Subscriptions due to the National Register, from July 1, 1818, to June 30, 1819, JONATHAN ELLIOT, No. 1.] WASHINGTON CITY, JANUARY 2, 1819. [VOL VII Printed and Published, every Saturday, by Lawrence, Wilson, & Co. at five dollars per annum. Contents of this No. of the National Register. ticism, 14-Editor's Cabinet-For-ign News, 15-History to absolute purity of thinking and writing, a hope Address of the Proprietors of the National Register to their Patrons. In discarding reports, rumors, and surmises, their friends and the public for the liberal patron It may have been observed by the reader, per- The preceding reflections are not made with of some of the daily gazettes, half a man's time is When it is considered how very few people Like most others who have a commodity to dis- With the best compliments of the season to vances from, that date, will oblige the concern by remitting or calling and paying the amount at an early day This request will, it is likely, be more particularly attended to, when it is recollected that the Register does not reap any profit from an advertising custom. Another request, which is equally a condition, and very essential to the Publishers, is, that all letters addressed' to them re specting the paper should be post-paid. They have been already subjected to heavy expenses on this account. LAWRENCE, WILSON, & Co. about 15 miles from this place, discovered, on the site where he had fixed his dwelling, a number of graves, the size of which appeared uncommonly small. This awakened his curiosity, and led him to a minute examination, which convinced him they were the remains of human beings much smaller than those of the present day. Ile seemed warranted in this conclusion, as well from the uniform appearance of the skeletons (the length of which in no case exceeds 4 feet) as from the teeth, which bore the evident marks of those befacts to a gentleman of this place, who, on Sunday longing to adult persons He communicated these last, together with two other gentlemen, accompanied Drs. Waller and Grayson to the place of interment. They found, as had been stated, in a wood adjacent to the house, a great number of graves, situated on small tumuli or hillocks, raised about three feet above the surface; they examined several the first of which, by actual measurement, was discovered to be only 23 inches in length. The grave was carefully cased on both sides, as well as at the head and foot, with flat stones; in the bottom also a stone was fixed on which the body was lying, placed on the right side, with the head to the east. Time had completely destroyed If we admit a degree of latitude on the Earth's all the soft parts of the body, as well as decom. surface to be equal to 69 2 of our miles, the cir-posed the bones, which, however, still preserved cumference, supposing its form to be that of a perfect sphere, is 249.12, and the diameter 7929.735 miles. City of Washington, MISCELLANY. ASTRONOMICAL. Of the difference, on the parallel of 45 degrees, of the latitude by observation (with a sextant, quadrant, or other instrument proper for the purpose,) and the true latitude on that parallel, taking into view the spheroidal figure of the Earth But it has been ascertained, upon principles that will not, probably, be now controverted, that the true figure of the Earth is that of an oblete spheroid, the ratio of whose polar axis to the equatorial diameter is as 318 to 319. The polar diameter, according to this proposition, is 7904.877 of our miles. their relative situation. The teeth, which were expected to furnish the best and perhaps only data to judge, were found enamel, which seems only to yield to chemical dein a state almost perfect, being defended by the composition. To the astonishment of all, they proved to be teeth of a being, who, if it had not attained the age of puberty, had unquestionably arrived at that period of life when the milk teeth yield to the second or permanent set. The molares and incisores were of the ordinary size of the or what is better understood by the wisdom teeth, which make their appearance from 18 to 22 or 23. The diameter of a perfect sphere equal to the second teeth. The jaw bone seemed to have its spheroid above stated, is found, by taking a geo-ful complement, unless it was the dentis sapienta, metrical mean of these two diameters, to be 7917. 296 miles: if we divide this by 636, twice the ratio of the polar asis, we have 12 4485 miles, equal to the difference, on the parallel of 45 degrees of the latitude by observation, supposing the Earth to be a perfect sphere, and the true latitude, allowing for its real spheroidal form. The latitude by observation should, therefore, be 45° 10 47 61 dec. The next grave examined was on an adjacent mound, and measured 27 inches; it resembled in every respect the first, except that the top of it was covered with flat stones placed horizontally. Several others were opened, all of which present an uniform appearance, and none, although many were measured, proved to be in length more than 4 feet 2 or 3 inches From these facts the mind is brought to the trresistible conclusion, that these are the remains of beings differing altogether from, and inferior in general size to, ourselves. For, if in the subject first mentioned, we suppose it to be X tangent of the true latitude on the paral-a being of the usual growth, the fact of its having tangent latitude, by observation Accord-attained the age of 7 or 8 years, as seems proved from the teeth, is directly opposite to and at war with the circumstance of its being only 23 inches long, the usual length of a child 8 or 10 months old, and justifies the conclusion that, by nature, it was destined to be of interior size. The following rule will give the corresponding latitude, by observation, on any parallel, from 0° to 90 degrees: Let a represent the equatorial diameter, and y the polar axis of the earth. lel, ing to this rule, 45 degrees (allowing for the WILLIAM LAMBERT. As to the time that those bodies have been deposited, there is no clue by which to form any certain opinion. The bones have been thorough Explanation of the algebraical signs. square of the equatorial diameter, divided by the squarely changed by time, nothing remaining but the of the polar axis; X multiplied by, equal to. lime or earthy particles of them, which can undergo no further change, and may as well be supposed to have been in this state five centuries as one. It is certain they have been there an immense length of time from the large growth of timber on the mounds, and the roots of trees that had made their way through the graves. This subject certainly invites the attention of the learned and curious, and opens an ample field for investigation, at least to form some plausible conjecture of a race of beings who have inhabited our country at a period far beyond that of which tradition gives us any account. That she considered marriage as the sacred in- From the Albany Daily Advertiser of Dec. 2, 1818. eloquent appeal to the feelings of an audience, MONTGOMERY CIRCUIT. A num. or which called more loudly for exemplary dama- Breach of Promise of Marriage. The circuit court in and for the county of Montgomery, was opened before his honor Mr. Justice Spencer, on Monday, the 16th inst. and continued during the week. Among the trials which excited a great degree of interest and feeling, was that of an action brought by a lady residing in Canajoharie, against a physician living at Saratoga, for a breach of promise of marriage. His honor the judge, in a very feeling and eloThe respectability and standing of the parties, the novelty of the case, and the peculiar circum rare occurrence of actions of this nature, dwelt stances attending it, engaged a more than ordi- quent charge to the jury, after remarking on the On the part of the plaintiff it was nary attention proved that the defendant had paid his ad with much force on the peculiar circumstances atdresses to her, and even solicited the consent of tending the one before them. A lady of refined manners and good education, alive to every noble her father to a union, which was given. ber of letters written by the defendant to the sentiment, and, to add to the interest which she plaintiff, were read in evidence, which contained excited, being in delicate health, had been made the warmest professions of friendship and esteem, to pine in solitude, and consigned to celibacy, and breathed in every line the soft accents of love. through the faithless conduct of one who had This correspondence, which had continued for a gained her affections, and solemnly promised to considerable length of time, was broken off by be her companion and protector through life. In the defendant. From some pretended cause, his summing up the evidence, he adverted, with mach heart became estranged from the former object emotion, to the letter of the lady, to which he of his love-he had met with another young lady paid the highest tributes; observing, at the same (the friend of the plaintiff,) whose glittering time, that so far from evincing a disposition to repurse perhaps dazzled his eyes, and with a mag-lease the defendant from his engagement, it netic power attracted his wavering heart. He addressed her-gained her heart-and added to his faithless conduct the sanction of matrimony, leaving the former idol of his affections a prey to tender anguish. showed the very reverse-it presented the defendant in a more odious view, and exhibited the brightest part of the lady's character. That the receipt of such a letter, written under such cir cumstances, was enough to break the heart of any The defence relied on was, that the plaintiff other man. He told the jury that this was the had released him from his engagement, by ad-most aggravated case which had ever come bevising him to marry her friend. As evidence of fore him, and that it was their duty to lay a heathis, but most fatally for the defendant, and most vy hand on the defendant. To the honor of a juunfortunately for his learned counsel, a letter was ry, composed of the honest yeomanry of the counintroduced written by the plaintiff to him. It try, be it said, they returned to the bar with a was the last which she had addressed to him, verdict for the fair plaintiff of five thousand dolcomposed at a time when her heart was wrung with the painful conviction that she had ceased to interest him, and when the more painful intelLigence was communicated that he was on the eve of being united to another. Under these truly afflicting circumstances, so trying to the tender sensibilities of the female bosom-she addressed hien-not with harsh epithets of censure and reproach; but in the most tender and affectionate language. In the spirit of grief, she told him of the information which she had received, requesting him to inform her without reserve, whether he was indeed about to be united to another; and without evincing a spark of jealousy or resentment, she offered the warmest tribute of friendOn Saturday last, two men, named Solomon ship and respect to the amiable qualities of her friend-recommending her as every way calculat-Cumbo and Daniel James, were brought before ed to make him happy, and if he had determined J. H. Mitchell, esq. justice of peace, for having The subjoined are the particuto make her his wife, telling him to do so with committed a robbery on the Georgetown road, out delay. As for herself, she had become re-near this town. conciled to her unhappy situation, though lan-lars, as they came out on the examination: It appears that four men, of the names of Dan guage was inadequate to describe the deep an Breach of Promise of Marriage-In the report of this trial in our paper of yesterday, the names of the parties were omitted. Many inquiries have been since made respecting them, which it was not in our power to answer; but we learn by a Johnstown paper now before us, that the name of the lady is Miss Lucy lubbard, of Canajoharie, and that of the defendant Dr. John 11. Steele, of Saratoga.-[Ed. Alb. D. Adv. PROGRESS OF CRIME. Bell, a jeweller by trade, left guish which had rent her bosom The fair prosel James, John Robinson, and Jim ——, sea. pects of connubial happiness which smiling hope men, and had held up to her view, were blasted forever. this city early on Friday evening, in a small boat, STATISTICS. From the Georgia Journal of December 15, 1818. Of the State Commissioners to the Executive, re- William Rabun, Governor, &c. of the State of SIR,-The honorable Wilson Lumpkin, United States' commissioner for determining the lines of the Creek lands, treated for by general Mitchell, in January of the present year, having notified us, that he should leave Milledgeville on the 20th ult. for the purpose of visiting the southern tract, and designating the boundary between that part of the state and the Indians, we accompanied him to Fort Hawkins The route by Fort Hawkins was adopted, that he might obtain necessary explanation from the agent, arrange the attendance of the Indian commissioners, an interpreter and a mili ary escort. These dispositions being effected, we left Fort Hawkins for Hartford, which place we reached on Monday, 23d ult. and were there detained until Friday, the Indian deputation not presenting themselves to accompaay us before that time. Receiving no intelligence from our escort, it was resolved to pursue our course down the Ocmulgee without them, leaving directions for them to follow us. We crossed the river about 27 miles below Hartford, piloted by major Cothran, a gentleman minutely acquainted with the country we were about investigating. Progressing about 8 miles further down, brought us to a creek, which the Indians had been accustomed to call the Al-ca-sak-a li-kic, and on which the whites, who explored the country some years back, appeared to have bestowed the name of Bighouse creek. This stream, from its position, bearings, length and direction of its prongs, and indeed in most of its localities and natural circumstances, presents a striking correspondence with Soon after the mail had passed on, the expect the signification of its Indian name, the map fored traveller, mentioned above, rode up-they warded from the war department, and with the stopped him, and, according to their account,|| agent's description; "the first considerable creek, robbed him of 17 dollars--when, getting alarmed, above Blackshear's road," given in conversation the four first named retreated through the woods || with the United States' commissioner, and stil! to their boat, pushed off, and pulled towards more particularly in his communication to the exJames Island. Cumbo immediately went down ecutive of Georgia, under date February 3d, 1818. to the Ferry, and informed that he had been rob. Though these coincidences, and an accumulation bed, as above stated, (carefully concealing, howe- of evidence derived from the most respectable ver, that he had any agency in the second rob sources, that this creek, had been commonly menbery) and that the lobbers were then pulling a tioned by the Indians as the Al-ca-sak a li-kie, cross the harbor for the opposite shore. A fer-left no doubt in our own minds of this being the ry-boat was instantly manned, into which three or four public spirited inhabitants of the village jumped, and pushed off in pursuit; but before they could overtake them, they had landed on James Island, and fled into the bushes. After some time spent in the search, one of them, Daniel James, came out from his hiding place, supposing they were gone, and was secured. The rest have not yet been taken. James immediately charged Cumbo, who had also gone in the pursuing boat, with being an accomplice, and with having recommended the robbery of the mail; and this was in part confirmed by the depositlon of the post-boy, who described Cumbo as being disguised like the others, and of having evinced some disposition to stop his horse. On his part, however, Cumbo disclaimed all intention to participate in the robbery, and asserts that they had made a prisoner of him, and compelled him to take the part he did in the business. identical creek contemplated in the treaty, yet it was judged eligible to accompany the Indian commissioners to the one, which they were instructed to designate, on the present occasion. They at length conducted us to a small water course, about 5 miles below Blackshear's road, presenting more the appearance of a gully, or branch, than a considerable creek, and bearing so much down the river, that a line passing by its head must intersect the Ocmulgee from 10 to 12 miles below the before mentioned road, and informed us that this was the Al ca-sak-a-li-kie. As a line passing by any point of this creek would completely defeat the objects of the purchase, and its position flatly contravened the agent's criterion of "the first considerable creek above Blackshear's road," Al-ca-sa-ka-li-kie, signifies, we are informed, "a kettle boiling in a creek"--and the creek called by the whites, Bighouse, has several springs, rising from limestone cavities, nearly circular, which imitating torrents of gas, present a striking resemblance to a large kettle in a state of ebullition. |