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shall immediately make common cause with Russia, being obliged to consider this case as one of those of the general alliance which unites the two Empires. In case Austria should engage in war against France, the Emperor of Russia agrees to declare himself against Austria and to make common cause with France, that case being likewise one of those to which the alliance that unites the two Empires applies.

11. The High Contracting Parties bind themselves, moreover, to maintain the integrity of the other possessions of the Ottoman Empire, not wishing to undertake themselves or suffer that there should be undertaken any enterprise against any part of that Empire, unless they should be previously informed of it.

12. If the measures taken by the two High Contracting Parties are unavailing, either because England evades the proposal which shall be made to it, or because the negotiations are broken off, their Imperial Majesties shall meet again within the space of one year, in order to agree upon the operations of the common war and upon the means to pursue it with all the forces and all the resources of the two Empires.

13. The two High Contracting Parties, wishing to recognize the loyalty and the perseverance with which the King of Denmark has supported the common cause, agree to procure for him an indemnification for his sacrifices and to recognize the acquisitions which he shall have been in a position to make in the present war.

14. The present convention shall be kept secret for at least the space of ten years.

83. Decree upon the Term, French Republic.

October 22, 1808. Duvergier, Lois, XVI, 312.

The time and manner in which the idea of the Republic disappeared from French institutions is a matter of much importance for the comprehension of the method whereby Napoleon built up his power. This document serves to fix the date of its final disappearance; something of the manner in which it was eliminated can be seen from an examination of Nos. 58, 66 E and 71.


Aulard, Revolution Francaise, 778-780.

1. The monies which shall be coined dating from January

1, 1809, shall bear for legend upon the reverse of the piece the words, French Empire, in lieu of those of French Republic.

2. Our Minister of Finance is charged with the execution of the present decree.

84. Documents upon the Annexations of 1809-1810,

In 1809-1810 Napoleon annexed to France a great deal of territory. All of it had for some time been dependent upon France. These documents show most of the territory taken, some of the reasons assigned for its annexation, something of the manner in which the former rulers were treated, and the kind of special arrangements made for the territory as part of France.

REFERENCES. Fyffe, Modern Europe, I, 436-441 (Popular ed., 294-297); Fournier, Napoleon, 495-498, 506-511; Rose, Napoleon, II. 141-142, 195-198: Sloane, Napoleon, III, 201-204, 211-214; Lanfrey, Napoleon, IV, 252-264, 278-303, 341-343; Lavisse and Rambaud, Histoire Generale, IX, 275-278, 766-767.

As the Empire of Napoleon was at its height following these annexations, its territorial extent and the relationship of the various parts may be profitably studied at this point.

MAPS. Droysen, Historischer Hand-Atlas, 59; Lane-Poole, Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, LIX; Schrader, Atlas de Geographie Historique, 43; Vidal-Lablache, Atlas General, 40-41.

A. Imperial Decree for the Annexation of the Papal States. May 17, 1809. Correspondance de Napoleon I, XIX, 15-16. Translation, James Harvey Robinson, University of Pennsylvania Translations and Reprints.

Napoleon, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, etc., in consideration of the fact that when Charlemagne, Emperor of the French and our august predecessor, granted several counties to the Bishops of Rome he ceded these only as fiefs and for the good of his realm and Rome did not by reason of this cession cease to form a part of his empire; farther that since this association of spiritual and temporal authority has been and still is a source of dissensions and has but too often led the pontiffs to employ the influence of the former to maintain the pretensions of the latter, and thus the spiritual concerns and heavenly interests which are unchanging have been confused with

terrestrial affairs which by their nature alter according to circumstances and the policy of the time; and since all our proposals for reconciling the security of our armies, the tranquility and the welfare of our people and the dignity and integrity of our Empire, with the temporal pretensions of the Popes have failed, we have decreed and do decree what follows:


The Papál States are reunited to the French Empire. 2. The City of Rome, so famous by reason of the great memories which cluster about it and as the first seat of Christianity, is proclaimed a free imperial city. The organization of the government and administration of the said city shall be provided by a special statute.

3. The remains of the structures erected by the Romans shall be maintained and preserved at the expense of our treasury.

4. The public debt shall become an imperial debt.

5. The lands and domains of the Pope shall be increased to a point where they shall produce an annual net revenue of two millions.

6. The lands and domains of the Pope as well as his palaces shall be exempt from all taxes, jurisdiction or visitation, and shall enjoy special immunities.

7. On the first of June of the present year a special consultus shall take possession of the Papal States in our name and shall make the necessary provisions in order that a constitutional system shall be organized and may be put in force on January first 1810.

Given at our Imperial Camp at Vienna, May 17th, 1809.

B. Organic Senatus-Consultum for the Annexation of the Papal States. February 17, 1810. Duvergier, Lois, XVII, 27.




The State of Rome is united with the French Empire and makes an integral part thereof.

2. It shall form two departments, the department of Rome and the department of Trasimeno.

3. The department of Rome shall have seven deputies in

the Corps-Legislatif; the department of Trasimeno shall have four.

5. There shall be a senatorship established for the departments of Rome and Trasimeno.

6. The city of Rome is the second city of the Empire. The mayor of Rome is present at the taking of the oath by the Emperor at his accession: he takes rank, along with the deputation of the city of Rome, on all occasions immediately after the mayors and deputations of the city of Paris.

7. The Prince Imperial bears the title and receives the honors of King of Rome.

8. There shall be at Rome a prince of the blood or a grand dignitary of the Empire, who shall hold the court of the Emperor.


After having been crowned in the church of Notre Dame at Paris, the Emperors shall be crowned in the church of Saint Peter at Rome, before the tenth year of their reign. II. The city of Rome shall enjoy the special privileges and immunities which shall be determined by the Emperor Napoleon.


12. Any foreign sovereignty is incompatible with the exercise of any spiritual authority within the interior of the Empire.

13. At the time of their elevation [to the papal dignity], the Popes shall take oath never to do anything contrary to the four propositions of the Gallican Church, decreed in the assembly of the clergy in 1682.

14. The four propositions of the Gallican Church are declared common to all the Catholic churches of the Empire.


15. Palaces shall be prepared for the Pope in the different places of the Empire in which he may wish to reside. There shall be necessarily one at Paris and one at Rome.

16. Two millions of revenue in rural estates, free from all taxation and situated in the different parts of the Empire, shall be assigned to the Pope.

17. The expenses of the Sacred College and of the Propaganda are declared imperial [expenses].

C. Treaty with Holland. March 16, 1810. De Clercq, Traites, II, 328-330.

His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation, and His Majesty the King of Holland, wishing to put an end to the difficulties which have arisen between them and to reconcile the independence of Holland with the new circumstances in which the Orders in Council of Eng. land of 1807 have placed all the maritime Powers, have agreed to come to an understanding, and have appointed plenipotentiaries for that purpose, to wit: . .

I. Until the British Government has formally renounced the methods comprised in its Orders in Council of 1807, all commerce whatsoever between the ports of Holland and the ports of England is forbidden. If there is occasion to give licenses, those given in the name of the Emperor shall be the only valid ones.

2. A body of troops consisting of 18,000 men, of which 3,000 shall be cavalry, composed of 6,000 Frenchmen and 12,000 Hollanders, shall be placed at all the mouths of the rivers with the employes of the French customs-houses, in order to watch over the execution of the preceding article.

3. These troops shall be taken care of, fed and clothed by the government of Holland.

4. Every prize taken upon the coasts of Holland by French ships of war or privateers from vessels contravening article I shall be declared good prize; in case of doubt the difficulty can be adjudged only by His Majesty the Emperor.

5. The provisions contained in the above articles shall be annulled as soon as England shall have solemnly revoked its Orders in Council of 1807, and from that moment the French troops shall evacuate Holland and shall leave it to enjoy the whole of its independence.

6. It being a constitutional principle in France that the

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