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the Republic, 109, 522; upon
the reorganization of Ger-
many, 69, 339.

Decrees, address to throne,
upon, 117A, 574; Assembly
(June 23, 1789), 3C, 10; As-
sembly convoking, extraor-
dinary, 95, 466; Assembly,
first, measures upon, 12C, 51;
Assembly, second, measures
upon, 12D, 52; Assembly Na-
tional (June 17, 1789), 1, 1;
Assembly, National (Mar. 5,
1848), 107H, 519; Assembly,
National (Dec. 2, 1851), 111A,
538; assignats, 47, 204; Bona-
parte, Joseph, King of Na-
ples, 75B, 380; Berlin, the,
77B, 385; Bonaparte, Joseph.
King of Spain, 81C, 421; Bo-
naparte, Napoleon, deposing,
90C, 444; Brumaire, the, 57,
269; calendar, Republican,
44, 191; church buildings,
29H, 139; church lands, 6A,
15; clergy, civil constitution
of, 6C, 16; clergy, non-juring
(rejected), 17B. 99; clerical
oath, 6D, 22; Committee of
Public Safety, 35, 159; Com-
mittees, Revolutionary, 33,
157; convention, election of,
25, 124; Corps-Legislatif and
Senate, 122C, 596; criminal
tribunal, extraordinary, 32A,
151; departments and dis-
tricts, 7B, 29; deputies on
mission, 37, 164; documents,
dating of, 27D, 129; docu-
ments, papal, 6E, 23; educa-
tion, primary, 38A, 167; edu-
cation, secondary, 38B, 168;
Emigrés, against, 30B. 147;
Emigrés (rejected), 17A, 97;
Fédérés, camp of, 20C, 103;
fourth of August, 4, 11; Gov-
ernment of the Terror, or-
ganic, 45. 194; Government,
Revolutionary, 43, 183; Impe-
rial university, 65C, 314; in-

dustrial corporations, 11, 43;
interpellation, 117E, 578; ju-
dicial system, 9, 34; King s
body guard, 20B, 106; King.
concerning (June 25, 1791).
12F, 53; King. concerning
(July 16, 1791), 12H, 54; 12-
bor, 107G, 518; laws, enforce-
ment of, 27C, 129; levy en
masse, 40, 183; liberty, pro-
claiming, 28B. 130; Louis
XVI, suspension of, 24, 122;
Milan, the, 77E, 393; mon-
archy, abolishing, 27B, 128;
monastic vows, 6B, 16; mu-
nicipalities, 7A, 24; Napol-
eon, deposing, 90C, 444; no-
bility, abolishing, 8, 34; no-
bility, titles of, 107F, 518;
non-intervention, 28C, 133;
oath of allegiance, 12E, 52;
offenders, political and press,
122D, 596; papal states, 84A,
425; plebiscite (Dec. 2, 1851),
111D, 542; plebiscite (Dec. 4.
1851), 111E, 542; press, 34,
158; press, organic, 113, 550;
priests, cangerous, 29C, 134;
priests, deportation of non-
juring, 20A, 104; priests, non-
juring, 29B, 134; printing and
bookselling, 86, 433; public
order, 12B, 51; Rambouillet,
77G, 396; rejected decrees, 17,
97-99; religion, 29G, 139; re-
ligion, expenditures for, 29F,
138; religious freedom. 29D.
136; religious policy, 29A. 134;
Republic (Oct. 22, 1808), 83,
424; Republic, unity of, 27E.
129; slavery (1794), 46, 201;
slavery (1848), 1071, 520;
Thiers, 124A, 604; workshops,
national, 107D, 517; worship
of Supreme Being, 29E, 137.
(See also Laws, Organic
Departments, laws upon, 7B,
29; 127B, 613.

Deputies on mission, 37, 164

Diet, Napoleon to the, 78B,

Dissolution of 1830, 103, 491-494.
Documents, dating of public,
27D, 129.

Education, convention and, 38,
167; Napoleon and, 65, 303-
314; organic act upon, 38C,
169; primary, 38A, 161; sec-
ondary, 38B, 168.

Election appeal, 111F, 543.
Election law of 1830, 106, 513.
Emigrés, 17A, 97; 30, 144-117.
Ems despatch, 121, 593.
Encyclical, papal, 136, 652.
Erfurt convention, 82, 421.
Ernoul, order of the day, 129C,

Evolution of the Empire, 114,

Evolution of the Liberal Em-

pire, 117, 574-581.

Executive power, decrees and
laws upon, 124, 603.

29F, 137.

upon religion,

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Keeper of the seals, circular,

102, 489.

King, accepts constitution, 16,
96; body guard of, 20, 106;
declaration of, 3A, 3 and
12A, 45; decree concerning,
12F, 53 and 12H, 54; flight
of, 12, 45; intentions of, 3B,
5; of Prussia, letter to, 18,
102; proclamation of, 103D,
494; response to deputies,
103C, 439; speech of, 103A,
491; suspension of Louis XVI,
24, 122.

King of Prussia, letter to, 18,

King's flight, 12, 45-54.

[blocks in formation]

ment, 132C, 632.
Laws, administrative system,
reorganization of, 60, 283;
army, for reorganizing, 128,
618; associations, of, 137,
657; British products, upon,
53, 258; communal, 127A, 612;
constitutional, 133, 633-636,
upon Senate, 133A, 633, upon
organization of public pow-
ers, 133B, 635, upon relation
of public powers, 133C, 636;
departmental, 127B. 613;
elections, upon, 106, 513; hos-
tages, of, 56, 267; judicial
system, reorganization of,
61, 288; Legion of Honor, for
organizing, 67. 336; maxi-
mum, of, 42, 187; 22 Prairial,
of, 32B, 154; presidency, upon
the, 124C, 606; press, upon
the (1819), 101A, 485; press,
upon the (1820), 101B, 486;
press, upon the (1822), 101C,
488; public enemies, against,
51, 254; public instruction, up-
on, 65A, 308; public meetings,
upon, 119, 589; Rivet, the,
124B, 601; Septennate, of the,

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Left, manifesto of the extreme,
129E, 627.

Legion of Honor, law, 67, 336.
Letters, Louis XVI to foreign

courts, 10, 39; Louis XVI to
King of Prussia, 18, 192;
MacMahon to Simon, 134A,
640; Simon to MacMahon,
134B, 641; White Flag, the,
130, 627.

Levy en masse, 40, 183.
Liberal Empire, evolution of,
117, 574.

Liberty and sovereignty, 28B,

Local government, 7, 24; 127,

Louis Napoleon, 114, 556.
Louis Philippe, proclamation,
104F, 504.

Louis XVI, acceptance of con-
stitution, 16, 96; body guard
of, 20B, 106; eircular letter,
10, 39; declarations upon in-
tentions, 3B, 5; declarations
upon states-general, 3A, 3;
letters to King of Prussia,
18, 102; suspension of, 24,
122; upon flight of, 12, 45-

Lunéville, treaty, 62, 290.
Luxembourg commission, 107,

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1877), 134E, 643; MacMahon's
second (Dec. 14, 1877), 134G,
648; Thiers' Orleanist, 104D

Marseilles, commune of, 22A,

Maximum, iaw, 42, 187.
Messages, First Consul to Sen-
ate, 66C, 325; of MacMahon,
134H, 648. (See also Speech,

Milan, decree, 77E, 393.
Milan, proclamation, 116D, 570.
Monarchy, decree abolishing,
27B. 128; overthrow of Span-
ish, 81, 418.

Monastic vows, 6B, 16.
Municipalities, 7A, 24; 127A,

Naples, Joseph Bonaparte, King
of, 75B, 380; kingdom of, 75,

Napoleon I, abdications, 90D,

446 and 90F, 449; address of
Corps-Legislatif to, 88, 437:
alliance against, 97, 469; Con-
sul for life, 66, 323; declara-
tion against, 96, 468; depo-
sition, 90C, 444; education,
and, 65, 308; Emperor, 71,
343; King of Italy, 72, 368;
note to Diet, 78B, 399; proc-
lamations, 75A, 379 and 94,
464; reorganization of relig-
ion, 64, 296.

Napoleon III, proclamations,
116C, 568 and 116D, 570.
National Assembly.

1789, 1, 1.

1848, 107H, 519.

1851, decree for dissolving
the, 111A, 538.

1871-1875, decrees and laws,

of the Septennate, 131, 630;
upon executive power, 124,
603-606; upon reorganiza-
tion of army, 128, 618; up-
on reorganization of local
government, 127, 612-613.

[blocks in formation]

Oath, allegiance, decree, 12E,
52; clerical, decree upon, 6D,
22; Tennis Court, 2, 2.
Offenders, political and press,
122D, 596.

Orders, for Luxembourg com-
mission, 107E, 517; of the
consuls, 66D, 326; suppress-
ing newspapers, 59, 282.
Orders of the day, 134C, 642;
Ernoul, 129C, 627.

Orders in council, British
(Jan. 10, 1807), 77C, 387;
British (Nov. 11, 1807), 77D,
389; British (Apr. 26, 1809),
77F, 396.

Ordinances, July, the, 104A.
495; royal, upon the press,
101D, 489.

Organic acts and laws.

Acts, upon education, 38C.

169; upon religion, 291, 140.
Articles, Catholic church,
64B, 299; Protestant sects,
64D, 307.

Decree, Government of Ter-
ror, 45, 194; press, 113, 550.
Senatus-consultum, for an-
nexation of papal states,
84B, 430; for annexation
of Holland and North Ger-
many, 84D, 430. (See also
Laws, Decrees.)
Orleanist manifesto,
104D, 502.
Padua, 13, 54.



Brief to French cardinals,
136B, 654; documents upon,
136, 652; publication of pa-
pal documents, 6E, 23. (See
also Pope.)

Papal documents. See Papacy.
Papal states, annexation, 84A,
425; 84B, 426.

Congress of, 115, 560-565.
Declaration of, 115C, 565.
Deputies, protest of, 104C,

Journalists, protest of, 104B.

Proclamation to, 122B, 595.
Sections, address of, 22C, 114.
Treaties, 1814, 91, 451; 1815,

99, 479; 1856, 115A, 561.
Persigny, circular, 118, 586.
Petitions, 20th of June (1792),
21, 107; 16th of April (1848),
108, 521.

Pilnitz, 14, 57.

Plebiscite, first decree for,
111D, 542; second decree for,
111E, 542.

Pope, treaties with, 52, 255-

257. (See also Papacy.)
Powers, British note to neu-
tral, 77A, 384.

Prairial, law of 22, 32B, 154.
Priests. See Clergy.
Prince-President to Chambers,
speech of, 114A, 553.
Presidency law, 124C, 606.
Press, decree upon, 34, 158; de-
cree upon printing and book-
selling, 86, 433; laws of the
Restoration. 101, 485-488; of-
fenders, political and, 122D,
596; organic decree upon, 113.
550; protest of Paris journal-
ists (July 26, 1830), 104B,
501; royal ordinance upon,
101D, 489; suppression of, 59,
282. (See also Newspapers.)
Pressburg, treaty, 74, 375.
Printing, 86, 433.

Proclamations, for Luxem-
bourg commission, 107E, 517;
of allies, 90A, 443; of army,
75A, 379; of deputies, 104E,
502; of King, 103D, 494; of
kingdom, 72B, 369; of liber-
ty and sovereignty, 28B, 130;
of Louis-Philippe, 104F, 504;
of Napoleon, 94, 464; of Na-
poleon III, 116D, 570; of the
Republic, 107C, 516; over-
throw of July monarchy,
107A, 515; to army, 111C,
541, to French people (1870),
122A, 595; to Italians. 116D,
570; to Parisians, 122B, 595;
to people (1851), 111B, 538.
Program, general socialist, 135,

Projects and proposals, Bene-

detti treaty, 120, 591; Casi-
mir- Perier, the, 132A, 631;
Government, the, 129B, 623;
Laboulaye amendment, 132C,
632; Robespierre's declara-
tion of rights, 36, 160; Sen-
ate's constitution, 90E, 446;
Ventavon, the, 132B. 631.
Proposais, government, 129B,

Protest of the Right, 12G, 53.
Protestant sects, organic ar-
ticles for, 64D, 307.
Protests, of Paris deputies,
104C, 501; of Paris journalists,
104B, 501; of the Right, 12G,

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