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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1903, by


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.





This list includes only those cases commented upon editorially or in our Notes of Import-
ant Decisions, or in full annotated. The abbreviation Ed., indicates editorially-R. D., cases
commented upon in our Notes of Important Decisions, and ann. case, annotated case.

Ames v. Waterloo & C. F. Rapid Transit Company (Iowa)
Street Railroads - Instinct of "Self-preservation,"
ann. case, 353.

Augusta Southern B. Co. v. Snider (Ga.) Carriers-
Contributory Negligence in Standing on Platform of
Train, ann. case, 151.

Baker v. Boston Elevated Ry. Co. (Mass.) Eminent Do-
main-Noise as Constituting Peculiar Damage, aun.
case, 8.

Bath Co. v. Allen (Neb.) Bailment-Bathhouse as Bailee
for Hire of Customers' Valuables, R. D. 363.
Bixby v. Bruce (Neb.) Custom and Usage-Evidence of
Knowledge, ann. case, 28.

Bradley, In re (Iowa) Evidence - Judicial Value of too
inuch Intricate Scientific Testimony, R. D. 82.
Brown v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. (N.
Dak.) Trial and Procedure-Physical Examination
of Plaintiff, ann. case, 188.

Burrows v. Vanderburgh (Neb.) Constitutional Law-
Deficiency Judgment Law as Violating the Obliga-
tion of Contracts, ann. case, 92.

Cassady v. Old Colony Street Ry. Co. (Mass.) Negli.
gence-Effect of an Unsuccessful Attempt by Plaint-
iff to Prove the Cause of the Accident upon the Ap-
plication of the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur, R. D.

Chimine v. Baker (Tex.) Injunction-Right of a Court
of Equity to Enjoin the Erection of a Building which
Violates a Municipal Ordinance as to Combustibility,
R. D. 82.

Christie Grain & Stock Co. v. Board of Trade of the City
of Chicago (U. S. C. C. of App., Eighth Circuit) Board
of Trade-Property Right in Stock Quotations, R. D.

Cole v. State (Tex.) Is a Man Justified in Killing his
Father-in-law who Attempts to Take his Wife from
Him, Ed. 341.


Commonwealth v. McGovern (Ky.) Prize Fighting
Equal Division of Reward-Use of Gloves-Power to
Enjoin, ann. case, 407.

Cone v. Hyatt (N. Car.) Limitations-Applicability to
Foreclosure by Exercise of Power of Sale, ann. case,

Cosselmon v. Dunfee (N. Y.) Trial and Procedure-
Asking Irrelevant and Improper Questions Merely
for their Effect upon the Jury, R. D. 103.

Creed v. Sullivan (Irish) Negligence-Degree of Care
to be Exercised in Case of Dangerous Articles, R. D.
Daniels v New York, etc., Railroad Co. (Mass.) Negli.
gence-Insanity Resulting from Railroad Accident as
the Proxi mate Cause of Suicide, R. D. 103.

Daubert v. Western Meat Co. (Cal.) Negligence-Action
by Child for Damages Sustained While en ventre sa
mere, R. D. 482.

De Motte v. City of Valparaiso (Ind.) Municipal Cor-
porations-Right to Sell an Option on a Waterworks
Plant, B. D. 242.

Desgain v. Wessner (Ind.) Gaming-Is Betting on a
Wrestling Match a Bet on a "Game." R. D. 242.
Doyle v. Whitridge (Md.) Executors-Misdescription
in Advertisement of Sale, ann. case, 298.
Duryea v. Harvey (Mass.) Whether a Gift Causa Morti
can be Made in Contemplation of Suicide, Ed. 41.
Edward Thompson Company v. American Law Book
Co. (U. 8. C. C. of App., Second Circuit) Copyright
-Appropriation of Authorities Cited in Legal Ency
clopaedia as an Infringement, ann. case, 19.
Farr v. Woolfolk (Ga.) Boundaries-Parol Agreement
Followed by Possession, ann. case, 449.

Finlen v. Heinze (Mont.) Trial and Procedure-Miscon
duct of Judge in Holding Conferences with Em-
ployee of one of the Parties to a Suit, R. D. 365.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, In re (Pa.) Jorpor-
ations-Right of a Christian Science Church to be In-
corporated, B. D. 203.

Fremont v. Metropolitan Street Ry. Co. (N. Y.) Street
Railroads-Negligence in Failing to Stop or Slow up
at Crossings where Intending Passengers Desire to
Board, R. D. 243.

Glamorgan Coal Co. Ltd. v. South Wales Miners' Feder-
ation (English) Contracts-Persuading Another to
Break his Contract, R. D. 385.

Greenwich Insurance Co., v. Carroll (U. 8. C. C., 8. D.
Iowa) Constitutional Law-Constitutionality of Iowa
Law Relating to Insurance Companies, K. D. 483.
Greiner-Kelley Drug Co. v. Truett (Tex.) Intoxicating
Liquors Alcohol, R. D. 308.

Hanlon v. Electric By. Co. (Wis.) Street Railroads-
Liability for Injuries to Firemen on their Way to a
Fire, R. D. 24.

Harris v. Harris (N. Y.) Divorce-When will Condona-
tion be Implied from Cohabitation, R. D. 63.
Hopkins Amusement Co. v. Frohman (Ill.) Unfair
Trade-Deception of Public by Use of Similar Names,
ann. case, 109.

Horsefall v. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Wash.)
Accident Insurance-What is Meant by "Visible Ex-
ternal Marks" of the Injury, R. D. 168.

Illinois Central R. R. v. Illinois (U. 8. 8. C.) What are
Navigable Waters, Ed. 821.

Johnson v. State (Ala.) Lotteries-Nickel-in-the-81 o
Machines, ann. case, 488.



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Right of Strikers to "Persuade" Others in Employ.
ment to Cease Work, R. D. 264.
Kohner v. Capitol Traction Co. (Dist. Col.) Negligence-
Directing a Verdict in a Case Where the Maxim res
ipsa loquitur is Applicable, R. D. 224.

Lewis v. Holmes (La.) Damages-Mental Suffering Re-
sulting from Breach of Contract to Prepare Wed-
ding Trousseau, R. D. 282.

Locklin v. State (Tex.) Judges- Disqualification of
Judge Because Having Once been of Counsel, when
the Causes of Action are not Identical, R. D. 82.
Lucas v. White (Iowa) Limitations-Dower Right, ann.
case, 326.

McDonald v. Randall (Cal.) Notes Bona Fide Pur-
chaser Knowledge of President of Corporation,
ann. case, 371.

McGuire v. The Western Morning News (English) Libel
and Slander-What are the Limits of Fair Comment
upon Theatrical or Literary Work, R. D. 223.
McIntyre v. Pfaudler Vacuum Fermentation Co. (Mich.)
Negligence-Liability of Owner of Premises for In-
juries Occasioned by Defective Platform Scales,
Owned by Another, R. D. 282.


McKenney v. Cheney (Ga.) Bankruptcy-Whether Sec-
tion 57f is Applicable to Cases of Voluntary Bank-
ruptcy, R. D. 422.

McKittrick v. Cahoon (Minn.) Bankruptcy-Discharge
as Affecting a Judgment in Bastardy, R. D. 43.
MacGregor v. Union Life Insurance Co. (U. S. C. C. of
App., Eighth Circuit) Agency When a Continu-
ance of the Term of the Agency may be Implied
from the Contract Creating it, R. D. 123.
Mark Means Transfer Company v. Mackinzie (Idaho)
Attachment-Motion to Discharge, ann. case, 229.
Matthews, In re (U, S. D. C., E. D. Ky.) Habeas Corpus
-Discharge upon Habeas Corpus of Persons Exe-
cuting Federal Laws, R. D. 163.

Matthews v. People (Ill.) Constitutional Law Free-
dom of Contract Infringed by Denying Non-union
Employers the Right to Hire Labor, ann. case, 128.
Molineux, In re (N. Y.) Publication of Bertillon

Measurements and Photographs of Prisoners, Inno-
oent or Acquitted of the Crimes Charged Against
Them, Ed. 261.


Mooney v. Ancient Order of United Workmen, Grand
Lodge of Kentucky (Ky.) Benefit Societies · Effect
of Suicide, ann. case, 71.
Payne v. Sheets (Vt.)
ing, ann. case, 425.
People v. Lavin (N. Y.) Physicians and Surgeons--Ap-
propriation by Physician of Anti-Toxin Furnished
to the Poor, R. D. 482.

Game-Hunting Rights-Poach-

People v. Miller (N. Y.) Commerce-Taxation of Gross
Earnings of Elevator Warehouse as an Interference
with Interstate Commerce, R. D. 43.

People v. Triola (N. Y.) Criminal Law-Compensation by
the State of an Attorney Appointed to Defend
"Prisoner where the Latter Adopts Obstructive
Tactics, R. D. 182..

Queenan v. Territory of Oklahoma (U. S. S. C.) Insane
Persons-Opinions of Lay Witnesses to Prove In-
sanity, R. D. 42.

Republic Iron & Steel Co. v. States (Ind.) Constitutional
Law-Validity of Statute Providing for the Compul-
sory Payment of Wages at Certain Intervals, R. D. 4.
Ricards v. Safe Deposit & Trust Co. (Md.) Is it Com-
petent to Prove by Expert Testimony that a Woman
is Past Child-Bearing, R. D. 443.

Riddle v. Riddle (Utah) Marriage-Plural Marriages at
Common Law and the Obligation of the Husband
Thereunder, ann. case, 268.

Shroyer v. Campbell (Ind.) Nuisance-Is the Cooking
of Onions a Nuisance Per Se, R. D. 144.
Smith v. Paul (N. Car.) Trial and Procedure-Right to
Poll Jury, ann. case, 469.

Snyder v. Bettman (U. S. S. C.) Constitutional Law-
Federal Succession Tax on Bequest to Municipality,
R. D. 322.

State v. Blands (Mo.) Evidence-Judicial Notice of a
Glass of Whisky, R. D. 202.


State v. Hoot (Iowa) Assault Attempt to Commit
Murder by the Sending of an Infernal Machine, R.
D. 183.

State v. St. Louis (Mo.) Municipal Corporations-Re-
imbursement of Policeman for Damages Caused in
Attempting to Remove a Nuisance, R. D. 144.

State v. Shepherd (Mo.) Contempt-"Scandalizing the
Court" as a Contempt Independent of a Suit Pend-
ing, R. D. 402.

State of Minnesota v. Northern Securities Co. (U. 8. D.
C., D. Minu.) Monopolies - Whether a "Holding"
Corporation Violates a State Law Prohibiting the
Consolidation of Parallel Lines of Railway, R. D. 123.
Street v. Varney Electrical Supply Co. (Ind.) Constitu-
tional Law-Minimun Wage Law, ann. case, 248.
Strong v. Georgia Ry. & Electric Co. (Ga.) Railroads-
Dog Killed on Track, ann. case, 389.

Swift v. Aspell (N. Y.) Contracts-Agreement for Con-
tingent Compensation for Procuring Government
Business as Against Public Policy, R. D. 144.
Waldron v. Taylor (W. Va.) Descents and Distribution
-Whether the Rule of Advancement Applies to Col-
lateral Kin, R. D. 484.

Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Wilson (Tex.) Dam-
ages-In Regard to what Relationships Damages for
Mental Anguish will not be Presumed, R. D. 124.
Whitney v. Whitney (Ky.) Partnership-List of Cus-
tomers as an Asset, R. D. 365.

Wise v. Perpetual Trustee Co. (English) Association-
Liability of Members of an Unincorporated Society
to Indemnify Trustees of the Society Against Loss
Sustained, R. D. 104.

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