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After some time I examined her again and found her flesh to be somewhat red, and that a little blood had oozed out along the back.

I cannot pretend to account for the manner of her existence in that confined state, where the heat occasioned by the fermentation of the grain,|| would be great; and the stench arising from the acid and ammonia generated by the dung and other feculent matter, would be intolerable. JAMES HAMILTON.

Meadville, April 16, 1819.

Remarkable Oak.-Near the thirty-third mile stone, on the London road, near Rainham, Nor folk, in the garden of a cottager, lies the decaying trunk of an ancient oak, which has lost its important character and honors by time, that has with it also destroyed its roots, its foliage, and its limbs The tree itself was once a parish boundary; also a sea mark, and separated the eastern and western divisions of the county. These were sufficient to give it importance-it may be replaced but another cannot obtain the honor the old stump can boast, as it was under that tree the famed Watts, of Rochester, in the year of his mayoralty, in company with the corporation, met the more famous queen Elizabeth, on the return from Dover, where she had been to view part of her fleet after it had defeated the Spanish Armada, and under which she and they enjoyed a dejeune, leaving the remainder of viands, plates, knives and forks, for the use of the poor of the parish of Rainhaim, after which she accompanied the cavalcade to the worshipful the mayor's house, on Boley Hill, which she called "Satis," from the sumptuous entertainment she enjoyed there. When this tree, worn out with age and time, fell down, other plants were placed in the same situation; but, as though the earth felt jealous of a supplanter, it refused to nourish them; nor have any efforts to raise another oak on that spot, although several attempts have been made, ever succeeded. [London paper.

Spectacle of a beautiful Night in the De

serts of the New World.

An hour after sunset the moon appeared above the trees in the opposite horizon. A balmy breeze which she brought with her from the east, seemed to go before, as her refreshing breath, in the forest. The queen of night as cends gradually in the Heavens: now she follows silently her azure course, now reposes on piles of clouds, resembling the summits of lofty mountains crowned with snow. These gradually unfurling themselves were spread into zones of satin whiteness, and dispersed in thin foamy flocks, or formed in the Heaven's resplendent banks, so pleasant to the eye, as almost to induce a persuasion that one could feel their softness and elasticity.

through the marsh, and agitated by the breeze, formed islands of shadows, floating on a motionless sea of light. Around me all was silence and repose, save the dropping of the leaves, the brisk transit of sudden flaws of wind, and the occasional hooting of the bird of night; but afar off was heard the rolling solemn sound of the Cataract of Niagara; which in the stillness of the night reverberated from desert to desert, until it ultimately expired in the distant solitary wild.

The grandeur and stupendous solemnity of this scene, are altogether inexpressible. The most beautiful nights in Europe can convey no adequate idea of them. In vain in our cultivated fields, does imagination seek to expand itself; it encounters on every side the habitations of man; but in the country of deserts, the mind delights to plunge into an ocean of forests, to wander on the borders of boundless lakes, to hover over the gulfs of cataracts, and if it may be uttered, to stand alone in the presence of the Deity.


From a London Paper

AN UGLY WIFE OR A GIBBET. The following amusing story is copied from a manuscript sheet of the Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, which is now in progress of publication, and to which Walter Scott is a contributor.

"In the 17th century, the greater part of the property lying upon the river Ettricke, belonging to Scott of Harden, who made his principal residence at Oakwood Tower, a border-house of strength, still remaining upon that river, William Scott, (afterwards sir William,) son of the head of this family, undertook an expedition against the Murrays of Elibank, whose property lay at a few miles distant. He found his enemy upon their guard, was defeated and made prisoner in the act of driving off the cattle, which he had collected for that purpose. Our hero, sir Gideon Murray, conducted his prisoner to the castle, where his lady received him with congratulations

upon his victory, and enquiries concerning the


fate to which he had destined his prisoner: "The gallows," answered sir Gideon, for he is said already to have acquired the honor of knighthood, "to the gallows with the maurauder.” na, sir Gideon," answered the considerate matron in her vernacular idiom, "wud ye hang the winsome young Laird of Harden, when ye have three ill-favored daughters to marry?" "Right, right, answered the baron," who catched at the idea, "he shall either marry our daughter, micklemouthed Meg, or strap for it." Upon this alternative being proposed to the prisoner, he, upon the first offer, stoutly preferred the gibbet to mickle-mouthed Meg, for such was the nick name of the young lady, whose real name was Agnes. But at length, when he was literally led Ón earth the scene was not less ravishing; the forth to execution, and saw no other chance for soft and silver light of the moon descended escape, he retracted his ungallant resolution, and among the foilage, and projected streams of light preferred the typical noose of matrimony to the into the profoundest shades. The river which literal cord of hemp. Such is the tradition estaflowed at my feet, by turns lost itself in the woods, blished in both families, and often jocularly referrand by turns re-appeared; all brilliant with the ed to on the border. It may be necessary to add, constellations of night, and which were multi-that the mickle-mouthed Meg and her husband plied upon its undulating bosom. In a vastly extended prairie on the other side of the river, the light of the moon slept motionless upon the green. Birch trees scattered here and there"

were a very happy pair, and had a very large family, to each of whom sir William Scott bequeathed good estates, besides reserving a large one for the eldest."

convenience is felt from the want of bait, which being obtained from the bays of Shetland, prove a great loss of time to the fishers, who are often obliged precipitously to leave the bank for the want of it. Any account of the manner in which this inconvenience is remedied in other places, either by the preservation of bait, collected pre

mode of fishing for the bait, which consists of shell fish, on the bank itself, will be most acceptable information to the vessels employed in the pursuit."

Description of a burning Spring.—This may be considered a very great natural curiosity. It is situated about 68 miles above the junction of the Kennawha and Ohio rivers, in Kenawha county, on the land of Lawrence Washington. The water is contained in a hole in the earth, about 3 feet deep, and 6 feet in circumference. The water is always muddy, and an air rushes out of it,viously to the fishing season, or by any other which creates large bubbles on the surface, and if a blaze of fire is applied to it, takes fire with great rapidity, and burns at some times until all the water is consumed; but this does not effect the burning. It frequently continues several weeks. The water is very cold, but it is put in Extraordinary Mushroom.-A phenomenon, agitation like the boiling of a pot, by the air that which tends much to elucidate the origin and na rushes out of it, and emits a strong sulphuricture of vegetable funguses, particularly of that [News Letter.species named mushroom, lately occurred to the observation of sir Joseph Banks. Having a cask The discovery of a bank of cod fish, off the of wine rather too sweet for immediate use, he Shetland Islands, near the coast of Scotland, is an directed that it should be placed in a cellar, that event of no small importance to the people of the saccharine matter it contained might be more Great Britain, especially that part of the king-perfectly decomposed by age. At the end of dom, and we should suppose, cannot be without its interest to this country. The following ac count of this subject is taken from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, for January, 1817.


[N. Y. Daily Adv.


three years he directed his butler to ascertain the state of the wine, when, on attempting to open the cellar door, he could not effect it, in consequence of some powerful obstable The door was consequently cut down, when the cellar was found to be completely filled with a firm fungous vegetable production, so firm that it was necessa

Discovery. This bank was, we believe, first fished upon by the vessels of Mr. Ross of Mee-ry to use an axe for its removal! This appeared dale, in Shetland, in the autumn of 1816.

to have grown from, or to have been nourished
by, the decomposed particles of the wine, the
cask being empty, and carried up to the ceiling,
where it was supported by the surface of the
[London paper.

Situation and extent. The bank commences about twelve to twenty miles north by west from Papa Westray, one of the Orkney Islands. It is prolonged to the westward of the coast of the Shetland Islands, and has been entered upon, to the north, by steering west north west, as well Fountain of St. Allyre.-This fountain, which as north by west, from the Island of Foula. But runs to Clermont Fenand, in the department of its termination has not been reached, and it is || Ruy de-Dome, is justly ranked among the wonimagined to extend much farther north The ders of nature in France, on account of the petricolour of the fish is described to be similar to fying property of its waters. The various calwhat has been observed in the cod caught off the careous matters, held in solution by the water, coast of the Faro Islands, thus appearing to iden-penetrates so perfectly through bodies submitted tify this much more northerly bank with that of to its action, that they become identified with Shetland. The fish is said to be grey backed, them, are mingled deeply with their substance, spotted with black, and tinged with a ring of a and assume their forms; thus, by their concretion, colour from brown to grey. The length that hasthey change into solid masses, into true stones, been already traced of the bank is about 140 vegetables, flowers, branches of limbs, and entire miles. The breadth is from 18 to 25 miles. The animals. depth is from 28 to 47 fathoms.

This phenomenon of nature, which in some Productiveness-Thirteen vessels employed in measure calls to mind the fable of the metamorthis fishery are computed to have made this year phoses, has given the idea to an inhabitant of the [1818] about 30001. These vessels do not exceed country to carry to Paris a number of these sin35 tons, and on account of the bounty are not lessgular productions, and to form a cabinet of curithan six tons. They carry from six to eight osities in the Croix-de-petits-Champs, No. 21.hands. The vessels this year on the banks are You see there a fox running after a fowl, which said to have fished about 12 tons of fish, in the reminds you of the dog in the fable which reachdried state, on an average. Some vessels pro-es but never seizes the hare that does not fly cured from 18 to 19 tons each. The abundance from it-a spaniel always ready to follow his masof the fish is so great, that one vessel in a tide orter-birds that are trembling with fear, so that day caught 1200 fish.

you might think they were petrified by fright, &c. All the objects which the cabinet contains, seem as if fixed by the head of Medusa. So much does the image of life remain deeply imprinted on the victims of death, that some preserving power prevents you from noticing the seal of destruction.

The Shetland Islands in this fishery, will possess an advantage over their Orkney neighbours, from the superiority of their drying beaches. These being composed of rounded pebbles, ejected by the sea, are more or less abundant, or are better in quality, according to the nature of the rocks of which each of the groups of Islands The proprietors of this cabinet have had the is composed. This superiority of beach is of such honor of presenting to the king a petrified bed. consequence to the drying of the fish, as to give They show also a picture representing the magic the ling and cod of Shetland, a 'decided advan-fountain and its landscapes, and the visit which tage in the market over every other like article the Duc d'Angouleme had the curiosity to make of fish to which it is opposed, The greatest into it. One of the most astonishing works of this

fountain is, to have produced by successive concretions a natural bridge, which is extremely pic turesque, the arch of which is decorated with stalactytes. This bridge makes one of the beauties of the picture. [Journal de Commerce.

From the New York Columbian.


[We are under obligations to a friend for the following interesting communication, which comes from a person who has long had opportunities for accurate knowledge of the subject on which he treats:]

whose systems are derived from the sophistry and opinions of men as little inspired as those myriads of pagans. The moral perfection of these Indians and their creed have brought me to join with them in saying, their articles are as good as the articles of multiformed churches in Christendom since the Apostolic age, which we know are not of divine authority; and yet, whoever would be saved must believe in all contradictions among


These pagans have high prejudices against Christians, and believe the Spaniards are the only true Christians, whose cruelties, murder, and rob. Prairie du Chien, May 10, 1818. beries in South America of the Indians, are well SIR, Christianity cannot be propagated by known by tradition among the Sioux tribes; and missionaries in a country of pagans until they are when any white traders cheat and deceive a Sicivilized; because missionaries in general teachoux pagan, they are called Spaniards and Chrisnot a simple system, but many doctrines or opitians: hence the French and English traders nions unintelligible, not found in Scripture, but among the Sioux nations have not benefitted fabricated by the prejudices and passions of men. | christianity or the Spanish interest. If the AmeChristianity is a rational system, and requires ricans ever should attempt to introduce christiintellectual faculties to use it rationally; the artsanity among the Sioux tribes, they must send and sciences, which the pagans want, prevent the honest traders, sensible and moral men, to deal rational use of their intellectual faculties. This with them, and make use of no severity. Mildis verified by the Athenians and other pagans,ness, benevolence, and pious example, must be who, being greatly civilized, were ready to exchange paganism for the benefits of christianity, as soon as offered.

The morality of christianity is perfectly salutary to civil society; its promises of another life are confortable to all; its precepts are agreeable to human reason, and the pagans never have, and never will, despise it. Of consequence, it is a christian duty (by lenient methods) to propagate christianity among the pagans; but the success of the undertaking will depend on the purification of christianity from all its mysteries, and on the moral lives of the teachers of christianity; for the pagans are lovers of morality, and are pious livers; they have consciences which accuse and excuse them before their Great Spirit, (or God,) to whom they bow down with gratitude and praise when the sun rises above the horizon, and when he goes down below it.

used among the Sioux nations, to induce them to adopt a life of civilization, and no use is to be made of the word Christian or Spaniard.

Military compulsion will not be useful in civilizing Indians. The Sioux nations believe they are the sole owners of the land, by virtue of the gift of the Great Spirit, by long possession and occupancy, and no white people have a right to build forts, houses, and cultivate their lands, until they obtain from the Indians a right by purchase, and consent of the owners and present possessors.

This doctrine is not pleasing to military commanders, but must be attended to by our government, to prevent a war with the many tribes of Indians in this western territory. For two years past no crime has been committed among all the Indian tribes. Use this communication as you please. I am, &c. CLERICUS.


The following stories were related to Howard, the Philanthropist, during his residence at


The pagans on the river St. Peter have no knowledge of the Bible, but they believe in a Great Spirit, who lives forever in a palace above all clouds; and that he made the sun, the earth, the lakes, rivers, trees, cattle, fishes, birds, and A German merchant, happening to be at Venice all things, and gave them all to the Indians, who on business, supped every night at a 'small inu, are like him in shape, in benevolence, and good-in company with a few other persons. An officer ness; and they believe that if they are pious, they of the state inquisition came to him one evening, will be sent for by the Great Spirit to live with and ordered him to follow whither he led, and to him in his palace forever, and want no good thing. deliver to him his trunk, after having put his seal Also they believe in the following revelation and upon it. The merchant asked why he must do laws sent to their ancestors by the Great Spirit, this, but received no answer to his inquiry, except by one of his servants, namely, 1. Fear, love, and ||by the officer's putting his hand to his lips as a praise the Great Spirit, 2 Be honest; 3. Love signal for silence. He then muffled his head in a one another; 4. Be charitable; 5. Injure no man; cloak, and guided him, through different streets, 6. Be merciful to all animals All Indians obey to a low gate which he was ordered to enter, and ing the above laws shall be happy in time, and in stooping down, he was led through various pasfinitely happy in the palace of the Great Spirit,sages under ground, to a small dark apartment, beyond the blue sky.

Thus live the Sioux nations on the west side of Mississippi to the shining mountains, in perfect orthodoxy; no ways troubled about the opinions of fathers, councils, bishops, church, but content ed with their short creed and divine rules

where he continued all the night. The next day he was conducted to a large room hung with black, with a single wax light, and a crucifix on its mantlepiece. Having remained here in perfect solitude for a couple of days, he suddenly saw a curtain drawn, and heard a voice questionMy dear sir, since residing here among manying him concerning his name, his business, the pagan tribes, who are the most innocent, benevo-company he kept, and particularly, whether he lent, and moral part of the human race I ever had not been on a certain day, in the society of saw, I have thought much on the divisions, here. persons who were mentioned, and heard an abbc, sies, and orthodoxes in the christian church, who was also named, make use of expression:


[No. 19

flocked to the beach. From the signs of friendship that were held out, an interview now took place between those who were in the jolly boat and those who were in the canoe, the natives cocoa nuts and hollow bamboo canes of water, from the shore giving them at the same time without expressing a wish to have any thing in


now accurately repeated. At last he was asked if he should know the abbe, if he saw him; and on his answering that he should, a long curtain was drawn aside, and he saw this very person hanging on a gibbet. He was then dismissed. The other circumstance, or rather combination of circumstances, happened but a short time before Mr. Howard's visit, to a senator of this arbitrary republic. Called up from his bed one night by an officer of this same inquisiton, and commanded to follow him, he obeyed the summons, and found a gondola waiting near his door,|| in which he was rowed out of the harbor to a spot where another gondola was fastened to a post. Into this he was ordered to step; and the door of the cabin being opened, he was conduct-manned his boats and went on shore in the eveed into it; and as a dead body with a rope about its neck was shown to him, he was asked if he knew it. He answered that he did, and shook through every limb as he spoke: but he was then conveyed back to his house, and nothing more was ever said to him upon the subject. The body he had seen, was that of the tutor to his children, who had been carried out of his house that very night and strangled. The senator delighted with this young man's conversation, used to treat him with great familiarity, and in those unguarded moments, communicated, to him some political matters of no great importance, but which he thoughtlessly mentioned again to others; an imprudence for which he paid dearly with his life, whilst his generous patron was thus admonished of his indescretion by the sight of his strangled body.


Calcutta, December 4-In a letter dated from on board the ship Claudine, in Torres Straits, on the 7th September, we have been furnished with some particulars of the state of this island, which deserves to be made public.

still greater on observing a Bengal lascar advance The surprise of the boat's crew, however, was Hindoostane, which fortunately was understood from among the crowd, and address them in the by one seaman of the party, who were all Euro. commander of the Claudine, captain Welsh, he peans. This intelligence being conveyed to the ning himself, accompanied by captain Ormond, of the Mary, and lieut. Stewart, of the Bengal army. The whole force of this little party, which was summoned together, not with hostile intenery, consisted of twenty eight Europeans, armed tions, but with a view to repel any act of treachwith small arms, pistols, cutlasses, and boarding pikes. They did not immediately push to the shore and effect a landing, but first accomplished what they most desired, a friendly interview from the boats.

The natives flocked around their shells, cocoa-nuts, and rice ornaments, for them on the beach, and exchanged with them yellow bunting, nails, and knives

natives of the Friendly or Society Isle more civil, The writer adds, that he had never found the obliging, hospitable, and well disposed, than these natives were, and he very naturally expresses his wonder at so marked a change in the since committed such piratical depredations on conduct of a race of people who but a few years to make their cruelties proverbial. And this all ships and boats that they could overpower, as wonder is increased by his not being able to provement in their habits of life. learn any sufficient cause for this remarkable im

When the commander of the Claudine ap

About three years since, a ship called the Morning Star, was wrecked in Torres' Strait, and a lascar belonging to the crew had the good|proached the lascar, who was discovered among fortune to escape destruction and get safe to || those people, the first wish he expressed was Murray's Island, where he remained among the that of returning to his native country. Powernatives, and during the space of time acquired a ful as this desire must have been, to have occuconsiderable knowledge of their language, as pied the first place in his thoughts, he whispered well as of the language of another island with it in secret only while the Islanders were near which they held intercourse, a little to the north-him, and did not venture to declare himself openward of them, and thought to be the one called || ly, until he was seated in the boat that was to Darnley's Island, in the charts.

bear him away from his exile, and until he found was surrounded. Rising then in the centre of himself secure amid the armed band by which he the boat, he turned towards the natives in a canoe and on the beach, and professing his gratitude towards them as his deliverers and protectors in misfortune, when many of his shipmates

On the afternoon of the day on which this let ter is dated, the Claudine and Mary anchored close under the shore of Murray's Island, when a number of natives were seen on the beach, and contrary to the expectation of those who saw them from the ships, and who had been led to imagine them a ferocious people, from the cha-fell victims to their sufferings, declared that racter given to them in popular descriptions of though he quitted them to return to his native these islands, they were all unarmed. A small country, it was still with feelings of affection and canoe was also seen with four men, one of whom regret. stood up from among the rest, and waived a branch over his head. This was answered from the ship's poop, with a white flag, as equally symbolic of peace, and the jolly boat with an officer and four men were sent to meet them, with the most positive instructions to avoid hos-feelings of surprise and gratification, as the naHe remarks that he witnessed this scene' with tilities, and even if they received an injury from tives were quite afflicted at parting with the Inthem not to resent it, but to return on board. Ondian whom shipwreck had thrown upon their the jolly boat's approaching the shore, the canoeshores, and whom friendly hands had taken from retreated, and when within a short distance of among them, while the Indian himself said all he landing, the natives, to the number of fifty, all could to reconcile them to this separation, and

who were present, a knife, and to one of them a
The commander gave to each of the natives,
piece of bunting also, with which mark of favor
they were highly pleased.

even thought it necessary to sooth them by promising that he would soon return to them again. When the lascar reached on board, provisions were given to him by order of his deliverer, but his stomach had been so long accustomed to nothing but cocoa nuts and plantains, that it was too weak to retain even the simplest animal food.

As the crew of the Claudine were Europeans, the man was afterwards removed to the Mary, captain Ormond, where he was more at home with shipmates and countrymen of his own nation and religion, and in this ship he has safely arrived at Calcutta.

The knowledge which this man has acquired by so long a residence with the islanders, of their language, habits, and manners, might fit him to give to any one, who had leisure for the inquiry, many new and curious particulars regarding this people, and if pursued indeed to the ex tent of which it is capable, might be made sub servient to purposes of still higher nature, than the gratification of mere curiosity

The houses are round, built of bamboos, cocoa nut leaves and long grass; they sleep upon bamboo frames, raised about 6 feet from the ground, with mats on them; these are built round the hut, and the centre is kept clear for the fire.

The fruits, &c. cocoa nuts, plantains, sugar canes, sweet potatoes and mangoes, are equal to those of Bengal.

Shark Jamaul, the lascar, when he accompanied the natives to the other islands, saw several muskets and a compass; on an island called Tood he || saw a gold watch. On Mairee they had two cutlasses, and on his asking where they had procured them, he received the following account: That about thirty years ago, (for only the oldest man in the island recollected it,) a large ship was wrecked in sight of the island; that a great number of white men came in their boats from her and fought them; that several escaped to the other islands where they were killed; but a young boy's life was saved, who lived amongst them a very long time; he, however, with two young girls, On the I-land itself, the writer remarks that it went off in a canoe one night, and was never is small, easily taken possession of, and as easy to heard of afterwards, although they searched the be kept and defended at a small expense. The neighboring islands. They seemed to esteem this inhabitants are not numerous, and as may be in-person very much, for they never spoke of him ferred from their behavior on this occasion, well without shedding tears, and kept his clothes with disposed. The soil is described as excellent, and great care, often looking at, and crying over capable of producing most of the fruits suited to them. They were blue woollen clothes. Might the climate, while the sugar cane, with which it not this have been Perouse's ship? it seems very abounds, grows luxuriantly over every part of the probable, for it agrees with the time he left Port island, and might itself be made a sufficient object Jackson; the cutlasses and clothes might throw of consequence to promote the cultivation of. He more light on it. The Pandora's boats got safe indulges in the hope that some advantage may be through the straits, and we do not know of any taken of the present incident towards the civiliza- other European ship being wrecked in them. tion of the natives, and in this we offer him the union of our best and warmest wishes.

In addition to this intelligence, as communicated to us by letter, we republish some interesting me. moranda regarding these Islanders, as collected from the relation of the lascar in question, and inserted in the last number of the Asiatic Mirror.

A few dogs are the only animals on the island, which tradition says came from a ship wrecked many years ago.


Gibraltar, March 1.-The grand expedition When they determine to marry, the female is fitting out at Cadiz, under the command of the taken by force by her lover to his hut, when he "Vice Roy elect of Buenos Ayres," is about as informs her parents, which immediately causes a forward now as when I first advised you of it, meeting of the friends of both parties, who start and in all reasonable probability will be as forobjections, and a battle ensues. If the bride-ward (for all the physical and substantial benegroom and his party are victorious, he is consi- fits intended by it,) when I next write you, as it dered married, and next day the parties are reis now! Nevertheless considerable expense is conciled and join in singing and feasting, &c incurred, and the work of preparing some necesThey paint their bodies with red and white earths.sary appendages to the enterprize is going on; Their women are the source of constant quar- but all this is rather to feather the nests of the rels, for they only allow one wife; but this being officers, merchants, and workmen employed about little attended to, they have, on the discovery, a it, than to promote the elevated views of the gobattle. Children not born by the wife, are im- vernment-and so it will continue 'till the day of mediately killed. retribution arrives, which, depend on it, is on the rapid march of awful visitation!

When a person dies, the body is brought out of the but and stretched on the ground, when the relations and friends of both sexes sit down around it, and cry for a considerable time. It is then removed to their plantations in the interior of the island, when a frame of bamboos is raised about 6 feet high, with a mat on it. On this the body is placed, and here it remains, the people returning to their huts.

There appears to be four tribes on the islands, residing at Mirga, Chirwagait and Koolnaid, who have frequent quarrels amongst each other; they have no chiefs.

In one of the papers I now send you is the official account of the execution of no less than thirteen conspirators lately, in the city of Valencia; since then, we have accounts of the discovery and arrest of twenty three more, amongst whom is the general, second in command: they will probably share the fate of their unfortunate predecessors. A rumbling noise is the precursor of an earthquake.

The story of the king's deposit in the Bank of England is confirmed beyond a doubt, but it is better known here than to the people of Spain,

On their dances, they rub themselves with co-who, of all perhaps in the Christian world, have coa nut oil and red earth. A small drum made of the skin of Guana, is the only thing in the shape of a musical instrument amongst them.

least access to information interesting to themselves, though affecting their happiness, their liberty, or their lives. Those who know the fact

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