuring those negroes for him; and, should they be given up by the persons holding them, there is one faithful negro among them, The king then said a word or two to the Secre-named Charle, who will bring them to him at tary of State, which being between them I did not hear, and then turned round and bowed to The American head men and officers that were me, as is customery with all kings and princes, accustomed to live near him, can testify to his ciwhen they give the signal to retire. I retreated, vility and good fellowship with them, and there stepping backwards, as is the etiquette, and are none of them, he is convinced, that would not



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Okolokne river.

serve him, if in their power; as he owes nothing, nor ever took any persons' property, none have a right to retain his, and he hopes that through your influence, those persons now holding his negroes, will be induced to give them up.

While I am thus advocating the cause of one unfortunate individual, allow me to claim an ex tension of your philanthropy to all the Indians within your circle, by your representing to them the folly of their quarrels, and that they ought to live quietly and peaceably with each other.

The lower Creeks seem to wish to live peace. ably and quietly, and in good friendship with the others; but there are some designing and evil minded persons, self interested, who are endea voring to create quarrels between the upper and lower Creek Indians, contrary to their interest, their happiness, and welfare; such people belong to no nation, and ought not to be countenanced by any government.

posit of some of the Indians, to be given to the said Bowen when called for. Further of his origin, or manner in which he was claimed as property, I can't tell any thing of. You inquired why citizens were descending this river. In answer I say in right of, and conformably to a late treaty be tween the United States and the Creek nation; for this part of the territory was ceded to us as compensation for expenses and aid furnished and incurred by the friendly Creek Indians, against M'Queen and his party; not having any reference, or touching at any article or part of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain. As to M'Queen's having any claims on the good feeling and philanthropy of any citizen of the United States, is mock and farce, on the contrary he has incurred both the ill will and hatred of his own people and them, and has in fact, been the cause of the destruction and loss of his native country. Your obdt. servt.

The head chiefs request I will inquire of you, why American settlers are descending the Chatta-A. hoochie, driving the poor Indian from his habitation, and taking possession of his home and cultivated fields.

Without authority, I can claim nothing of you; but a humane and philanthropic principle guiding me, I hope the same will influence vou, and if such is really the case, and that the line marked out by the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States, respecting the Indian nations has been nfringed upon by the subjects of the latter, that you will represent to them their improper conduct, and prevent its continuance.

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Oakulokiny Sound, Florida Keys.

[N. B. This paper, proves that Arbuthnott had full notice of the treaty of Fort Jackson, and of the rights of the United States under it.}

No 71.

Copy of a paper, without date or signature, found among Arbuthnott's papers-supposed to be the answer to No. 4, in the proceedings of the court mar tial on the trial of Arbuthnott.

It is not in my power to comply with your wishes, without the king's command. but you may be assured that I shall lose no time in submitting the representation you have now made to the consideration of his majesty's government.

I hold in my possession a letter received from the governor of New Providence, addressed to him by his Britannic majesty's chief secretary of state, informing him of the orders given to the British ambassador at Washington, to watch over the interests of the Indian nations, and see that || A. Arbuthnott to general_Mitchell, agent of Indian their rights are faithfully attended to, and protected agreeably to the treaty of peace, made between the British and Americans.

I am in hopes that ere this, there is arrived at New Providence, a person from Great Britain, with authority to act as agent for the Indian nations, and if so, it will devolve on him, to see that the boundary lines, as marked out by the treaty, are not infringed upon.

No. 72.


Sahwahnee, Lower Creek Nation, 19th January, 1818

SIR,-Kenhijee, head chief of the Lower Creek ||Nation, has called on me to request I would represent to you the cruel and oppressive conduct of the American people living on the borders of the Indian nation, and winch he was in hopes, from a talk you were pleased to send him some I hope you will not think these observations, weeks since, would have been put a stop to, and made by desire of the chiefs, any improper inter-peace restored between the Indians and the ference, and requesting the favor of an answer, I am respectfully, sir,

Your obt. servant,


American people; but far from any stop being put to their inroads and encroachments, they are pouring in by hundreds at a time, not only froin the land side, but both troops and settlers ascending the Appalachacola river in vessel loads. Thus the Indians ave been compelled to take up arms to defend their homes from a set of lawless in

(Signed) PS. M'Queen states, that the offspring of the negroes, when he left Tucky Batche, were seven of those taken by Barney, and nine of those taken by Auche Hatchi, and he supposes they have in-vaders. creased.

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No 70.

Your known philanthropy and good will towards the Indians in general, induces the chiefs to hope Culloh to Arbuthnott, (answer to No. 69,) fouud that you will lose no time in using your influence

among Arbuthnott's papers

Fort Gaines, 1st May, 1817. Dear Sir,-On being informed by the commandng officer, that you had written in behalf of Peter Queen, for a negro man once in the possession myself at this place, requiring the return of ad negro to (as you said) the rightful owner; ke the liberty of informing you, that the said egro is now at Fort Hawkins, Oakmulgee river, med by an American citizen by the name of en White; he remained with us, he was a de

to put a stop to those invasions of their lands and paternal birth-right, and also order that those who have already seized on their fields may retire therefrom. The Indians have seized two persons known to have been greatly instrumental in bringing the Americans down on their lands, and they are now in their possession as prisoners: and they have it in report that sales of their lands have been made by those two people, without the consent, approbation, or knowledge, of the chiefs; and from their long residence in the nation, and

the one having enjoyed great confidence in the nation and with the chiefs, as English interpreter, there is some reason to believe those reports, when leagued with the swarms of Americans coming from Mobile and other places, seizing the best of the Indian lands. Such improper sales have actually been made.

tions contained in the treaty, in their favor, are
faithfully carried into execution.

"The Americans have no wish to go to war; they will not, therefore, do any thing contrary to the treaty; and what encroachments have been made, must be without the knowledge of the chief of the American government; and so soon In taking this liberty of addressing you, sir, in as he is informed thereof by the British minister behalf of the unfortunate Indians, believe me I at Washington, he will order the American peohave no wish but to see an end put to a war,ple who have taken possession of Indian lands to which, if persisted in, I foresee, must eventually be their ruin, and as they were not the aggressors, if, in the height of their rage they commit any excesses, that you will overlook them, as the just ebullitions of an indignant spirit against an invading foe.

I have the honor to be, &c. &c. (Signed)

A. ARBUTHNOTT. By order of Kenhijee and Bowlegs, acting for themselves and the other chiefs.

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Okolokne River, March 3d, 1817. [This is an extract from the letter No. 69 in this collection, consisting of the four paragraphs before the last, which is omitted. See the document No. 69, and the answea to it, No. 70.] Copy of a talk sent from the British Agent in East Florida, to the Big Warrior, head chief of the Creek nation of Indians.*

"When the English made peace with the Americans, they included the whole of the Indian nations, viz: Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee. Those nations were guaranteed in the quiet possession of their lands, and the Americans engaged to give up such lands of the Indians as they had taken possession of during the


"If they have not done so, or if they have been making further encroachments, the chiefs have only to represent their complaints, and the aggressions of the Americans to the governor of New Providence, who will forward them to England, or get them conveyed to the British minister at Washington, who has orders from the king of England, to see that the rights of the nations abovementioned are protected, and the stipula

[This appears to be the same talk, with the letter to the Little Prince, mentioned in the proceedings of the court marial on Arbuthnott's trial.J

draw back to their own possessions.

"The Indian nations are all one great family;
they possess lands their great forefathers handed
down to them, and they ought to hand them down
entire to their children. If they sell their land,
what do they receive for it? Nothing that will last.
It is wasted away in a few years. Whether, there-
fore, they sell or give it away, they are robbing
their children of the inheritance they had a right
to expect. As a great family, they ought to
live as such with each other. Let the four nations
join in bonds of brotherly love; let them smoke
the pipe of peace; let the cultivation of their
lands be their chief object during spring and sum-
mer, and hunting their diversion during winter;
and the produce of their labor will be bought by
good people, who will come and deal with them,
when they know there is any thing to be pur-
chased for goods or money

"If the Americans or other nations live near
them, let them live in friendship with them, and
keep up a good understanding, but on no account
sell or give away any of their lands. I recommend
this as a friend of humanity, and of good order.
Okolokne, March 11, 1817."

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"The head chiefs of the upper Creek nation have desired me, Oponey, to get the straight for them; what is written in the foregoing I believe to be the true and straight talk received from an Englishman, who carried two deputies to New lokne. I, Oponey, have been sent by you, the Providence, and has returned with them to Okohead chiefs of the upper Creek nation, to see the Seminole Indians. I have done so; they live their red brethren, in every part of the nation. quietly and peaceably, and wish to do so, with all

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Opoy Hatcho has desired me to see those things; I have done so; and see all quiet, and had the talk I now send you, and shaken hands with the friend who gave it me.

"That the friend I have met came over with goods, by desire of the chiefs of the lower towns, and is a true friend to the Indians. The various and untrue talks that you sent me, from time to time. must be made by some person an enemy to us al red brethren, and ought not to be listened to; le me know who they are, and send me an answer as soon as possible to the present talk. (Signed) OPONEY, his x mark. "Written by order of the aforesaid Oponey, the 11th of March, 1817. (Signed) A. ARBUTHNOTT "Witness

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" (Signed)


European Views of American Affairs
From Bell's London Messenger of March 28,
ceived at the Office of the Boston Patriot.
The late week has produced two foreign
* See Arbuthnott's Journal, No. 68.



cles of intelligence, of considerable importance; indeed one of them much more pregnant with consequences than it may now appear. These events are, the final cession of Florida, by the court of Madrid, to the government of the United States, and the project of the law for governing the French press.

As respects the cession of the Floridas, we have long been persuaded that the Spanish government || would at length consent to this cession, and would make the best bargain, for a profitable exchange, for what had long become only burthens me. The Floridas, however valuable in themselves, were not of a nature to become of any value to a government like that of Ferdinand, whose spirit is to reap what others sow, and to procure its revenue by an enormous taxation upon commerce and mines. Florida, though a vast and unbroken mine of agricultural produce, has no mines of sil ver and gold; it wants capital to commence its agricultural operations, and industry to continue them; it wants good laws, enlightened magistrates, and a reformed religion. But Ferdinand and his government could supply nothing of these || necessities. Florida, therefore, in their hands, was the vineyard of the sluggard. Its hedges || were broken down, or rather not planted; its fields were untilled, and its noble waters and rivers were choaked with mud. Spain, under these circumstances, has ceded little in ceding the Floridas.

and to the Spanish government, and under these
feelings wished to push the frontier boundary of
the United States towards Mexico. It is thus
stated in the Gazette of the government, and may
be therefore deemed almost official, that there
was a strong indisposition in the American Senate
to relinquish the territory between the Sabine and
the Rio del Norte, the line of demarcation origi
nally contended for, a league of which is justly
deeined of more value to the United States (and
seaboard on the Gulf of Mexico) than the whole
which would include a considerable portion of
centuries to come, can be of very little importance
territory west of the Rocky Mountains, which, for
to the United States.

The other principal article of foreign intelli-
gence, is the French project for a new law to
these intended 'regulations go a little too far, and
regulate the press. We think, ourselves, that
rather lead to the servitude of the public press,
than to the due regulation of its liberty. But
perhaps the French press may, under the present
state of things, require this greater degree of lc-
gal control. Parties and passions still run very
strong; and we understand that some of their po
ous contempt of the authority of law and govern.
litical pamphlets are written with a most audaci-
We cannot say that we feel much sympa-
thy for the French writers; for in no kingdom in
decent, and irreligious.
Europe is the public press more scandalous, in-



We have often had occasion to say that the Athens.-The following letter from a gentleman, Americans are a very acute people, and see their dated Syracuse, to his brother in this place, alinterest at as long a distance as the most profound It was with a view to the though it tells us of nothing new, is yet interestpoliticians of Europe present cession that they sent a mission along the South American coast, during the last to us, inasmuch as it contains the names of The avowed object of that mission was to inquire men and places, the bare mention of which prointo the actual relations of the emancipated citiesduce the most agreeable associations. We did The real purnot know much of modern Greece until Byron and Hobhouse visited it with such enthusiasm of and provinces of South America pose was to hold out a very intelligible menace to it excited no other sensations than would any the government of Madrid, and thereby to convey classic feeling. When the Morca was spoken of, a hint, which, in the recent negotiations with respect to Florida, has not been lost upon the Span other place which occurs in the log book of a sea ish ministers. This policy is equivalent to that of captain: the old title of Peleponessus had almost a private dealer, who desirous of getting a good sunk into oblivion, and Greece was only thought price for his commodity, points out a second bid of when associated with the era of Socrates or "Do you Epaminondas. The pens of Byron and Chateauder whilst he is dealing with the first. as you please. I think myself bound in honor to briand have redeemed this lovely country, with a subject of gratulation to us that an American give you the refusal; but you see another chap its delightful islands, from entire oblivion. It is man is at the door." feels pleasure in even viewing the ruins of Athens; it argues a mind of taste, and proves that other studies, than those which constitute the considerable progress has already been made in usual accomplishments of an American supercargo. The writer gives us some disagreeable intelligence respecting that comet of genius, lord Byron. From an article that lately appeared in the Port Folio, describing this poet's residence and manner of living in Mytelene, we were inreflected misery and wretchedness on himself duced to believe that the errors of his character lence are there highly spoken of. This idea is alone; his philanthrophy and romantic benevoscarcely reconcileable with the statement that his course through Greece was marked by debaucheis too eccentric for cominon calculation; we yet ry and licentiousness. His character, however, hope that a reformation may take place, and that the embalming quality of his genius will carry down to posterity a character of less moral turpi"tude than the one he now supports.

Nor will the republican ambition of the Ameri-
can people remain satisfied, even with this acqui-
sition, though the immediate result of it be, that
in any future war with England, it exposes our
West Indian Islands to such rapid and successive
invasions as must exhaust any fleet we can send
With the single excep.
to save or recover them
'tion of Jamaica, which is of sufficient extent and
resources to provide for her own defence, all the
Carribean Islands are at the mercy of the United
States; and upon this simple principle, that they
will not be worth the expense of successive re-
conquests by a government so remote as that of
Great Britain. This is our consideration, but we
do not think it of much importance. Another
consideration is the progressive spirit becoming
daily more manifest in the American people and
government. The acquisition of Florida has al-
ready excited some avowed longings with respect
to Mexico itself Their popular writers, and
even the American Senate, begin to speculate
upon the comparative value of Mexico to America

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rapacious hands could grasp, and the navy of his country carry away; and the ruins of the Parthenon may be considered as the monument of the latter. Lord Byron is also known here; his course through these countries has been marked by licentiousnes, and the degenerate inhabitants of modern Athens will long be the recorders of his immoralities. Of this city I conclude in the words of Chateaubriand.

"We left Tripoli on the 9th of October, and, passing within sight of Mount Ida, in Crete, we landed at the Pireus, the harbor of ancient Athens; we ascended the acropolis or citadel, celebrated as the place to which the aged and infirm retired when Themistocles persuaded the inhabitants to leave their city, their pride, and their glory, and embark for Salamis; this place is now only dis tinguished by the temple of Victory, the double temple of Minerva and Neptune, and the Par- "The ruins here have a character of sadness, thenon, that unrivalled specimen of ancient ar- which depresses the spirits of the spectator; for chitecture; these temples, which are of entire he sees not the gradual progress of time, but the marble, and are viewed as master pieces of art, ruinous havoc of the hand of man! these revoluwere erected by Pericles during the most brilliant tions have been more terrible than those properiod of Athenian history; the bas reliefs, which duced by the lapse of ages, for they are rather represent the battle of the Centaurs and the La destructions than ruins! time seems to have delepithae, and the principal events in the life of Mi-gated his power to man, who in a moment has nerva, are supposed to be the work of Phidias, ruined what centuries could not have destroyed, and the few which have been spared by the hand and what ages could not replace!" of time, and the still more destructive rapacity of [Pittsburg Gazette. travellers, are esteemed invaluable, both for design and execution. Quitting the acropolis, I Marriage of Deaf and Dumb Persons.-In the passed near the monuments of Cimon and Thu-register of St. Martin's Parish, Leicester, Decimo cidides, and ascended the hill of Mars, where are still to be seen the remains of the seats of the arcopagus, that tribunal, whose intregritry alone survived amidst the universal degeneracy of Greece; below this is the Pnyx, or place for popular assemblies, from whose rostrum was once heard the resistless eloquence of Pericles, and which witnessed the disgraceful act of ostracism dooming Aristides to banishment; from this spot the eloquent Alcibiades determined this fickle people to the fatal expedition against Sicily, and Demosthenes and Phocion thundered their anathemas against the ambition of Philip, which drew down upon their heads the implacable ha-ger, and laid his hand upon his heart, and held tred of his son Alexander. The sublime Socrates here taught the doctrine of the immortality of the soul; he was here condemned to death, and a few paces distant may be seen the ruins of the prison in which he drew his last sigh

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quinto Februarii, 18 Eliz. regina.

Thomas Tilsly and Ursula Russent, were married; and because the said Thomas is naturally deaf and dumb, could not for his part, observe the order of the form of marriage After the approbation had from Thomas the Bishop of Lincoln, John Chippendale, LLD. and commissary, and Mr Richard Davis, Mayor of Leicester, and others of his brethren, with the rest of the parish, the said Thomas, for expressing of his mind, instead of words of his own accord, used these signs; first, he embraced her with his arms, took her by the hand, and put a ring on her fin

up his hands towards heaven; and to shew his continuance to dwell with her to his life's end, he did it by closing his eyes with his hands, and digging the earth with his feet, and pulling as though he would ring a bell, with other signs approved.

From the Crawford Messenger.

been enclosed within the stack when it was first built, (in August last.) I happened to be present, and was careful in the examination of all the circumstances attending this phenomenon.

"After passing over the ruins of ancient Athens, we called upon the French consul, M. Fauvel, to examine his collection; in a few minutes he entered, and we soon discovered that a On the 1st of this instant, at the farm occupied residence of 20 years among the barbarians of by James Rogers, in the vicinity of this place, as modern Athens had not deprived him of that po- the young men were throwing the sheaves of liteness so peculiar to his nation, and so gratifying wheat from off the stack, for the purpose of to strangers; his collection is antique, and I sup-threshing, a living hen was uncovered, which had pose valuable; ancient vases, coins, fragments of columns and capitals, copies of medals, and pieces of statues are spread around in great profusion; every thing modern is here excluded; the present world and its productions are unknown to this worthy antiquarian, and he appears buried in the dust of antiquity As an evidence of the total abstraction of his mind from the transactions of modern politics and of governments, he asked 'if Quebec was not the capital of America;' and yet I do not give this as an instance of his igno- || rance; it only proves his devotedness to other pursuits, and all agree that he is a man of consi derable talents; of America, or of any other coun try, he can know but little; he has transported himself back to the splendid eras of ancient Athens, and his studies and his researches are all directed to periods long past.

"From many causes Athens will ever interest the traveller; among modern ones, the two most known are Lord Elgin, and Morosini the Vene tian; these will be long remembered by the in habitants; the former has removed whatever his

She lay at the top of the outside sheaf, close to the but end of the sheaf which binds the heart of the stack, in a hole like a common nest, and so closely confined, that she could not turn herselfher head towards the centre-her excrements were voided in one spot about three inches in diameter; the moisture of which had sunk downward and caused the sheaf to rot in that place. There was no appearance of her having eaton any of the grain. When first uncovered to the fresh air, she appeared in distress, and made a noise as is common when disturbed in the night, only very weak, but soon fell asleep again. She died in about an hour.

Mrs. Rogers cut her open; there was very little flesh upon her, and no blood-her gizzard contained nothing but two small pieces of gravel -her craw or ingluvies appeared like a little "bag, perfectly empty, as were her intestines.

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