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are silent, because they are participants in the perfidy, and have laid a similar anchor to windward, for themselves to cling to, when they shall be compelled to fly from the terrible indignation of an abused and injured people.

to be much distressed for seamen; every one is running to join lord Cochrane."

Arctic discoveries.-The gazette of Saturday night announces the prince regent's approbation of the following scale of rewards proposed in a memorial from the board of longitude, taken into consideration by his royal highness, in council, on the 19th inst. viz:

A report gains ground that the marquis de Casa Yrnjo has already incurred the royal displeasure, and some go so far as to say, that it is doubtful whether he will ever leave Madrid 1. To the first ship, belonging to any of his again-meaning that he will only leave it as majesty's subjects, or to his majesty, that shall many a worthy fellow has done before him, upon reach the longitude of 110 deg. west from Green. a Jack-ass with a suitable escort, by moon-light, wich, or the mouth of Hearne's or Coppermine to some place of banishment. However credible River, by sailing within the arctic circle, 5000; this rumor may be, there is no certain evidence to the first ship, as aforesaid, that shall reach the yet of such a melancholy catastrophe's threaten- longitude of 130 deg. west from Greenwich, or ing the "high destinies" of the noble marquis, the Whale Island of Mackenzie, by sailing within but a remarkable fact of his greediness to provide the arctic circle, 10,000 to the first ship, as like others, for such a fatality, by granting liaforesaid, that shall reach the longitude of 150 censes to mercantile companies the gratuity for deg. west from Greenwich, by sailing westwards which $20,000 each, (some say more,) is the ex- within the arctic circle, 12,000/ the act having clusive prerogative of his office, of his talents and already allotted to the first ship that shall reach ingenuity, his patriotism and his purse. More the Pacific Ocean by a northwest passage the full reward of 20,000!.


Of the interest the marquis takes in our affairs, 2. To the first ship, as aforesaid, that shall nothing particular has reached us; nor do we hear reach to 83 deg. of north latitude, 1,000l. to 85 any thing of the conduct of his government in deg. 2,000l. to 87 deg. 3,000l. to 88 degrees, the matter, on this side the water. We are anxious 4,0007, the act having already allotted to the first to know the special business of Don Onis' secre-ship that shall reach to or beyond 90 deg. the tary who arrived at Cadiz last week, in a vessel full reward of 5,0007 from New York-much importance is attached to it, and the more so as the bearer of despatches was not permitted to land until he had performed his ten days quarantine according to law! He might have landed his despatches through a fumigation. of sulphur or vinegar, but he objected to that expedient, and urged the necessity of dispensing with the ceremony of quarantine altogether; but they might contain something pestilential, and perhaps, contagious!"

From the New York Evening Post of May 3. SOUTH AMERICA.-By the arrival of the Sachem from Buenos Ayres, which she left on the 9th of March, news has been received from some of the passengers of an interesting nature; the particulars are partly given in the Mercantile Advertiser of this morning, which are copied as far as they go, and we should be enabled to give the remainder, were it not that the manuscript of 12 pages, which has politely been sent us, is quite illegible as to the proper names. The following additional particulars are made out with difficulty,

London, March 17.-Cadiz gazettes to the 24th ultimo, contain an account of a very desperate engagement between the Spanish ship Jupiter, with "Mr W. arrived at the 6 mile de San Luis a a very valuable cargo and specie, from Havana, few hours after the killing of Gen. Ordonnis and, and an Insurgent schooner, within two leagues of 32 other royal Spanish officers, on the 8th day of Cadiz. The circumstances of the action were February. He immediately waited on the govergiven by her captain, Marquez, in a deposition, nor, Dupuy, who told him that these Spanish on oath, before the Intendant of Marine, Feb. 21. officers had been in the habit of visiting him withIt appears that, on the 19th, the Jupiter came up out ceremony since they had been sent to the with the privateer, and, as the former carried the Punta-that they often took a family breakfast or Spanish flag, an attack was immediately made by dinner or other refreshments at his house whenethe latter, which frequently attempted to board ver they chose-indeed, they were upon a friendher, but without success-after keeping up a briskly intercourse; and that one, particularly, col. fire on either side, within pistol shot, the slaugh- when he was sent there, had been recomter in consequence was very great, the crew of mended to his polite attentions by gen. San Mar the ship finding that the schooner was much tin, who knew either him or his family when the stronger, three or four times requested the cap-general was in Spain-that on the morning of the tain to haul down his own, and hoist the English rising of those prisoners, five or six of them, of colors: this was resolutely refused, and the peo- | whom were gen Ordonnes and this colonel, came ple exhorted to do their best. The privateer into his house about 10 o'clock in the morningwas, in the end, compelled to sheer off, as her at first he supposed it was a usual friendly visit, mainmast was carried away. The Jupiter had 6 but they very soon undeceived him, by seizing killed and 7 wounded; the loss of the schooner his arms, and telling him that he was arrested, must have been very great, as her deck was seen &c. about the same moment the cry of vive la crowded with dead and wounded. The J. was patria! was heard in the streets. The Spaniards one of a fleet which sailed from Havana under seemed astonished at this, and the governor told convoy of the Sabine frigate, which reached Ca- || them," Gentlemen, you see the town is yours; I diz some weeks before, but had separated in badam in your power; but unless you permit me to weather. The merchants of Cadiz (say private go out and quiet the people, they will commit letters) were so much pleased with the conduct violence, and perhaps break in and massacre all of capt. M. they were raising a subscription to of you. I will go out and quiet them." He went reward his valor. to the street door or gait way, which the Spaniards had pulled to on their entering, and immediately saw that the street was full of people, and that

A letter from Buenos Ayres, Dec. 31, says: "The merchant vessels in Velparaiso are likely

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the prisoners at the guard house over the way, Buenos Ayres, and some remarks made upon it who had attempted to rise at the same moment in the papers. They seem to attribute the nonthat he had been attacked in his house, had not recognition of their independence by the United succeeded, but had been overpowered. He then States to the impression which had been made explained briefly to the people in the street this side of the tropics, respecting their party how he was placed inside of the house, and they dissentions. They expected that their sovereignrushed in, and in a few minutes cut the throatsty would have been acknowledged in conseof the Spaniards, and killed the others who had The attempted to rise at the guard house governor had his right eye much bruised, and showed Mr. W. the poignards of those who had entered and seized him. They were long buck horn English carving knives, filed very sharp on each side for 3 or 4 inches up from the point.

quence of the favorable reports which they anticipated from the commissioners in the Congress, but they did not appear to bear the disap. pointment in an improper manner.

Chili was, by the last accounts, freed from the royalists. Sanchez, who commanded there, after being beaten at Santa Fe, had retired among the Mr. W. did not confide in the governor's state- American Indians. On the 14th Jan. Lord Coch'ment only he had it corroborated by Dr. Man- ran sailed from Valparaiso with his squadron, del Saratea, who was exiled from Buenos Ayres consisting of the Maria Isabel, (the frigate taken and then in Sam. Luis, of course no friend to the from the Spaniards) the San Martin, the Santero, administration Mr. Saratea is pretty well known and the Chacabuco-supposed with the intention both in the United States and Europe-he had of touching at Arica, Calleo, &c. and to capture no doubt of the plot being real as represented- or burn the shipping at the latter place, as they also Mr W. had it from an English merchant had on board a large store of rockets, and proliving at San Luis, and other persons on the spot, || visions for four months. It was thought this naval who never even intimated that it was a fictitious expedition would give life and ascendency to the revolt to cover assassination. Yet, on hearing patriots in Lima: Captain Wooster, of the Lautaro, of this affair at Buenos Ayres, many old Spa- the real hero of the late naval success in Talcu niards, Mr. W. was told, applied for passports to huana Bay, had resigned. Lord Cochran was leave the country, supposing it the commence-|| fond of him, and wished him to remain. His ment of a sort of reign of terror. place was filled by captain Grise, of the British navy, so that the marine of Chili is now wholly commanded by Englishmen. The British frigate Andromache, which was said to be taking off from Lima about 5,000,000 dollars, perhaps bound to Rio Janeiro, it was suspected would be intercepted by Lord Cochran, under the pretence or doctrine that she was violating her neutral character.

Mr. W. does not enter into the merits or de merits of this affair. But as he thinks the patriots where not guilty of fabricating a plot in this instance, so far as his opinion is of service to them and their cause, they have it.

The congress, on the 12th of December last by a public decree acknowledged Chili" as a free state, sovereign and independent, with all the attributes and plentitude of power, which are inherent to the great and elevated character," and in form waited on the chief Deputy residing in Buenos Ayres.

Change of Administration.—It was said at Buenos, Ayres, and generally believed that general San Martin was on his way to the city with his army of about 3,000, and that on the retirement of the present director, he would be pressed to accept the Executive chair.

State of the Market. The place full of European and Indian goods-in consequence of heavy rains the crops of wheat had been injured, it was selling as high as $15 per Fanega-but large orders had gone to Chili, where it might be had for 1 25.

From the Mercantile Advertiser. The fast sailing ship Sachem, Hilliard, arrived at this port yesterday from Buenos Ayres, whence she sailed on the 10th of March. We have received a file of papers of a late date, and a long letter from a correspondent at that place. From W. G. D. Worthington, Esq. late consul at Buenos Ayres, who has arrived in this ship, we have been politely favored with an interesting detail of recent occurrences in South America,|| of which we have only time to notice a part in this day's paper.

Buenos Ayres, March 2.-The state of this place is truly deplorable-its trade is very much reduced in consequence of the communication with the interior being cut off by wandering hordes of Indians, well armed and mounted, who traverse the country, driving off the cattle, and commiting excesses that shock humanity. All kinds of foreign goods are nominal, and the produce of the country extremely scarce and high. The credit of the government is very much reduced, its paper being at 30 per cent discount, and daily getting lower All the regular troops have been withdrawn from this city to act against the Montoneros, or Indians, who infest the interior, but they cannot do any thing with them. Being well mounted, they always avoid a regular attack. It is said that the desertions have been very great from the troops sent out from here. The military duty of the city is now performed by the civicos, or militia, composed of the native population, and the free blacks A mutiny took place on the 3d ult. in one of these regiments of blacks. It appears they were ordered to assemble without arms, when it was intended to propose to them to join the regular army which was acting against the Montoneros. They had a suspicion that some attempt of this kind was to be made, and appeared with arms and ammunition. To prevent a surprise they had their centinels stationed at the corners of the neighboring streets. On being harrangued by their officers, requesting their consent to march, some few cried out that

Mr. Worthington left Chili on the 29th of Ja nuary, and made the journey across the continent from Valparaiso to Buenos Ayres in 21 days on horse back, distance computed at 420 leagues. It was reported the United States frigate Ma-they were willing, but the majority declared they cedonian, arrived at Valparaiso about the begin ning of Feb.

The president's message had been received at

would not," for God, or man," and behaved in a very riotous and insulting manner. They finally "dispersed of their own accord, firing their mus


kets off along the streets, cheering each other,
and swearing to defend their equal rights with
the whites. Measures were immediately taken
by the government to check this mutinous spirit.
Strong guards patroled the streets day and night,
to spprehend the blacks of this regiment, and in
a short time most of them were lodged in prison.
The U. S sloop of war Ontario, has been to
Lima, where she took on board, on freight for
Rio Janeiro, about a million of dollars-she stop
ped at Valparaiso on the 27th Dec. but slipped
her hawser and put to sea again three days after,
apprehending that a search was to be attempted
for the specie as Spanish property--it is said that
Lord Cochrane advised it.

Lord Cochrane's squadron put to sea suddenly
on the 14th January from Valparaiso. in pursuit
of two Spanish frigates that they bad information
had sailed from Liina for Panama-they were also
to make a dash at the harbor of Lima
lian and Buenos Ayrean army under San Martin,
about 3,500 strong, was to embark for the seige
The Chi
of Lima as soon as the fleet returned to transport
them. Captain Wooster, who commanded the
O'Higgins frigate, resigned his commission just
previous to the sailing of the fleet.
assigned for it is this: Lord Cochrane sent on
board the frigate an order for her to be ready for
The reason
sea in four hours, to which captain Wooster sent
an answer that is was impossible. Cochrane im
mediately repeated his order, adding that the
word impossible was not in his vocabulary. Upon
which captain Wooster threw up his commission,
and the fleet sailed without him.

The ship Beaver, of New York, which was re-
stored at Lima in December last, was to come
down to Valparaiso for a freight.

The Curiaso still remains here; she is under Chilian colors, commanded by captain Delano, in that service. The Horatio continues to wear the American flag, not having been transferred, in consequence of the inability of the government to pay the amount that is due for her

Considerable apprehension is entertained here of the coming of the Cadiz armada. Should it come out Monte Video will no doubt be given up by the Portuguese, and then this river can be etfectually blockaded. There cannot be a doubt of the ultimate failure of this expedition. Al though the people of this country are divided among themselves, and the interior in a state of commotion, yet they would join against any foreign enemy, and so the Spaniards are universally regarded.

[No. 19

sel must proceed to sea, as she was from St. Do mingo, and the trade between that island and this colony, in foreign vessels, was prohibited by an act of parliament.

sir Gregor M Gregor's squadron, with troops, destined against South America, sailed from the We understand that eight vessels, composing Isle of Vache on the 11th instant, it is said they intended touching at Old Providence before they effect a landing on the Main.

been furnished with the following accurate statement of the forces arrived under sir Gregor St. Jago de la Vega, Jam, March 6.-We have M'Gregor, as mentioned in a letter from one of his officers to a gentleman in this island. Hero, brig, 18 guns, Monarch, ship, 18 guns, 100 seamen Onyx, ship,

Petersburg Packet, do.

A St Domingo schooner,
M'Gregor's own schooner.

210 soldiers.




the Monarch, together with the staff of the folThere are 16 officers in the Onyx, and 30 in the last is the strongest regiment he has, and conlowing regiments: Lancers, Hussars, the Hibernian, M'Gregor's, and the first Light Infantry; lieut. colonel Rafter, late of the 60th regiment. Captains Ross, do. Acton, do. Goodeman, Gersists of 150 rank and file, and commanded by man, Boornack, do. lieutenants Moore, late 60th regiment, Seargill, late 3d West India regiment, Craig, do. Vason, late 46th regiment, Frimy, do. Volunteers, Stewart and Bratt.

1st March, destined, as it was reported, for Santa
This regiment, it is said, is to form the ad-
Martha, but most probably Porto Bello; fresh
vanced guard, and was under orders to sail on the
and there was no apparent want of money or cre-
dit. Two ships left England the day the Monarch
meat was served out to the troops twice a week
sailed, to bring more troops from Ireland.

captured a great many vessels, prizes to the priva-
teers of Artigas, and also the privateer La Popa,
St. Thomas, Feb. 26.-Commodore Jolli has
which lately captured the schooner Two Sisters,
of Curacoa; the captain will be treated by Byron
brig which has committed acts of piracy. Capt.
White, an Englishman, is second in command at
as a pirate Jolli is also cruizing in quest of a
Margaritta, which island may now be justly call-
||ed the Gibraltar of the West Indies. It is to be
garrisoned in a short time by English troops.

March 4-It is reported that a messenger was
despatched the day before yesterday to general bor the Independent squadron under Jolli, con-
San Martin, with orders for him to march his arsisting of a sloop of war, 4 brigs, and 4 schooners.
my to this place-it is said that he is to be named
February 27-Yesterday appeared off this har-
director; and it conforms to what Pueyrredon
ecommends in his speech to the Congress, which
enclose you. Fear of the Cadiz expedition is no |
oubt the principal cause of these movements.-
The expedition to Lima will of course be sus-
ended, at least, if San Martin comes this way.
Boston, May 1-West India advices.-Halifax
pers to the 19th instant have been received in
vn, which contain the following extracts from
est India papers:

From the sloop of war a boat was sent on shore,
under the tri-colored flag, with 14 men and 4 of-
ficers, all dressed in uniform; of the latter three
landed, one of whom was a captain of one of the
brigs, and the other an aid-de-camp to Jolli. They
provisions, and came probably on some important
were very cordially admitted, and received the
most polite treatment. They purchased some

Kingston, Jam. March 16-The Harriet, under
edish colors, having on board sir Gregor M'Gre
- came into Port Royal yesterday. He was
permitted to land, and official notification was
e to him from the custom house, that the ves-pect our squadron here in a fortnight.

tion of colonel English, arrived here on the 9th
Copy of a letter, dated Margaritta, Feb. 25.
Six hundred troops, belonging to the expedi-
instant, in four transports from England. 1600
more are daily expected, of which 300 are stated
to be already safely landed in Guayana; we ex-

By a mail from Maturin we learn that a bloody || the bay of Honduras; the mate and two of the engagement took place at Guayabal, between our crew are in confinement there. army and the Royalists under Morales, in which we were victorious, having set fire to all the Spanish vessels constructed there.

Captain Samuel Brown, and Mr. Dulet, mate of the brig Holkar, of New York, and captain Hunphreys, a passenger, were murdered by the crew In the province of Cumana, Domingo Montes about the 9th of January last, about the 4th day makes frequent incursions to the very environs of out from Curacoa; the crew afterwards scuttled the city. Our numbers in Cumanacoa are consi-the brig and landed near Jacquemel, in St. Doderably encreasing, and will probably amount to no less than 3000 men when called for active service.

All is well here.

mingo; one of them a black, has been apprehended at Havana, and sent to New Orleans.

We have heard several accounts of the mysterious disappearance of two men from a little Earthquakes-A letter from Palermo, of the sloop called the Romp, belonging to this port, 4th March, received on the 1st May, contains the while at anchor in James River, a few days ago, following particulars:-"We have had most dread- and now give the following particulars upon the ful weather here these last fourteen days, with best information we have been able to collect. three heavy shocks an earthquake, which has The Romp was owned by Thomas Parker, who done much mischief on the southeast part of the keeps a boarding house in this town, and naviIsland, throwing down churches and destroying gated by him and an Irishman named Eugene whole villages. Much damage has also taken Sullivan; she had been for some time employed place among the shipping; but I am happy to say, in trading up and down James River and frequentthat nothing of any consequence has happened ly to Petersburgh, for which place she departed Lere." Letters from Messina of the 3d, and from hence on the 10th ultimo, but came to anchor opNaples of the 9th, were also received; though posite the house of Pleasant Wammack, a they remove all doubts of the safety of Messina,|| brother-in-law of Parker's who resides at Canthey contain no particulars of the devastation non's Marshes, on the Charles City shore. Here mentioned in the Palermo letter. [Rich Compiler. she remained several days, during which Parker Christiana, January 1-Within these few days and Sullivan were frequently ashore at Wamwe have had the pleasure of seeing here a drove mack's who states that they left his house one of about 200 reindeer, among which were some evening and went on board their vessel which he white ones, or, as they are called, Siberian, with observed the next morning at anchor on the optheir keepers, and the dogs employed to guard posite side of the river, with her sails loosed; this them. They passed through on their way to the|| however did not excite any apprehension; but as rocky mountains of the district of Stavanger; she remained in that situation the whole day, and where an inhabitant of that place, who followed no person was to be seen on board, he thought them, will attempt to naturalize these animals, it rather extraordinary. The next day a vessel which for a long time have not been seen there coming down the river from Petersburgh anchortame, and as domestic animals. This person has ed near the sloop, and some of the people knowpurchased these reindeer mostly in Russian Lap-ing her, went on board. They were surprised to land, beyond Tornea, and some in Swedish Lap || find the deck a good deal stained with blood, and land; with much trouble they have been conduct. not a soul on board; they then went ashore at ed this long journey, having been on their way Wammack's, and from information given by him ever since the month of March. In Aamodt in they concluded that either Parker or Sullivan, or the Osterthal, want of snow obliged him to leave more probably both of them had been murdered; behind the least necessary parts of the baggage, this conjecture was confirmed, when on going on as tents, fur clothes, snow shoes, kitchen utensils, || board they found the vessel's cabin completely etc. About 20 reindeer were killed on the jour-stripped of every article of furniture, baggage, ney for food, the owner and the drivers having subsisted the whole time on the flesh and milk of these animals. In those unknown regions and large forests, as well as in the frequent fogs, he was obliged to direct his course by the compass, as if at sea. This person does not mean to content himself with this one expedition; when he has safely arrived at his own home, he will return to Lapland to fetch another drove. The plan to people these desert rocks with reindeer is equally || remarkable and useful An idea like this and the resolution to execute it occur but rarely.


[German paper.

From the Norfolk Herald of May 3. The United States' ship John Adams, captain Wadsworth, anchored in Hampton Roads on Friday evening last, in 14 days from Havana. The following intelligence has been politely communicated to Mr. Lyford, keeper of the Reading Room, by an officer of the John Adams.

The schooner Retrieve, of New York, J. Lewis late master, from Cadiz, for Vera Cruz, was taken possession of by the mate and crew, who murdered the captain and took the vessel into Omoa, in

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&c. and none of the inhabitants on either side of the river could give any intelligence of the two


It was believed that an imprudent disclosure which Parker had made of his having a large sum in bank notes about him, induced an attempt to rob him, which could only be effected by the murder of him and his companion. Another report states that Parker and Sullivan were observed by some person on shore to have a scuffle on board their vessel, in which both fell overboard and were never seen afterwards, leaving it to be inferred that both were drowned; and it is also believed that the blood on the vessel's deck was from sturgeons, of which there were several on board.

Before the Circuit Court of the State of Kentucky, at Bardstown, was tried, towards the close of the last month, a suit for slander, in which Miss Des Marsley, alias Mrs. Fishley, was Plaintiff, and Mr. Fishley, of Louisville, Defendant. After a trial of two days, the Jury being permitted to retire, Brought in a verdict for the Plaintiff, and assessed the damages at twenty-seven thousand nine hundred dollars. This is a curious case: for the parties had been married, and the

husband the defendant, had in a few days after marriage deserted his wife. However, the verdict, it appears, falls to the ground; the Judge having decided that, the marriage being a legal one, a suit for slander could not be maintained by the wife against the husband.

and called to his sssistance Mr. Lacey, finding they would succeed in forcing the door, it being weak, and having but one hinge. Lacey being alarmed, was able to render but little sssistance. Mr. M'Call looked for his gun, which not being able to get, he sprang to his axe, at which time he was attacked by two or three; he knocked one down and gave another a severe blow-during the scuffle, Lacey had gone out with his wife and child. Mr. M'Call finding himself engaged with the three, extricated himself and got out of the house, though mortally wounded. He immediately ran two miles to the nearest neighbor's house, with no other clothing than his shirt and drawers, without hat shoes, having to run through several frozen ponds and swamps. When he arrived he was literally covered with blood, and in two days died. He was well acquainted with the Indians, and knew of no offene he had ever given them, or any other person having a large stock running in the forest, he had a all times, both from interest and choice, treated them with friendship and hospitality.

We mentioned, a few day's since, the arrival here of three natives of Madison's Island, in the ship Lion; since when, we have been informed by captain Townsend, that the fortifications and buildings erected by commodore Porter had been demolished, but the benign influence of his exer tions and the fame of his name still remained with the natives, who live in great harmony and social intercourse. The hostile tribes learnt war no more; and the Typees were frequent visitors of the Lion while she lay at the Island.-Prov. Pat. Washington's Statue.-It has been lately an nounced, that this work will be completed by Canova within the present year; and it will cost us within a small sum of twenty thousand dollars. But what is this? This will probably be the last great production of the duke's chissel-a work of three years and by the greatest artist, in honor of the greatest public benefactor of his age. It will be a proud monument of the public spirit of this state-which, in this case, has shown a spirit worthy of herself. Yet where are we to put the Specie Payments-The bank of Steubenville, statue when we get it? I have always thought of the Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenhonest parson Primrose's family picture, when-ville. and the bank of Mount Pleasant, resumed ever this subject has been mentioned. After he had got his whole family upon it, there was no room in the house to hang it up. Supposing it was placed in the passage of the State House, some of our naughty boys would mutilate it within six weeks time; besides that there is neither light nor elevation for it there. The only plan then will be, to adopt the plan of enlarging and altering the present building; which indeed the comfort of the legislature already requires.

[Raleigh Minerva. Extract of a letter, giving an account of the murder of Mr. Thomas M. Cal, of Indiana, formerly of this place, by three Delaware Indians.

"A doctor was sent for, but his wound was beyond the reach of any surgical operation-the knife entered between the second and third ribs, cut the stomach about two inches, and passed round towards his back”

specie payments some weeks since. The Western Reserve bank, we learn, continues to pay specie, as well as the bank of Marietta, the bank of Chilicothe, and the Lancaster, Ohio, bank, The St. Clairsville bank is winding up its concerns; but redeems its notes on demand. We have not, as yet, learnt whether the Cincinnati banks, or either of them, have resumed specie payments; nor can we learn whether it is the intention of the United States' bank to withdraw its branches from this state-Steubenville Herald.

Baltimore, May 7-Yesterday, in the Circuit Court of the United States, now sitting in this city, came on the trial of Leonard Nott, a colorthe United States' Mail, near Bladensburg, on man, charged with cutting open and robbing Christmas day last. It appeared in evidence that


"Vincennes, March 24, 1819. "I have the painful and melancholy task of informing you of the death of Thomas M'Call, on Sunday the twenty-first, about one o'clock, P. M. of a stab he received from three Delaware Indi-the brother of the prisoner found the mail in the road and brought it to the prisoner's house, ans, in his own house, about 9 o'clock at night on where the bag was cut open. When the case the 19th instant. the box, they pronounced him guilty. was submitted to the jury, without retiring from

"The circumstances attending this melancholy affair, given by himself, and a Mr. Lacey who lived with him, are as follows:

The man who found the mail died in prison some time after his arrest.

"After dark three Delaware Indians on their way from the settlement to their camps, called at his house, apparently somewhat intoxicated, after entering the house, two of them drew their knives and appeared inclined to do mischief. They became somewhat pacified and asked for something to eat; it was given to them, and their horse fed; they then requested to stay all night, which was refused, their camps being but two miles off: they went away, and after some time returned and asked for fire; it was given to them; they kindled it against the side of his house and went off; the Through their shadows I see her still point to thy star,

Lines written by a young gentleman, of this city, upon viewing Le Grande's portrait of Napoleon,

fire was watered out, and Mr. M'Call went to bed. After some time one of the Indians called at the door and requested to stay all night, stating that his other two companions had gone off; he was refused; immediately the three attempted to break the door. Mr. M'Call sprang from his bed

Confin'd and forsaken, though a rock be thy all,
But a soul still enthron'd in as rocky a breast;
And the arm that has girded and shaken the Ball,
Not palsied, but shackled, conform to its rest;
As down the dark valley of ages her car,
O'er ruins of thrones, Immortality guides,

And thy urn, still unworn by Eternity's tides.
Let tyrants still fear, though thee shackled they see,
Slaves point to thy chains and remember their own;
One sentiment bursts from the lips that are free,
Though empires oppos'd thee, 'twas dearly they won

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