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56. In all religious and ecclesiastical documents the employment of the equinoctial calendar, established by the laws of the Republic, shall be obligatory; the days shall be designated by the names which they had in the solstitial calendar.

57. The rest for the public functionaries shall be fixed upon Sunday.



Section I. Of the circumscription of the archbishoprics and bishoprics.

58. There shall be in France ten archbishoprics or metropolitanates and fifty bishoprics.

Section III. Of the compensation of the ministers.

64. The stipend of the archbishops shall be fifteen thousand francs.

65. The stipend of the bishops shall be ten thousand francs. 66. The cures shall be divided into two classes:

The stipend of the cures of the first class shall be fixed at fifteen hundred francs and that of the cures of the second class at a thousand francs.

68. The vicars and officiating priests shall be chosen from among the ecclesiastics pensioned in carrying into effect the laws of the Constituent Assembly.

The amount of these pensions and the product of the offerings shall form their stipend.

69. The bishops shall draw up projects for the regulations relative to the offerings which the ministers of the sect are authorised to receive for the administration of the sacraments. The projects for regulations drawn up by the bishops cannot be published, nor otherwise put into effect, until after having been approved by the Government.

70. Every ecclesiastic pensioned by the State shall be deprived of his pension if he refuses, without legitimate cause, the functions which shall be entrusted to him.

73. Endowments which have for their purpose the support of the ministers and the carrying on of worship shall consist

only of revenues settled upon the State: they shall be accepted by the diocesan bishop and can be carried out only with the authorisation of the Government.

74. Immovables other than buildings intended for dwellings and the attendant gardens cannot be invested with ecclesiastical titles, nor possessed by the ministers of the sect on account of their functions.

C. The Declaration of 1682. March 19, 1682. Debidour. L'Eglisse et l'Etat en France, 651-652.

Many persons are striving in these times to subvert the decrees of the Gallican Church and its liberties, which our ancestors have supported with so much zeal, and to overthrow their foundations, which rest upon the holy canons and the tradition of the Fathers. Others, under pretence of defending them, are not afraid to excite an attack upon the primacy of Saint Peter and the Roman pontiffs, his successors, who were instituted by Jesus Christ, and the obedience which all Christians owe them, and to diminish the majesty of the apostolic Holy See, which is worthy of respect by all the nations in which the true faith is taught and in which the unity of the Church is preserved. On the other hand, heretics are putting everything at work to make that authority, which maintains the peace of the Church, appear odious and intolerable to kings and peoples, and, by these artifices, to remove simple souls from the communion of the Church, their mother, and therefore from that of Jesus Christ.-In order to remedy these inconveniences, we, archbishops and bishops assembled at Paris by order of the King, representing with the other ecclesiastical deputies the Gallican Church, after mature deliberation, have decided that it is necessary to make the regulations and the declarations which follow:

1. That Saint Peter and his successors, vicars of Jesus Christ, and even the whole Church have received authority from God only over things spiritual and which have to do with salvation, and not over things temporal and civil; Jesus Christ himself tells us that His kingdom is not of this world, and, in another place, that it is necessary to render to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and to God that which belongs to

God. That is is necessary to hold to this precept of Saint Paul: that every person should be subject to the higher powers, for there is no power which does not come from God, and it is He who ordains those which are upon earth; that is why he who opposes the powers resists the order of God. In consequence, we declare that kings are not subject to any ecclesiastical power by order of God, in things which have to do with the temporal, and that they cannot be deposed directly or indirectly by the authority of the heads of the Church; that their subjects cannot be exempted from the submission and obedience which are due to them, nor be dispensed from the oath of fidelity; that this doctrine, necessary for the public peace, and as advantageous to Church as to State, ought to be regarded as in conformity with the Holy Scriptures and with the tradition of the Fathers of the Church and with the example of the saints.

2. That the plenitude of power which the apostolic Holy See and the successors of Saint Peter, vicars of Jesus Christ, have over things spiritual is such, nevertheless, that the decrees of the holy œcumenical council of Constance, contained in sessions 4 and 5, approved by the apostolic Holy See and confirmed by the practice of all the Church and of the Roman pontiffs, and religiously observed of all time by the Gallican Church, remain in their force and vigor, and that the Church of France does not approve of the opinion of those who make attack upon these decrees or enfeeble them by saying that their authority is not well established and that they are not approved or that their provision had regard only to the time of the schism.

3. That it is necessary to regulate the use of the apostolic authority through canons made by the spirit of God and consecrated by the general respect of all the world; that the rules, customs and constitutions received in the kingdom and in the Gallican Church ought to have their force and their vigor, and that the usages of our fathers ought to remain unshaken; that it is also for the grandeur of the apostolic Holy See that the laws and customs established with the consent of that see and of the Churches should have the authority which they ought to have.

4. That, although the Pope has the principal part in ques

tions of faith, and although his decrees relate to all the Churches, and each Church in particular, his judgment is not irreformable, unless the consent of the Church intervenes.

These are the maxims which we have received from our fathers and which we have ordered to be sent to all the Gallican Churches and to the bishops whom the Holy Spirit has established there to govern them, in order that we may all say the same thing, that we may be of the same sentiments, and that we may all hold the same doctrine.

D. Organic Articles for the Protestant Sects. April 8, 1802. Duvergier, Lois, XIII (18 Germinal, Year X). 101-103.



I. No one can conduct the performance of worship except a Frenchman.

2. Neither the Protestant churches nor their ministers shall have relations with any foreign power or authority.

3. The pastors and ministers of the different Protestant communions in the recital of their worship shall pray for and cause to be prayed for the prosperity of the French Republic and the Consuls.

4. No doctrinal or dogmatic decision nor any formulary, under the title of confession or under any other title, shall be published or become matter of instruction until the Government has authorised the publication or promulgation of it.

5. No change in discipline shall take place without the same authorisation.

6. The Council of State shall be informed of all the undertakings of the ministers of the sect, and of all the dissensions which shall arise among these ministers.

7. A stipend shall be provided [by the Government] for the pastors of the consistorial churches; it is understood that the estates which these churches possess and the product of the offerings established by usage or by the regulations shall be utilized towards this stipend.

8. The arrangements provided by the organic articles of the Catholic worship upon the liberty of endowments, and upon the nature of the estates which can be the object thereof, shall be common to the Protestant churches.

9. There shall be two academies or seminaries in the East of France for the instruction of ministers of the confession of Augsburg.

10. There shall be a seminary at Geneva for the instruction of the ministers of the reformed churches.

II. The professors of all the academies or seminaries shall be appointed by the First Consul.

12. No one can be elected minister or pastor of a church of the confession of Augsburg, unless he has studied for a determined time in one of the French seminaries intended for the instruction of the ministers of that confession, and unless he brings a certificate in good form attesting his time of study, his capacity and his good morals.

13. No one can be elected minister or pastor of a reformed church, without having studied in the seminary at Geneva, nor unless he brings a certificate in the form set forth in the preceding article.

14. The regulations upon the administration and the internal police of the seminaries, upon the number and the qualification of the professors, upon the manner of instructing, and upon the matter of instruction, as well as upon the form of the certificates or attestations of study, good conduct and capacity, shall be approved by the Government.

65. Documents upon Napoleon and Education.

From these documents an excellent idea of the educational system of Napoleon can be obtained. Documents A and C, the two principal creative acts, show the plan of the system and incidentally throw some light upon its educational spirit and ideals. Document B, although an extract from a church instead of a school text-book, will serve to convey some idea of the character of the teaching touching political matters.

REFERENCES. Dickinson, Revolution and Reaction in Modern France, 48-51; Fournier, Napoleon, 233-235, 406-410; Rose, Napoleon, I, 271-275; Lanfrey, Napoleon, II, 221-224, III, 139-141; Sloane, Napoleon, II, 144-147, III, 72-74; Lavisse and Rambaud, Histoire Generale, IX, 248-253.

A. Law upon Public Instruction. May 1, 1802 (11 Floréal, Year X). Duvergier, Lois, XIII, 175-178.

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