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SHIPS AND SHIPPING.-(See "Owners of Ships," ," " Masters of Ships,"


demnity," "Charterparty," "Bill of Lading.")

proposal to build a ship, and to let her to freight to East India company, 178.1
printed particulars of East India company, upon which tenders for building
ships are to be made, 179.

agreement to build ship for, and let same to freight to East India company,


agreement under seal for building or completing a ship, 175.

agreement for sale, and finishing hull of ship, from shipwright, 178.

bond for performance of contract for building ship, and to let same to freight,


agreement to hold part of a ship to be built, and pay proportions of the prime
cost and outset, 182.

bills of sales of.-(See "Bill of Sale.")

particulars of sale for selling ship with all faults, 223.

the like in another form, 223.

agreement to pay debts owing on account of part of a ship, in consideration of

the assignment thereof, 241.

surveys of, 338.

SHIPWRIGHT.-(See " Ship.")


bought note of goat skins by a particular vessel, 213.

SOLICITOR.-(See "Attorney.")


bond to transfer bank annuities lent to obligor, with variations where the pro-
perty to be transferred consists of South Sea annuities or East India bank
stock, 243.

letter of attorney to sell, 25.


assignment of two ships, &c. in, to secure payment of monies, &c., 237.


new act in contemplation as to, 10.


form of, 9.


form of, 9.

STATUTE OF FRAUDS.-(See " Guarantee.”)

agreement to take case out of fourth section, between parties themselves, 3, 4.
the like to take case out of seventeenth section, 4.


letter of attorney to sell out South Sea stock, 25.


joint and several bond to replace stock transferred, and pay intermediate divi-
dend, 244.

another bond to replace stock sold out, and pay the intermediate dividend,


bond to transfer bank annuities lent to obligor, with variations where the pro-
perty to be transferred consists of South Sea annuities, or East India or bank
stock, 243.

declaration that bank stock was transferred in trust, and covenant to transfer
back upon request, and pay dividends, 245.

agreement (not indented) to re-invest stock in name of party who had sold out
same, and advance the produce to the party, and in meantime to pay divi-
dends, &c., 246.


letter of attorney to receive, &c. produce of stranded cargo, 27.
the like, to sell cargo and materials of stranded ship, 28.

SUBMISSIONS.-(See "Arbitration.")


bought note of, 213.

SUMMONS.-(See Apprentice," " Admiralty.")

SURETY.-(See "Principal and Agent," " Guarantee," "Indemnity.")


agreement between owner of ship and surgeon, 56.

bond by surgeon and surety, to return month's pay if surgeon does not proceed
on voyage, 57.


of a ship and furniture, 338.

of goods, 338.

TENDER.-(See "Proposal," " Manufacture.")


sale note of, 212.

TONNAGE.-(See "Charterparty.")

agreement for, on ship's returning home, 320.


assignments, &c. of good will of, 188 to 191.-(See " Sale.")
contracts and bonds in particular restraint of, 192, 3.


charterparty for ship let to freight in, 317.

TRUST DEEDS, &c.-(See "Assignments," " Inspectorship, Deeds of,"
position, Deeds of," " Mortgage.")

assignment in trust in a comprehensive form, 432.

" Com-

TRUST DEEDS, &c. (continued.)

deed of trust between debtors and their joint and several creditors, one of the
debtors having been declared a bankrupt, and a conveyance of the free-
hold, and assignment of leasehold property of debtor having been made, in
trust for sale for benefit of creditors, 463.

trading, 463.

joint and separate debts, 463.

commission of bankrupt against C., 463.

insolvency, and agreement to assign, 463.

recital of assignment of the joint and separate property of A., B., and C.

in trust for sale, 463.

[blocks in formation]

assignment, 464.

to apply the separate estate of each partner in payment of his separate
debts, 464.

to apply the surplus of the separate estates in aid of the assets of the joint
estate, 465.

to apply the partnership funds in payment of the partnership debts,

to apply the surplus of the separate estate in aid of the assets of the joint
estate, 465.

ultimate surplus to debtors, 465.

subject to the mutual debts of the partners, 465.

proviso for avoiding the deed as to C., if his bankruptcy shall not be su-

perseded, 465.

proviso for paying bills, &c. by anticipation, deducting discount, 465.

proviso enabling the trustees to pay off extents, 465.

to pay debts not exceeding £ in the, 466.

trustees empowered to compromise debts, 466.

the last power may be admitted or enlarged by the creditors at a general

meeting, 466.

trustees may pay in full such debts as by reason of the legal disability of
the creditors cannot be included in this arrangement, 466.

to set apart the account of debts owing to creditors abroad, 466.

debts to be proved on oath, if required, 467.

otherwise trustees to admit debts on such proof as they think reasonable,

trustees to marshall the assets, 467.

creditors having securities may execute, and may receive dividends on the

balance of their debts, 467.

trustees may compound, 467.

trustees may make arrangements with creditors holding securities, 467.

may sell upon credit, 468.

and sell contingent interest and bad debts, 468.

may bring in and re-sell property, 468.

disputed debts to be settled by arbitration, 468.
trustees to hire counting-house and employ assistants, 468.
may commence or defend actions, &c., 469.

receipts of, to be sufficient discharge to purchasers, 469.

covenant from trustees to make dividends, 469.
money to be sent to bankers, 469.
trustees to make out and explain accounts, 470.

TRUST DEEDS, &c.-(continued.)

deed of trust between debtors and creditors, &c.-(continued.)

trustees may lend or give the household furniture to debtors, 470.
covenant that debtors have rendered a full and true account, 470.
debtors to pay debts in full, in case of concealment, 471.

etter of licence, 471.

in case of suit this deed to be pleaded against a release, 472.
on certificate of conformity, debtors to be discharged from debts,

debtors on obtaining trustee's certificate of a full disclosure of effects, not
to be afterwards sued, 472.

debtor having obtained such certificate, to be repaid expences if sued for
conformity, 473.

debtor having obtained such certificate, and being sued except for con-
formity, to be relieved, 473.

deed to be void, unless the creditors come in within two months, or if the
trusts be found impracticable, 474.

debtors to receive the dividends of creditors who do not sign within two
months, 474.

the last provision not to extend to foreign creditors, except with consent of
trustees, 474.

former dividends not to be disturbed by subsequent debts, 474.

proviso for the appointment of new trustees, 475.

trustees only to be liable for their wilful and personal neglect, 475.

trustees to be allowed their expences, 476.

in cases unprovided for, or being doubtful, a general meeting of creditors

to be called, 476.

doubts as to the construction of this deed to be decided by certain counsel,


creditors to contribute proportionally towards costs or losses incurred in
the execution of the trusts, 477.

insolvents to stand in the same relation to each other as in case of bank-
ruptcy, 477.

UMPIRE. (See "Arbitration.")


WAGES.-(See " Seamen.")

bond of indemnity by master to purchaser of ship against wages due to former
master, 224.


deed of copartnership as to carrying on business of, 87.

WARRANT.-(See "Admiralty," " Apprentice.")

WARRANT OF ATTORNEY.-See "Bill of Sale.")

common form of one, 8.

defeazance thereto, 9.

defeazance on, for indemnifying accommodation acceptor, 358.



form of receipt warrantying horse, 351.


West India Dock transfer note, 214.

West India Dock check of receipt of order for delivery, 215.


usual ships articles in, 59.


power in, for trustees to manage testator's trade, and put his sons in possession as they attain twenty-one years of age, on giving security, 131.


sale note of, 212.

WOOD.-(See "Timber.")


Printed by A. Strahan, Law-Printer to His Majesty,

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