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IVORY PAPER. The Society for the Encourage-state from impending clouds of waste and desolament of Arts and Manufactures, have given the tion, they respectfully solicit that an extra session sum of 30 guineas to Mr. Finsley, for the invention may be speedily called. of ivory paper. This paper possesses a surface, hav ing many of the valuable properties of ivory, and, at the same time, has the superior advantage of be ing obtained of a much greater size than ivory can possibly furnish, even nearly as large as the usual sheets of drawing paper.

ETHERIOSCOPE. Professor Leslie, of Edinburg, has invented an instrument called an ætherioscope for measuring the cold transmitted from the higher regions of the atmosphere into the lower. By this the relative temperature of remote and elevated, as well as of inaccessible parts, may be ascertained. The deduction already drawn from the use of the ætherioscope are, that cold pulses shoot downward from the sky, and warm pulses are sent upward from the heated air near the earth.



At a Court of Quarter Sessions held in April last, for the County of Sussex, (Del.) Lemuel Tam was convicted of selling, for exportation, a manumitted slave, and sentenced by the court to pay the sun of $500, the penalty enforced by the act of Assembly. At the same term James Jones [who had been convicted at the Nov. term last] was sentenced by the court to pay the same sum of 500 dollars, for exporting a manumitted slave.

The penalties in the above cases will be paid by the defendants:-Del. Watch.


We are furnished with a list of those physicians who graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, at the public commencement held on the 25th April. The result manifests the respect which the science of the lancet bears in the Old Dominion. The folWeli-lowing are the numbers who have enlisted in the cause, from each state, &c.

The bell recently cast at Moscow, to replace that which was formerly in the tower of Juan ki, in that city, weighs 7000 poods, or 252,000 lbs. English. The clapper weighs 120 poods.


It is a curious fact, says a London paper, that the court Almanack, published at Berlin, by M. de Buch, designates Bonaparte as a Knight of the grand order of the Black Eagle,


[blocks in formation]

Ia all one hundred and two graduates. Of these,

The German papers state that the assassin of M.Virginia claims more than one third! She has six'de Kotzebue, is still living.

It is calculated that the population of Germany increases at the rate of 450,000 yearly. The present population of the Danish states is estimated at 1,862,000; namely, Denmark, 1,100,000, Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein 680,000, Duchy of Laueburg 30,000, Faroe Isles, &c. 52,000.


teen more than Pennsylvania herself, the seat of the University. She has as many as the nine highest on the list, with the exception of Pennsylvania, has, put together.—[Compiler.

Connecticut.-The Legislature is in session, and appears to be busily engaged, this being the first session under the constitution.

A motion to repeal the law passed last year, to Extra Session of the Maryland Legislature.-A pe- reduce the superior judges from nine to five, was tition to be presented to his excellency the Gover-rejected by the casting vote of the speaker. A nor. That similar applications may be transmitted, from such sections of the state as may incline to promote the object, the public prints are requested to give it insertion.

To his excellency Charles Goldsborough, esq. governor of the State of Maryland.

The undersigned, inhabitants of Somerset county, most respectfully present the following causes for an early convention of the general assembly.

committee had been raised to report on the expe.
diency of levying a tax of one dollar on passengers
passing through Connecticut, in Steam Boats the
proceeds of which, it had been proposed, should
tnres, and the cod and whale fisheries.
be appropriated to encourage agriculture, manufac-

Among the private petitions read, was one from a Rev. Daniel Parker, praying to be exempted from arrest for debt for five years. He sets forth, that he 1st. That the productions of our agriculture, of had become involved, and obliged to leave the had been a settled clergyman-had speculatedour forests, and fisheries, the great staples of our state; and that during his exile he had been censurpassive commerce, are reduced in value to a mostel and expelled by his Ecclesiastical brethren: and

iuinous extent.

2. That a large proportion of our population and those of the most enterprising and industrious classes, are involved in debt, and although possessed of property, are utterly unable to discharge their obligations.

In order that the wisdom of the Legislature may be employed in affording relief in sinelding the

solicited the eqemption prayed for. The house rethat, wishing to return to demand a new trial, he jected the application unanimously.

The House of Representatives, en Friday last, made choice of Messrs. S. T. Hosmer, J. T. Peters, Asa Chapman, J. C. Brainard, and Wm. Bristol, as judges of the superior court. The Senate made

choice of the same gentlemen, except Mr. Brain-|| ca. There are already 16,000 soldiers encamped, ard, who is a federalist: in his place they elected Mr. Lanman. We have not learned which house has given up its candidate.

commanded by Gen. Ó·Donnel, who is of Irish ex. traction. He is very popular with his soldiers, who are, I am told, fine looking men, well clothed and fed. There are seven ships of the line, as many frigates, and several sloops of war, gun brigs, and schooners, lying at anchor doing nothing, while Bills for the incorporation of a considerable num- the Patriots are destroying their commerce. They ber of cotton and woollen manufacturing compa-are all in miserable order. The frigate Diana sailed, nies, are before the Legislature.

A bill has been before the Legislature authorising trial by jury before justices of the peace; which, however, was rejected.

New-York-In this state it is yet uncertain which of the three parties has obtained a majority in the Legislature. Among the citizens elected to be State Senators at the recent election, is Gideon Granger, formerly postmaster-general. Among those elected to the House of Assembly, is John C. Spencer, a representative in the last Congress from

that state.-Nat. Intel.

PITTSBURG, May 25.-A most alarming fire burst out on Thursday afternoon last about 2 o'clock, at the arsenal in Lawrenceville, two miles from this place. The first intimation we received of this me lancholy occurrence, was from a violent explosion, which by many was thought to be an earthquake, but the flames were soon after seen bursting from a part of the United States works. It proceeded from that part of the buildings which serves for a labora tory, in which some men were engaged in making rockets; it was caused by one of the persons driv ing a rocket too suddenly, which exploded in consequence, and soon commuuicated to what is called

not long since, on a cruise of three days. She bas not been heard of since. It is thought she is taken. We are not very popular at this place, owing, I pre sume, to the Florida business."

Nat Int.

FIRE. On Friday morning last, the dwelling ed by fire, and, melancholy to add, three small house of Mr, Cummins, of Westford, was consumchildren, from one to four years old, were burnt to death. The circumstances were that Mr C. was absent at Boston, and his wife was gone to put the cows to pasture, and on return, found the house in flameo. The ovales or the tie ones, after the fie was reduced, were found, and exhibited a most shocking and distressing spectacle.


City of Washington, May 29th. Paper Money, &c.-The paper-mongers and land speculators in the Western states are striving very hard to preserve themselves. the composition room; where a great quantity of But it is all in vain. They must come to materials was prepared; the roof of the building was their natural level. Town and county immediately blown off, and the whole building enveloped in flames. The prompt arrival of the citi-meetings and resolutions, will not coin mozens of Pittsburg, and their efficient co-operation ney. Words will not alter the nature of with the military, saved all the neighboring build- things. You might as well declare war withings; none were destroyed but those employed as a laboratory. A serious loss, however, we are informont either regular army, or navy, or militia, ed occurred, in the burning of a large quantity of as to declare bank notes good money, withwell seasoned timber. We have heard no estimate out gold and silver to back them. Failure of the amount of the loss. The officer superinten- and ridicule must follow in either case. The ding the making of the rockets, is said to have dis- land speculators, as well as all other sorts of played he greatest coolness and presence of mind, and only quitted the room when its destruction be speculators, must be brought down to their came inevitable. Major Woolley and all the offi- natural size and proportions; and they will cers, deserve much credit for the judicious and be brought down. They might as well subprompt exertions which they made to preserve mit with a good grace, for they cannot help this beautiful establishment. The citizens of Pitts-it. They have too long been deceivers in soburg displayed their usual energy on the occasion. ciety. They were not, and are not, men of Lancaster, Ohio, May 13.-A gentleman from In-wealth; rich, substantial men. They have

diana, passed through this town on Monday last, on his way to Washington City, where he intends get ting a patent for converting Wheat into Sugar, and Corn into Molasses; he had a sample of each with him, and they appear to be of equal quality with that made from the Maple. He informs us that one bushel of Wheat will make 15 pounds of Sugar: and one bushel of Corn will make three gallons of Molasses. He likewise informs us; that it takes less wood, water or labor, than the usual mode of mak. ing sugar from the Maple-tree.

A letter from an officer on board the U. S. ship Hornet, to his friend in this city, dated April 19, say, "The Hornet arrived, with Mr. Forsyth, at Cadiz, 14th April There is very little news here: the public mind appears entirely engrossed with an expedition that is fitting out here for South Ameri

been counterfeits, and, like all other counterfeits, they should be stopped from passing for an undue value. We hear a great deal said, in the way of compassion, for the speculators who have failed and are failing. But do they deserve compassion? Are they, indeed, to be pitied? Not at all. It is the men of industry whom they have ruined who deserve compassion: the poor man, who has worked hard for his few dollars, and who finds them falling to half their value, and to nothing, who merits commiseration. What has happened in the price of the stock of the Bank of the United States has also happened in the price of Western Lands. Speculators bought vast quantities on credit, or for money

which they borrowed of the banks, and by a kind of hue and cry, of puffing and repuffing, they have got it up to an enormous price. Called upon to pay by the banks, they cannot do it. The banks, of course, cannot fulfil their engagements. Then come meetings, resolutions, tricks, contrivances, expedients, in abundance. All will not do. Come down they must. They have arrived at the dropsical stage of speculation, and they are thirsty for more paper money. But this is only a symptom of the intensity of the disease.They must be TAPPED. Good people, take care of your hard dollars; hoard them; take care of them in any manner; for now comes the crisis. Here was a Baltimore paper, which, the other day, told a story of an old lady who offered to lend a few hundred dollars in specie to ware failing bank And she was mightily praised for it. Poor lady! she had better take care of her dollars. And so had all those who do not wish to be drawn into the whirlpool of ruin which is now rapidly forming. When a bank is failing, to carry in your notes and ask for payment, is called treating the bank ill. Indeed! What right has any body corporate to trifle with the public by issuing notes which, at the time of issuing, it knows it will not be able to pay? It is the public that is treated ill, and not the bank. The only well-grounded hope which now exists for saving the country from utter confusion with regard to the currency, is the Bank of the United States. That bank, under a good direction, should be clung to by all the true friends of the Union. As for the others, they will save themselves as they can. A considerable number will, no doubt, survive the shock; but the mass will go, and with that mas away go the speculators.What then! Where's the odds? The country will be better off. All the property, and money, and goods, and chattels, will still be in the country. Those who have got what they do not own, will have to give it up. And is not that all right, and just, and proper? The people in general will be much better off for it. There is a little jostling just now, as there is in an army when first routed; but every thing will fall into its proper place again. A few hundred land speculators, over-traded merchants, and self-over-reached bank jobbers, are not the people of the United States: yet they would fain persuade the world that because they are ruined, the nation is ruined. That would be a good joke, truly! They will soon find that the country can get on better without them, and that the people are quite able to take care of their own affairs.

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FROM THE NEW-YORK EVENING POST, MAY 27. Sir Philip Sidney said, as Addison tells us, that he never could read the old ballad of Chevy Chase, without feeling his heart beat within him, as at the sound of a trumpet. The following lines, which are to be ranked among the highest inspirations of the Muse, will suggest similar associations in the breast of the gallant American officer.

When Freedom, from her mountain height,
Unfurl'd her standard to the air,
She tore the azure robe of night,

And set the stars of glory there!
She mingled with its gorgeous dies
The milky baldrick of the skies,
And striped its pure celestial white
With streakings of the morning light;
Then, from his mansion in the sun,
She call'd her eagle bearer down,
And gave into his mighty hand
The symbol of her chosen land!
Majestic monarch of the cloud!

Who rear'st aloft thy regal form,
To hear the tempest, trumping loud,
And see the lightning-lances driven,

When stride the warriors of the storm,
And rolls the thunder-drum of heaven!
Child of the Sun! to thee 'tis given

To guard the banner of the free,
To hover in the sulphur smoke,
To ward away the battle stroke,
And bid its blendings shine afar,
Like rainbows on the cloud of war,
The harbingers of victory!
Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly,
The sign of hope and triumph high!
When speaks the signal trumpet-tone,
And the long line comes gleaming on,
(Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet,
Has dim'd the glist'ning bayonet,)
Each soldier's eye shall brightly turn
To where thy meteor-glories burn,
And, as his springing steps advance,
Catch war and vengeance from the glance!
And when the cannon-mouthings loud
Heave in wild wreaths the battle shroud,
And gory sabres rise and fall,
There shall thy victor-glances glow,

And cowering foes shall sink beneath
Each gallant arm that strikes below

That lofty messenger of death.
Flag of the seas! on ocean's wave
Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave,
When Death, careering on the gale,
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail,
And frighted waves rush wildly back,
Before the broad-side's reeling rack,
The dying wanderer of the sea
Shall look, at once, to heaven and thee,
And smile to see thy splendours Ay,
In triumph, o'er his closing eye.
Flag of the free hearts only home,
By angel hands to valor given!..
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome,

And all thy hues are born in Heaven!
For ever float that standard sheet!

Where breathes the foe but fails before us? With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us? CROAKER & CO.

No. 23.]


Printed and Published, every Saturday, by JONATHAN ELLIOT, at five dollars per annum.


town, which lies on the north side, ten miles from the gulf

Contents of this No. of the National Register. The plain on which the town is built is extenTopography-Port of Pensacola, 353-Baton Rouge, 363. TerMiscellany-Discovery of Sive, and about eight feet in altitude above the surritorial Affairs-Missouri, 354. face of the sea The soil is composed of a grey, Manuscript, attributed to the Poet Gay, 354-British Marriage Act, 364, 365-Etna, 354-Navigation of the Revel and in some places, of a white sand, which is exopen during the winter, 354. South America-Late Intelli-tremely sterile, sustaining little grass, but considerable useless shrubbery; so loose and yielding to the foot is the sand in the streets, that walking is very fatiguing and disagreeable; and the dazzling lustre of the sun's reflection therefrom very painful and dangerous to the eyes in clear weather.

gence, 355-Installation of the Venezuelian Congress, 356

Defeat of General M'Gregor, at Porto Bello, 365. Arctic Discoveries-Capt. Ross' Narrative, 358, 359. State Concerns-Massachusetts-Gov. Brooks' Speech to the Legislalature the 1st of June, 361, 362-Separation of Maine, 362, 363. Foreign Affairs, 365. Domestic Affairs, 367-Resolutions of the Citizens of Missouri, condemning the right of Congress to interfere in the formation and the provisions of their State Constitution, 457, 458-Re-appearonce of the Sea Serpent, 458.



Pensacola, May 6, 1819.

The population of Pensacola at present is about fifteen hundred persons of all colors, and the number of houses do not exceed four hundred; many of which are falling to ruins-and but few fitted for convenient stores, and mercantile business.

Though no seaport town of the size of this can have less trade, or fewer charms for the sojourner, yet the price of real estate here at present, is extravagantly high. Some house-lots even in the rear of the town, in their natural state, have been sold this spring for 3.000 dollars, with only 80 feet front, and 170 feet depth. Water lots of the same size, with old useless buildings on them, are held at 5, 6, and 7000 dollars.

Mr. G. F. Mott-Dear Sir: On the evening of the 3d inst. I arrived in this town, after a very pleasant|| The purchasers have been generally from the injourney from Blakely by the circuitous route of the new road around the head of the Rio Perdido.-terior of the southern and western states, and are The distance that way to this place I find to be of the speculating class of society, who appear to about 95 miles; but when a road shall be open from entertain a high opinion of the commercial advanBlakely to this town in the most eligible course, the|tages of this port, and anticipate a great advance on their lots at the change of government here in distance will not exceed 55 miles. the fall. But whether the new proprietors will re||alize the objects of their fond hopes is very questionable-at all events, it must be granted that the prosperity of this town will not be promoted by snch monopoly of lots by men, who will not imThe engrossment of the most eligiprove thein

For two days I have been constantly in motion surveying this aged city, in pursuit of such facts and information as I deem necessary, to make an estimate of its value and importance as a maritime


'As a sea port the local situation of Pensacola may be reckoned on the scale of mediocrity. It posses-ble situations for commercial establishments by peo. ses some essential advantages over many southern ple who buy merely to sell again, will, inevitably ports; but is, at the same time, subject to sundry retard the growth of Pensacola, even had it an exinconveniences unknown in other commercial cities. tensive back country to support its trade. But as The most material disadvantage this place at the good lands on the small rivers emptying into present labors under, in regard to its harbor, is the this bay are very limited, and scarcely any settlevery extensive shoal which stretches along the ments as yet made on them, the exports from this shore of the bay in front of the whole town. Al place are at present not worth notice; and cannot though the channel leading from the sea past the be much until agriculture subdues the fores's of the Barancas into this bay, commands, as I am informed, interior. Therefore, I consider the present price four fathom at ordinary high water; yet a vessel of lots here not warranted by any rational calculadrawing eight feet water, cannot approach within tion. In fact, from three hundred yards of the shore. my own observation, I find that at the distance of one hundred yards in a depth only of three feet at low water, and only five at high water, the tide rising ordinarily only two feet, and but one in 24 hours. The bottom, however, being of a hard white sand, admits of a good foundation for wharves and piers, which may be made at great expense by merchants, who have capital to lay out in supplying this radical defect of nature in the celebrated harbor of Pensacola.

As the island of St. Rosa interlocks with points of the main land, and shuts out the surf and fury of the sea, the whole American navy may ride her in safety at all times, except during violent hurricanes This bay is six miles wide and about 30 in length, extending from the Barancas nearly east past the

However, if the main argument which the advocates of the high commercial destiny of Pensacola advance in support of their lots here, is a sound one, then the prices are reasonable enough.

The reason urged by those, who contend that this town is soon to become the principal commercial depot west of Cape Florida is predicated, not on the expectation of much support from the back country embraced by its own waters, but upon a belief that the grand rivers of the Alabama and Tombigbee are, on a change of flags at this place, to betray the high trust which nature hath confided to them by deserting the spacious bay of Mobile, and pouring their treasures into the bosom of Pensacola through artificial channels that exist only in the fervid imagination of those, whose interest that event might possibly promote.

(No. 23

Though I consider such logic entirely fallacious, into the valley of Missisippi; whence by a chain and the calculation founded thereon, pregnant with of inland seas and the Canal Clinton (when finishdisappointment, if not with the ruin of many; yeed) she might arrive, by a circumnavigation of a reference in argument to the experience of all many thousand miles, at the point from which she ages, and to the commercial history of all countries,irst sailed. Such are lines of water communica. appears to have no influence on the settled opinion:tion, such the means of Commercial inter course, of this class of sanguine adventurers. And some ci these people are so ardent in their fond hopes and Missouri and Mississippi, and of which there is no formed by Nature, in the magnificent regions of the expectations of immediate wealth, that they even paralled on face of the globe contend that Pensacola will ere long out-strip New Orleans in con merce, and draw from the Mississippi the trade of that vast emporium!!

All these wonderful changes in the course of nature are to be wrought by the magic of canal and steam navigation. To be sure a canal may be open with competent capital so as to connect the bay of Mobile with that of Pensacola: but it by no means follows, even should that event ever happen, that the produce of the state of Alabama will in that case, be directed to this place for exportation.

The salubrity of the climate of Pensacola is undoubtedly well established. The dryness of the sand hills and waste plains in its rear, together with scite of the town, and the nudity and sterility of the the sea-breezes which prevail in hot weather, render the atmosphere pure and salubrious.

GENCER AND BOON'S LICK ADVERTISER," has This first number of the "MISSOURI INTELLI just been received at this office. Messrs. Patton and Holliday. The political aspect Franklin, the seat of Justice for Howard county, by It is printed at of the paper is republican, and the editorial articles well written. It seems already to have a good fatronage; the first number containing no less the progress of light, of science, and human adhan eight columns of advertisements. Friends to cancement-admirers of the great Dr Frank'in— will see with interest the establishment of a News

Franklin, and containing in its first number the adpaper two hundred miles up the Missouri, in a town of more than a thousand souls, bearing the name of vice of that great man to young printers.

The portable water here is wholesome and abun dant; two small brooks arising from a cold morass in REVEL, Feb. 20, (March 4)—The navigation the rear of the town, along the foot of the first ri-hitherto to has not been closed-a circumstance sing ground, flow in opposite directions, (enclosing that has not occurred in the recollection of the oldthe compact part of the city) into the bay; and will est person here. always supply the place with a plenty of good water; though it does not possess that cool quality, that characterizes the best spring in the pine woods of Florida. Yours, &c. S. HAINES.

Louis on Sunday, 9th to be absent for some, time
ST. LOUIS, May 12. Governor Clark left St.
for the same reason which occasioned his absence
last winter, the continued indisposition of Mrs.
Territory will be exercised by Mr. Bates, the se
In the meantime the government of the
cretary of the territory.

THE MAID OF ORLEANS, This beautiful vessel was built at Philadelphia,|| and is equally intended for river and sea navigation; || the latter by sails, the former by steam power.She came to New Orleans schooner-rigged, ascendcd the Mississippi by steam, and is the first vessel biographers, that Barnstaple had the honor of givINTERESTING DISCOVERY-It is well known among which has arrived at St. Louis from the Atlantic ing birth to the poet Gay. A correspondent informs port. Men of reflection, men who observe the progress of human affairs, will mark this event, possession of a curious antique chair, which is adus that a gentleman of that town has long been in will follow the voyage of this ve sel on the map,mitted, by the relatives of the poet, to have been

and will see in its issue the commencement of that

new order of things which is to line the banks of identity may be gathered from the peculiarity of its his property. Strongly corroborative proofs of its the Mississippi with sea-port towns, and to raise form, and the convenient attached apparatus for. up, at certain commanding points, commercial ci writing and reading, forming, in every respect, a ties rivalling the greatest of those which the sea complete student's chair. But what renders it parshore exhibits. They will mark the outset of this ticularly interesting to the literary world is, that a ves el leaving her port in north latitude 40 degrees,cabinet maker, to whom it was sent to be repaired, sailing down to the gulf of Mexico, entering it, and accidentally discovered a concealed or secret draw. quitting it again, to penetrate by a noble liver the in-of them in the hand writing of Gay.—[ Eng. pap. er in which were several manuscript papers, some terior and central parts of the North American continent, Arrived at St. Louis after an ascent of 1600 miles. they will see her almost in the latitude ETNA-The circumference of the visible horifrom which she sat out; and having noted what she miles: At Malta, which is near 200 miles distant, zon on the top of Etna cannot be less than 2000 has done, will cast forward their eyes to see what they perceive all the eruptions from the second rethe might do Looking up the Alissouri, theygion; and that island is often discovered from about

would see that 1000 miles more would take her to the Mandan Villages, above the latitude of Quebec, and that 800 more would carry her west to the first fails of the Missouri river, sissippi they would see that 1000 miles would carry Looking up the Mis her to the falls of St Anthony, in the latitude of Vermont; whence a canal of half a mile at the head of the river St. Croix would enable her to enter the Caspian sea of North America. Looking up the Hineis they would see that 500 miles would carry her to the gate which is to open the Michigan lake

the whole clevation, the horizon must extend to one half the elevation of the mountaiin; so that at near double that distance, or 400 miles, which 2409 for the circumference. But this is by much makes 800, for the diameter of the circle, and too vast for our senses, not intended to grasp so boundless a scene. Sicilian authors, particularly Massa, that the AfriI find, indeed, by some of the can coast as well as that of Naples, with many of Etna.-Vol. I. p. 134 its islands have been discovered from the top of

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