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they encamped. The next morning, after travelling about ten miles, they fell in with a party of Americans at a branch of the river Rouge, who tied the arms of the Indians and unloaded their horses; leaving the effects on the ground. The American party and the prisoners then set out on their return, and had proceeded about 150 yards when they met Ponquish and his party, and fired upon one of them (Wa-wa-se.cuck) and missed him. On this Tonquish's son ran off, and while en deavouring to escape he was fired at twice and missed, a third gun being fired at him he fell dead. Wa-o-gan then called the other Indians back, who were also endeavouring to escape, when Tonquish, returning towards Wa-o gan, was shot by John M-Comb without any provocation on the part of Tonquish Wa-o gan and five other Indians were then taken as prisoners to the house of said MComb, on the river Rouge.

The deposition, from which the above is taken, was made by Wa.o-gan, and corroborated by Wa-wa-se-cock, Na-o-kay, Wa-we-aWa.wa-be-nous-quoy, and Na-o-kee


squoy-be, all Pottawatinies.

The interpreters were Col. Godfroy and Capt. Knaggs.

[blocks in formation]

Champaigne 15 bottles
Constantia 15 do.
Cape Wine 630 do.
Ale and Cyder 180 do

And as much draught beer as might have
been required.
Flour 100 lbs
Rice 150 lbs
Butter 300 lbs.
Cheese 60 lbs
Salt 80 lbs.
Vermacelli 45 lbs
Maccaroni 45 lbs
Sallid Oil 32 qts
Vinegar 41 bots.
Lard 60 lbs
Pepper 10 lbs
Mustard 6 bots

Since the above was in type, John Pickles 5 bots M'Donnell, esq. has furnished us with state-Olives 12 bots ments made before himself and Thomas Row. land, esq. by several persons who were present at the unhappy affair on the river Rouge, and at the shooting of the Indians on the following day.

By the statements it is proven conclusively that the Indians were the aggressors, and that the quarrel arose from their attempting to rob a man, and not from the attack of the dog as stated by the Indians. Sargeant's dog did seize the Indian by his leggin, but on his throwing him into the cellar, the Indians went off, and on falling in with the man above mentioned they attempted to rob him, when the scuffle brought Sargeant to his assistance.

Hams 12
Tongues 12
Soap 30 lbs
Wood 20,160 lbs

Candles 240 lbs
Potatoes 15 bush.
Sugar Candy 300 lbs
Coals 1440 bush.
Beef and Veal 1200 lbs
Mutton 1500 lbs
Bread 1800 lbs
Eggs 1080
Milk 420 qts
Pigeons 30
Roasting Pigs 4
Geese 8
Ducks 16

Fowls 240

Black Tea 15 lbs
Green Tea 15 lbs
Rum 2 bots
Twine 1 lb

Vegetables, Fruit, and Fish as much as required, according to the season. Confectionary of all sorts, Liqueurs and preserves, &c. included only in the daily ac


"The proper study of mankind is man.” A blacksmith, about seventy-five years old, known only by the nick-name of Bourguinon which he had received probably from the name of the Province where he was born, retired to The mother of Mr. Sargeant states, that Havre, in France, 4 or 5 years ago, and lived after he fell, she ran to his assistance, and in a barn on bread and water. Nothing havseized an Indian by his arm as he was stand-ing been seen of him for some days, his neigh ing over her son in the act of stabbing him; she arrested his arm and was knocked down by the Indian.

All who were present with John M'Comb when he overtook Tonquish and his party, agree in saying that the Indians gave the war whoop when they were overtaken, and that they fired at a man of the party who was in advance of the rest. Tonquish and his son were fired upon in attempting to make their escape.

bours informed the commissary of police, who had the barn opened, and found him ly ing dead on a little straw, with a stone for a pillow. A large wooden box was his only piece of furniture which was found full of sil ver. It was ascertained that he died of hunger by the side of his treasure, which he would not be separated from, nor quit the sight of for a single moment. Enquiry is making for his name and his heirs, which are equally unknown.


[No. 25

From a gentleman now in that country, to his LETTERS FROM LOUISIANA. friend in the village of Springfield, Massachu



TOPOGRAPHY. OF VEVAY. The seat of justice for Switzerland county Indiana. This town is about 45 miles from Cincin-! nati, 64 miles from Louisville, and 48 miles from Frankfort, (the metropolis of Ken.) an extensive, high, dry, beautiful, com-New-York, we arrived at the mouth of the manding and healthy bottom; it is commo-Mississippi River. This river presents a At length, after a passage of 23 days from diously laid out with spacious streets, inter-most singular appearance, as it tumbles whirlsecting each other at right angles and opening and foaming unto the great deep, the wasquares, reserved for public buildings, convenience and ornament. fifth of its age, and it contains about 400 hence the appearance which is produced by It is only in the ter of which, as every body knows who have inhabitants a court-house, jail, market- uniting rapidly, as it does, with the clear scen it, is remarkably muddy and dirtyhouse, school-house, circulating library, a branch of the state Bank of Indiana, a print- land, or marsh, on both sides of the entrance, ing office, several stores, mechanics of almost is so extremely low, that you can hardly see transparent water of the sea every description; about 70 dwelling houses, it two miles off-of course the first you see Besides, the 8 or 9 new buildings now erecting and un-of this great river is the difference in the cofinished; numerous stables and out houses, together with between 10 and 20 shops of different descriptions.


lour of the water, roiling over that of the ocean, and appearing very much like water In passing up this river, though it was in the month of January, we had very warm, pleaagitated and broken by running over rocks.

Immediately below the town of Vevay, is the noted settlement of Europeans denominated and known by the name of the Swisssant weather-ten thousand birds singing, as Vineyards;--this settlement commences at the lower edge of the town; and continues without any break or interruption down to the mouth of Indian creek, a distance of about two miles, on a level bottom, about one half mile wide.

in spring, with you. The land along its banks, until you get half way up to New Orleans, will not admit of cultivation, being entirely a low, wet marsh, filled with various kinds of wild fowl, snakes and alligators. But above In no part of the world does the eye meet now and then see a few little huts scattered that the land is a little cultivated, and you with more numerous proofs of industry; the along shore, constructed something like an whole settlement is interspersed and check-Indian's wigwam, inhabited by Creoles, and ered over with grapes, apples, pears, plums, apparently the residence of much poverty and cherries, peaches, corn, grass and buckwheat. misery. The vine is cultivated with success, and in ashore to one of these huts to buy some milk. great abundance; far beyond the consump-On leaving our boat and approaching the The captain of the vessel and myself went tion of the adjoinining country, and yield a house, we found ourselves besieged on all very handsome profit to the cultivator. These sides by five or six large dogs, who commencvineyards are of great utility to the surround ing country, and a great source of pleasure hardly suffer us to proceed. and amusement to all classes of society, both the house, which was all in one room, and ed growling and barking at us, and would citizens and travellers. On entering The houses of the Swiss in this settlement good looking woman, apparently about $5 that without any floor to it, we beheld a very are nearly all built of wood; some, however years of age, but half decently dressed, seatare well built and neatly painted. í he neat-ed in and old broken chair, which was the ness of the domestic concerns and the people only one I could see in the house, with a is striking; even the most humble of their young child in her arms, surrounded by six houses convey an idea of neatness and sim- or eight more of different sizes, with dirty plicity, and impress a pleasing conviction of faces and half naked carcases. All stared their happiness. Each have their own lot of at us with as much astonishment as if we had ground fronting on the river, and running descended to them from the moon. Recolback for quantity, which they have neatly lecting a little French, I asked the woman distributed into a vineyard, a garden, a field, in her own language, if she could sell us a a meadow, a pasture and an orchard, all of little milk. No, she said, they had none. which they have skirted with different trees and supplied with well water. Their chief tatoes? No. Any butter? No. Any meat? Have amusements are singing, instrumental music, No. Any bread? No. What in the world you any eggs, madame? No. Any poand dancing-Vevay Examiner. have you got to eat, then? said I-Nothing


sir. My husband has gone up the river to men, evacuated the fort during the following night, get something for us to eat, and we expect and the next day the whole of the fort was in our him back to-morrow. So we left her and re-possession. Our loss is 8 killed, and 23 wounded. At Penang two expeditions are preparing; che turned to our vessel Contrasting our wants of which is destined to form a British settlement at as we went along, with that of the poor wo-Archen-the destination of the other not known. man and her children we had left, we felt Sir Stamford Raffers, was to accompany the former perfectly satisfied to go without milk. Par-expedition. don this little digression, my dear H, I could not omit relating to you this little in- they formerly had to the eastward, and they are in

The Dutch are taking possession of all the little

expectation of 15,000 more troops from Europe.

cident, because having struck me so forcibly Private accounts from Calcutta, of the 4th inst. at the time, it is still fresh in my memory. mention that a very great change had rather unex"Tis a singular fact that vessels in sailing pectedly taken place in the money market. Comup and down the Mississippi River, never pany's six per cent paper, which ten days before bore a discount of 7 per cent. had fallen to 24 per come to anchor at all. Nature has provided cent, and the Bazar rate of interests had kept pace a different way for their security. When with this decline, being then 8 per cent. per annum night comes on they run along side of the on deposit of Government paper, or equal to a debank, which is almost every where perpendi- crease of 10 per cent. in as many days. It was dif cular, and with sufficient depth of water,ficult to account satisfactorily for so rapid a change, where they make fast to a tree on shore till ted to effect it, the principal are said to be the large though of the many reasons which may have operamorning. Thus in consequence of "tying inportations of bullion from China and Europe, the up" vessels, as a man does his horse, you see opening of the Bank for discounting, and the staga great many trees that are conveniently si- nation in the cotton market in the upper provinces. It is further stated that the crop of cotton this tuated on the bank of the river, with their season is expected to prove very abundant. bark chaffed and rubbed off, and eatirely xilled by it.


As you approach New Orleans, the country becomes very much improved, and you The account, of the re capture of Porto Cabello, pass some very fine plantations, particularly of the escape of M'Gregor, and capture of all his two or three in the neighborhood of Jack-troops is detailed in the Jamaica papers, but does not essentially differ from that already published, son's battle ground, so memorably distin- It is equally disreputable to the General, who was guished during the late war with Great Bri- completely surprised, and is stated to bave had not tain; and which is six miles below the city. a single picquet posted outside the town. The You see I have no more room, without ta- Spaniards lost but four men. king another sheet of paper. Adieu my. dear H. In my next I shall give you a description of New Orleans.

[To be continued.]


Return of the Officers who were killed, wounded, made prisoners, escaped, and were missing on the 6th inst. belonging to M Gregor's Army.

General Sir Gregor M'Gregor, escaped; Cols. O'Hara, wounded, since dead; Rafter, prisoner; Johnston, escaped; Maj. Baldwin and Brig. Mag. Ross, prisoners; Captains Acton, missing, supposed to be killed; Gutleuson, escaped; Gordon, woundBOMBAY, Feb. 27-By the advices dated Camp at ed, prisoner; Dawson, Nelson, Palarios, O'ShaugAmlah 12th inst. we are informed that Appah Sahib, haesseg, O'Callagan, Frost, Farnham, and Black, the Ex Rajah of Nagpore, had made his escape from prisoners; Lieuts. Moore and Scargill, prisoners; his retreat in the Deo Pahur, or Maha Deo hills. A Colecough, escaped; Finney and Nasan, prisoners; large party of his adherents, consisting, it is said,|| Dixon, missing; M'Bean, Smith, and Dudley, woundof Arabs and Patanas, were a few days before the ed and prisoners; Bennet and Oakley, prisoners; date of our correspondent's letter, attacked and de- and Mackay, missing-Ensigns Haddock, Banamy, feated by Capt. Jones, commanding a party of Ben- and Plythean, prisoners; Semifull, escaped; Stewart, gal cavalry and infantry near a place called Boor- killed; Coates and M'Donald, prisoners; Boothe and dee in the neighbourhood of the Shahpoor jungle. Ogahagan, killed; Howard, Shields, Baldwin, SoulAbout 200 of the enemy are said to have been killard, and Howell, prisoners.-Cadet Bret, wounded led, and some were taken prisoners. It is most probable that the ex-rajajh will soon throw himself on the clemency of the British government. We bear likewise that the greater part of the deserters - from the Bengal army, which joined Appah Sahib, - have beeu taken and executed.

Advices from Camp at Raree, dated Sunday the 14th inst inform us, that that fort has been taken possession of by our gallant forces. The pettah and outworks of the fort were stormed in a most gallant style on the 13th, by a detachment of the force under the command of Lieut. Colonel Clifford, C. B. and in consequence of their success, the principal part of the garrison, consisting of about 1200


and prisoner-Surgeons Burton, Matherhead, and Bryan, prisoners; and Donald, escaped-Assistant surgeons Kernan and Haslett, prisoners.-Deputy paymaster general Binstead, missing, supposed dead. Deputy commissary general Walker, assistant commissary general Harwood, and deputy assistant commissary general Francoise, prisoners-commissary clerks Bruin and Roberts, prisoners, and Ryan, killed.

PARIS, May 8-A sudden frost has done a great damage in the south: Raw Silk has risen 6f. per lb. in consequence of it.

[blocks in formation]


From the Franklin Gazette.


Messrs. Bache and Norvell,

PHILADELPHIA, June 25, 1819.

NORFOLK, June 21-Our intelligence from Gibraltar, per the Shepherdess, arrived at New-Haven, is to the 28th of April:-The King of Spain, some time in that month, called his council together to advise with them on the subject of his revolted colonies, and desired them all to express their sentiments without any reserve; accordingly 22 of the lation of a Royal Decree, published in PortuGentlemen-I herewith hand you a transmembers recommend a compromise with the revogal, relative to our commerce with that kinglutionists-which so exasperated the king, that notwithstanding be had urged them to give their opinions freely, he immediately dismissed them from his service! A majority of the council were in favor of prosecuting the war.


chants of the United States shipping there, to I beg leave to recommend to the meraccompany their invoice with the certificate Two captains in the Spanish navy, (brigadiers of on the long price, or in any other words, payrequired, as it will prevent their paying duty marine) have been broke for refusing to take coming duty on the value of the articles, after mand of two 74's destined for Lima-and the king freight, insurance, duty, &c. are charged.says that all shall be broke who refuse, in this critical state of his kingdom, to perform their duty. Since the arrival of the last frigate from Vera flour made from them, pay a specific duty; Wheat, rye, barley, oats, Indian corn, and Cruz with money, though it was all private proper ty, the expedition at Cadiz has made some progress. of course this decree does not apply to them. About 40 English transports have arrived from J PEMBERTON HUTCHINSON, England, to take troops, under private contract, Consul of the U. S. of America, for Portugal. which with the Russians, Danes, Swedes and French To his Excellency Viscount de Balsemao, Prebefore employed, will make the armada a confederacy of all the Holy Allies-this does not look much sident of the Council of Trade. like neutrality-though it was whispered that the English had ordered their cruizers to capture all vessels under their flag having troops on board to be employed against the Patriots.

The San Telmo, San Fernando, and Alexander 1st, 74's, and Diana frigate, 44, were expected to sail from Cadiz for Lima on about the 6th May, but would carry no troops-we shall not be surprised to hear that the cause of this was because the troops

would not go.

Most Illustrious and Excellent Lord,

the opinion of the council of trade of the 10th The King our Lord in conformity with chandize of the United States of America, February last, relative to the entry of merchandize of the United States of America can orders that six months from this date, no merbe admitted for entry in any of the custom houses of Portugal, without the invoices being dent in the ports of the United States of Amesworn to before the Portuguese consuls resi

It is stated that the king continued to grant exclusive licences to trade, as a means of raising money-to import the produce of his colonies into the kingdom in foreign bottoms on paying the same durica; and their attestations shall declare that ties as are paid in national vessels-to import flour into Havanna in foreign bottoms upon paying half the present duty-which, with enormous forced loans, when money arrives from the Indies, and two lotteries per month, constitute almost the whole system of finance from which the resources of the empire are derived whilst in several parts of it, bodies of armed banditti occupy the country, plundering all they meet, murdering many, and in some instances have, in parties of 200 strong, laid towns under contribution!

We further learn, that Mr. Wm. D. Robinson who was formally demanded by the Governor of Cadiz, still enjoyed his refuge at Gibraltar, as Governor Don had manifested no disposition to authorize his being arrested in conformity to this extraordinary mandate.


the prices charged in the invoices are the current market prices. The consuls shall not charge more than two dollars for each certificate. All merchandize not accompanied with such attestations shall be subject to pay duty on the current market price of the port of entry. Your excellency will make this known to the council, that it may be executed.

God guard your Excellency.
Palace of the Government, April 10,1819.
Secretary of State for the Interior.

A London paner mentions, that the exQueen of Holland has lately arrived at Frankfort to take leave of her sister, the ex Queen of Spain, who proceeds in the course of a month to join her husband, the ex-King Jo

AUX CAYES, June 1-A new tarif has just been published here, which establishes the duties as follow: Haytian vessels trading to any country (Bri-seph, in America. tish dominions excepted) nine per cent. to the Bri tish dominions five per cent. British vessels seven Vessels from any other country twelve Several small duties have been taken off,versity of Edinburgh, for the cession just endThe number of students enrolled in the Uniand the estimation of the goods a great deal lower; all kinds of lumber and shingles free of duties fored, exceeded 2250, the greatest number ever. one year-molasses also free of duties for the same period. American produce plenty.-Balt. Pat. known in one year. The number at Glasgow was nearly 2000.

per cent. per cent.

[ocr errors]


of their own subjects, without an effort or remonstrance on their part, either before or since, to cause to be respected that neutrality, which the laws of nations imperiously impose on every civilized ›


City of Washington, June 19th. PORTUGUESE CLAIMS. The following note is from the Portuguese Government, calling on their merchants to "present legal proof of cerWhether the Portuguese government means to tain losses, in order that the necessary claims may be made upon the United States;" by which trump up these claims against us, by way of rebut. it appears they are putting matters in training the numerous demands for spoliations we have for a formal demand upon our government for de-against her, we know not; but certain it is, she owes us a long arrearage of old debt, which the present predations committed on their commerce, under moment may afford a good opportunity of demandthe flag of the South American chief, Gen Artigas many of whose privateers are reported to have beening, and which, when once required, will not be refitted out within the Arisdiction of the United States. In order to substantiate this, we presume, his Portuguese majesty has not more conclusive evidence than what is furnished through common repor, which no doubt the enemies of Gen. Artigas, and the official spies of Portugal have greatly exaggerated; for after the result of legal investigation, if we recollect correctly, in a great many instances, no such charge has yet been established against any

of the citizens of the U. States.

inquished, without obtaining the most ample satis faction, both as regards our pecuniary and nation al interests.

The following is the article referred to:

"The Royal Board of Commerce to all His Majesty's subjects, makes known: That his majesty has been pleased to order that the owners or those interested in the vessels insulted, robbed or captured by the pirates, present legal proofs of the losses they have sustained, in order that the necessary claims The reader will naturally enquire, then, how these may be made upon the United States. For demands are to be sustained against the U. States, this purpose, the persons interested in those when the Portuguese government is allowed to losses are required to exhibit the above mentioned documents, within thirty days after prosecute in our courts, like any other power, for alleged cases of piracy committed on the high be submitted to his majesty for his royal dethe date of the present notice, that they may


"In virtue whereof the said Board has directed the above to be published, in conse

seas; and as the U. States have, by every means within their power, by acts of congress, &c. always expressed a determination to detect and punish the crime of piracy, what reparation can they le-quence of the order received from the secregally claim of us? tary of state and war department, dated the 23d inst. (Signed)

During our late war with Great Britain, to the disgrace of this pusillanimous people, they acted a part entirely inconsistent with the character of neutrality, and at the same time, very injurious to our national interests: at that critical period they frequently gave up to the enemy our lawful prizes when they chanced to touch at their ports, as was the case at Rio Janeiro, in 1813, when Com Porter, brought in the British Schr. Elizabeth; and many other instances that cannot readily be cited from memory: all of which we understand, our government has a correct account of, and will no doubt demand indemnification for.


Lisbon, 28th April, 1819"


Separation of Maine, The bill before the Massachusetts legislature for the separation of Maine from Massachusetts proper, passed the Senate, by a vote of 26 to 11, after an animated debate of nearly two days. The 9 senators from Maine voted in favor of separation.

AGRICULTURE-An experienced and intelliBut what shall we say to their claims, when we gent farmer, of Montgomery, County, Md. informs us that grain crops, generally, in his neighborhood, mention the disgraceful conduct shown to our flag, are very promising, and particularly wheat, which in the case of the Gen. Armstrong privateer, whilst looks well, and is freer from the fly than has been known for years past. He says, the grass and clounder the guns of a neutral fort in Fayal Roads, ver crops will fall short; owing to the present when the Portuguese authorities tamely permitted drought, which also begins to affect garden vegea British force to violate the neutrality of their tables Peaches promise to be plentiful, but not near the usual quantity of apples, it is thought will port, and to attempt to destroy a vessel of the Ube gathered. His reason for the deficiency is not States, jeopardizing, at the same time, the lives recollected.

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