DATED MAY 8, 1882, WITH SUNDRY PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS EXPLANATORY MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTING, In response to the Senate resolution of the 15th of July, 1882, a report of the Secretary of State and accompanying papers relating to the ClaytonBulwer treaty. AUGUST 3, 1882.-Read and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. AUGUST 4, 1882.-Ordered printed. To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith, in response to the Senate resolution of the 15th instant, a report of the Secretary of State and accompanying papers relating to the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, July 29, 1882. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. To the President: The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate of the 15th instant, requesting the President, "if not incompatible with the public interest, to furnish the Senate with copies of the declaration of Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer and Mr. Clayton on the exchange of the ratifications of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty on the 4th day of July, 1850, and any other documents referred to in the instruction of Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Lowell dated the 8th day of May, 1882," has the honor to lay before the President, for transmission to the Senate in response to the resolution, the accompanying copy of the declaration of Sir Henry Bulwer and Mr. Clayton described therein, together with a selection of such other documents cited in the instruction of May 8 to Mr. Lowell as seem to come within the purview of the resolution. Respectfully submitted. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FRED'K T. FRELINGHUYSEN. Washington, July 29, 1882. CONTENTS. I. Page. 4. President Monroe's message to Congress March 8, 1822. (Extract) 5. Observations of John Quincy Adams on the claim of Russia to territorial possession on the continent of North America, communicated with Mr. 10. Mr. Rush to Mr. John Quincy Adams, August 12, 1824. (Extract). 11. Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Great Britain and 13. Convention between the United States and Nicaragua June 21, 1849. (Concluded, but not submitted to the Senate in consequence of the subsequent conclusion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty) 14. Contract between Nicaragua and the American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company, signed at Leon, August 27, 1849, containing the grant which was subsequently accepted under Article VII of the Clayton- 15. Mr. Crampton to Lord Palmerston, September 15, 1849 .. 16. Mr. Crampton to Lord Palmerston, October 1, 1849. (Extract).. 18. Mr. Abbott Lawrence to Lord Palmerston, November 8, 1849 19. Sir Henry Bulwer to Lord Palmerston, January 6, 1850. (Extract)...... 20. Sir Henry Bulwer to Lord Palmerston, February 3, 1850, inclosing a pro- 21. Lord Palmerston to Sir Henry Bulwer, March 8, 1850 22. Decree of the Director of Nicaragua of March 9, 1850, incorporating the 23. Mr. Lawrence to Mr. Clayton, No. 44, April 19, 1850. (Extract) 24. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, signed at Washington, April 19, 1850........ 25. Sir Henry Bulwer to Lord Palmerston, April 28, 1850. (Extract) |