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The following abstract of information very lately received, verbally and by letter, from persons of the highest respectability in Angostura and the West-India Islands, is entitled to implicit credit. It is furnished solely for the gratification of citizens interested in the cause of South American independence, more especially in that of Venezuela.

defile from right and left, in order to surrounp the enemy and cut off his retreat. This was the very movement which Paez awaited; on its execution he calculated his success. Prompt at the moment, therefore, he gave laconic orders to his little column, who, with lance in rest, rushed directly on the Spanish line. Opening their passage to the rear, they wheeled about, and penetrated again to the front, with prodigious slaughter. The ene

my's ranks were thrown into confusion and

his own hand; captain Grant, (a Scotch offcer,) killed five, and others distinguished themselves equally in the work of carnage. With the loss of 3 or 4 of his gallant corps, the immortal Paez, recrossed the Aranca, and rejoined the army in triumph. All were electrified to admiration, or petrified to astonishment at this achievment. The names of every individual appear in the bulletin, and each was presented with the badge of the order of Libertador de Venezuela; an honor which many of them had attained already.

Two brilliant affairs have lately taken place between detachments from the respective armies in the neighborhood of the Aran- dismay, by several and terrible repetitions of ca river, in the province of Barinas; both of those daring charges; and 500 of their numwhich, terminated in favor of the indepen-ber were either killed or wounded. Paez dents. In the first, co!. PIGOTT, a foreign himself is reported to have lanced nine with officer of merit, greatly distinguished himself having had two horses killed under him. Suffice it to say, that the royalists were driven from their position. The latter enterprise is one of the most extraordinary recorded in the annals of modern or ancient warfare. General Paez, commander of the cavalry composed of the free people of color and blacks of the plains, called Littneros, had repeatedly solicited permission from General Bolivar, to attack the enemy's camp, with a select band of volunteers, but was as often Col. ENGLISH has arrived at Margarita, refused. The attack appeared too hazardous and partial, to justify approbation; and as the public are already informed. Colonel that officer, instructed by experience, re- URSLA has reached the same destination. solved not to hazard the reduction of his When English anchored off Port-Spain, he his force by detachment.-The Fabian, or received a special permission from gov. Washingtonian system, in short, was adopted; WOODFORD. to land and remain ashore for and the president of the republic seemed in- 24 hours; but this passport was not penned flexible in maintaining it. He would not in a very friendly mood, as it reflected on risk a decisive battle with half his army; but Mr. English for proceeding towards the await the co-operation of the expedition from neighboring provinces in revolt, contrary to Margarita. Nevertheless, he yielded to the his majesty's proclamation of Nov. 1817.importunities of Paez, and allowed him for He landed; but, finding that gov. Woodford once to indulge in his chivalrous projects. was arming and manaing the steam-boat, to Thus licensed, that officer required 150 vol- send her along side of his squadron, in order unteers, his own guard of honor included. to entice his soldiers to desert, he hurried It is unnecessary to state, that the summon back, with an emphatic threat, confirmed c was received with acclamations: 4 militaire, by an oath or two, that if she colonels and colonels, and 70 captains im- came along side he would instantly sink her. mediately joined their leader. Being disen-Sir Ralph Woodford then abandoned his excumbered of all unnecessary accoutrements, pedition and Mr. English pursued his voythe detachment instantly crossed the river age to Margarita. in front of Morillo's main army, who were

would allow the merchants of Hamburg, &c. to export with them, as great a quantity of merchandise as they pleased-duty free.

A Prussian Colonel had touched at Trinidoubtless surprised at temerity so unexam-dad, on his way to Bolivar's camp. He is plesi. Paez approached within speaking dis-instructed to tender him the services of tance, (or as a sailor would say, within hail,)|| 4000 Prussian troops, on condition that he and challenged his antagonists to come and take him, with his little party. He had brought no more, lest he should affright them; but, hoped that Morillo would not be intimi- The British sloop of war Fly, reports, that dated by a handful of lancers, who had left a 1600 Tyrolese troops had also reached Marriver in their rear, and now had an army be-garita from Europe, and that the expedition fore them. Provoked by this bantering defi (which was nearly ready for sea) would conance, Morillo ordered large detachments tot of 2500 European and 5000 native

troops. They are well equipped, and appear-lowing are the members from the free districts of

ed in high spirits.

gen. La



F. A. Zea


Cumana was said to be in a state of starvation. We ought to have mentioned in its Dr J German Roscio Dr. L. T. Peraza proper place, that in the defeat of torre's division, by the patriots, an interest-Onefre Basalo Joseph Espana ing correspondence with Morillo, was taken by the victors. From this it appears, that an expedition from Lima menaced New Grenada. One account states, that an invading army had actually entered it, and that the Spaniards were flying in all directions. More produce than usual had arrived at Angostura from the interior.

Col. F. Parejo

Col P. E. Hurtado
R. G. Cadiz
D. B. Urbanja

D. A. Alcala


Gen. Santiago Marino
Gen. Thomas Montilla

Dr Juan Martinez
Col Diego Valenilla


Dr. R. Ig, Mendez
Col M. Guerro

Gen Refael Urdaneta
Dr A. M Brizeno


Eusebio Asanador
JF Cardoso

Commissary F. Penlaver
Gen. P Leon Torres
Gasper Marcano
Dr. Manuel Palacio
Domingo Alzuru
Jose de J. Guevara.

The congress were engaged in administer. ing public affairs; and, if we can judge by appearances, their deliberations will result in At eleven o'clock three guns announced the apthe formation of a constitution of civil go-general staff, the governor of the place, the comproach of the supreme chief, accompanied by bis vernment, as free and as liberal as can be established in that country, under present cir


officers of the army then in the capital The demandant general of the province and the principal puties received the supreme chief at the entrance of the palace, and he was conducted to the presi

It is probable, that within a few months, the royal forces will be expelled from Vene-gers was immense-the session was opened by the zuela. But, we desist from speculation, and leave time to unfold events.

P. S. The government of Venezuela appeared inclined to encourage the improvement of the soil by industrious emigrants. The island of Faxardo, in the Oronoco, has been ceded to an English gentleman, on condition of cultivating it. The congress, we understand, have also authorised the introduction of a steam-boat or steam-boats, regardless of the monopoly promised or decreed to admiral Brion. Deputies from a couple of English societies had arrived at the scat of government in Guayana, to solicit the grant of an immense tract of land; or, as some say, the privilege of cultivating that whole province, entirely for the benefit of Venezuela. What success would attend an application so modest and disinterested, we cannot absolutely predict.



dential chair. The concourse of citizens and stransupreme chief in a discourse of some length, the leading objects of which were to draw their attenhe presented to congress, as the best adapted to tion to the basis of a constitutional project, which the situation of the country: he touched generally on his own administration and the difficult circumstances in which it had devolved on him, adding that the secretaries of the several departments would furnish the necessary documents, and details, tual situation of the republic. He recommended to necessary to obtain a circumstantial view of the accongress the cofirmation of the freedom of the slaves without any restricrion which had been before proclaimed; the establishment of an order of ject for appropriating certain public lands as a just libertadores; and that of the confirmation of a proreward to the defenders of the country for their public services; he recommended particularly to congress, to direct their attention to the funding its speedy and exact extinction, being in accord of the public debt, and the provision of means for with national gratitude, honor, justice, and interest.

The supreme chief having concluded his discourse, pronounced "the Congress of Venezuela is now installed-the national sovereignty resides in "it from this moment-my sword and those of my "brave compa. ions in arms, are ready to sustain "its august authority-long live the Congress of "Venezuela!"

This exclamation was repeated with the loudest

Translation of the official Circular of the Congress of acclamations of the people, and accompanied by a


Act of the Instalation of the National Congress of Venezuela, in the city of St. Thomas of Angostu ra, the 15th day of February, A D. 1819-the 9th of the independence of Venezuela.

salvo of artillery.

ceed to the election of a president, ad interim, in The supreme chief then invited congress to proorder that he might resign into the hands of the congress the authority with which he had been invested.

At half past ten in the morning the deputies, inand the deputy F. A. Zea, was elected president. The assembly proceeded to an election viva voce, consequence of a previous citation by the supreme The supreme chief then administered to the presichief. Sinion Bolivar, assembled in the palace of dent the oath upon the holy evangelists, and to the government, for the instalation of the sovereign each of the deputies in succession. national congress, which was convoked by the supreme chief, on the 22d October, 1818. The fol

took his seat in the presidential chair; and the str This ceremony being concluded, the president

preme chief addressed the military corps as follows: "Generals, chiefs and officers-my companions in arms-we are now simple citizens, until the sovereign congress shall be pleased to employ us in those grades and stations which their wisdom shall deem fit; confident in the congeniality of your feel ings, I shall give to the sovereign congress the undoubted proof of our devotion, by surrendering in to its hands the authority which I have hitherto exercised in behal: of our country."

He then approached the president of congress, and presenting to him his baton of office, spoke thus: "I restore to the pubic authority that baton of authority with which my country has entrusted to me: to serve the republic in any station, grade or service, in which the congress may think proper toemploy me, will always be considered as my duty and honor to accept, and to fulfil to the best of my faculties, and my example shall be the proof to others of my sense of the duty which every soldier and citizen owes to the republic."

The president Zea, rose and addressing congress, spoke as follows:

"I appears that the confirmation of all the appointments of every grade and employment, made under the authority of Simon Bolivar, does not call for any discussion; notwithstanding, I consider it proper that congress should express itself on this point; I therefore offer the following proposition.

"Is it the pleasure of congress that the appointment, made in the public service during the authority of Simon Bolivar shall be confirmed?"

The congress answered by an unanimous affirmative; and then the president added:

and public virtue, gave a more sublime nor interest. ng example. The mind is exalted on the contemplation of that of which we are now the spectators --centuries disappear, and we almost feel ourselves contemporaries with Aristides, Phocion, Camillus, and Epaminondas:-the same philanthrophy and the sme enlarged principles, which reunite the republican chiefs of antiquity with the benevolent emperors Vespasian, Titus, Trajan, M. Aurelius, who were worthy to be ranked with the patriots of higher antiquity, place to-day in the same rank of fame the late u assuming chief of our own republic; and with them he will partake of the renown of history and the benediction of posterity.

It is no now the moment in which the sublime act of patriotic virtue, of which we have been more truly admirers than witnesses. can be duly appreci ated: when our istitutions shati have received the solemn sanction of time and experience, with all the feebleness and inexperience of our national age shail give way to time and wisdom, when passions, interests and vanities shall have disappeared, and great deeds and great men, shall alone remain in the eyes of a free people-then justice will be done to the noble acts of this day, and the name of Bolivar shall be pronounced with veneration in Vene zuela and acknowledged by all the world.

I will pass over in si nce what he has done for our liberties-eight years of afflictions and dangers, the sacrifice of fortune and repose; agitations and calamities almost incredible, if we had not witnessed and felt them; efforts of which it is difficult to find examples in history; the most unshaken constancy under reverses; the immoveable firmness; the glory "The sovereign congress of the republic con of never despairing of the cause of the republic; firms in the person of captain general Simon Boli- even after all appeared to be subjected but himself var, all the grades and appointment made or con- alone-and even then without any other resources ferred by him during his public administration; and but his own mind-I pass over in silence so many returned to him the Baton. He then invited him to titles which he has to immortality only to incive the a seat on his right hand, after a few moments si-attention on what we now have seen, and must ever lence, the president, Zea, rose and addressed congress as follows.

Fellow citizens,

admire. Had gen. Bolivar relinquished his authority, when nothing surrounded him but dangers and misfortunes, when he drew upon his head insult and calumnies, and when he seemed to hold only a mere nominal or vain title, nothing could indeed have appeared in such conduct worthy of praise-but what all would consent to consider an act of prudence; but to abdicate at this moment, when power has begun to hold forth attractions to the eyes of ambition; and when every thing presages an approach. ing accomplishment o all our wishes; and proceed. ing thus from his own spontaneous will, and from a pure devotion to the liberty of his county, is an act so heroic and virtuo is that we are lost in the effort to discover any mode! to which it can be referred, and I despair of ever seeing any imitators. But O! shall we suffer general Bolivar thus to elevate himself by his magnanimity so much above us, to such a height as shall leave his fellow cinzens no mode of competition with him in noble and patriotic feelings, without reinvesting him with that same authority which he had exercised so nobly, and of which he nas this day voluntarily divested him elf, in order to preserve liberty inviolable, when a different conduct would have placed liberty in danger

All nations and empires were small and feeble in their infancy, like man to whom they owe their institutions. Those great cities which still continue to astonish the imagination, Memphis, Palmyra, Thebes, Alexand. ia, Tyre, the capital of Belus and Semiramis, and you superb Rome, caput orbis; you were in your commencement but an humble and wretched village; it was not in the capitol, nor in the palace of Agrippa or Trajan, but in an obscure and lowly hut, under a smoky thatched roof, and in a rustic garb that Romulus sketched the first draft of the capital of the world, and prepared the foundations of a stupendous empire. Nothing in the origin of Rome was brilliant but his genius, no thing was great but himself. It is not by the pomp or parade, nor by the magnificence of our installa tion on this day, but by the inexhaustible resources presented to us by nature, and by the wisdom and efficacy of those great plans which you shall form and put into activity, to promote the public prospe rity, that the greatness and future felicity of our republic must depend. The simplicity of the installation itself and the splendor of the great act of Gen. Bolivar rose and loudly exclaimed-No! no! patriotism of which gen Bolivar has given so me- never never shall I acc pt an authority which I morable and illustrious an example has given to this have renounced for ever-with all my soul, and by solemnity a most impressive character that rivals the the impulse of my feelings. He continued to point virtuous days of antiquity, and which already gives out the danger to which liberty was exposed when a presage of the future happy destinies of our the supreme authority remained for too long a period country. Neither Rome nor Athens, nor Sparta in the same ands; that he deemed it prudent to tself, in the most celebrated days of their prosperity I take this step lest others of more ambitious views

each other, and preventing any possibility of an attack from these people, unless by darts.

should come hereafter; as well as to place a check natives, a canal or small chasm in the ice, not pas upon his own passions, because he was apprehensable without a plank, separating the parties from sive of not always having the means of duly deliberating, or thinking in the same way; he concluded by protesting in the strongest and most decided manner, that on no occasion nor on any consideration, he would consent to hold an authority which he had so sincerely and deliberately rensucced, in order to ensure to his country the blessings of liberty. He then asked permission to retire, and the president named a deputation of ten members to accompany him, and he retired with them

"In executing this service, Sacheuse displayed no less address than courage Having placed his flag at some distance from the canal, he advanced to the edge, and taking off his hat, made friendly signs for those opposite to approach, as he did; this they partly complied with, halting at a distance of three hundred yards, where they got out of their sledges, and set up a loud simultaneous halloo, The congress then proceeded to the nomination which Sacheuse answered by imitating it. They of a president of the republic, ad interim, and some ventured to approach nearer, having nothing in difficulties occurring in the choice, it was resolved teeir hands but the whips with which they guide that gen. Bolivar should exercise this power for 24their dogs; and after satisfying themselves that the hours, or for 48 provisionally and a deputation of canal was impassable, one of them in particular, which gen. Marino was the chatsman, proceeded to seemed to acquire confidence. Shouts, words, and make known these resolutions of congress. Gen.gestures were exchanged for some time to no purBolivar received them and said, that only in consi-pose, though each party seemed in some degree to deration of the urgency he would consent to the recognize each other's language. Sachcuse, after wishes of congress, under the explicit comideration a time, thought he could discover that they spoke that the exercise of the authority should not be pro- the Humooke dialect, drawling out their words, longed beyond the term expressed. however, to an unusual length. He immediately adopted that dialect, and holding up the presents, called out to them Kahkeile, 'Come on!' to which they answered, Naakrie, naakrieai-plaite, No, no: go away;' and other words, which he made out to mean, that they hoped we were not come to destroy them The boldest then approached to the edge of the canal, and drawing from his boot a knife, (represented in an engraving) repeated, 'Go away: I can kill you.' Sacheuse, not intimidated, told them that he was also a man and a friend, and at the same time threw across the canal some strings of beads, and a checked shirt, but these they be held with great distrust and apprehension, still calling, 'Go away, don't kill us." Sacheuse now threw them an English knife, saying, 'take that.' On this they approached with caution picked up the knife, then shouted and pulled their noses. These actions were imitated by Sacheuse, who in return called out. Heigh, yaw pulling his nose with the same gesture. They now pointed to the shirt, demanding what it was, and when told it was an ar ticle of clothing, asked of what skin it was made. Sacheuse replied, it was made of the hair of an animal which they had never seen; on which they picked it up with expressions of surprise. They they found they found the language spoken by now began to ask many questions; for by this time themselves and Sacheuse had sufficient resemblance to enable them to hold some communication.

Congress resolved that on the next day at half past nine, with the concurrence of the executive power, general staff, chiefs, and public officers they would proceed to the cathedral, to offer thanks to the Creator for the blessings which the country was promised by the happy progress made in re storing and securing the destiny of the republic, and the approaching establis! ment of a constitutional government, calculated to secure freedom and to lead the public in her high destinies.

The president then declared the installation of the congress to be completed, and the journal of the proceedings were then prepared and signed by || the supreme chief. (The names as above.) A co || py of the proceedings were then prepared and presented to the executive for publication and on the following day publication was made and ordered to be communicated to the provinces and the municipalities of the republic:

And congress adjourned.


The following interesting account of the first parley between the navigators in the late Arctic Expedition and a race of men discovered in Bafiu's Bay, is extracted from a narrative of the voyage recently published by Capt. Ross.

"August 10-Lat. 75 deg. 55 min, N. long 65 deg. 32 min. W. About 10 o'clock this day we were rejoiced to see eight sledges, driven by the natives, advancing by a circuitous route towards the place where we lay. They halted about a mile from us, and the people alighted, ascended a small || iceberg, as if to reconnoitre. After remaining apparently in consultation for nearly half an hour, four of them descended, and came towards the flagstaff, which, however, they did not venture to ap proach. In the mean time, a white flag was hoist ed at the main in each ship, and John Sacheuse de spatched, bearing a smali white Hag, with some presents, that he might endeavour, if possible to bring them to a parley. This was a service in which he had most cheerfully volunteered, requested leave to go unattended and unarmed a request to which no objection could be made, as the place chosen for the meeting was within half a mile of the Isabella. It was equally advantageous to the

They first pointed to the ships, eagerly asking What great creatures those were? Do they come from the Sun or the Moon? Do they give us light by night or by day? Sacheuse told them that he was a man, that he had a father and mother like themselves; and, pointing to the South, said that he came from a distant country in that direction. To this they answered, That cannot be, there is nothing but ice there' They again asked; ' What creates these were? pointing to the ships; to which Sacheuse replied, that they were houses made of wood.' This they seemed still to discredit, answering, No, they are alive, we have seen them move their wings. Sacheuse now inquired of them what they themselves were; to which they replied, they were men, and lived in that direction; pointing to the North; that there was much water there; and that they had come here to fish for seaunicorns. It was then agreed that Saccheuse should "pass the chasm to them, and he accordingly retura

ed to the ship to make his report, and to ask for a plank.

and pleasure. We then advanced towards them while they halted, and presented the foremost with a looking glass and a knife, repeating the same presents to the whole as they came up in succession. On seeing their faces in the glasses their astonish. ment appeared extreme, and they looked round in silence for a moment at each other and at us; imme

"Daring the whole of this conversation, I had been employed with a good telescope in observing their motions, and beheld the first man approach with every mark of fear and distrust, looking fre quently behind to the other two, and beckoning to come on, as it for support. They occasionally re-diately afterwards they set up a general shout, suc treated, then advanced again, with cautious steps, ceeded by a loud laugh, expressive of extreme dein the attitude of listening, generally keeping one light, as well as surprise, in which we joined, parthand down by their knees, in readiness to pull outly from inability to avoid it, and willing also to snow a knife which they had in their boots; in the other that we were pleased with our new acquaintances. hand they held their whips with the lash coiled up; Having now at length acquired confidence, they their sledges remained at a little distance, the fourth advanced, offering in return for our knives, glasses, man being apparently stationed to keep them in and beads, their knives, sea unicorns horns, and readiness for escape. Sometimes they drew back sea horse teeth, which were accepted. They were the covering they had on their heads, as if wishing then instructed by Sacheuse to uncover their heads, to catch the most distant sounds! at which time i as a remark of good will and respect to us; and could discern their features, displaying extreme with this ceremonial, which they performed immeterror and amazement, while every limb appeared diately, and of which they appeared to comprehend to tremble as they moved. Sachense was directed the meaning, our friendship became established. to entice them to the ship, and two men were now sent with a plank, which was accordingly placed across the chasm. They appeared still much alarm ed, and requested that Sacheuse only should come over; he accordingly passed to the opposite side, on which they earnestly besought him not to touch them, as if he did, they should certainly die. After he had used many arguments to persuade them that he was flesh and blood, the native who had shown most courage ventured to touch his hand, then puling himself by the nose, set up a shout, in which he was joined by Sacheuse, and the other three. The presents were then distributed, consisting of two or three articles of clothing, and a few strings of beads; after which Sacheuse exchanged a knife || for one of theirs.

One of them having enquired what was the use of a red cap which I had given him, Sachense plac ed it on his head, to the great amusement of the rest, each of whom put it on in his turn. The cofor of our skins became next a subject of much mirth, as also the ornaments on the frames of the looking glasses. The eldest of them, who was also the one that acted as leader, addressing himself to me, now made a long speech, which being ended, he appeared to wait for a reply. I made signs that I did not understand him, and called for Sachense to interpret. He thus perceived that we used different languages, at which his astonishment appeared extreme, and he expressed it by a loud "Heigh, yaw!" As Sacheuse's attempt to procure the meaning of the oration seemed likely to fail, and we "The hope of getting some important informa- were anxious to get them to the ship as soon as tion, as well as the interest naturally felt for these possible, I desired him to persuade them to ac poor creatures, made me impatient to communicate company us; they accordingly consented, on which with them myself; and I therefore desired Lieut. their dogs were unharnessed and fastened to the Parry to accompany me to the place where the ice, and two of the sledges were drawn along the party were assembled, it appearing to me that Sa- plank to the other side of the chasm. Three of heuse had failed in persuading them to come near-the natives being left in charge of the two dogs and er the ships. We accordingly provided ourselves the remaining sledges. The other five followed us, with additional presents, consisting of looking-glas- || laugh ng heartily at seeing Lieut. Parry and myself ses and knives, together with some caps and shirts, drawn towards the ship on the sledges by our sea and proceeded towards the spot, where the confer- inen. One of them, by keeping close to me, got rence was held with increased energy. By the before his companions; and thus we proceeded till time we reached it, the whole were assembled; we arrived in one hundred yards of the ship, when those who had originally been left at a distance he stopped I attempted to urge him on, but in with their sledges, having driven up to join their vain; his evident terror preventing him from adcomrades. The party now therefore consisted of vancing till his companions came up. It was ap eight natives, with all their sledges, and about 50 parent that he still believed the vessel to be a living dogs, two sailors, Sacheuse, Lieut. Parry, and my-creature, as he stopped to contemplate her, looking self, forming a group of no small singularity: not a little also increased by the peculiari y of the situa tion, on a field of ice, far from the land. The noise and clamour may easily be conceived the whole talking and shouting together, and the dogs howl-you? what are you? where are you from? is it from ing, while the natives were flogging them with their long whips to preserve order.

"Our arrival produced a visible alarm, causing them to retreat a few steps towards their sledges, on this Sachueuse called to us to pull our noses, as he had discovered this to be the mode of friendly salutation with them. This ceremony was accor dingly performed by each of us, the natives, during their retreat, making use of the same gesture, the nature of which we had not before understood. In the same way we imitated their shouts as we could using the same interjection heigh yaw! which we afterwards found to be an expression of surprise

up at the masts, and examining every part with marks of the greatest fear and astonishment. He then addressed her, crying out in words perfectly intelligible to Sacheuse, in aloud tone, "Who are

the sun or the moon?" pausing between every question, and pulling his nose with the utmost solemnity. The rest now came up in succession, each shewing similar surprise, and making use of the same expressions, accompanied by the same extraordinary ceremony. Sacheuse now labored to assure them that the ship was only a wooden house, and pointed out the boat which had been hauled on the ice to repair; explaining to them that it was a smaller one of the same kind. This immediately arrested their attention; they advanced to the boat, examined her, as well as the carpenter's tools, and the oars, very minutely; each object, in its turn, ex

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