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posed to pay specie. This substitution of any equivalent whatever, for the specific things required by the charter, was in itself a departure from its provisions; but 2d, the notes and checks thus received were not, in all cases equivalent to coin, because there was not specie to meet them in the bank; 3d, that notes of individuals were discounted and taken in lieu of the coin part of the 2d instalment, by virtue of a resolution for that purpose, passed before that instalment became due; 4th, that the notes of individuals were taken in many instances and to large amounts in lieu of the whole of the 2d and 3d instalments, which notes are yet unpaid.

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proxy, or agent, for any others, the said judges of thorized and required to administer to the said the elections, or any one of them, are hereby auperson, so offering to vote, the following oath or affirmation, viz: 1, do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the indirectly, in the shares upon which I shall vote case may be,) that I have no interest, directly or at this election, as attorney for others; that those shares are, to the best of my knowledge and be lief, truly and in good faith, owned by the persons in whose names they now stand, and that, in voting at this election, I shall not in any manner violate the first fundamental article of the "act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States." And the said judges of elections, or any one of them, shall be authorized and emany stockholder of the bank, to administer the said oath or affirmation, to any person offering to vote at any such election. And if any person shall wilfully and absolutely swear or affirm falsey, in taking the said oath or affirmation, such person, so offending, shall, upon due conviction thereof, be subject to the pains and penalties which are by law prescribed for the punishment of wilful and corrupt perjury.

Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That if the judges of any election of directors, to be held as aforesaid, shall permit any person to give more than thirty votes in the whole, at any such elecaforesaid oath or affirmation, such of the said tion, without the said person's having taken the judges as shall consent thereto shall severally be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and, on due conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine, not exceeding which such conviction shall be had. -, or to imprisonment not exceediug -, at the discretion of the court before

III. In paying dividends to stockholders who had not completed their instalments, the provisions of the charter in that respect were violated. IV. By the judges of the first and second elec-powered, in their discretion, or at the instance of tion allowing many persons to give more than thirty votes each, under the pretence of their being attorneys for persons in whose names shares then stood, when those judges, the directors and officers of the bank, perfectly well knew that those shares really belonged to the persons offering to vote upon them as attorneys. The facts in respect of this violation are in possession of the house, and establish it beyond the reach of doubt. The committe are of opinion that no other instance of a violation of the charter has been established. In closing this report of a most laborious investigation, the committee observe, that whatever difference of opinion can exist among them as to the results and inferences to be drawn from the facts stated, they unanimously concur in giving to the preceding statements of facts and abstracts of documents, their sanction. They have not recommended the adoption of any measures to correct the many evils and mischief they have depicted, excepting that of the bill before mentioned, because, by the provisions of the charter, the Secretary of the Treasury has full power to apply a prompt and adequate remedy, whenever the situation of the bank shall require it. And if, after the stockholders have become acquainted with the mismanagement of the institution, they shall adopt no means to prevent its continuance, or the directors themselves shall persist in a course of conduct requiring correction, the committee cannot entertain a doubt that the salutary power lodged in the Treasury Department will be exerted, as occasion may require, and with reference to the best interest of the United States.

Manufactures, Commerce, and Navigation. From the Baltimore Federal Gazette of the 2d January, 1819.

ed States, in this city, is now finished; and, we The new custom house, for the use of the Unitlearn, will be occupied for that purpose next week. This beautiful and convenient building, mechanics who designed and erected it, forms the which reflects great credit on the architect and south wing of the New Exchange, now building under the direction of the Exchange Company in this city.

It is due to the officers of the bank at Philadel-speak of the increased spirit of activity in the Private letters from Manchester, (England) phia to state, that every facility in their power Cotton Manufactories, occasioned by the great was rendered in explaining the books, and assist. demand for goods from South America. ing the researches of the committee.

The following is the bill, which accompanied the report made by the committee on the Bank of the United States, presented to the House of Representatives:

letter from Bremen, under date of the 21st of Oct. A commercial house in Baltimore has received a which says-"The Dutch market languishes in some measure, under the influence of a heavy duBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre-co, in the Prussian Provinces on the Rhine. This ty having been laid on the consumption of tobacsentatives of the United States of America in Con-measure, our friends in Holland inform us by the gress assembled, That, in all elections of directors last mail, confines them to the supply of their of the Bank of the United States, hereafter to be held, under and by virtue of the "act to incorown country for sales of the articles." porate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States," whenever any person shall offer to the judges of such election more than thirty votes in the whole, including those offered in his own right, and those offered by him, as attorney,

presents the Mississippi as lower than it had heen Accounts from New Orleans, of the 28th ult, refor 18 or 20 years, and business, in consequence "ket, as completely at a stand. The city is repreof the impracticability of getting produce to mar

sented as very healthy, and full of strangers.Store rent, it is said, is much higher there than in New-York; and in proof of this fact it is added, that a store, which, in Front or South-street, would bring an annual rent of seven or eight hundred dollars, would rent on the Levee, for three




of any of the contingencies in the constitution, by which the election devolves on the House of Representatives, the choice of President shall be made by a plurality of votes, and not by states.

After debate, the question on this motion was decided in the negative, by yeas and nays—yeas 6, nays 32.

Mr. Forsyth moved to add a proviso to the amendment; but, after discussion of some length,

A motion was made, by Mr, Otis, to recommit the resolution, on the ground that the discussion had shown that the phraseology of the resolution ought to be altered, which could be only done by

a select committee.

This motion prevailed, and the subject was referred to the committee who reported the resulution

From the Albany Argus, of the 29th of Dec. 1818. We saw in the market last week two loads of wheat of a kind new to us, which, from peculiar properties which it possesses, promises to be a valuable acquisition to our country. The owner said the seed was first obtained from Philadelphia, and had been partially cultivated in Oneida coun-subject, reported a bill respecting the erection of Mr. Goldsborough, from the committee on the ty for two or three years. The kernel is very large, the head rather short, and bearded. an equestrian statue in honor of the memory of When well filled it weighs 69 to 70 lbs per bush-general Washington. el. The sample we saw, which was rather shrunk, weighed about 65 lbs. per bushel.

The peculiar properties of this wheat, which is a spring grain, are-

1. It is much more hardy than common grain. The straw is small, strong and almost solid, which prevents its lodging.

bronze of general Washington be erected in the
This bill provides that an equestrian statue of
centre of the Capitol Square, to be executed by
the best artist that can be procured, under the
superintendence of the President of the United
States, conformably to the resolution of Congress,
passed on the 7th day of August, 1783; and it
further proposes that
dollars be appropri

The bill was read.

2. On account, it is presumed, of this quality inated for defraying the expenses thereof. the straw, it is never injured by the fly or insect. It has yielded a large crop by the side of common wheat, that has nearly been destroyed by the fly. 3. It has never been known to be affected by


The owner informed us, that notwithstanding the unfavorableness of the season, he obtained 33 bushels per acre.

Congress of the United States.


Monday, January 18. ture of North Carolina for improving the navigaMr. Macon presented two acts of the legisla tion of certain rivers, to which the assent of Congress is asked; which were read.

The bill to provide for the more convenient or ganization of the courts of the United States, was read a third time, passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion made on the 11th, for information relative to the business depending in the courts of the United States, and agreed thereto, after some a

Friday, January 15. The engrossed resolution to amend the constitution so as to provide an uniform mode of elec-mendment. tion of electors of President and Vice President and of Representatives to Congress, was read a third time.

Mr. King moved to recommit the engrossed resolution for the purpose of making some verbal alterations.

Mr. Forsyth agreed to the recommitment, but proposed to amend the motion so as to recommit with instructions to the committee, according to a resolution in the following words:

Tuesday, January 19.

The report of the committee of pensions, unfavorable to the extension of the pension act of last session, so as to provide for placing the warrant officers in the naval service on the same footing, a to the amount of pension, as other officers in service, was taken up and agreed to.

The report of the committee on the public lands, unfavorable to the petition of Alexander M'Comb; also the reports unfavorable to the peResolved, That the resolution be recommittedtition of Daniel Merrill, and John Haslett, were to the committee who reported it, with instruc- severally considered and agreed to. tions so to amend it, that the districts into which Wednesday, January 20. the several states are to be divided shall consist Onotion of Mr. Ruggles, the committee on of contiguous territory containing as nearly as public lands were instructed to inquire into the possible an equal number of the persons entitled expediency of making provision by law for the to vote for members of the House of Representa-division of the territories lately ceded by the Intives of the Congress of the United States, in the states respectively; and that the power given to Congress by the fourth section of the first article of the constitution shall not be taken away.

dians, in the States of Ohio and Indiana, into suitable districts, and for the establishment of land offices for the sale thereof.

Mr. Storer laid on the table a resolution to inThese motions were severally withdrawn to struct the committee of finance to inquire into the make way for a motion, by Mr. Lacock, to recon- expediency of so altering the amount of compensider the vote on passing the resolution to a thirdsation to certain collectors of the customs as shall reading, which was carried.

Mr. Barbour then moved that the resolution be recommitted to a committee with instructions so to modify it that, in the event of the happening

make the same more commensurate with the du ties required of them.

Mr. Ruggles, by leave, withdrew the resolution offered by him for consideration a few days since,


and, in lieu thereof, submitted the following,
which was agreed to.

[No. 4

ver Evans' patent, in relation to the Hopper Boy, Resolved, That the President of the United undergoing a judicial examination in the courts States be requested to cause a report to be laid of the United States; that two verdicts and judg before the Senate at their next session, of such subject, by the Circuit Court of the United States, ments have been rendered against him, on this facts as it may be within the means of the govern ment to obtain, showing how far it may be expe-ania, in October last; for the revision of which held at Philadelphia, for the District of Pennsyl dient, or not, to provide by law for the clothing of the army with articles manufactured within the United States.

Mr. Williams, of Tennessee, from the comThursday, January 21. mittee on military affairs, reported a bill for the better organization of the military academy, which was read.

The President communicated a report from the Secretary of War, exhibiting the names of the clerks employed in that department, and the salaries given to each.

On motion of Mr. Eppes, the committee on pensions were instructed to inquire into the expediency of placing Peter Francisco on the list of pensioners.

judgments writs of error have been sued out by the said Oliver Evans, from the Supreme Court of the United States, returnable to the ensuing term opinion, that it is inexpedient for Congress to act of the said Court. The committee is therefore of upon the memorial abovementioned, until, at least, the decision of the Supreme Court shall be commend the following resolution: given in the case. The committee therefore re

be discharged from the further consideration of Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary the memorial above mentioned, and that it be laid upon the table.

The report was concurred in.

Mr. Southard, from the committee on Indian affairs, made a report accompanied by a bill pro

Mr. Morrow, from the committee on the pub-viding for the abolition of the existing Indian lic lands, repórted a bill confirming the claim of Alexander M'Comb to a tract of land, which was read.

trading establishments of the United States, and providing for the opening of the trade with the Indians to individuals; and also a bill to authorize

The motion yesterday submitted by Mr. Stor-the President of the United States to select such er, was taken up and agreed to

The bill for the relief of Thomas B. Farish, was taken up and ordered to a third reading.

The Senate took up the bill from the other house, making appropriations for the military establishment for the year 1819.

for the change, and to adopt such means as he
tribes of Indians as he may think best prepared
which bills were twice read, &c.
may judge expedient in order to civilize the same;

Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, submitted for consideration the following resolution:

The committee of finance of the Senate, to whom the bill had been referred, reported two Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary amendments to the bill; the first to strike out the punishing as spies white men who may be found be instructed to inquire into the expediency of appropriation of 10,000 dollars for the construc-instigating the Indians to hostilities or fighting tion and repairs of military roads; the second to with them against the United States. increase the appropriation for defraying the expenses of Indian treaties, so as to cover the expenditures inade necessary by the late treaty with the Chickasaws, &c.

The votes being equally divided, the President voted against the amendment.

So the Senate refused to strike out the appropriation of 10,000 dollars for the construction and repairs of military roads.

The other amendment was agreed to.


On the question being taken, the resolution was negatived by a large majority.

Mr. Sergeant offered for consideration the fol. lowing resolution:

Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of damental principles of civil and religious liberty enacting a general ordinance, whereby the fun- ‹ shall be guaranteed to the inhabitants of the territories exterior to the original limits of the United States, and made the basis of all governments hereafter to be established therein.

The resolution was ordered to lie upon the


On motion of Mr. Pindall, a committee was or

Mr. Colston reported a bill supplementary to Friday, January 15. the act to authorize and empower the president and managers of the Washington Turnpike Com-dered to be appointed to inquire into the expepany, of the state of Maryland, when organized, to extend and make their turnpike road to or from Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, to the line thereof; which was twice read, and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.

Mr. Hugh Nelson, from the committee on the judiciary, made the fo lowing report, which, being on a subject interesting to many of our readers, is copied entire:

The committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial of sundry persons, inhabitants of the counties of Nelson and Amherst, in the state of Virginia, complaining that the act of Congress, passed on the 21st day of January, 1808, entitled "An act for the relief of Oliver Evans, has vested a power in the said Evans, which has been exercised in an oppressive manner," Report that they understand the validity of the said Oli

diency of providing by law for delivering up perIsons held to labor, or service, in any of the states or territories, who shall escape into any other state or territory; and that the same committee have leave to report by bill.

military affairs were instructed to inquire into the
On motion of Mr. Whitman, the committee on
expediency of authorizing the sale of such mili-
tary sites owned by the United States as have
been found to be useless for military purposes.

pointed to inquire whether it be expedient to
On motion of Mr. Newton, the committee ap-
make any amendment in the laws which regulate
the coins of the United States and foreign coins,
diency of fixing the standard of weights and mea-
were instructed to inquire also into the expe-

The engrossed bill, providing for the claim of

M. Poirey, and the bill making provision for the claim of M. De Vienne, were severally read a third time, passed, and sent to the Senate.

The House then resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Nelson in the chair, on Mr. Harrison's bill to provide for the organization and discipline of the militia.

Mr. Bassett moved an amendment, as a substitute to the bill, which consisted of upwards of twenty sections, embracing a system different from that of the bill.

The question was taken on Mr. Bassett's proposed amendment, and decided in the negative.

the trial and execution of Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert C. Ambrister.

Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, took the floor in support of the report; and, having spoken some time in support of the resolution immediately before, the House, he was proceeding to the other question arising out of the Seminole War when

It was decided by the chair, that the discussion must be confined to the question immediately before the House.

After a good deal of conversation on the question of the order of proceeding in this case, in which Messrs. Smyth, Cobb, Clay, Poindexter, Tallmadge and Rhea took part, and in which a

Mr. Harrison then suggesting that he had seve. ral amendments to offer to the bill, the commit-general disposition was manifested that the whole tee rose, and obtained leave to sit again.

Monday, January 18.

subject should be discussed, and the difference of opinion was only as to the modes of getting at it, to obviate all difficulty on this subject

Mr. Cobb moved to amend the resolution before the committee, by inserting, after the word Resolved," the following matter.

Mr. Smith, of Maryland, from the committee of ways and means, reported a bill relative to the Direct Tax and internal duties; and a bill supplementary to the act "for the prompt settlement of" public accounts;" which were twice read and committed.

The Speaker laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of War transmitting information in relation to the adjustment and payment of the claims of the friendly Creek Indians, in obedience to the resolution of this House.

The Speaker also laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting sundry statements of miscellaneous expenditures from the treasury, &c.

"That the committee on military affairs be instructed to prepare and report a bill to this House, prohibiting, in time of peace, or in time of war with any Indian tribe or tribes only, the execution of any captive, taken by the army of the United States, without the approbation of such execution by the President

Resolved, That this House disapproves of the seizure of the posts of St. Marks and Pensacola, and the fortress of Barrancas, contrary to orders,

and in violation of the constitution.

Mr. Edwards offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the same committee be also inResolved, That the President of the United structed to prepare and report a bill prohibiting States be requested to cause any information, not the march of the army of the United States, or already communicated, to be laid before this any corps thereof, into any foreign territory withHouse, whether Amelia Island, St. Marks, and out the previous authorization of Congress, exPensacola, yet remain in the possession of the cept it be in the case of fresh pursuit of a defeatUnited States, and, if so, by what laws the inha-ed enemy of the United States, taking refuge withbitants thereof are governed; whether articles im- in such foreign territory. ported therein from foreign countries are subject Having submitted this motion, Mr. C. proceedto any and what duties, and by what laws; anded to speak in support of those branches of his whether the said duties are collected and how; proposition which he had not already touched whether vessels arriving in the United States from upon. Mr. C. spoke about two hours. Pensacola and Amelia Island, and in Pensacola and Amelia Island from the United States, res. pectively, are considered and treated as vessels from foreign countries.

The resolution was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Storrs,

Resolved, That a select committee be appointed to consider and report to this House whether any amendment may be expedient to the several laws now in force, providing for compensation to individuals for losses of property sustained during the late war with Great Britain, either by the public enemy, or in consequence of impressments into the service of the United States, or by order of the officers of the United States, or otherwise.

The order of the day, on the report of the committee on military affairs respecting the Seminole War, being announced

The House then went into committee of the whole on the state of the Union, to whom that report was committed, Mr. Pitkin in the chair.

He was followed, on the opposite side, by Mr. Holmes, of Massachusetts, who had only concluded one branch of this subject; when, having given way at the request of a member

The committee agreed to rise; and leave being given to sit again, the amendment moved in committee was ordered to be printed.

Tuesday, January 19.

Mr. Bloomfield, from the committee on revolutionary pensions, made a report on the petition of Samuel Bennett, accompanied by a bill for his relief; which was twice read and committed.

Mr Taylor reported a bill allowing further time to complete the issuing and locating of military land warrants; which was twice read and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.

Mr. Middleton laid before the house sundry documents, transmitted to him, as chairman of the committee on the subject of the illicit introduction of slaves into the United States; which were referred to a committee of the whole, to whom the bill on that subject is referred.

Mr. H. Nelson offered for consideration the fol

There was some conversation previously about postponing the subject for a day or two; but the House, by a majority of ten or fifteen votes, re-lowing resolution: solved to take it up.

The report of the military committee was read through, concluding with the following resolution: Resolved, That the House of Representatives of the United States disapproves the proceedings in

Resolved, That the Speaker be authorized to admit to seats within the hall of the House of Representatives, such persons as he may think proper, having regard to the convenience of the "members in transacting the public business..

And on the question will the house now pro- | Kempsville, in Virginia, to London Bridge, in the ceed to consider the same, it was decided in the same state. negative.

On motion of Mr. Hitchcock, the committee of commerce and manufactures were instructed to inquire into the expediency of changing the port of entry in the Dissrict of Sandusky, in the state of Ohio, from Danbury, to the city of Sandusky, in the same district.

On motion of Mr. Ogle and Mr. Pindall, the committee on post offices and post roads were instructed to inquire into the expediency of esta- || blishing the following post routes:

Mr. Trimble stated to the House, that, as his object in yesterday moving the resolution respecting a scire facias against the Bank, had been to give notice of what he thought should be done when that subject came up for consideration, and as that object was effected by having made the motion, he should not at present move for its consideration.

Mr. Claiborne then said, as notice had been given of one motion respecting the Bank, he now gave notice, that, when the House should enter From the Yellow Springs, in Huntingdon coun. on the consideration of the report of the Bank ty, passing through Williamsburg, Martinsburg, committee, he should offer a proposition to reand thence to the Bloody Run, in Bedford coun-peal the charter of the Bank in toto. ty, all in Pennsylvania.

From Clarksburg, Va. to Marietta, Ohio, so that the road shall pass by the way of Middlebourne, Sistersville, Bailey's and Newport.

From Mooresfield, by the way of Smith's and the German settlement, to Ringwood, and from Preston, in Lewis county, to the Little Kanawha, at Howell's mill.

The bill from the Senate to provide for the more convenient organization of the Courts of the United States, and the appointment of Circuit Judges, was twice read and committed.

Mr Trimble offered for consideration the following resolution:

Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Attorney General of the United States, in conjunction with the District Attorney of Pennsylvania, shall immediately cause a scire facias to be issued, according to the 23d section of the act "To incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States;" calling on the corporation created by the said act to show cause wherefore the charter thereby granted shall not be declared forfeited; and that it shall be the duty of the said officers to cause such proceedings to be had in the premises as shall be necessary to obtain a final judgment thereon; for the expenses of which Congress will hereafter provide.

The question was taken, will the House now proceed to consider the said resolution? And it was decided in the negative, 71 to 53.

The House then again resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Pitkin in the chair, on the subject of the Seminole War.

Mr. Holmes resumed the thread of the speech which he yesterday commenced, in support of the proceedings of Gen. Jackson; and, in concluding which, he now occupied about an hour and a half Mr. T. M. Nelson spoke a short time in support of the report of the military committe, and the principles therein laid down.

Mr. Johnson, of Virginia, followed, in reply to Mr. Holmes, and in opposition to the conduct of Gen. Jackson; in which he addressed the committee near an hour.

Mr. Harrison entered into some explanations touching the proceedings of Gen. Wayne, in the war of 1792, against the North Western Indians, which had been referred to in debate.

The committee then, on motion of Mr. Clay, (who intimated his wish to express his views of the subject) rose, and reported progress.

Wednesday, January 20.

On motion of Mr. Newton, the committee on the Post Office was instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post road from

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The engrossed bill to extend the time for the location of military land warrants, was read a third time, passed, and sent to the Senate for con


The House then again resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Pitkin in the chair, on the report of the committee of military affairs on the Seminole War, with the amendments disapproving of the conduct of that war.

And after debate, the House adjourned.

Thursday, January 21. Amongst the petitions this morning presented, was one by the Speaker, from sundry inhabitants of the territory of Missouri, praying for a sepa rate territorial government by the name of the territory of Arkansas.

Mr. Livermore, from the committee on post offices and post roads, reported a bill authorizing the Postmaster General to contract, as in other cases, for carrying the mail in steam boats between New Orleans and Louisville, in Kentucky; which was twice read and committed.

Mr. Bloomfield, from the committee on revo. lutionary pensions, made unfavorable reports on the petitions of Philemon Griffith, of Andrew Small, of Ebenezer Horn, and Henry Solz, and others, which were severally read and concurred in.

Mr. Bloomfield, also, from the same committee, made a report in favor of Lewis Joseph de Beaulieu, accompanied by a bill for his relief; which was twice read and committed. On motion of Mr. Pleasants,

Resolved, That the committee on commerce and manufactures be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the sale of a lot of land, with the house thereon, situated at Bermuda Hundred, on James River, in Virginia, belonging to the United States, and formerly used as a custom house.

The engrossed bill supplementary to the act to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts, was read the third time, passed, and sent to the Senate.



From the Philadelphia Centinel. The royal literary society of Warsaw, in its sitting of the 20th of June, 1818, proposed a prize, consisting of a gold medal, and 100 ducats (501. sterling,) for an historic eulogy on general Thaddeus Kosciusko. The society gives two years for the task. The work may be written in the Polish, Latin, French, English, German, or Italian lan"guages.

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