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entering the political whirlwind gave ephemeral origin from the choice of the government, nor from proof of liberty, and have shewn their incapacity of that of the people, but in such wise that it may enliving under the mild dominion of the law, by re-joy complete indepence, neither fearing nor hoping turning after a short blaze to their original bondage.any thing from either of those sources of authority. Legislators! This is the proper time for repeat- An hereditary senate as a part of the people would ing what the eloquent Volney says in his dedication participate in its interests, in its opinions, and in its to the ruins of Palmyra.-" To the growing people spirit, and for that reason it is not presumed, that "of the Spanish Indies-to the generous chiefs who an hereditary senate will separate from the interests "conduct them to liberty-may the errors and mis- of the people, and forget its legislative duties. The "fortunes of the old world, teach wisdom and hap-senators in Rome, and the peers in Britain, have piness to the new."-May they never lose them proved themselves the firmest pillars in the glorious selves, but the lessons of experience given in the structure of civil and political liberty. schools of Greece, of Rome, of France, of England, These senators will, for the first time, be elected and of America, and be instructed by them in the by the congress, and their successors in the senate difficult science of establishing and preserving na- will occupy the principal attention of the governtions with proper, just, legitimate, and above all ment, which will cause them to be educated in a useful laws; never forgetting that the excellency of college especially set apart for the instruction of a government does not consist in its theory, form, those future guardians and legislators of the coun or mechanism, but in being fitted to the nature and try. They will be taught the arts, the sciences, and character of the people for which it was instituted. || every thing that can adorn the mind of a public Rome and Great Britain are the nations which man; from their earliest infancy they will be achave most excelled amongst the ancients and mo- quainted with the career destined them by Providerns. Both were born to command and be free, || dence, and from met me tonder years their souls and yet neither had constitutions modelled in liber-will be elevated to the dignity awaiting them. ty's most brilliant form, but solid establishments; and on that account therefore I recommend to you, representatives, the study of the British constitution, which appears to be one destined to produce the greatest possible effect on the people adopting it; but perfect as it may be, I am very far at the same time, from proposing a servile imitation of it. When I speak of the British constitution, 1 refer solely to || the democratical part of it, and in truth it may be In elections every thing ought not to be left to denominated, a monarchy in system, in which is ac- chance and hazard, for the public is easier deceived knowledged the sovereignty of the people, the di- than nature perfected by art, and although it be a vision and equilibrium of power, civil freedom, liber-fact, that these Senators will not proceed from the ty of conscience, and of the press, and every thing that is sublime in politics. A greater degree of liberty cannot be enjoyed in any kind of republic, and it may indeed claim a higher rank in social order. I recommend that constitution as the best model to those who aspire to the enjoyments of the rights of man, and of all that political felicity compatible with our frail natures.

In no manner whatever would the creation of an hereditary senate be a violation of political equality; it is not a nobility I wish to establish, because that, as has been said by a celebrated republican, would be to destroy at once equality and liberty. It is an office for which candidates ought to be prepared, and is also an office requiring extensive knowledge, and proportionate means for attaining it.

womb of virtue, it is equally true, that they will come forth endowed with a most finished education. The Liberators of Venezuela are moreover entitled to hold forever a high rank in the Republic, which is indebted to them for existence, and I do believe that posterity would observe with regret the extinction of the illustrious names of its first benefac. tors. I will say further, that it is for the public inIn nothing however, would we change our funda- terest, that it is for the National honour, and that it mental laws, were we to adopt a legislative power is due from the gratitude of Venezuela, to preserve similar to that of the British parliament. We have in honor to the latest posterity, a race of virtuous, divided, as the Americans have done, the national prudent, and valiant men, who overcoming every representation into two houses, that of the repre-obstacle have established the Republic at the exsentatives and the senate. The first is wisely com- pence of the most heroic sacrifices; and, if the Peoposed, it enjoys all the privileges fitted for it, and is ple of Venezuela do not applaud and rejoice at the not susceptible of essential change, as the constitu-elevation of its benefactors, they are unworthy to tion has endowed it with the origin, form, and pow-be free, and never will be so. ers, required by the will of the people for being An hereditary Senate, I say again, will be the funlawfully and competently represented. damental basis of the Legislative Power, and conse

If the senate in place of being elective were he-quently the basis of the whole government. It will reditary, it would in my conception be the basis,act equally as a counterpoise to the Government. the bond, and the soul of the republic, and in po-and the People, and will be an intermediate litical storms it would possess the functions of go-authority to deaden the arrows which those perpevernment, and would resist popular commotions.tual rivals are constantly shooting at each other. Attached to the government by the powerful ex- In all contests the interpositions of a third percitement of its own preservation, it would ever op. son becomes the means of reconciliation, and thus pose the attempts the people might make against will the Senate of Venezuela be the cement of the the jurisdiction and authority of their magistrates. delicate edifice so liable to violent concussions. It It must be confessed, that most men are ignorant of will be the means of calming the fury and maintheir true interests, and are continually attackingtaining the harmony betwixt the Members and the them in the hands of those to whom they are com- Head of this political body. Nothing can corrupt a mitted-the individual contends against the general Legislative body invested with the highest honours; mass, and the general mass against authority, and it dependent on itself alone, without fearing any thing is therefore necessary that a neutral body should from the people or expecting any thing from Goexist in all governments to protect the injured, and vernment whose only object is to repress every disarm the offender. This neutral body, in order tendency to evil, and to encourage every attempt that it may be such, ought neither to derive its at good, and which is deeply interested in the ex

istence of a society with which it shares adversity || as a weak Executive, and if it has been deemed ne and prosperity.

It has been most justy remarked, that the British House of Peers is invaluable to the nation, as forming a bulwark to the Liberties of the People; and I dare add, that the Senate of Venezuela will not only be a bulwark to Liberty, but a help to ren der the Republic perpetual.

cessary to endow it with so many attributes in a monarchy, how infinitely more indispensible would it be in a republic. Let us fix our attention to this. difference, and we shall find that the equilibrium of power ought to be distributed in two ways. In a Republic the Executive ought to be the strongest, because every thing conspires against it; and on The Executive power in Great Britian is invest- the other hand, in a monarchy the Legislative ought ed with all the Sovereign Authority fitted to it, but to be the most powerful, as every thing unites in it is also circumscribed by a triple line of ditches, favor of the Sovereign. The veneration, which barriers, and pallisades. The Sovereign is indeed people bear for a regal magistracy, is a proof of its the head of the Government, but his ministers and influence in augmenting the superstitious respect officers depend more on the laws than on his autho-paid to that species of authority; The splendor of rity, because they are personally responsible, and the throne, crown and purple, the formidabe supfrom that responsibility not even royal authority port given by the nobility, the immense riches ac can exempt them. He is commander in chief of quired by generations of the same dynasty, and the the army and navy, he makes peace and declares fraternal protection afforded by kings to each other, war, but it is the parliament alone which votes an- are considerable advantages militating in favor of nually the supplies. For neutralizing his power, royal authority, and render it almost unlimited, the person of the King is inviolable and sacred; Those very advantages are a reason why a Pepubwhilst his head is left free, his hands are bound.lican Magistrate should be endowed with greater The Sovereign of Britain has the forinaapie ri- power than that possessed by a constitutional prince, vals, the Cabinet which is responsible to the people and to Parliament; the House of Peers, which protects the interests of the People, as representing the nobility of which it is composed; and the House of Commons, the organ of the British public; as the judges are moreover responsible for the duc fulfilment of the laws, they adhere strictly to them, and the administrators of the public money being accountable not only for their own violation of duty but even for what the government may do, guard against misapplication.

The more the nature of the Executive Power in Britain is examined, the more will you be inclined to think it the most perfect model for either a monarchy an aristocracy, or a democracy. In Venezuela let the executive power be exercised by a President, appointed by the people or their representatives, and we shall then have taken a long stride towards national felicity.

A republican magistrate is an insulated individual in the midst of society, entrusted with the duty of curbing the impetus of the people towards licentiousness, and the propensity of judges and administrators to an abuse of the laws. Such a one, with regard to the legislative body, the senate, and the people, is a single individual resisting the combined attack of the opinions, the interests, and the pas sions of society, which, according to what Carnot says, is constanly striving betwixt the desire of go verning and that of not being subject to any autho rity. He is in short one atlas opposed to a multitude of others. The only corrective to such weakness is a vigorous and suitable resistance to the opposition made to the executive power by the legis lative body and people of a republic. If the Executive do not possess the means of exercising all the authority properly placed at its disposal, it becomes null, and the government expires, leaving anarchy, usurpation, and tyranny as its heirs and successors.

Let the whole system of government, therefore, in such a manner, that it cannot be overturned, or its refinement become a cause of decay. As no form of government is so weak as a democracy, its constitution ought to be as solid as possible, and its institutions conducive to stability. If such be not the case, we may reckon on having only a govern ment on trial, and not a permanent system; and, on having a wavering, tumultuous, and anarchical community, and not a social estabishment in which happiness, peace and justice reign.

Whoever the citizen may be that may fill that situation, he will be supported by the Constitution; authorised to do good, he cannot do evil, for sub-be strengthened, and the equilibrium established mitting to the laws his ministers will co-operate with him, and should he on the contrary attempt to infringe them, his own ministers will leave him in sulated in the midst of the republic, and will even impeach him to the Senate. The ministers being responsible for such offences as may be committed are the persons that govern, and it is not the least advantage of the system, that those more immediately exercising the functions of the Executive Power, take an interesting, and active part in the deliberations of the government and consider their duties as personal.

complished by any of the human race, what the greatest and wisest nations have never effected. Undefined liberty, and absolute democracy are the rocks on which republican hopes and expectations have been wrecked.

Legislators!-Let us not be presumptuous, but moderate in our pretensions. It is by no means It may happen that the President may not be a man of great talents or virtues, and notwithstand-likely that we can do what has never yet been acing the want of those essential qualities he may still perform the duties of his situation in a satisfactory manner, because in such case the ministry doing every thing itself, bears the burthen of the State. However exorbitant the authority of Executive Power in Great Britain may appear, it would not perhaps be too great in the republic of Venezuela; here the congress has bound both the hands and heads of the magistrates, and has assumed a portion of the Executive functions, contrary to the maxim of Montesquieu, who says, that a representative body ought not to take upon itself any active principle; it ought to make laws and see those cxecuted which it does make. Nothing is so dangerous to a people"

Take a view of the republics of antiquity, of those of modern times, and of those rising into existence, and you will find, that almost all have been frustrated in their attempts. The men who aim at legitimate institutions and social perfection, are un doubtedly deserving of every praise; but, who can say that mankind possess complete wisdom, or that they practise all the virtues which the union of power and justice imperatively demand? Angels,

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and not men, can only exist free, peaceable, and happy, in the exercise of sovereign power.

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If a sacred respect does not exist for country, laws,
and constituted authorities, society is a state of con-
fusion, an abyss, and a conflict of man with man, and
of body with body.

To save our incipient republic from such a chaos, all our moral powers will be insufficient, unless we melt the whole people down into one mass; the legislation is a whole, and national feeling is a whole. Unity, unity, unity, ought to be our device.

laws, because they are bad, and the source of evil, and as little could they respect their magistrates, as Whilst the people of Venezuela exercise the the old ones were wicked, and the new ones are rights they lawfully enjoy-let us moderate the ex-hardly known in the career they have commenced. cessive pretensions which an incompetent form of government might suggest-and let us give up that federal system which does not suit us-let us clear off the triumvirate executive power, and concenter it in one President-and let us commit to him sufficient authority to enable him to resist the inconveniences arising from our recent situation, from the state of warfare we have been suffering under, and from the kind of foreign and domestic enemies we The blood of our citizens is various, let us mix have had to deal with, and with whom we shall still have to contend for a length of time. Let the le-it to make it one; our constitution has divided au gislative power resign the attributes belonging to thority, let us agree to unite it: our laws are the the executive, and acquire nevertheless fresh con- sad remains of all ancient and modern despotisms, sistency, and fresh influence in the equilibrium of let the monstrous structure be demolished, let it authority. Let the courts of justice be reformed fall, and withdrawing from its ruins, let us erect a by the permanency and independence of the judg-temple to justice, and under the auspices of its saes, by the establishment of juries, and of civil and cred influence, let us dictate a code of Venezuelan criminal codes, not dictated by antiquity nor by laws. Should we wish to consult records and moconquering kings, but by the voice of nature, bydels of legislation Baitain, I'mnes, and North America, present us with admirable ones. the cry of justice, and by the genius of wisdom. Popular education ought to be the first care of the Congress' paternal regard. Morals and know. ledge are the cardinal points of a republic, and mo rals and knowledge are what we most want.

It is my anxious wish, that every part of the government and administration, should acquire that degree of vigor, which can alone sustain a due equilibrium not simply amongst the members of the Let us take from Athens her Areopagus, and the goverument, but even amongst the various ranks of which society is composed. It would not signify, guardians of customs and laws; let us take from were the springs of political system to be relaxed, Rome her censors and domestic tribunals, and form. if that relaxation did not occasion the dissolution of ing a holy alliance of those moral institutions-let the social body, and the ruin of those renew on earth the idea of a people not contentThe cries of the human race in the field of battleed with being free and powerful, but which desires and in tumultuous assemblies, appeal to Heaven also to be virtuous. against those inconsiderate and blind Legislators, who have thought they could with impunity make trials of chimerical institutions. All the nations on earth have sought after liberty, some by arms, and others by laws, passing alternately from anarchy to despotism, or from despotism to anarchy, but very few have been satisfied with moderate attainments, or adopted constitutions conformable to their means, nature, and circumstances.

Let us take from Sparta her austere establishments, and form from those three springs a reser

voir of virtue.

Let us give our republic a fourth power with authority to preside over the infancy and hearts of men-public spirit, good habits, and republican morality. Let us constitute this Areopagus to watch over the educalion of youth and national instruction, to purify whatever may be corrupt in the Republic; to impeach ingratitude, egotism, luke-warmness in the Country's cause, sloth and idleness-and to judgment on the first germs of corruption and pernicious example.

We should correct manners with moral pain, the same as the Law punishes crime with corporal, not only what may offend, but what may ridicule; not only what may assault, but what may weaken, and not only what may violate the Constitution, but whatever may infringe on public decency.

Let us not attempt what is impossible, least by endeavoring to rise too high in the regions of liberty, we fali into the abyss of tyranny. From abso-pass lute liberty there is always a descent to absolute power, and the medium betwixt the two extremes is supreme social liberty. Abstract ideas give rise to the pernicious idea of unlimited liberty. Let us 20 act, that the power of the people be restrained within the limits pointed out by reason and interest; that the national will be curbed by a just authority; and that a civil and criminal legislation, analogous to our constitution, govern imperatively the judicial power; in which case an equilibrium will exist, and those differences and discords avoided which would embarrass the concerns of state, as well as that species of complication which shackles instead of uniting society.

The jurisdiction of this really sacred tribuna! ought to be effective in every thing regarding education and instruction, and only deliberative as to pains and punishments; and thus its annals and records, in which will be inscribed its acts and deliberations, and the moral principles and actions of ci tizens, will be the registers of virtue and vice. ReTo form a staple government, a national feeling gisters which the people will consult in their elec is required possessing an uniform inclination to- tions, the magistrate in their determinations, and wards two principal points, regulating public will, the judges in decisions. Such an institution, howand limiting public authority, the bounds of whichever chimerical it may appear, is infinitely easier are difficult to be assigned, but it may be supposed to realise, than others of less utility to mankind established by some ancient and modern legislators. that the best rule for our direction, is reciprocal restriction and concentration, so that there may be the least friction possible betwixt legitimate will and legitimate power.

Love of country, laws, and magistrates, ought to be the ruling passion in the breast of every repub lican. Venezuelans love their country but not its

Legislators! By the project of the constitution, which I respectfully submit to your consideration, you will discover the feeling by which it was dietated.

In proposing the division of our citizens into artive and passive, I have endeavoured to excite Na

tional prosperity by industry's two great springs- moment of time equally precious and pressing, and : labour and knowledge Stimulated by those two the Secretaries of State will therefore give an acpowerful causes, the greatest difficulties may be count to the Congress of their various departments, overcome, and men made respectable and happy. and exhibit at the same time those documents and In imposing equitable and prudent restrictions on records necessary to illustrate every thing, and to the primary and electoral assemblies, the first bar-make you thoroughly acquainted with the real and rier is opposed to popular licentiousness, and there-actual state of the Republic. by those injurious and tumultuous meetings, avoid. ed, which at all times have given rise to prejudicial consequences in the election, and which have of course been entailed on the Magistrates and the government, as the primordial act is generative of either the liberty or slavery of a people.

I will not notice the most momentous acts of my command, although they concern most of my countrymen, and will call your attention only to the last memorable revolution. Horrid, atrocious, and impious slavery, covered with her sable mantle the land of Venezuela, and our atmosphere lowered with the dark gloomy clouds of the tempest, threatening a fiery deluge. I implored the protection of the God of nature, and at his Almighty word, the

By increasing in the balance of power the weight of the Congress, by the number of Legislators and the nature of the Senate, a fixed basis is bestowed on this primary body of the Nation, and it is invest-storm was dispelled. The day-star of liberty rose, ed with great importance for the exercise of its Sovereign functions.

slavery broke her chains, and Venezuela was surrounded with new and with grateful sons, who turned the instruments of her thralldom & bondage, into arms of freedom. Yes! those who were formerEncules of our country, are now its defenders.

In separating distinctly the Executive from the Legislative power, it is not intended to sow division betwixt those Supreme authorities, but to unitely slaves, are now free, those who were formerly the

them with those bonds of haruvug which proceea from independence.

I leave to your sovereign authority the reform or repeal of all my ordnances, statutes, and decrees, but implore you to confirm the complete emancipation of the slaves, as I would beg my life, or the sal

In investing the Executive with a power and authority much exceeding what it hitherto possess ed, it is by no means intended to enable a despot to tyrannise over the Republic, but to prevent delibe-vation of the republic. rative despotism becoming the immédiate cause of a round of despotic changes, in which anarchy would be alternately replaced by oligarchy and monarchy.

To exhibit the military history of Venezuela, would be to bring to our recollection the history of republican heroism amongst the ancients; it would shew that Venezuela had made ás brilliant sacrifices on the sacred altar of liberty. The noble hearts of our generous warriors, have been filled with those sublime and honorable feelings, which have ever been attributed to the benefactors of the human race. Not fighting for power or fortune, nor even

In soliciting the independence of judges, the establishment of Juries, and a new code, the security of civil liberty is requested, the most estimable, the most equitable, the most necessary, and in one word the only Liberty, as without it, all others are a nullity. An amendment is asked of the lamenta-glory, but for liberty alone; the title of Liberator of ble abuses in our judicature, and which derive their the Republic has been their highest recompense, origin from the filthy sink of Spanish legislation, having, in forming an association of those gallant collected in various ages, and from various sources, heroes, instituted the order of Liberators of Veneequally from the productions of folly, and of talent, || zuela-Legislators! To you it belongs to confer hoequally the fruit of good sense, and of extravagance, nors and decorations, and it is your duty to exercise and equally the memorial of genius and of caprice. that act of national gratitude. That judicial Encyclopædia, that monster with ten Men who have given up all the benefits and adthousand heads, which has hitherto been a rod of vantages they formerly enjoyed as a proof of their punishment to Spanish nations, is the fiercest cala-virtue and disinterestedness-men who have undermity the anger of Heaven ever permitted that un- gone every thing horrible in a most inhuman war, fortunate empire to be afflicted with. suffering the most painful privations and the cruelMeditating on the most efficient mode of rege-lest anguish-men so deserving of their country, nerating the character and habits, which tyranny merit the attention of government; and I have thereand war have given us, I have dared to suggest a fore g ven directions to recompense them out of moral power, drawn from the remote ages of anti-the national property, quity, and those obsolete laws, which for some If I have acquired any portion of merit in the time maintained public virtue amongst the Greeks eyes of my countrymen, I entreat you, Representaand Romans, and although it may be considered a tives, to vouchsafe my petition as the reward of my mere whim of fancy, it is possible, and I flatter my-feeble services, and let the Congress order a distri self, that you will not altogether overlook an idea,bution of the national property, conformable to the which when meliorated by experience and know-ordinance I passed in the name of the Republic, in ledge, may prove of the greatest efficacy. favor of the military sons of Venezuela.

Terrified at the disunion which bas hitherto ex- After our having in a succession of victories deisted, and must exist amongst us from the subtle stroyed the Spanish armies, the court of Madrid in spirit characterising the federative system, I have despair, vainly endeavoured to take by surprise the been induced to solicit you to adopt the concentra-feelings of those magnanimous sovereigns, who had tion and union of all the States of Venezuela into one Republic, one and indivisible. A measure in my opinion, urgent, vital, and saving, and of such a nature that without it, the fruit of our regeneration would be destruction.

just extirpated usurpation and tyranny in Europe, and who ought to protect the legitimacy and justice of the cause of America. Spain unable to reduce us to submission by dint of arms, had recourse to her insidious policy, and tried every perfidious art. It is my duty, Legislators, to present to you a just|| Ferdinand humbled himself so far as to confess, that and faithful picture of my political, civil, and mili-without the assistance of foreign aid, he could not tary administration, but to do so would tire your force us back under his ignominious yoke; a yoke valuable attention too much, and rob you at this which no mortal power can oblige us to submit to.



Venezuela convinced that she is in possession of much her height of knowledge transcends her exsufficient strength to repel her oppressors, has de-cessive wealth.-Yes! I see her seated on the throne clared through the organ of government, her fixed of freedom, wielding the sceptre of justice, and and final determination to fight to annihilation in crowned with glory, shew the old world the majesty defence of her political life, not only against Spain, of the new. but even against the universe, should the universe be so degraged as to assume the party of a destructive government, whose only objects are an exterminating sword, and the shrieks of the inquisitiona government that desires not fertile regions, but deserts-no cities, but ruins-not subjects, but sepulchres. The declaration of the republic of Vene. zuela is the most glorious, the most heroic, and the most dignified act of a free people; and it is with peculiar satisfaction, I have the honor of laying it before congress, sanctioned as it is by the unanimous approbation of the free people of the land.

Since the second epoch of the republic, our armies wanted the necessaries of war; they were constantly void of arms and ammunition, and were at all times badly equipped; but at present the brave defenders of independence are not only arred with justice, but with power, and our troops may rank with the choicest in Europe, now that they possess equal means of destruction.

George Dorlen, Esq. has been chosen governor, and Charles Pole, Esq. deputy-governor of the Band of England.

The Bank restriction bill for the Bank of Ire land, went through all its stages in the House of Lords on the 7th of April, and received the Royal assent.

The expence for the last three years, for the transportation of convicts to New South Wales and its dependencies, and the establishments there, was In 1816,



216,2917. 8s. 71-2d. 222585 9 612 178,930 19 41.4

The whole expence for the last year, not yet known.
The Liverpool Mercury says, that the Duke of
Wellington refused to present to the House of
Lords the Anti-Catholic petition of the corporation
of Dublin.

In a late publication by Capt. Ross, commander of the Discovery Ships, it is stated, that when the ships were in lat. 76, 12, in certain states of the sun, objects at the distance of 150 miles were distinctly visible.

For these important advantages, we are indebted to the unbounded liberality of some generous for eigners, who, hearing the groans of suffering humanity, and seeing the cause of freedom, reason, and justice, ready to sink, could not remain quiet but new to our succour with their munificent aid and protection, and furnished the republic with every thing needful to cause their philanthropical principles to triumph. Those friends of mankind are the A Liverpool paper of the 17th of April states, guardian geniuses of America, and to them we owe that gloomy accounts were received by the last a debt of eternal gratitude, as well as a religious ful- mail from the manufacturing districts. "At Leifilment of the several obligations contracted with cester, for the last ten days, 5000 persons are rethem. The national debt, Legislators, is the depo-presented as being out of employ." sit of the good faith, the honor and the gratitude of "the health of our Venezuela: respect it as the holy ark which encloses not only the rights of our benefactors, but the glory of our fidelity. Let us perish rather than fail in any the smallest point in the completion of those engagements, which have been the salvation of our country, and of the lives of her sons.

The Star, of April 12, says, aged king has undergone a change for the worse, within these few days."

Admiral Griffith sailed from Portsmouth on the 9th April, for the Halifax station.

Jerome Bonaparte has obtained leave to reside at Vienna.

Lieutenant Thomas Hasker and Ensign Edward Ring, of the 55th Regt. have been erased from the Army list, for sending a challenge to Lieut. Col. Frederick, commander of that regiment.

The union of New Grenada and Venezuela in one great state, has uniformly been the ardent wish of the people and governments of these republics. The fortune of war has effected this junction so much desired by every American, and in fact we are incorporated. These sister-nations have entrusted to you their interests, rights and destinies. In contemplating the union of this immense district, my mind rises with delight to the stupendous height necessary for viewing properly so wonderful a pic-London paper says, many persons will suffer; it be


Flying from present and approaching times, my imagination plunges into future ages in which I obServe with admiration and amazement, the prosperity, the splendour, and the animation, which this vast region will have acquired;-my ideas are wafted on, and I see my beloved native land in the center of the universe expanding herself on her extensive coasts between those oceans, which nature has separated, and which our country will have united with large and capacious canals. I see her the bond, the center, and the emporium of the human race; I see her transmitting to earth's remotest bounds, those treasures contained in her mountains of gold and silver; I see her distributing by her salutiferous plants, health and life to the afflicted of the old world; I see her imparting to the sages of other regions her inestimable secrets, ignorant until then, how

The Archbishop of Jerusalem, was to leave England on the 19th of April. He had collected for the object of his mission 4301. sterling.

The Sheerness bank has stopped payment. A ing the only bank in that part of the country.

There is a prospect of an abundant harvest in England, the wheat in particular was never known to be so luxuriant.

The Russian government is fitting out two expeditions for scientific researches in remote seas. Fach is to consist of two ships; one of them is designed to make discoveries towards the North Pole. Prince Leopold is about to reside at Vienna. Several Swiss families, Anabaptists, amounting to about sixty persons, are to embark immediately at Havre for America.

Two Budhish, or Cingalese Priests, named Dher. ma Rama, and Munhi Rat Hana, who were brought to England by Sir Alexander Johnston, have been placed by the Wesleyan Missionary Committee, un"der the care and tuition of the Rev. Dr. Adam Clark

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