A UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. IN FOUR PARTS: Historical, Mathematical, Physical, and Political. BY THE REV. THOMAS MILNER, M.A., F.R.G.S. REVISED AND BROUGHT DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME BY KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.G.S. LONDON: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, 56, PATERNOSTER ROW; 65, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD; AND 164, PICCADILLY. MANCHESTER: CORPORATION STREET. BRIGHTON: WESTERN ROAD, 1876. 201. f. 57 "Let me once understand the real geography of a country, its organic structure, if I may so call it; the form of its skeleton, that is, of its hills; the magnitude and course of its veins and arteries, that is, of its streams and rivers; let me conceive of it as a whole, made up of connected parts; and then the position of man's dwellings, viewed in reference to these parts, become at once easily remembered, and lively and intelligible besides." DR. ARNOLD. |